Report COU-15-272 - City of Kingston

City of Kingston
Report to Council
Report Number 15-272
Mayor and Members of Council
Lanie Hurdle, Commissioner, Community Services
Resource Staff:
Luke Follwell, Director, Recreation & Leisure Services
Date of Meeting:
May 19, 2015
2015 Kid’s Perch Derby at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour
Waiver of Fees and Charges By-Law
Executive Summary:
For fifteen (15) years the Kingston and District Fish & Game Club has hosted the Kids’ Perch
Fishing Derby for the Kingston community at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. This is a fun fishing
‘catch and release’ event which attracts approximately 700 children annually. The City of
Kingston has supported this event in previous years.
The event has historically been very popular and planning is in progress for the 16th annual
derby scheduled for August 28-30, 2015.
As a form of City support of this event, it is recommended that the City waive the related facility
rental fees. The event is operated primarily on donations and in-kind service contributions to
ensure no cost for participation. With this model, the event doesn’t have resources to pay the
facility rental fee and as such, the event coordinators have requested that the City waive the
required fees. Organizers have indicated that if the fees were not waived, the event would likely
be cancelled.
That Council waive the fee of $3,708.89 (sail room rental $2,574.82, the lobby area rental
$720.04 and the front lounge rental $414.03) for the 2015 Kids’ Perch Derby at Portsmouth
Olympic Harbour, August 28-30, 2015 and that the fee be funded from the Working Fund
Council Meeting 15 May 19, 2015
Report to Council
Report Number: 15-272
May 19, 2015
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Authorizing Signatures:
Lanie Hurdle, Commissioner, Community Services
Gerard Hunt, Chief Administrative Officer
Consultation with the following Members of the Corporate Management Team:
Cynthia Beach, Corporate & Strategic Initiatives
Not required
Denis Leger, Transportation, Facilities & Emergency Services
Not required
Jim Keech, President and CEO, Utilities Kingston
Not required
Desiree Kennedy, Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer
Not required
Council Meeting 15 May 19, 2015
Report to Council
Report Number: 15-272
May 19, 2015
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The Kids’ Perch Derby is a recurring popular and successful event and plans are in progress for
the 16th annual derby on August 28-30, 2015 at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. Event volunteers
require use of the facility from August 28 to August 30 for the event, set up take down.
The City will have students and one full time staff on duty during the event to assist with set up
and site control. Boats located near the piers where the fishing will take place would be
temporarily relocated to protect the people fishing and the boats themselves.
This event offers a positive recreational experience by providing children the opportunity to
participate in a free, non-competitive fishing event with activities and group social interaction.
Each participant will have the opportunity to win prizes donated by local sponsors and
This event is coordinated by volunteers and relies entirely on donations to be viable. Previous
sponsors have included the Kingston Police, Canadian Tire Jump Start program, local grocery
stores and more.
Event organizers have noted that they have obtained and will provide the necessary liability
insurance coverage required for the facility booking.
Existing Policy/By-Law:
By-Law Number 2005-10 “A By-Law to Establish Fees and Charges to be Collected by the
Corporation of the City of Kingston”
Notice Provisions:
Not applicable
Accessibility Considerations:
Not applicable
Financial Considerations:
The fee recommended to be waived is $3,708.89 which would allow access and use of the
Portsmouth Olympic Harbour facilities. It is recommended that the fee be funded from the
Working Fund Reserve.
Luke Follwell, Director, Recreation & Leisure Services 613-546-4291 extension 1815
Council Meeting 15 May 19, 2015
Report to Council
Report Number: 15-272
May 19, 2015
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Other City of Kingston Staff Consulted:
Adam McCluskey, Manager, Recreation Facilities
Holly Morrison, Supervisor, Community Facilities
Exhibits Attached:
Not applicable
Council Meeting 15 May 19, 2015