Click on this link to our lecture

Please note that the AGM followed by a lecture starts at 7pm.
The University kindly lets us use the lecture room at no cost
and so there is always the possibility that the lecture room
may be needed at short notice by the University. If so
members will be advised by email and the website will show the latest position.
The American
on d
Library Building
where the
RAS Art Lectures
are held in the
Lower Ground Floor
Lecture Room
Entrance to
The American
International University
Queens Road
Richmond TW10 6JP
Richmond Gate
O'Richmond Hill
Public House
il l
Ri c
Richmond Hill
Star & Garter
Star & Garter Hill
Richmond Park
Richmond Gate
Richmond Art Society
Richmond Art Society, through its lecture programme and
exhibitions, brings together those living in the neighbourhood
of Richmond who are interested in the visual arts.
Membership Details
Applications for membership should be made to the
Membership Secretary or a membership form can be
downloaded from our website.
Exhibiting and Non-Exhibiting Members
All members may attend lectures and other activities, but if
members wish to exhibit at our exhibitions they must first
go through selection which takes place twice a year in Spring
and Autumn and is on the strength of four works. The next
selection dates will be announced on the RAS website.
The Society’s year starts on 1st April and annual subscriptions
become due on that date. Membership fee is currently £25.
Exhibition Programme
Autumn Exhibition
RACC Richmond Adult Community College, Parkshot,
Richmond, TW9 2RE
Spring Exhibition
The Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, Teddington TW11 9NN
For further information please see our website:
Richmond Art Society Team
RAS President
John Iddon
RAS Vice President
Jim Woodman
Committee Members
The RAS Committee can be up to 14 members, all unpaid
volunteers. They are responsible for the management of
the Society, including the organisation of exhibitions and
lectures, finance and recruitment.
The Society is always looking for Members to join
the Committee or to help out on an ad hoc basis.
If you are interested contact the Secretary:
[email protected]
The current Committee and their roles are:
General management
Peter Swann
Sue Ribbans
Exhibition Organisation
Caroline Sayer
Catherine Ball
New Members
John Brigden
Lecture Programme
Jude Wild
Nicholas Worsley
Publicity Design
Richard Tomlin
Nilda Ginn
Trevor Aston
Non Committee Helpers: Diana Lawson and Cath Alderson
Art Lecture
The Rise of Modern Sculpture: Rodin to Brâncuși Women Artists in Britain Salvador Dalí
Lectures start at 8pm on a Wednesday evening in the lecture
room of the library building at The American International
University, Queens Rd, Richmond TW10 6JP and are free to
members (£5 per lecture for members’ guests).
The Elgin Marbles Uncovering the Nation’s Hidden Oil Painting Collection Impressionists in London
Art Lecture Programme 2017–18
Golden Section: Divine Proportion in Art and Architecture The Life and Art of Amedeo Modigliani Van Eyck and the Pre-Raphaelites
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Art Lecture Programme 2017
27th September – The Rise of Modern
Sculpture: Rodin to Brâncuși
Rodin rescued sculpture from becoming a Cinderella
art form: he gave it a new and sexy high profile.
This however was to trigger a further revolution
embodied in the work of Brancusi. This lecture will
look at key moments in this double bill rebirth of
the medium.
Lecturer: Barrie Garnham
22nd November – Russian Revolutionary Art
To coincide with the centenary of the 1917 October
Revolution in Russia and two major exhibitions at the
Royal Academy and Tate Modern, this talk will explore a
visual history of the artistic landscape of post-Revolutionary
Russia, including Kandinsky’s bold innovative compositions,
the dynamic abstracts of Malevich and the Suprematists,
the emergence of Socialist Realism and the evocative
propaganda posters which promoted the ideologies of
the Communist State.
Lecturer: Linda Casey
11th October – Women Artists in Britain
13th December – Gustav Klimt & the Viennese Secession
Why are there comparatively few famous women artists?
Covering the work of contemporary artists such as Sarah
Lucas, Tracey Emin and Rachel Whiteread, this talk explores
whether it is now true to say that the sexes are on an equal
footing in the world of art. This talk coincides with an
Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) is one of the most popular and influential
artists of the modern period. His paintings, often embellished with gold
and laden with eroticism, have been endlessly reproduced on such items
as tea towels, jewellery, ceramics and mouse mats. But, there is far more
to him than that. He played a critical role in the foundation and leadership
of the Viennese Secession, a group of artists and artisans committed to
innovation and renewal in art, architecture and design. The home of the
Secession, a strikingly original building, bears the slogan ‘To the Age its
Art, To Art its Freedom’, which called for a new unity of art and society.
Lecturer: Peter Scott
exhibition of Rachel Whiteread’s work at Tate Britain.
Lecturer: Rosalind Whyte
25th October – Salvador Dalí
This is to coincide with an exhibition of work by Dalí
and Duchamp at the Royal Academy of Arts. At one
time Dalí was the most well-known and popular artist
of the 20th century. His paintings of the invisible world
of the unconscious mind were considered shocking
even among a group of extremists like the Surrealists,
and after joining them he quickly became their most
exotic and well-known member. His soft watches and
huge animals with stick-insect legs are among the most
memorable invented images of our time, and his
Christ of St. John of the Cross is a highly original
re-working of one of the central themes of Western art.
Lecturer: Valerie Woodgate
8th November – Renaissance Drawing
The starting point of the 15th Century marks the beginning
of the Renaissance and saw the development of perspective,
an increased interest in classical forms and a greater focus on
naturalism. It was during this period that artists began to
make drawings as works of art in their own right, signifying
the beginning of a wider appreciation of graphic works.
Lecturer: Colin Wiggins
Art Lecture Programme 2018
24th January – Golden Section: Divine
Proportion in Art and Architecture
For thousands of years the mystery of the Golden Section has
inspired artists and architects, mathematicians and musicians.
Discover the secrets of its sacred geometry and beauty within
creations from classical to contemporary.
Lecturer: Alexandra Epps
21st February –
Reflections: Van Eyck
and the Pre-Raphaelites
This talk will tie in with an
exhibition at the National
Gallery. Discover how Van
Eyck’s 'Arnolfini Portrait' was
one of the beacons by which
the Pre-Raphaelites forged a
radical new style of painting.
Lecturer: Clare Ford-Wille
7th March – The Elgin Marbles
In the two centuries since they were removed from the Parthenon
by Lord Elgin the meaning and significance of the ‘Elgin Marbles’
has changed dramatically. From architectural decoration to
disputed cultural objects this lecture looks at the response to them
over their time in Britain, from the original controversy over their
purchase to the current debate surrounding the restitution of the
marbles to the new Acropolis Museum in Athens.
Lecturer: Alan Read
21st March – Uncovering the Nation’s Hidden
Oil Painting Collection
The Public Catalogue Foundation, recently renamed Art UK, was
set up to catalogue every oil painting in public ownership in the
UK. This unique and ambitious project involved visiting 3,000
collections across the country and photographing over 212,000
paintings. The lecture offers an insider’s view of the project
and describes how and why it was set up, some unusual
collections visited, intriguing paintings uncovered, detective
work involved and help given by the public.
Lecturer: Mary Rose Rivett-Carnac
7th February – The Life and Art of Amedeo Modigliani
This talk coincides with a major exhibition of his work at Tate Modern.
Opinions are divided about what would have become of Modigliani, had he
not died at the age of only 35. Some critics claim that he would have gone
on to be a modern master, while many feel that he had already produced
his greatest and most powerful works of both painting and sculpture before
his untimely death. Born in Livorno, Italy in 1884 he settled in Paris in 1906
and was friendly with artists such as Picasso and absorbed influences from
such varied sources as Botticelli and African tribal carving.
Lecturer: Frank Woodgate
11th April – 7pm AGM and
8pm Impressionists in London
Please note that this evening will start
at 7pm for our AGM and will be
followed by a talk on Impressionists
in London. This talk coincides with an
exhibition at Tate Britain. There will be
refreshments during the evening.
Lecturer: John Iddon
Renaissance Drawing Russian Revolutionary Art Gustav Klimt and the Viennese Secession
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