Effective Materials Management

Effective Materials
Reducing Costs and Improving Procurement Efficiency
Effective Materials Management
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 2. Industry Challenges..................................................................................................... 2 3. Business Benefits ........................................................................................................ 3 3.1 Managing Reference Data at One Place .......................................................................................... 3 3.2 Engineering and Procurement Integration........................................................................................ 3 3.3 Supply Chain Management .............................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Site Management ............................................................................................................................. 4 4. The Intergraph Methodology ....................................................................................... 5 3.1 Procurement Efficiency ..................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Lower Risks, Lower Costs ................................................................................................................ 5 3.3 Other Benefits ................................................................................................................................... 6 5. SmartPlant Materials User Experiences ...................................................................... 7 5.1 Wison ................................................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 April Management ............................................................................................................................ 7 5.3 Baran ................................................................................................................................................ 7 5.4 Clough .............................................................................................................................................. 8 5.5 Chiyoda............................................................................................................................................. 8 5.6 WorleyParsons ................................................................................................................................. 8 5.7 IV-Oil & Gas ...................................................................................................................................... 8 5.8 CB&I ................................................................................................................................................. 8 5.9 CTCI ................................................................................................................................................. 8 6. Proven Materials Management Solution...................................................................... 9 i
Effective Materials Management
1. Introduction
Ineffective materials management for projects can result in significant cost blow-outs and delays in project
completion. Such cost inefficiencies will negatively impact global competitiveness, and owner operators
(O/O) and engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies are trying to streamline work
processes for their projects.
Innovative technology has the capability to respond best to O/O and EPC business drivers by integrating
the entire material and supply chain work processes to provide project teams with online access to
information during all project phases – from engineering through the complete supply chain to onsite
management. This enables effective materials management, delivering cost savings and improved
procurement efficiency.
This white paper will discuss current industry challenges of materials management, the business benefits
of implementing an effective materials management system, and highlight the Intergraph® methodology to
achieve effective materials management for lowered total project and installed costs.
Effective Materials Management
2. Industry Challenges
As O/Os and EPCs embark on bigger and more complex projects, materials management becomes an
increasingly challenging process. The management of procuring materials is critical as any materials
surpluses or shortages will delay the project and put it at risk. This then affects the maintenance of a
consistent flow of materials for production, thus affecting the overall project.
Inaccurate materials information, such as incorrect bills of materials, inaccurate cycle counts, shipping
errors, receiving errors and so on, will also affect the overall project life cycle and increase project costs.
Having to deal with subcontractors outside of the materials management process impacts the overall
project supply chain as there is an increased risk of data inconsistencies.
In order to remain competitive, O/Os and EPCs have identified materials management as a critical work
process to be streamlined and integrated for improved productivity. The Intergraph methodology
recognizes key industry challenges to be addressed:
Procurement inefficiencies
Increased risk and project costs due to delays caused by breakdowns in the materials
management process
Difficulties with the integration of the materials management process with the overall project life
Definition and quantification of material in the manner best suited to the individual project
Effective Materials Management
3. Business Benefits
An effective materials management system has the capability to integrate the entire material and supply
chain work processes. Project teams will have online access to information during all project phases –
from engineering through the complete supply chain to onsite management. The business benefits of
effective materials management include significant cost savings and increased procurement efficiency.
Effective materials management governs the material- and quantity-related activities by providing:
Efficient corporate and project specification management
Definition and quantification of material in the manner best suited to the individual project
Procurement and material tracking through delivery
Scheduling and forecasting
Engineering integration with customers and subcontractors
Timely construction planning down to the work package level
3.1 Managing Reference Data at One Place
With an effective materials management system, all partners in the EPC project supply chain can manage
all reference data in one location. This has several benefits, including:
Definition of key technical material attributes for bulk materials or itemized equipment to be used
Provides a common foundation for defining all bulk materials, which eliminates redundancy by
creating and managing attribute-driven bulk commodities and specifications at a corporate
standard or enterprise level
Provides internal revision control, reducing the man-hours required to make revisions
Delivers substantial benefits from materials standardization
Up to 79% reduction on traditional paper-based project piping specification costs
Up to 70% reduction on manual 3D load file costs
Up to 13% reduction on change and revision management
3.2 Engineering and Procurement Integration
The integration of engineering and procurement data presents the most recent status of any material item
being used within the project. The benefits of this capability include:
Ability to turn dynamic engineering data into stable procurement data
Unlimited comparisons of different quantification statuses
Management of change is automated and current requirements will be clearly communicated
to supply chain managers
Reduces risk of over/under procurement
Rule-driven processes automatically create material requisitions according to company-specific
operating procedures
Increases efficiency in the process by the automation of the work
Effective Materials Management
Continuous tracking of material requirements against material acquisitions, which allows for
proactive management of potential surpluses and shortages
3.3 Supply Chain Management
An effective materials management system enables users to seamlessly integrate interchanges with
commodity suppliers, subcontractors, manufacturers, fabricators, and freight forwarders. The ability to
manage the supply chain has several benefits:
Complete supplier management allows access to historical information on supplier performance
on previous projects
Performance measurement criteria will help to aid/advise for further selection
Allows effective, efficient management of materials milestones, which adds value by automatic
notification of missed or delayed critical events
Provides timely information and flexible event tracking, increasing project efficiency and
Centralized storage of all data involved in the inquiry process: supplier information, attached
documentation, and requisition-based data
Allows buyers the option of picking and choosing items during the bid evaluation process or
optimizing the selection of suppliers for requisition line items to minimize project costs
Knowledge of material shipments well in advance of release from the suppliers allows for better
planning and allocation of resources (labor and equipment)
Right material at the right place at the right time reduces site delays
3.4 Site Management
It is critical to balance onsite personnel with material availability so that material can be assigned to site
inventories in the shortest possible time. Site management is a key component of effective materials
management with several benefits, including:
Total material visibility from shipments through issue of material to be installed into the final works
Multiple warehouse status capabilities – physical and virtual
Ability to track material movement between the warehouses with audit trails
Fabrication tracking of the fabricated spools
Work package planning with priorities by sequence or date
Ability to forecast material availability – looking ahead by 30, 60, or 90 days
Complete history of material issues down to the isometric/spool level, which gives material
Effective Materials Management
4. The Intergraph Methodology
The Intergraph solution, SmartPlant® Materials, is the only complete, commercially available materials
management and subcontracting solution, and provides a common collaboration platform and project
workbench for all partners in any EPC project supply chain.
Intergraph’s SmartPlant Materials solution is proven technology and has been adopted by several worldleading engineering firms. Existing customers have reported procurement efficiency, lower risks and
costs, and other business benefits since implementing SmartPlant Materials.
3.1 Procurement Efficiency
SmartPlant Materials enables improvement in procurement efficiencies through the following:
Single data input and SmartPlant Enterprise integration
Downstream processes/groups are not required to re-input data for their purposes
Copy and paste through Microsoft Office files is no longer required
Less time spent organizing with more time spent on strategizing and negotiating
Common system and processes for all projects
Rule-driven processes allow SmartPlant Materials to gather the requirements and generate
inquiries, which allows buyers to be more effective
As personnel move from project, they do not have to learn how a particular project is being
run as reporting will be consistent across all projects
Better planning and less “panic” buying
With better quality and quantity of information available earlier, decisions can be proactive
instead of reactive
3.2 Lower Risks, Lower Costs
SmartPlant Materials helps to lower project costs and improve risk management through the following:
Improved audit performance with reduced data entry points
Inadequate performance impacts project schedules while the project team responds to
Having easier access to key audit data makes it easier to track performance and to recover
from required modifications
Minimizes shortages and surpluses
Tight integration of engineering and procurement facilitates the elimination of surplus
Elimination of shortages reduces risks and construction costs
ROS-driven milestone planning and control
Allows for a construction-driven schedule for early planning of engineering and procurement
material activities
Material delivery and arrival control
Effective Materials Management
Integration of all EPC materials data in one system
Gives the project a complete view of movement and availability to support desired work fronts
Allows for total project material reporting and control without having to gather data from
different disciplines
Construction work-front planning and forecasting
Rule-driven processes allow SmartPlant Materials to gather construction work package
requirements and assess material situation throughout the supply chain with appropriate
feedback into the EP process
3.3 Other Benefits
SmartPlant Materials customers have reported other business benefits, including:
Standardized work processes for engineering, procurement, and construction
Standardization reduces costs in engineering, procurement, and construction
Downstream integration compresses project schedules
Assessment of historical project data improves quality of new bids and compresses bid time
Improved organizational efficiency
Enhanced integration and functionality over in-house legacy systems
This helps to break down silos further and facilitates faster response to change
Ability to see full EPC material work processes at a glance
Seamless integration with design and engineering
Integration with the extended supply net
Real-time information
Improved reporting from a single integrated system
Effective Materials Management
5. SmartPlant Materials User Experiences
Many of Intergraph’s current SmartPlant Materials customers have reported significant cost savings, and
have provided positive feedback about the solution.
5.1 Wison
Wison is an Intergraph customer in China, and has used SmartPlant Materials as the materials
management base for its EPC projects for many years. Using SmartPlant Materials in conjunction with the
company’s control flow, Wison has demonstrated a successful materials management mode to control the
process of materials management. It covers planning, structure, flow, as well as the deployment and
implementation of a materials control system.
Table 1: Wison reported significant cost savings through the implementation of SmartPlant Materials
Surplus Material
Surplus Material
Costs/Sum of
Issuing by
Mistake/Sum of
Materials Number
Time for Final
Without SPMAT
in Project
With SPMAT in
At the Intergraph 2010 conference, Wison shared the cost savings of its projects through the
implementation of SmartPlant Materials. Table 1 shows a significant improvement in all categories when
SmartPlant Materials was implemented for a project, compared to when SmartPlant Materials was not
For example, in a 2-billion RMB project, Wison was able to save a total of 13.8 million RMB across
materials and procurement costs through the use of SmartPlant Materials for effective materials
5.2 April Management
April Management (formerly known as PEC-Tech) is an EPC customer headquartered in Singapore, and
has been using SmartPlant Materials to control project costs and deliver efficient materials management.
SmartPlant Materials has helped April Management to speed up its materials procurement process while
maintaining efficiency. April Management achieved a 3% reduction in cost for a US$200 million project for
US$6 million in savings.
5.3 Baran
Baran is a global provider of engineering, technology and construction services and has implemented
SmartPlant Materials as a company standard. SmartPlant Materials has enabled Baran to reduce client
costs in material procurement and engineering costs for its projects. Less rework is also involved due to
integrated work processes between engineering, procurement and construction. Construction costs are
also reduced as once an item is supplied onsite, the information can be validated in engineering systems
for total material control.
Effective Materials Management
5.4 Clough
Clough is an Australia-based EPC customer and has implemented SmartPlant Materials to play an
important role in its business initiative to provide integrated global collaboration systems for project
execution. SmartPlant Materials is recognized as an industry-standard product and significantly
complements Clough’s well-known logistical strengths. Clough will replace its in-house systems with
SmartPlant Materials, which will grow and develop with the company.
5.5 Chiyoda
Chiyoda Corporation is a SmartPlant Materials customer in Japan. SmartPlant Materials has the ability to
handle all material management processes, from establishing a corporate material standard to
quantification, procurement, and control of material onsite in one integrated environment, which has
helped Chiyoda to significantly improve efficiency and minimize risk. Chiyoda has also extended the
solution globally for use with joint venture partners and suppliers.
5.6 WorleyParsons
WorleyParsons is a leading provider of professional services to the energy, resource and complex
process industries with headquarters in Sydney, Australia. WorleyParsons implemented the Intergraph
SmartPlant Enterprise suite of engineering applications, including SmartPlant Materials. This has enabled
WorleyParsons to increase productivity through core engineering and materials control tool
standardization, streamlined work processes and consistent training methodology.
5.7 IV-Oil & Gas
IV-Oil & Gas is a Dutch EPC customer and has implemented SmartPlant Materials to manage project
materials and reduce costs for its customers’ capital-intensive oil and gas projects. SmartPlant Materials
has enabled IV-Oil & Gas to provide procurement and material specification information in a faster, more
accurate and efficient way, providing the EPC with another boost to its efficiency. The Intergraph solution
has delivered benefits throughout the procurement and materials management processes to IV-Oil &
Gas, as well as its project partners, vendors, suppliers and construction companies.
5.8 CB&I
CB&I is one of the world’s leading EPC companies and has implemented SmartPlant Materials as its
materials management system across its global network of 80 offices and 16,000 employees. CB&I used
SmartPlant Materials on its energy and natural resources projects, including oil and gas and offshore
installations, across the complete project execution lifecycle. SmartPlant Materials has helped CB&I to
improve efficiencies across all material management work processes and drive efficiency in plant
engineering and construction.
5.9 CTCI
CTCI Corporation is the largest integrated engineering and construction firm in Taiwan and has
implemented SmartPlant Materials to replace several legacy systems for materials management.
SmartPlant Materials has enabled CTCI to address challenges of data consistency in EPC execution and
multi-office operation. SmartPlant Materials is a data-centric platform and data only needs to be entered
once. Other users from various disciplines can gather up-to-date information at any time according to
their material management roles. As a web-based system, it has proven to be very effective and
SmartPlant Materials has made CTCI’s materials management more accurate and efficient.
Effective Materials Management
6. Proven Materials Management Solution
SmartPlant Materials is the Intergraph integrated lifecycle material and supply chain and subcontracting
management solution, and is proven technology for O/Os and EPCs. SmartPlant Materials is a real
project workbench for all material and subcontract-related activities, spanning the entire project lifecycle
to enable organizations to focus on corporate project objectives rather than departmental or disciplinespecific goals.
Modular, open, and fully Web-enabled, SmartPlant Materials responds to O/O and EPC business drivers
Lowering total project and installed costs by reducing labor hours and eliminating material
surpluses and shortages
Reducing plant schedule through integration with design and cost systems
Increasing competitiveness through minimized project bidding time, compressed schedules, and
reduced labor hours – including administration, engineering, procurement, supply chain
management, and construction
Improving risk management through better overall project performance, project cash flow
management, and true management by exception
Enabling global project worksharing and execution, using correct, complete, and consistent data
Enabling data reuse throughout the plant lifecycle, including plant operations and maintenance,
and refurbishment
Managing subcontracts via eSupplier functionality from the planning phase to tracking each
progress step of a subcontract
For an effective materials management system, choose SmartPlant Materials for total materials
management and subcontract management for your plants and projects. For more information, please
contact your local Intergraph office.
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trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. Other brands and product
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believes that the information in this publication is accurate as of
its publication date. Such information is subject to change
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