Winter Olympic Games - Live Healthy Iowa Kids

Winter Olympic Games
 Kitchen floor Ice Skating: Pull on a pair of fuzzy socks and slide around on the kitchen/dining room/living room
floor. Clear furniture out of the way and demonstrate your best slides and spins. Have kids choreograph a
skating routine to music and preform for others.
Snowball Toss: If the weather is nice and you have snow, head outside and see who can throw a snowball the
farthest. If snow is scarce you can substitute bean bags or baseballs. Use Styrofoam balls or Nerf type balls if
you are doing this inside.
Ski Jump: Stand with both feet together and see how far you can jump. Try jumping to the side or backwards.
“Snowball” Carry Race: Put a Styrofoam ball on a spoon and have kids race to a designated distance and then
turn around and go back. If they drop the “snowball” they have to start back at the beginning. You can also make
this a relay race if you have many participants.
Playing card transfer: Set up two tables a couple feet apart. Lay out 5 playing cards and give each person a
straw. Each person puts a straw in their mouth and tries to pick up a card by sucking in through the straw. Once
they pick up the card, try to have them walk to the other table to deposit the card.
Ice Cube Melting. See who can melt an ice cube the fastest. Let them get creative on ways to melt the ice cube.
Olympic Crafts for Kids
 Make an Olympic Torch: Roll a piece of heavy card stock to make a cone shape. Secure with glue or tape and
decorate the outside. Fill the cone with bunches of red, orange, and yellow tissue paper. Then organize your
own Olympic Torch Relay. If it’s warm enough outside go for a stroll around the neighborhood. If not, parade the
torch around the house.
 Make Your Own Olympic Rings. Cut the center out of 5 paper plates to make rings. Paint the rings Red, Blue,
Green, Yellow, and Black to make your own Olympic rings to hang around the house.
Olympic Fun Facts:
The very first winter games were held in Chamonix, France in 1924
The Winter Olympics used to be held in the same year as the Summer Olympics. The games changed to
alternating every 2 years in 1994.
Norway has won the most Winter Olympic medals at 303.
There are 4 athletes who have won medals in both the Winter and Summer Olympics in different sports.
The famous Jamaican bobsled team was formed only 4 months before the Calgary games in 1988.
The Winter Olympics have never been held in the Southern Hemisphere.
The US has hosted the most Winter Olympic games with 4 (2 at Lake Placid, Squaw Valley, and Salt
Lake City)
The 1998 Nagano games were disrupted by too much snow!
The town of Sochi is roughly the same size as Omaha, Nebraska.
2014 is the second time Russia has hosted the Winter Olympics. The first was in 1980 which the US
team boycotted due to Cold War tensions between US and Russia.
Six new games debut at the 2014 games. Men’s and Women’s Ski Half-Pipe, Biathlon Mixed Relay,
Woman’s Ski Jumping, Team Figure Skating, and Luge Team Relay.
The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius. Which means Faster, Higher, Stronger.
Apolo Ohno, a short track speed skater, holds the record for most medals won by a male at the Winter
Speed skater Bonnie Blair holds the record for the most medals won by a female at the Winter Olympics.
Only 4 winter sports are held indoors. Curling, Figure Skating, Speed Skating, and Ice Hockey
Walt Disney was appointed as the head of the committee that organizes the opening ceremony for the
1960 Squaw Valley games.
During the opening ceremony procession the first team in the procession is always the Greek team to
represent the birth of the Olympics. Teams then follow in alphabetical order (according to the host
countries language) with the exception of the host team, who enters last.