STERN Review Outcomes REF preparations and the Future of RAPG

STERN Review Outcomes REF preparations
and the Future of RAPG
Professor Pam Thomas
• July 2016, Stern Review published
• By end of December 2016, HEFCE proposals for REF 2021 circulated for
consultation with HEIs.
• The Stern Review recommends that the decisions made following the
consultation should be published by Summer 2017.
• If the cycle follows the same pattern as REF 2014 the Guidance on
Submissions document would be published in July 2018.
• Submissions should be made in 2020 with assessment occurring in
2021 and results published by the end of that year.
Similarities with REF 2014
• Weightings are likely to remain the same
Outputs – 65%
Impact – 20% (this may increase to 25%, with a concomitant decrease in Environment)
Environment – 15%
• The UoA subject taxonomy is unlikely to change.
• The quality profiles (star ratings system) are also very unlikely to change.
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
1 – 2 : Outputs
Recommendation 1.
All research active staff should be returned in the REF.
In REF 2014, institutions could select staff so as to maximise their
Recommendation 2.
Outputs should be submitted at UoA level with a set average
number per FTE but with flexibility for some faculty to submit
more and others less than the average.
Four outputs needed to be submitted per person unless there were
special circumstances. Under the new proposal, more outputs could
be submitted by one individual.
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
3 – 4 : Outputs
Recommendation 3.
Outputs should not be portable.
In REF 2014 outputs stayed with the author even if they
moved institutions prior to the census date. Now, it is
proposed that outputs must have been authored at the submitting
institution in order to be eligible. This measure is designed to limit
the effect of the ‘transfer market’, although it may simply move it
to earlier in the cycle. The University will not be able to recruit late
in the cycle to boost particular subject areas just prior to
Recommendation 4.
Panels should continue to assess on the basis of peer review.
However, metrics should be provided to support panel
members in their assessment; and panels should be
transparent about their use.
No real change other than transparency of usage although it is not
clear how this will be achieved.
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
5 – 6 : Impact
Recommendation 5.
Institutions should be given more flexibility to showcase their
interdisciplinary and collaborative impacts by submitting
‘institutional’ level impact case studies, part of a new
institutional level assessment.
Institutional level case studies are proposed for the first time.
Interdisciplinary review panels will need to be formed or other
sufficiently robust methodologies developed to cover the different
research areas.
Recommendation 6.
Impact must be based on research of demonstrable quality.
However, case studies could be linked to a research activity
and a body of work as well as to a broad range of research
In REF 2014, case studies needed to be based on research outputs
of 2* quality or higher. The proposal lacks detail but is designed to
capture more of universities’ impacts. What is meant by a broad
range of outputs?
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
7 : Environment
Recommendation 7.
Guidance on the REF should make it clear that impact case
studies should not be narrowly interpreted, need not solely
focus on socio-economic impacts but should also include
impact on government policy, on public engagement and
understanding, on cultural life, on academic impacts outside
the field; and impacts on teaching.
Impact rules and guidelines are likely to cover in more detail
impacts in particularly public engagement and teaching which
were treated with caution by institutions in REF 2014.
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
8 – 9 : Environment
Recommendation 8.
A new, institutional level Environment assessment should include an
account of the institution’s future research environment strategy, a
statement of how it supports high quality research and researchrelated activities, including it’s support for interdisciplinary and crossinstitutional initiatives and impact. It should form part of the
institutional assessment and should be assessed by a specialist,
cross-disciplinary panel.
Similar to REF 2014 but with cross-disciplinary input.
Recommendation 9.
That individual UoA environment statements are condensed, made
complementary to the institutional level environment statement and
include those key metrics on research intensity specific to the UoA.
Environment statements are likely to be shorter.
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
10 – 11 : Wider Context
Recommendation 10.
Where possible, REF data and metrics should be open,
standardised and combinable with other research
funders’ data collection processes in order to
streamline data collection requirements and reduce
the cost of compiling and submitting information.
Hopefully, this will reduce the data burden but it is
difficult to see how this will be achieved.
Recommendation 11.
That Government and UKRI could make more strategic
use of REF, to better understand the health of the UK
research base, our research resource and areas of
high potential for future development, and to build
the case for strong investment in research in the UK.
Previous exercises have not been widely used or
explored other than for funding allocation purposes
or league tables.
Stern’s 12 Recommendations
12 : Wider Context
Recommendation 12.
Government should ensure that there is no increased
administrative burden to Higher Education Institutions
from interactions between the TEF and REF; and that
they together strengthen the vital relationship
between teaching and research in HEIs.
Wishful thinking perhaps?
Changes to RAPG and REF preparations
Staff selection will no longer be required but institutions but there will still be a need to
ensure we optimise the quality of outputs and staff volume.
RAPG was conceived to monitor individual performance and optimise performance in
RAE/REF. How should this process change?
Are development, reward and retention policies and strategies optimal post-Stern?
RAPG was very focused on impact in early 2016 which revealed a wide range of stages
of development between departments. The detail of impact case studies is not
necessarily a strategic focus; is a RAPG meeting the most appropriate forum to review
case studies? Should case studies be developed more openly with a wider range of
input, review and scrutiny?
Given that outputs are no longer likely to be portable, should RAPG be much more
focused on the future recruitment aspect of the department’s research strategy?
Changes to RAPG and REF preparations
Internal (and in some cases external) review of outputs prior to REF 2014 submission
generated estimated star ratings that were somewhat higher than the actual star
ratings awarded in REF 2014. How can we be more confident in the quality of our presubmission review(s)?
Can the institution do more to foster interdisciplinary research and how should we
manage the development of University-wide interdisciplinary case studies?
We need to consider carefully how we can support early career researcher.
The aim of Stern has been to design out special staff circumstances.