Combe Family – Mexico City

Combe Family – Mexico City
Family News: Hannah and Chloe flew out this past week to work interterm in
the states. We were so glad they came Home for Christmas! Thankfully, Leah
will be with us until the end of January.
We finally put a floor down in our living room. It was nothing but concrete for
over 3 years and this year we used some of the Christmas money sent to us to
tile our floor. “Thank You” to all the churches and individuals that sent
generously to us this Christmas!
My Sweetie
making her
(my world)
Lately, Mary and I have been winter proofing our home: door sweeps, adding
insulation and sealing around our doors. Winters in Mexico City are not
anywhere as fierce as in the northern states but at 7,900 feet above sea level
with no central heat, the concrete just gets colder and colder.
Ministry News: We had 2 converts baptized since our last update with 135 souls
saved. A bus route has been restarted in the Observatorio area (north of our
church house). Federico, Lupita and their two daughters, come all the way from
the Coyoacan area (east of where we meet). We would love to start a bus route
there as well. Please pray for the Gospel to have free reign!
The area where we meet is not fully enclosed. The back of the auditorium opens
up to a small open air garden. On New Year’s Eve we had a great crowd of 104
that braved the cold to bring in the New Year. We had a time of Favorite Hymns,
Preacher Boy preaching, a PowerPoint presentation of the past two years and of
course, lots of food. We even cooked a smoked turkey! I conveyed to the
church the goals the Lord would have us do this year for Him in Mexico City and
the entire Republic of Mexico. We ended the old year and brought in the New
Year in prayer to our Heavenly Father.
The Mexico City Baptist College starts up again this next week. We will be
gearing up to receive our returning students and know that they are eager to
finish up their second semester, as well. Please pray for Jorge Lara, the blind
brother who is enrolled in our college. I, personally, have seen very few
examples of determination and faith today that could even shadow what he and
his family are overcoming. Most of his family is spiritually lost and detests the
fact that he is saved and going to a Baptist Church, much less a Bible college.
Heating up baptistery
water on the stove.
Notice garden area in
Brother Ricardo
The baptism waters continue to be stirred and we know our Heavenly Father is
much pleased with the decisions of these precious saints of God. The last two
baptisms for the year 2012 were Ricardo from the Cerro Del Judio Bus Route and
Lupita from the Coyoacan delegation area.
As another year makes the record books and another begins, we look ahead with
anticipation and hope that what lies before us are golden opportunities that will
reap eternal rewards. The Bible teaches that salvation is the free gift of God that
Sister Lupita
anyone in the world can receive by faith! Rewards are the results of our lives
lived in this world for God’s Glory! “Only one life t’will soon be past …….only
what’s done for Christ will last!” In Mexico City,
In 2012 IBMC children gave a total of $6,684.00 pesos to
Missionary David Combe, 2 Chronicles 16:9
Missions. That is an equivalent of $522.00 US Greenbacks!