Books About Capuchins - Capuchin Franciscans

Books & Other Media in English re Capuchins
Anthony of Sedella see Moreno y Arze, Antonio Ildefonso
Betrone, Consolata (Mariondo Moncalieri Capuchin Poor Clare Monastery),
1903-1946, Servant of God
Sales, Lorenzo, I.M.C.
●Jesus Appeals to the World: The Unceasing Act of Love Revealed to the Capuchin Nun, Sister Mary
Consolata (1903-1946). / N.Y.: Alba House, 1955, 193 pp.
Birndorfer, Conrad of Parzham (Bavarian Prov), St. (1818-1894)
Anonymous (Bavarian Prov.)
●Saint Conrad, Capuchin Brother: a Life Sketch, translated by Stephen Bienemann / Hays KS: Friary Press,
1931 / revised and edited by Blaine Burkey, Hays KS: St. Joseph Church, 1979, 11 pp. – ►
Dobbins, Dunstan (British Prov.)
●St. Conrad of Parzham. England, n.d., 99 pp. [TMP 271 Fr.8 C75]
Kessler, Joseph Anthony of Harsberg (Bavarian Prov.)
●Blessed Brother Conrad of Parzham, Capuchin Lay-Brother / Detroit: St. Bonaventure’s, 1932, 182 pp.
[TMP 271 Fr. 81 C075]
Lord, Bob & Penny.
●Saint Conrad Doorkeeper at Altotting. Morrelton AR: Journeys of Faith, no date, 24 pp.
Bittle, Celestine (Calvary Prov.)
●Bittle, Celestine (Calvary Prov.)
Soldiering for Cross and Flag: Impresions of a War Chaplain. / Milwaukee: Bruce, 1929, 331 p. - ►
Capuchin Cemetery, Via Veneto, Rome
Cordovani, Rinaldo (Rome Prov.)
●The Capuchin Cemetery: Historical Notes and Guide. / Rome: Capuchin Friars Minor, 2002, 39 pp. – ►
Attanasio, Catherine M.
●Capuchin concepts of death, purgatory, and resurrection in the crypt of Santa Maria della Concezione.
(Thesis) Norton MA: Wheaton College, 2002, 79 leaves.
Capuchin Founders (16th. Cent.)
Hess, Cuthbert (Great Britain Prov.)
●The Capuchins: a Contribution to the History of the Counter-Reformation. / London: 1928-1929, 2 v. /
N.Y.: Longmans Green, 1929, 2 vv. – ►
Melchior of Pobladora (Navarre-Cantabria-Aragon Prov.)
●The Capuchin Reform: a Franciscan Renaissance; a Portrait of Sixteenth Century Capuchin Life /
translated by Paul Hanbridge, O.F.M.Cap. / Delhi: Media House, 2003, 391 pp. / ISBN: 81-7495-155-5,
Austral. $50
Nimmo, Duncan
●Reform and Division in the Medieval Franciscan Order. From Saint Francis to the Foundation of the
Capuchins. / Rome, Capuchin Historical Institute, 2nd ed., 1995, xxxix-676 pp.)
Popravak, Christopher (Mid-America Prov.)
●Desire Extinguished, Desire Inflamed: Ascetical Constructions of a Capuchin Subjectivity (1552-1628)
(PhD dissertation in historical theology, St. Louis University) Ann Arbor MI: UMI, 1997, 325 pp. – ►
Capuchin Liturgical Celebration
North American Pacific Capuchin Conference
●The Capuchin-Franciscan Liturgical Calendar. Paulist Press, $12.00
Capuchin Martyrs of Valencia (d. 1936)
●The Capuchin Martyrs of Valencia (n. 155 BICI). Rome: BICI, 2002, 78 pp.
Capuchins in general
Blevins, J. Donald.
●Do you know them? Hays KS: St. Joseph College, 1931, 32 pp. – ►
Carli, R.; F. Crespi; and G. Pavan.
●An Analysis of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. / Privately printed, 1974, 203 pp. – ►
Conrad, Simon (Mid-America Prov.)
●Brothers of the Sun: the Story of the Capuchins. Paluch 1956, 88 pp. – ►
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
●The Marble Faun: or the Romance of Monte Beni. / New York: Standard Book Company, 1931, 310 pp.
– ►
Jansch, Ronald (Calv. Prov.)
●History of the Capuchin Order from 1528 to 1978: Its Origins, Trials and Future. N.P., 1978, 32 pp. – ►
Order of Capuchin Friars Minor
●Constitutions of the Capuchin Friars Minor and Ordinanaces of the General Chapters. Delhi: Conference
of Capuchin Major Superiors of India (CCMSI), 2015, 296 pp.
Zawart, Ansgar (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●The Capuchins / Washington DC: Capuchin College, 1928, 87 pp.
Capuchins in Africa
Pan African Capuchin Conferences
●The Capuchins in Africa. / Rome: Curia Generale OFMCap, 1992, 553 pp. – ►
Capuchins in Australia
Winter, Paul (Australian Prov.)
●Healing formation: pastoral care and initial formation in the Capuchin friars of Australia. (Thesis)
Baltimore MD: Loyola Notre Dame College, n.d., 87 leaves.
Capuchins in Brazil
Bormila, Victor Daniel.
●Servants of God or masters of men? The Story of a Capuchin Mission in Amazonia. Hammondsworth:
Penguin, 1972, 304 pp. ISBN; 0140214364 – ►
Capuchins in China
●The Capuchins in China: Souvenir of Departure for Kansu of the American Capuchins Frs. Gabriel and
Felix, October 10, 1925, 12 pp
Blockinger, Rudolph (Pennslvania Prov.).
●The Capuchin Mission in China, 1922-1952. [MS in Archives of Pennsylvania Province].
●The Spirit That Led Me On: a Christmas Carol./ St. Louis: B. Herder, 1946, 126 pp. – ►
Capuchins in France
Diefendorf, Barbara B.
●From Penitence to Charity: Pious Women and the Catholic Reformation in Paris. New York: Oxford
Univ. Press, 2004, 340 pp.
Capuchins in India
Capuchin Mission Unit (C.S.M.C.), Cumberland, Maryland
●India and Its Missions. N.Y.: Macmillan Co., 1923, 315 pp. – ►
Capuchins in Lombardy
Manzoni, Alessandro
●The Betrothed: a Milanese Story of the 17th Century. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1924, 666 pp.
Capuchins In North America
Zawart, Ansgar.
●Three Hundred Years of Capuchin Activities in North America, 1632-1932. [Extrcted from the
Seraphic Home Journal, 1932-33], 24 pp. – ►
Capuchins in Papua New Guinea
Capuchin Students at Herman (Pennsylvania Prov.), editors
●Papuan Letters / Herman: St. Lawrence of Brindisi Mission Unit, 1958 and ff., 7 vv. – ►
Burkey, Blaine (Mid-America Prov.)
●Only the Beginnings, commemorating the coming of the Capuchins and their co-workers to the
Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. (Unfinished Draft 14). Hays: St. Conrad Archives Center,
2016, 344 pp. - ►
Farkas, Paul (Pennsylvania Prov.) (d. 2000)
●Papuan Tales. / Pittsburgh PA: Typecraft Press, 1999, 46 pp., $10.00 – ►
Schmidt, Firmin Martin (Mid-America Province), Bishop
●Capuchin Mission in Papua New Guinea. / no imprint, n.d., [54] pp. – ►
●Capuchin Mission in Papua New Guinea. / no imprint, [2001], [16] pp. – ►
Stellmach, Karl-Heinz, director [16 MM FILM]
●…And Then Came DAWN / Waldsassen, Germany: Stellmach Films, 90 min – ►
Tomassetti, Berard (Mid-America Prov.)
●Papua New Guinea Encore. / Victoria KS: St. Fidelis Friary, 1997, 133 pp. – ►
Werner, Ray
●Angels with Broken Wings, 77 pp., $12.00
Capuchins in the Louisiana Territory
DeLanglez, Jean, S.J.
●The French Jesuits in Lower Louisiana (1700-1763), Washington: Catholic University of America, 1935,
547 pp. – ►
Vogel, Claude (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●The Capuchins in French Louisiana (1722-1766) / N.Y..: Wagner, 1928, 201 pp. – ►
Wilson, Saamuel, Jr.
●The Capuchin School in New Orleans, 1725: the First School in Louisiana. New Orleans:The
Archdiocesan School Board, 1961, 36 pp. – ►
Capuchins in the Western Hemisphere
Jeron, Otto (Calvary Prov.)
●The Capuchins in America (1630-1875); extracted from Historical Records and Studies, 5 (1909) 274347. / Denver: Provincial Archives, 2013, [74] pp. – ►
Capuchins of the Calvary Province
●Rise and Progress of the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order in the United States 1857-1907,
by a member of the Order. / New York: Benziger, 1907, 333 pp.
Baer, Campion (Calvary Prov.)
●Lady Poverty Revisited
Bicknell, Catherine.
●Breaking Bread and mending spirits: Detroit’s Capuchin Soup Kitchen, 1929-1979. Detroit: Fidelity
Press, 1979, 109 pp.
Bittle, Berchmans (Calvary Prov.)
●Romance of Lady Poverty
Capuchin Province of St. Joseph
●Capuchin Century Book: Commemorating the origin of the Province of St. Joseph at Mt. Calvary,
Wisconsin – June 25, 1857, the first permanent Capuchin Foundation in America. Detroit: Capuchins of
St. Joseph, 1957.
Steinauer, Fidelis (Calvary Prov.)
●Journal of Fidelis Steinauer: an English translation of the German diary from 1863-1882 kept by
Fidelis Steinauer, O.F.M.Cap. Translated by Vernon Wagner and Ronald Jansch. Dond du Lac: Action
Printing, 2012, 661 pp.
Vieracker, Corbinian (Calvary Prov.)
●History of Mount Calvary (Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin): a commemoration of the occasion of the
golden jubilee of the establishment of the first Capuchin Friary in North America, 25 June 1907.
●The Laurentianum: its origin and work, 1864-1924. Mt. Calvary WI: St. Lawrence College, 1924, 193 pp.
Capuchins of the Mid-America Province
Burkey, Blaine (Mid-America Prov.)
●At Home in Ellis County (collected or wrote and edited all of vol. 1) / Hays: Ellis County Historical
Society, 1992, 2 v. – ►
●Ellis County Gold: the Emigrants’ Guide and Digger’s Handbook to Ellis County History (1858-1908).
Hays: Thomas More Prep, 1979, 404 pp. – ►
●Mid-America Ho! the Pilgrimage Goes On for the Capuchin Province of Mid-America… / [Denver CO:
Capuchin Province of Mid-America, 2001], 20 pp. (available from Provincial office) – ►
●Six Years Old: a Portrait, St. Conrad’s Capuchin Province of Mid-America, born April 12, 1977. /Hays:
Prov. Communications Office, 1983, 23 pp. – ►
Curtis, Megan, and Tracey Blackford.
●Cooking with the Caps … and Friends: a Collection of Recipes from the friars and friends of the
Capuchin Province of Mid-America. Kearney NE: Morris Press Books, 2006, 140 + 3 pp. – ►
Leiker, Victor
●The Cathedral of the Plains. Ellis County News, n.d., undated – ►
Suchnicki, Michael (Mid-America Prov.)
●From Riches to Rags (Compiler and Editor) / Denver CO: Samaritan House, 2005, 89 pp. (available
from Samaritan House) – ►
●Ghost Stories from the Samaritan House (with Daniel J. Allen), v. 1 / Denver CO: Samaritan House,
2004, 98 p. (out of print) – ►
●Samaritan House: a Good Neighbor in Metro Denver (with Claire Shepherd Lanier) / Denver:
Samaritan House, 2006, 58 pp., $20.00 – ►
Tallman, Gilmary (Mid-America Prov.)
●Cathedral of the Plains: a history and pictorial guide of St. Fidelis Church, Victoria, Kansas. /
[Victoria: St. Fidelis Church], 1986, 28 pp. – ►
Capuchins of the Pennsylvania Province
●Sacred Heart Parish 1866-1966: a century of Catholicity in the Kanawha Valley. Jarrett Publishing Co.,
1966, 169 pp. [TMP 271 Fr. 4.917 F84]
Anonymous (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●Capuchin Brothers Training Center. / Cumberland: Capuchin Brothers Training Center, 1961, 28 p. –
Burkey, Blaine (Mid-America Prov.)
●“Als ich in Cumberland war…”: Capuchin Franciscan memories of 100 years in Cumberland 1875-1975.
[Cumberland: SS. Peter & Paull's Parish, 1975], 28 pp.►
Conrad, Simon (Mid-America Prov.)
●Dreams and Visions 1873-1973: A Capuchin Centennial Remembrance (published anonymously]
Pittsburgh: Province of St. Augustine, 1973. – ►
Cratz, Sigmund (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●Memories and Men: Being a Series of Character Sketches of the Men Who Made St. Fidelis. /
Pittsburgh: Capuchin Fathers, 1939, 37 pp.
Epp, Hyacinth (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●History of Saint Augustine’s Capuchin Province of Pennsylvania [1873-1905] [extracted from Annals
of the Capuchin Province of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh: Catholic Home Journal, 1946-1953, irregular
pagination - ►
Schaller, Pascal (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●A Bibliography of the Writings of the Capuchins of the Pennsylvania Province of St. Augustine, 18821954 (Master’s thesis in library science). Washington: Catholic University of America, 1956, 212 pp. – ►
Scharl, Severin (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●The early years of the province 1873-1907. Pittsburgh: Province of St. Augustine, 1873, 44 pp. – ►
Stakem, Gary, with Scott Seethaler, W. David Nessler & Brendan Malloy (all Pennsylvania Prov.)
●Change and Become: Capuchin Friars; the Province of Saint Augustine, 1948-1998 / Pittsburgh:
Communications Office, 1998, 231 pp. , $15.00 – ►
Tonra, Mary, M.S.B.T.
●Led by the Spirit: a Biography of Mother Boniface Keasey, M.S.B.T. / N.Y.: Gardoner Press, 1984, 389
pp. [mentions Bede Herrmann and many other friars]. – ►
Capuchins of the Western American Province
Barbato, Robert (Western American Prov.)
●In the Land of the Pioneer: a History of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars in the Western United States.
Berkeley: Capuchin House of Studies, 1985, 59 pp. – ►
Capuchin Saints and Blesseds
D’Alatri, Mariano (Roman Prov.) , editor
●The Capuchin Way: Lives of Capuchins / Pittsburgh, Victoria KS & St. Louis: / North American Capuchin
Confeence, 1985-1996, 2 vv. in 4 pts, $60.00
Gumbinger, Cuthbert (Calvary Prov.), Archbishop
●Our Feast Days: Meditations on the Saints & Blessed of the Capuchin Order. / 1945, 142 pp. $17.00
[TMP 271 Fr.8]
Casey, Solanus (Calvary Prov.), 1870-1957, Venerable)
Anonymous. [DVD]
●The Healing Prophet, Solanus Casey. / Brighton MA: GL Productions, 2006, 60 min., $19.95
Anonymous. [VIDEO TAPE]
●The Heroic Journey: The Life and Legacy of Solanus Casey / Detroit: Father Solanus Guild, 1991, 58
●The Message of Father Solanus Casey, Capuchin. Detroit: Father Solanus Guild, 1978, 8 pp. – ►
Anonymous. [VIDEO TAPE]
●Solanus Casey – Priest – Porter – Prophet. / Mundelein IL: Mercy Foundation, 2002, 90 min. / $19.95 /
Ignatius Press DVD 90 min., $19.95
●A Thanksgiving Celebration for the Life of Venerable Solanus Casey. Detroit, 1995, 68 pp. – ►
Collins, David R.
●Magnificent Failure: the Story of Father Solanus Casey. Paulist, $3.95
Crosby, Michael H. (Calvary Prov.)
●Faith in Shaky Situations: conference on Fr. Solanus’s approach and spirit. [AUDIO CASSETTE] / $8.00
●Solanus Casey: One Man’s Journey Toward Sanctity [AUDIO TAPE] / Cincinnati: St. Anthony
Messenger, n.d. / 4 audiocassette, $32.95
●Solanus Casey: The Official Account of a Virtuous American Life (edited by Michael Crosby) / NY:
Crossroad, 2000, 275 pp. – ►
●Thank God Ahead of Time: the Life and Spirituality of Solanus Casey. / Chicago: Franciscan Herald
Press, 1985, 334 pp. / $11.00 – ►
Derum, James
●The porter of St. Bonaventure’s: The Life of Father Solanus Casey, Capuchin. / Detroit: Fidelity Press,
1968, 279 pp. / $8.00
Foley, Edward (Calvary Prov.)
●Journey to Holiness: a Pilgrimage through the Solanus Casey Center. Detroit: Prov. of St. Joseph of the
Capuchin Order, 2007, 59 pp. – ►
Guimond, John
●The Spirit and Life of Father Solanus Casey, Capuchin. Detroit: The Father Solanus Guild, 1978, 28
PP.- ►
Joel, Kenny.
●Father Capuchin: the Story of Fr. Solanus Casey, Capuchin. Detroit: Cause of Father Solanus, [1976]. –
Odell, Catherine M.
●Father Solanus: the story of Solanus Casey, O.F.M.Cap. / Huntington IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1995, 240
pp. / $10.00
Schom, Joel
●God’s Door-Keepers, Padre Pio, Solanus Casey and Andre Bessette, Cincinnati: Servant Books, 168
pp., $13.00
Wollenweber, Leo (Calvary Prov.)
●Meet Solanus Casey: Spiritual Counselor and Wonder Worker / Servant Boooks, n.d. / ISBN:
1569552819, $9.99 – ►
Chaput, Charles (Mid-America Prov.), Archbishop
Arroyo, Raymond
●Mother Angelica: the Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles. / N.Y.:
Doubleday, 2005, 384 pp. [several pages related to Archbishop Chaput] – ►
Christen, Bernard of Andermatt (Swiss Prov.), 1837-1909, Archbishop
Felder, Hilarin (Swiss Prov.), Bishop
●Bernard Cristen of Andermatt, minister general and archbishop, 1837-1909, and the restoration of
the Capuchin Order. Detroit MI: St. Bonaventure Friary, n.d., 237 pp.
Clergue, Marie-Antoine of Lavaur (Toulouse Prov.), 1825-1907
De Beaulieu, Ernest-Marie (Toulouse Prov.)
●Teeth in the Devil’s Hide: Life of Pere Marie-Antoine O.F.M.Cap. (1825-1907) / translated & adapted by
Gregory van der Becken (anonymous Prov.) / Franciscan Herald Press, 1959, 184 pp. / $17.00 – ►
Cratz, Sigmund (Pennsylvania Prov.) 1886-1940
Tschippert, Clarence (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●Very Reverend Sigmund Cratz, O.F.M.Cap.: a Character Sketch. (Memories and Men II) / Pittsburgh: St.
Joseph Protectory, undated, 36 pp. – ►
Crespi, Vincenzo (unknown prov.) [left the Capuchins]
Crespi, Vincenzo
●An Ex-Catholic Priest’s Opinion on the Church of Rome. Cheltenham: 5, St. Philip’s Parade, 29
June 1869, 8 pp.
●Memoirs of an ex-Capuchin [Vincenzo Crespi], or, Scenes of modern monastic life. [introduced
and published anonymously by Girolamo Volpe]. London: Partridge & Oakley, 1853, 406 pp.
de Joyeuse, Ange (Paris Prov.), 1532-1608
Brousse, Jacques
●The Lives of Ange de Joyeuse and Benet Canfield / New York: Catholic Book Club, 1959, 183 pp. – ►
De Nicola, Seraphin of Montegranero (Piceno Prov.), 1540-1604, Saint
Ilg, Augustine
●St. Seraphin of Montegranero. Detroit: St. Bonaventure Monastery, 1924, 40 pp. – ►
Desideri, Joseph of Leonessa (Umbrian Prov.), 1556-1612, Saint
Brennan, Anthony (Irish Prov.)
●Saint Joseph of Leonissa, Capuchin Friary Minor. N.Y.: Benziger, 1912, 80 pp.
Diomira, Maria del Verbo Incarnato (Fanano Capuchin Poor Clares Monastery),
1708-1768, Venerable
Pini, Cesar.
●The life of the Venerable Maria Diomira del Verbo Incarnato; translated by E. Bononcini. St. Louis,
Herder, 1907, 208 pp. [TMP 271 Fr. 91 M23]
Eckert, Stephan (Calvary Prov.), 1869-1923, Servant of God
Bittle, Berchmans (Calv. Prov.)
●A Herald of the Great King, Father Stephan Eckert, O.M.Cap. / Milwaukee: St. Benedict the Moor
Mission, 1933, 197 pp. – ►
Fioretti, Crispin, of Viterbo (Roman Prov.), 1668-1750, Saint
D’Alatri, Mariano (Roman Prov.)
●Who Gave More Than He Got: The Life of Saint Crispin of Viterbo, Capuchin Brother, 1668-1759 /
Edited by Blaine Burkey (Mid-America Prov.) / Hays KS: North American Cap. Conf., 1982, 32 pp. – ►
Ilg, Augustine (Bavarian Prov.)
●A Capuchin servant of Mary, Bl. Crispin of Viterbo. Mission Almanac, 1924, 39 pp. – ►
Fitch, Benet of Canfield (Paris. Prov.), 1562-1610)
Brousse, Jacques Brosse
●The Lives of Ange de Joyeuse and Benet Canfield / New York: Catholic Book Club, 1959, 183 pp. – ►
Florentini, Theodosius (Swiss Prov.), 1808-1865)
Schnitzer, Constance
●Irons in the Fire: The Life of Theodosius Florentini / Merrill WI: Holy Cross, 1969, 217 pp. – ►
Forgione, Pio of Pietrelcino “Padre Pio” (Foggia Prov.), 1887-1968, Saint
Allegri, Renzo
●Padre Pio: Man of Hope. / Ann Arbor MI: Servant Publ., 2000, 270 pp / ISBN: 1569551383 – ►
Allen, Diane
●Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry: True Stories of Padre Pio [VHS Video] / Beverley Hills CA: Pious
Publication, 189.
Allen, Diane
●Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry: True Stories of Padre Pio / 1st. ed., San Diego: CA Aventine Press, 2009,
403 pp. / Cork, Ireland: Book Baby, 2012, 536 pp..
●Blessed Padre Padre: The Wonder Worker. / imprint not available, [1999]
●The Devil in the Life of Padre Pio, 136 pp., $6.75
Anonymous [DVD]
●50 Years of Thorns and Roses / EWTN Classic Documentary, 60 min., $19.95
Anonymous [DVD]
●Padre Pio: between Heaven and Earth / Ignatius Press, 180 min., $24.95 (starring Michele Placido)
Anonymous. [VIDEO TAPE]
●Padre Pio, Man of God. Ft. Collins CO: Ignatius Press, 55 min.; DVD, 113 min)
Anonymous [DVD]
●Padre Pio: Miracle Man / Ignatius Press, 210 min., $24.95
●Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: Walking in the Footsteps of Christ / 150 pp., $8.95
Anonymous [FILM ON DVD]
●Padre Pio, Sanctus. Ignatius Press, 135 min. / $19.95
Anonymous [Film on DVD]
●St. Padre Pio (animated), 25 min., @14.95
●Who Is Padre Pio / reprint, Rockford IL, Tan, date unknown, 44 pp. / ISBN: 0895551012, $3.00.
Apostoli, Andrew, C.F.R. [VIDEO TAPE]
●Padre Pio, the Priest Who Bore the Wounds of Christ. / Ft. Collins CO: Ignatius Press, 13 – 30 minute
programs) / DVD two discs, $39.95
Bertanzetti, Eileen Dunn
●Padre Pio’s Words of Hope, 189 pp., $11.50
●Rich In Love: the story of Padre Pio for Children, 112 pp., $5.50
●Rich in Love: the story of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Boston: Pauline, 1999, 67 pp., $3.95 – ►
Bruno, Clarice
●Roads to Padre Pio, 240 pp., $10.00
Capuchins of San Giovanni Rotondo.
●Padre Pio and the Eucharist. / San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Sanctuary, 2004, 33 pp. – ►
Carty, Charles Mortimer
●Padre Pio the Stigmatist. / 5th ed., 1953, 380 pp /St. Paul: Radio Replies Press, 25th ed., 1963, 310 pp.
– ► / Rockford IL: TAN, ISBN: 0-89555-355-4, $16.40
Castelli, Francesco
●Padre Pio Under Investigation: The Secret Vatican Files. / San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2011, 339 pp.
– ►
Cataneo, Pascal.
●Padre Pio Gleanings. / Staten Island: Alba House, 192 pp. / ISBN 2890395073, $10.00
Contessa, Fabrizio
●Padre Pio. / Staten Island: Alba House, 91 pp. / ISBN 0818908262, $7.95
D’Apolito, Alberto (Foggia Prov.)
●Memories, Experiences & Testimonials: Padre Pio / 330 pp., $21.50
Dasseville, Armand (New-New England Prov)
●Padre Pio of Pietrelcino. / New York: St. John the Baptist Church, 2002, 16 pp. – ►
DeLiso, Oscar
●Padre Pio: The Priest Who Bears the Wounds of Christ. / 1960, 233 pp.
Duchess of St. Alban
●Magic of a Mystic: Stories of Padre Pio / New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1983, 207 pp.
de Robeck, Nesta
●Padre Pio. / Milwaukee: Bruce, 1958, 133 pp. – ►
Falco, Vincent.
●Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Italy. / Miami Beach FL: privately published, n.d., 28 pp. – ►
Fiorentino, Francis al
●The Way of the Cross. / San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 1979, 46 pp. – ►
Francis Mary , Br. [BOOK or AUDIO TAPE]
●Padre Pio: The Wonder Worker. / Ft. Collins CO: Ignatius Press, 225 pp., $12.95 / 6 cassettes / 6 CDs,
Forgione, Pio of Pietrelcino (Foggia Prov.), Saint (d. 1968)
●The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemani. St. Paul: Radio Replies Press, 1952, 40 pp. – ► /
reprint, Rockford IL: TAN, date unknown, 40 pp. ISBN: 0895550970, $3
●”Have a Good Day,” San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 1975, 127 pp. – ►
●Letters, vol. 1: correspondence with his spiritual directors (1910-1922) / S. Giov. Roton.: Voce di Padre
Pio, 1980, 1550 pp. / $29.95
●Letters, vol. 2: correspondence with his spritual child / S. Giov. Roton.: Voce di Padre Pio, n.d., 620 pp. /
●Letters, vol. 3: correspondence with his spiritual daughters / S. Giov. Roton.: Voce di Padre Pio, n.d.,
1200 pp. / $29.95
●Meditation Prayer on Mary Immaculate. / reprint, Rockford IL: TAN, date unknown, 27 pp. / ISBN:
0895550997, $2.50.
●Padre Pio: In My Own Words, ed. by Anthony F. Chiffalo / Liguori MO: Liguori, 2000, 112 pp / $24.95
●Padre Pio, Saint: Life, Thoughts, Prayers, Crumbs / Alba House, 2003, 16 pp. / $2.95
●Padre Pio, Sanctus [film on DVD], Ignatius Press, 135 min., $19.95
●Padre Pio’s Spiritual Direction for Every Day. Cincinnati: Servant Books, 2011, 268 pp., $16.99, ISBN 161636.005.4
●The Secrets of a Soul: Padre Pio’s Letters to His Spiritual Director, ed. by Gianluigi Pasquale. / Boston:
Pauline Books, 2004, 128 pp / $12.95
Gaudiose, Dorothy
●Prophet of the People. / Staten Island: Alba House, 260 pp / ISBN 00818903511, $14.95
Gerardo di Flumeri (Foggia Prov.)
●Homage to the Blessed Padre Pio. / San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Capuchin Friary, 1982 /
San Giovanni Rotondo: Postulation, 1999, 76 pp. , $6.50 – ►
●The Mystery of the Cross in Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Mon.,
[1977], 42 pp. – ►
●Padre Pio’s Prayer Life (with Gennaro Preziuso), 63 pp. / $6.50
Ingoldsby, Mary F.
●Padre Pio: His Life and Mission. / Dublin: Veritas Publ., 1978, 175 pp. / San Francisco: Ignatius Press,
1988, 192 pp / $12.95, ISBN 0905092643
Koltonuk, Maria
●Padre Pio: Visitor’s Guide and Area Directory. Pottstown PA: Hier Venture, 5th ed., 2008, 56 pp. – ►
Lord, Bob & Penny.
●Saint r Pio. Morrelton AR: Journeys of Faith, no date, 48 pp.
Manelli, Stefano, F.I.
●Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. / New Bedford MA: Franciscans of the Immaculate, 1999, 144 pp. – ►
McCaffery, John
●Tales of Padre Pio: the Friar of San Giovanni / Garden City: Image Books, 1978, 222 pp.
McGregor. Austin, O.C.S.O.
●Padre Pio — His Early Years, San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Friary, 1981, 222 pp., $6.50 –
Mohan, Claire Jordan
●The Way of the Cross: a Story of Padre Pio / Worchester PA: Young Sparrow Press, 2003, 63 pp.
Mullan, Don
●Little Book of St. Pio, 128 pp., $4.75
Napolitano, Francesco
●Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, San Giovanni Rotondo, Our Lady of Grace Mon., 1979, 258 pp. – ►
Nolan, J. Paddy
●The Beatification of Padre Pio [VHS, $29.95
●I Can Refuse No One [VHS] / JPN Productions $19.95
●Padre Pio Revisited [VHS & DVD] / JPN Productions, DVD $24.95, VHS $19.95
●Padre Pio’s Way of the Cross [VHS & DVD]
Parenti, Alessio (Foggia Prov.)
●God’s Graces Through Padre Pio’s Intercession / 626 pp., $20.95
●Holy Souls, Viva Padre Pio, 222 pp., $11.00
●“Send me Your Guardian Angel” Padre Pio / Amsterdam NY: Noteworthy Company, 3rd ed. [1984], 208
pp. – ► / San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Friary, 1984
Parente, Pascal
●A City on a Mountain: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, O.F.M.Cap. / Grail, 1952, 148 pp. – ►
Pasquale, Gianluigi.
●Padre Pio’s Spiritual Direction for Every Day. Cincinnati: Servant Books, 2011, 268 pp., $16.99, ISBN 161636.005.4
Preziuso, Gennaro
●The Life of Padre Pio: Between the Altar and the Confessional. / Staten Island” Alba House, 251 pp. /
ISBN 0818908319, $16.95 – ►
Rega, Frank M.
●Padre Pio and America / Rockford IL: TAN, 2005, 308 pp. / ISBN: 0-89555-820-3, $18.50 (previously
published by Aventine Press, Chula Vista CA, 2004, as The Holy Man of the Mountain) – ►
Ruffin, J. Bernard
●Padre Pio: the True Story. / Huntington IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1982, 324 pp.
Sala, Renzo, S.S.P.
●Padre Pio, Saint. / Staten Island: Alba House, 16 pp. / ISBN 0818909390, $2.95
Schom, Joel
●God’s Door-Keepers, Padre Pio, Solanus Casey and Andre Bessette. / Cincinnati: Servant Books, 168
pp., $13.00
Schug, John (New York-New England Prov.)
●Padre Pio: a Biography / Our Sunday Visitor, 256 pp. [TMP271 Fr. 9.1 Pio]
●Padre Pio: He Bore the Stigmata. Huntington: OSV, 1976, 256 pp. – ►
●A Padre Pio Profile, 162 pp., $10.00
●Padre Pio: The Wonder Worker (Book on Tape) / with others / AUDIO CASSETTES / Ignatius Press,
19pp, 9 hours.
Stauffer, Kathleen
●Padre Pio: an intimate portrait of a Saint through the eyes of his friends. New London CT: Twenty-Third
Publications., 2007, 59 pp. – ►
Tangari, Katharina
●Stories of Padre Pio. / Rockford IL, TAN, 1997, 219 pp. / ISBN: 0-89555-536-0, $9.00
Tarcisio, Father, and others
●The devil in the life of Padre Pio. / San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace Friary, 1994.
Treece, Patricia
●Meet Padre Pio: Beloved Mystic, Miracle Worker and Spiritual Guide / Servant Books, n.d. / ISBN:
1569552495, $9.99
●Quiet Moments with Padre Pio / Servant Books, n.d. / ISBN: 1569551294, $10.99
●Through the Year With Padre Pio: Daily Readings / Servant Books, n.d., 240 pp. / ISBN: 1569552770,
White, Edward
●Padre Pio: a biographical sketch. San Giovanni Rotondo: Our Lady of Grace, 1981, 79 pp. – ►
Winowka, Maria
●The true face of Padre Pio. Cath. Book Club, 1961, 183 pp. [TMP 271 F81 P60]
Giuliani, Veronica (Citte di Castelli Capuchin Poor Clare Monastery), 1660-1727, Saint
Leonardi, John (Picena Prov.)
● Saint Veronica Giuliani: Capuchin Poor Clare. Mercatello: Monastery of St. Veronica, 1986, 62 pp. – ►
Lord, Bob & Penny
●Saint Veronica Giuliani. Morrellton AR: Journeys of Faith, no date, 32 pp.
Salvatori, Filippo Maria
●The lives of S. Veronica Giuliani, Capuchin nun; and, of the Blessed Battista Varani of the Order of S.
Clare. London: R. Washbourne, 1874, 418 pp.
Schano, Edgar (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●St. Veronica Juliani: a Life Sketch. / Pittsburgh: Capuchin Friars, 1943, 20 pp. – ►
Grotta, Charles of Motrone (Roman Prov.), 1690-1763, Venerable
Ilg, Augustine (Bavarian Prov.)
●A diamond in the rough: Fr. Charles of Montrone. Detroit: St. Bonaventure Monastery, 1924, 46 pp. – ►
Hartmann, Anastasius of Luzern (Swiss Prov.), 1803-1866, Bishop, Venerable
Druetta, Fulgentius of Camugnano (Piedmont Prov.)
●Bishop Hartman, Allahabad, 1946, 453 pp. / new edition, St. Paul Publ., 1966, 471 pp.
Gachet, Anthony Mary (Swiss Prov.)
●The life of A. Hartmann, Vicar Apost. of Patna, Calcutta, 1868.
Kirsch, Felix M (Pennsylvania Prov.) 1884-1945
Laing, Francis S. (Pennsylvania)
●Father Felix M. Kirsch: a Sketch of His Life and Activities (=Memories and Men III) / Pittsburgh:
Catholic Home Journal, undated, 101 pp. – ►
Koglbauer, Benno of Mönichkirchen (Tyrol Prov.) 1862-1925, Servant of God
Ilg, Augustine (Bavarian Prov.)
●Serving in Secret: Brother Benno of Austria, Capuchin. Detroit: St. Bonaventure’s Monastery, 1935, 28
pp. – ►
Kozminski, Honoratus of Biala (Warsaw Prov.), 1829-1916, Blessed
Fernando da Riese Pio X (Venice Prov.)
●Honoratus Kozminski of Biala Podlaska: a Polish Capuchin ever on the move. / no imprint, 1975, 192
Latini, Bernard of Corleone (Palermo Prov.), 1605-1667, Saint
Ilg, Augustine (Bavarian Prov.)
●Two roads to Paradise: Bl. Bernard of Corleone and Bl. Bernard of Ophyda. Detroit: St. Bonaventure
Monastery, 1922, 48 pp. [TMP271 Fr.8]
Lawler, Ronald (Pennsylvania Prov.), 1926-2003
Aquilino, Michael J., and Kenneth Ogorek, editors.
●The Great Life: Essays on Doctrine and Holiness in Honor of Father Ronald Lawler. Steubenville:
Emmaus Road Publ., 2005, 248 pp., $12.00, ISBN 1931018324
Le Clerc de Tremblay, Joseph Francis of Paris (Paris Prov.), 1577-1638
Blanchard, Jean-Vincent.
●Éminence: Cardinal Richelieu and the Rise of France. New York: Walker and Co., 309 pp. – ►
Huxley, Aldous
●Grey Eminence: A study in Religion and Politics. London: Harper and Bros., 1941, 342 pp. – ►
O’Connor, R.F.
●His grey eminence, the true Friar Joseph of Bulwer Lytton’s Richelieu, Philadelphia: Dolphin, 1912, 112
pp. – ►
Longo, Maria Lorenza (Naples Capuchin Poor Clare Monastery), 1463-1542, Venerable
Falanga, Agostino (unknown province)
●The Venerable Maria Lorenza Longo: Foundress of the Hospital of the Incurables and of the Capuchin
Poor Clares of Naples, 1463-1542. Paulist, 2010, 176 pp. 418.95 paperback. – ►
Mandic, Leopold of Castelnuovo (Venetian Prov.) Saint, 1866-1942
Bernardi, Pietro of Valdiporro (Venice Prov.)
●Blessed Leopold Mandic, Capuchin / Padua: Vice-Postulation, 1976, 110 pp.
●Leopold Mandic: Saint of the reconciliation. Padua: Capuchin Friary, 1985, 109 pp.
●Padua: Guide to the Sanctuary of St. Leopold Mandic and itinerary of the city. Padua: C. Deganello,
1980s, 143 pp.
●The Servant of God Fr. Leopoldo of Castelnovo, Capuchin, a Hero of the Confessional. / Padua: VicePostulation, 1952, 90 pp. – ► / Padua: Vice-Postulation, 1963, 303 pp.
●The servant of God Fr. Leopold of Castelnovo, Capuchin / Padua: Vice Postulation 1975, 91 pp. – ►
Da Fara, Lorenzo.
● A Poor Man and His Hope: the Ecumenicalism of St. Leopold Mandic. / Padua: Portavoce, 1989, 42
Ladame, Jean.
●Saint Leopoldo Mandic. (Saints and Blesseds of Pope John Paul II). Augustine, 1989, 30 pp.
Lazxarotto, Leo.
●Father Leopold Mandic: Saint f the Reconciliation. Padua: Opera S. Leopold Mandic,, 15 pp.
Lord, Bob & Penny.
●Saint Leopold Mandic. Morrelton AR: Journeys of Faith, no date, 24 pp.
●Saint Leopold Mandic: Saint of reconciliation. Morrelton AR: Journeys of Faith, no date, 30 min. Video.
Marie-Antoine, Pere see Clergue, Marie-Antoine
Marie-Benoit, Pere see Petuel, Marie-Benoit
Massaia, William (Piedmont Prov.), 1809-1889, Cardinal, Servant of God
Russell, Henry.
●Africa’s twelve apostles ./ Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1981, 387 pp.
Mathew, Theobald (Irish Prov.) 1790-1856
Quinn, John F.
●Father Mathrew’s Crusade. Temperance in Nineteenth Century Ireland and Irish America. / Amherst MA:
Univ. of Mass. Press, 2002 / ISBN: 1-55849-340-9 – ►
Rogers, Patrick
●Father Theobald Mathew, Apostle of Temperance / N.Y.: Longmans, Green, 1945, 166 pp. – ►
Moreno y Arze, Antonio Ildefolso “Pere Antoine,” D.D. (Andalusian Prov.), 1748-1829
Murphy, Edward F.
●Père Antoine (a novel) / Garden City: Doubleday, 1947, 304 pp.
Nugent, Francis La Valin (Irish Prov.), 1569-1635
Martin, F.X., O.S.A.
●Friar Nugent: a study of Francis Lavalin Nugent (1569-1635), agent of the Counter-Reformation / Rome:
Capuchin Historical Institute, 1962, 356 pp. – ►
Ochino, Bernardin of Sienna (Tuscan Prov.), 1487-1564, [left Capuchins 1542]
Church, Frederick C.
●The Italian Reformers 1534-1564. / N.Y.: Octagon Books, 1974, 428 pp.
Peis, Ignatius of Laconi (Cagliardi Prov.), 1701-1781, Saint
Flora, Carmel, and Melchior Moakler (both New Jersey Prov.)
●”Yours is the kingdom…”: the life of St. Ignatius of Laconi, Capuchin Brother. Translated and freely
adapted from the Italian of Arcangelo da Castiglione. Paterson NJ: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1953, 72 pp.
Tschippert, Clarence (Pennsylvania Prov.)
●St. Ignatius of Laconi, Capuchin , by Fra. Indegno, O.F.M.Cap. / Cumberland: Frank Fleckenstein, 1952,
24 pp. [published anonymously]
Wagner, Vernon (Calvary Prov.)
●The quest of Brother Ignatius. Milwaukee: The Capuchins, 1954, 46 pp.
Peroni, Bernard of Ophyda (Piceno Prov.), 1604-1694, Blessed
Ilg, Augustine (Bavarian Prov.)
●Two roads to Paradise: Bl. Bernard of Corleone and Bl. Bernard of Ophyda. Detroit: St. Bonaventure
Monastery, 1922, 48 pp. – ►
Petruccelli, Raphael of Sant’Elia a Pianisi (Foggia Prov.), 1816-1901
DeNardo, Antonia.
●The Holy Monk: a Story about the Life of Father Raffaele from Sant’Elia a Pianisi (CD Audio) / Roseland
NJ: The Societa de S. Elia Pianisi Inc., n.d., 50 min.
Petuel, Marie-Benoit (Paris Prov.), 1895-1990
Leboucher, Fernande
●Incredible Mission: the Amazing Story of Père Benoît, Rescuer of the Jews from the Nazis / Garden City
NY: Doubleday, 1969, 165 pp. – ►
Zuccotti, Susan.
●Père Marie-Benoît and Jewish Rescue: How a French Priest Together with Jewish Friends Saved
Thousands during the Holocaust. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press, 2013. 276 pp. – ►
Pio, Padre – see – Forgione, Pio
Plenary Councils of the Order
Third Plenary Council of the O.F.M.Cap.
●Missionary Life and Activity of the Capuchin Friars Minor. / Mattli, Switzerland: 1978, 48 pp
Fourth Plenary Council of the O.F.M.Cap.
●Formation Guidelines. / Rome: 1981, 82 pp.
Fifth Plenary Council of the O.F.M.Cap.
●Our Prophetic Persence in the World: Our Life and Apostolic Activity. / Garibaldi,
Sixth Plenary Council of the O.F.M.Cap.
●Living Poverty in Brotherhood Rome: Curia Generale, 1998, 26 pp.
Poli, Angelo (Bologna Prov.), 1878-1970, Archbishop
Rego, Aloysius G.
●Fifty Years a Bishop: Souvenir of the Episcopal Golden Jubilee of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Angelo Poli,
O.F.M.Cap., former bishop of Allahabad. / Allahabad: St. Paul’s, 1965, 70 pp. – ►
Porri, Felix, of Cantalice (Roman Prov.), 1515-1587, Saint
Kerr, Lady Amabel
●A Son of St. Francis: St. Felix of Cantalice / London & St. Louis: Herder, 1900
Reisinger, Theophilus (Calvary Prov.), 1868-1941
Vogl, Carl
●Begone Satan: a soul-stirring account of diabolical possession; woman cursed by her own father,
possessed from 14th till 40th year. 48 pp., 1935 / Rockford IL: TAN, 1973, 48 pp. – ►
Roy, Fidelis of Sigmaringen (Swiss Prov.), 1577-1622, Saint
Ilg, Augustine (Bavarian Prov.)
●Friar Faithful: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen. Detroit: St. Bonaventure Monastery, 1924, 40 pp. – ►
Russo, Lawrence of Brindisi (Venice Prov.), 1559-1619, Saint, Doctor of the Church
Arturo da Carmignano (Venice Prov.)
●St. Lawrence of Brindisi. / Westminster MD: Newman, 1963, 165 pp. [TMP 271 Fr.8.1 L28]
Brennan, Anthony (Irish Prov.)
●Life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Apostle and Diplomat. / New York, 1911 / London: R.T. Washbourne,
1911, 279 pp. [TMP 271 Fr. 81 L28]
Burkey, Blaine (Mid-America Prov.)
●The Theology of St. Joseph in the Writings of St. Lawrence of Brindisi / Montreal: St. Joseph Oratory,
1968-1973, 85 pp. – ►
Capuchins of North America.
●St. Lawrence of Brindisi: Doctor of the Universal Church. / Washington: Capuchin Educational
Conference, 1960
Haas, Julian (Mid-American Prov.)
●The Theological Significance of Some Biblical Symbols in the Mariale of St. Lawrence of Brindisi. /
(doctoral dissertation, Seraphicum) / Roma: privately, 1994, 392 pp.
Unger, Dominic (Mid-America Prov.)
●The absolute primacy of Christ Jesus and his Virgin Mother according to St. Lawrence of Brindisi. /
Rome: Capuchin Historical Institute, 1952, 37 pp.
●The Heavenly Queenship of God’s Virgin Mother according to St. Lawrence of Brindisi. / Rome:
Capuchin Historical Institute, 1955, 35 pp.
●St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Doctor of the Church, and the Primary Principle of Mariology. / Rome:
Capuchin Historical Institute, 1961, 21 pp.
Wagner, Vernon (Calvary Prov.)
●The nature and role of women according to St. Lawrence of Brindisi. Rome: Capuchin Historical
Institute, 2015, 19 pp.
●The psychology of St. Lawrence of Brindisi. Garrison NY: Mary Immaculate Seminary, 1950, 114 pp.
Steinauer, Fidelis (Calvary Prov.)
Steinauer, Fidelis (Calvary Prov.)
●Journal of Fidelis Steinauer: an English translation of the German diary from 1863-1882 kept by
Fidelis Steinauer, O.F.M.Cap. Translated by Vernon Wagner and Ronald Jansch. Dond du Lac: Action
Printing, 2012, 661 pp.
Suchnicki, Michael (Mid-America Prov.)
Suchnicki, Michael (Mid-America Province)
●To Be Or Not To Be a Brother. / Victoria KS: St. Fidelis Monastery, 1966, 15 pp. (out of print) – ►
Townsend, James (Pennsylvania Prov.), 1927-2011.
Everett, Paul F.
●The Prisoner: An Invitation to Hope / Mahwah NJ: Paulist Press, 2005, 193 pp. / ISBN: 0-8091-4301-1,
$16.95 – ►
Unger, Dominic, of Herndon (Mid-America Prov.), 1907-1982
Burkey, Blaine (Mid-America Prov.)
●Father Dominic Joseph Unger of Herndon (1907-1982) / Rome: Capuchin Historical Institute, 1984, 16
pp. – ►