Week 6 - St Teresa`s Catholic Primary School

St.Teresa’s Catholic Primary
Weekly Newsletter – Term 2 Week 6
Choir Sing at Ash Lea Court Care Home
In last week’s
collective worship
I spoke about
giving Christmas
away this year.
Rather than
buying a present
what about doing
something to help someone else instead? This
week our choir did just that. On Tuesday they
walked up to Ash Lea Court Care Home to
treat the residents
to some beautiful
Christmas songs.
The choir sang
their hearts out
and did us all
proud. The
residents really enjoyed listening to the
children sing and one 88 year old resident
treated the choir to her beautiful piano playing
at the end. Thank you to all our choir
members who so openly shared their talents to
provide happiness for others.
PTFA Christmas Discos **TONIGHT**
Don’t forget the children’s Christmas Discos,
held by our PTFA, are tonight. Please collect
your child/ren promptly.
KS1 Infants 4.15pm to 5.30pm
KS2 Juniors 5.45pm to 7.00pm
Year 6 visit to Steam
On Monday our Year 6
class family, as part of
their WWII topic, visited
Steam in Swindon.
‘Steam was an
amazing time and we got to feel how
children felt when they were evacuated
during WWII. We also got to go in an air
raid shelter and see the things they would
take with them to keep themselves
occupied’. – Riona
‘Steam was a fantastic time. We did many
activities which involved loud noises and very
sad children. There was a museum with some
Email: [email protected]
very expensive statues and lots of
interesting facts. We had a competition to
see who could find the best facts that no
one else had.’ – Christina A
‘The best part was when we saw the museum
and we went into the rooms where the
children got evacuated’. – Christina S
This morning our whole school family travelled
to the Olympus Theatre in Filton where we
watched a fantastic performance of Cinderella.
It was lovely to see all the children join in with
the festive pantomime spirit and all their festive
From January, due to a change in financial
procedures, we will no longer be able to give
change when paying for trips, discos, uniform
etc. Please can you put the correct payment in
a named envelope and give to your child to
hand in at registration. Thank you.
Book amnesty
Some of our levelled book boxes are running
extremely low on books. Please can you
ensure that your child has no more than two
books in their book bag, unless given more by
a teacher. Please also check in bags, cars,
kitchens, bedrooms, under furniture, behind
radiators etc for any lost school books. There
will be a box left in the foyer for any returned
books over the next few weeks.
School Family Curriculum Open Afternoon
Please see the letter attached to this
newsletter about our Curriculum Open
Afternoon on Monday 12 December between
2pm and 3pm. Class families will be
showcasing their learning over this last term in
their classrooms.
Year 1- Vincent Van Gogh.
Year 2 - Pirates.
Year 3 - Egypt
Year 4 - The Romans
Year 5 - The Tudors
Year 6 - World War II
Parents of Reception children are invited to
watch their dance performance of Sleeping
Beauty in the hall at 2.15pm and afterwards have
Tel no. 0117 9030412
St.Teresa’s Catholic Primary
an opportunity to come into their class to see
what the children have been learning.
Please feel free to join us for as little or as long
as you like to find out what our children have
been getting up to during Term 2.
Dates for Diaries
Term 2 & Term 3
Thurs 8 Dec
Christmas Discos
Fri 9 Dec
Reception Cake Sale
Mon 12 Dec
Curriculum Open
Afternoon 2pm
Tues 13 Dec
Carols by
Candlelight 6pm
Weds 14 Dec Christmas Dinner
Thurs 15 Dec Whole School
Advent Mass
Fri 16 Dec
End of Term 2,
school finishes at
Tues 3 Jan
Children return to
school for Term 3
Fri 6 Jan
Whole School Family
Mass 9.30am.
Fri 6 Jan
Year 6 Cake Sale
Question of the week
In Matthew’s Gospel last week we heard about
John’s continued warning for us to be ready for
Jesus when he comes again. It is not enough
that we are sons and daughters of Abraham,
but by our own desire, we want to live a life
pleasing to God. The Gospel challenges us to
bear fruit. It was not enough for the Sadducees
nor is it enough for us to simply follow the rules
and rituals of our faith. The very actions of lives
must show what we believe about our faith.
Question of the Week (Adults): In what
areas of your life do you need God’s
forgiveness right now? What Advent practice
would assist you in expressing your
Question of the Week (Children):
What do you want to ask God to forgive you
for? What can you do during Advent to show
you are sorry?
Email: [email protected]
.Achievement Award Winners for the last
week were:
Reception: Ace Patrick
For: planning and building a dinosaur and
then labelling it!
Year 1: Christal Jinoy
For: always striving to make her learning
better. What a star!
Year 2: Tiago Andrade
For: demonstrating his creativity when
painting his festive stain glass window.
Year 3: Honey Thornell
For: writing a great set of instructions of how to
mummify a body.
Year 4: Joshua Kappil
For: making excellent contributions to guided
Year 5: Joshua Drozd
For: showing great care and attention to all of
his class family during our Kintbury retreat.
Year 6: Antoni Lomvardos
For: being incredibly focussed on learning in
all subjects and challenging himself to be the
best he can be at all times.
Well done to you all 
First Holy Communion 2017
First Holy Communion will take place in our
Parishes on the 11th June (St. Vincent’s) 2017
and 17th and 18th June 2017 (St. Teresa’s). It
is time to begin registering your child/ren if they
are in Year 3 or above for First Holy
Communion in June 2017. Please ask Fr. Tom
for an application form or download a form
from the Parish Website and return to Fr. Tom.
There will be a meeting for all Parents on
Sunday 18th December at 12noon.
Filton Library
Filton Library is putting on an afternoon of
Christmas stories and crafts for children aged
4-11 on Monday 19 December 2016 between
2.30pm and 4pm. This is a free drop in activity
session. Children must be accompanied by an
Tel no. 0117 9030412
St.Teresa’s Catholic Primary
Carols by Candlelight
Please join us on Tuesday 13
December for our Carols by
Candlelight at 6.00pm.
If your child is unwell and unable to attend
school please ring the office to let us know on
the first day of absence. We have a designated
absence line, reached by choosing option 1, so
you are able to ring at any time and leave a
message. Please give your child’s name, year
group and the nature of the illness.
Christmas Approaches...
As in previous years, we
are selling Christmas
novelties to raise funds for
St Peter's Hospice.
They are available from the
office for a donation of £2.
As the weather has turned colder, please could
you ensure your child has a coat in school for
playtimes please.
Christmas Dinner
Our annual Christmas dinner takes place on
Wednesday 14 December. This is a lovely
occasion when the pupils, staff and Governors
come together to celebrate. We will assume
that ALL pupils will be having the dinner unless
you tell us otherwise. Dinners cost £2.25 each
unless your child is entitled to Free Meals.
Advent Mass
A reminder that we will celebrate our
Christmas Mass in the school hall on Thursday
15 December at 9.30 a.m. If you are planning
to attend please let the office know. This is so
we know how many chairs to set aside for
family and friends. We look forward to seeing
many of you there.
Cake Day
And finally….
Children in the
Infants gave us a
fantastic show with
their performances
of ‘Jesus’ Christmas
Party’ this week. We
were very proud of all
the children as they
shared with us the true
meaning of Christmas when
God gave us His greatest
gift, His Son Jesus.
Special thanks to the staff,
and children who worked
extremely hard putting the
performances together.
Photograph orders must
be placed by the end of
tomorrow. Also – look
out for our picture in the
Evening Post Nativity
supplement and the
Filton Voice.
Every other Friday, after school, is Cake Day, when
individual classes are asked to bring in cakes to sell to
the rest of the school. Everyone is welcome to come into
the hall and buy a cake on these days.
Cake Days in Term 2 are shown below:
9 Dec
Thank you to everyone who supported the Year 2 cake
sale last Friday. They raised a fantastic £52.71!
Donations of cakes will be gratefully accepted
tomorrow for our Reception cake sale.
Email: [email protected]
Tel no. 0117 9030412