“Do not grow weary in doing what is right.”

“Do not grow
weary in doing
what is right.”
Courtesy of Lucasfilms and Disney Studios
“Do or
do not.
There is
no try.”
“Do or
do not.
There is
no try.”
“Let us not grow
weary of doing good,
for in time we will
reap the harvest, if
we do not give up.”
(Galatians 6:9)
“God is not unjust.
He will not forget
the effort you have
made and the love
you have shown.”
(Hebrews 6:10)
“Character development
like progress, best
happens imperceptibly,
through daily effort.”
(David Brooks, The Road to Character)
ef·fort /ˈefərt/noun
Definition: vigorous or
determined attempt.
Synonyms: attempt,
try, endeavor
“Make every effort
to enter through
the narrow door,
because many will
try and not be able.
(Luke 13:24)
“Make every effort
to maintain the unity
of the Spirit in the
bond of peace.”
(Ephesians 4:3)
“Make every effort to
support your faith with
goodness, goodness
with knowledge, knowledge with self-control...
“…self-control with
endurance, endurance
with godliness, godliness
with mutual affection,
and affection with love.”
“Make every
effort to find your
(peace) in Christ
and never give up.”
(Hebrews 4:11)
“Genuine effort
is always better than
“didn’t try.”
“For we gave you
this command: Any
one unwilling to
work should not eat.”
(II Thessalonians 3:10)
“We will be with
the Lord forever.
Therefore encourage one an
other with
these words.”
(I Thessalonians 4:17b-18)
“Brothers and
sisters, don’t grow
weary in doing
what is right.”
(II Thessalonians 3:13)
“Whatever we do,
our true vocation
is to be disciples
of Jesus Christ.”
(Dr. Victor Pentz )
“Do not grow
weary in doing
what is right.”