Come Run for Arlington! - Arlington Elementary School

Come Run for Arlington!
Arlington Elementary School is looking for athletes to compete for
Arlington against other Torrance elementary schools at the 2017 TUSD
Elementary School Track Meet.
Boys and girls in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade are invited to join. Students
can compete in up to 1 running event, 1 relay, and 1 field event.
Tentative events are:
Running Events
50 meters (3rd)
100 meters (3rd, 4th,
400 meters (4th, 5th)
800 meters (4th, 5th)
4 x 100 meters
6 x 200 meters CoEd
(1 from each gender
and grade)
Field Events
Standing long jump
Running long jump
Softball throw
Soccer kick
How can I join the fun?
Informational meeting / Tryout: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at
2:30pm. Meet on the playground.
Practices: The team will practice Wednesdays (4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10,
5/17, 5/24, 5/31 and 5/7) from 2:30-3:30pm.
Competition: Torrance / Rotary Track Meet on Friday June 9, 2017
from 3-7pm at the West High School Track.
Cost: Approximately $10. Students will need to buy a team t-shirt for
the track meet.
Parents: Parent volunteers are needed to help out on practice days
as well as the day of the track meet. Please let the coach know if you
are willing to assist in any way!
Questions: Please direct all questions to Kerri Narasaki, the parent
volunteer coach, at (310) 293-1544 or [email protected]
Arlington Track Team
Registration Form
Name: ______________________________________________________
Teacher Name and Room #: _____________________________________
Parent Name(s): _____________________________________
Parent Phone: _______________________________ (circle: home / cell )
____ YES! As a parent I can help
___ during after school practices
___ at the track meet on Fri June 9, 2017
Circle your desired event below. Circle up to one in each column.
Running Events
50 meters (3rd)
100 meters (3rd, 4th, 5th)
400 meters (4th, 5th)
800 meters (4th, 5th)
4 x 100 meters
6 x 200 meters CoEd (1
from each gender and
Field Events
Standing long jump
Running long jump
Softball throw
Soccer kick
All athletes/parent volunteers must pay for each t-shirt. Likely cost will be $6-8. We will
have a new design this year so everyone must purchase a new t-shirt. We will also be
looking for donations of $3 for snacks and waters for the track meet day. Please mark
size and quantity NOW and payment will be due later
Youth S____ Youth M____ Youth L____ Adult S____ Adult M____ Adult L____