N News @ NJW - Camp Nah-Jee-Wah

J Welcome, Parents!
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Welcome, parents! In this issue, we focus on Camp Nah-Jee-Wah and
why we love it soooo much! You’ll be able to read articles about our
favorite activities, our favorite events, and our favorite people around
camp! This past week was a blast! We are so excited to have you here
and are glad that you can experience what we’ve written about firsthand.
We hope you enjoy the activities included and more!
Faces around
Camp Life
PJ Library
The Poetry
Fun Stuff
What we’re most excited for this Visiting Day...
“Seeing my parents,
“Seeing my grandma.” –
DUH!” –Michelle, Hannah Max, Asher
“Eating lunch with my family.” -Arielle, Abi
“Seeing my family and the
candy party.” –Sarah,
“The banana boat rides!”Abby, Abi
“Telling my parents all that I
have done so far.” -Max, Dan
“The candy party.” –
Brooke, Hannah
“Seeing my family!”Harrison, Dan
“Seeing my family.” –
Sydney, Hannah
“Seeing my parents.” –
Lital, Naomi
“The water gun fight.” –
Lucas, Asher
“Seeing my parents.” –
Matthew, Asher
“Going outside of
camp.” –Aliza, Naomi
“Spending time with my visitors.” - Ryan, Dan
“Visiting CLC.” -Madison,
Faces Around Camp!
Lincoln, our song leader, was
visited by our reporters Alanna, Marisa, Rebecca, and Kalya
from Hannah Division in
hopes of learning more about
his job!
Q: What is your job?
A: I am the song leader and
Judaic specialist.
Q: What is your favorite food at camp?
A: The homemade banana
Q: What inspired you
to work at camp?
A: My kids came here
(Nah-Jee-Wah) for Club
Enjoy, and they loved it. I
got in touch with the
camp and asked if they
needed a song leader, and
they did!
Q: What’s your favorite camp song to sing?
A: Salaam.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about camp?
A: Working with all the
campers and staff members.
Thanks, Lincoln!
Will and Henry from Dan
decided to interview Seth, a
Tennis coach to learn more
about him!
Q: Do you go by any
A: Yes, I’ve had a different
nickname every year.
Q: How did you become
a counselor?
A: After TAC 2, I became a
Q: How do you like
being the tennis instructor?
A: It’s fun, I like to teach
Q: Would you consider
being a general counselor?
A: Yeah!
Q: Is there anything interesting we should know
about you?
A: I have 37 pairs of shoes.
Q: What is your favorite camp meal?
A: Pirogues.
Q: Do you like being
woken up early?
A: I love being woken up Thanks, Seth!
Our reporters Laila and
Zara were eager to interview Noa because they
wanted to know more
about cooking!
Here’s how it went down:
Q: What are your favorite things to cook for
your class?
A: Chocolate cake, Israeli
meals, and chocolate balls.
Q: What is your favorite type of meal to cook
in camp?
A: I like cooking desserts!
Q: Do you cook outside
of camp?
A: I cook for myself at
home as well as when I’m
on base in the army!
Q: How long have you
been cooking?
A: I have been cooking for
two or three years.
Q: What is your favorite
thing to cook out of
A: I like to cook spaghetti
with meat sauce.
Kayla, Mikayla, and Sara.
from the Hannah Division
were set on interviewing
Nah-Jee-Wah’s very own
director, Kari!
Q: What inspired you to
work at camp?
A: I was a camper here and
a staff member in Cedar
Lake. I enjoyed it so I decided that I want to keep
working here.
Q: How many years
have you been at camp
A: This is my 17th summer
at camp.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do at camp?
A: I like to go boating when
I have free time.
Q: If you were a counselor here, what would
your job be?
A: I really enjoyed being a
senior counselor. I loved
being in with the kids but
also part of key staff.
Q: When you eat cake
do you like a corner
piece or a middle piece?
A: I am definitely a corner
piece girl. I like to get more
of the frosting!
Q: Is there anything else
you would like to tell
our readers?
A: I am happy you’re all
here and I’m looking forward to having the summer
of our lives!
Thanks, Kari!
This week, Henry from Asher
chose to interview his Division
Head Greg!
Q: What is your favorite
A: Sea blue.
Q: What is your favorite Asher cheer?
A: The banana cheer.
Q: How many years have
you worked here for?
A: 8 years.
Q: Where else have you
worked here before you
were a DH?
A: 1 year of Rocketry and
Pioneering, 3 years of being a
GC in Dan, 3 years of being
the SC of Asher, and now it
is my first year of being Asher’s DH!
Q: If you were not a
DH, where would you
like to work?
A: It would be fun to be
an Assistant Director!
Q: What is your favorite
part of being a DH?
A: The fact that I get to be everywhere and meet everyone.
Thanks, Greg!
The Drama Crew
Kayla, Sabrina, and Emily from
Hannah and Naomi decided to
interview the Drama instructors!
Q: What are your names?
A: Sam, Lexi, and Scarlet.
Q: What is the play this
A: The Sound of Music!
Q: What are your favorite
songs in the play?
A: My Favorite Things, Sound of
Music, Do-Re-Mi
Q: Why did you choose the
Sound of Music?
A: The Sound of Music is a great
classic with many amazing songs.
There are also a lot of fun, inclusive parts.
Q: Is there anything else
you’d like to tell our readers?
A: Come and audition, you
will make new friends from all
different divisions!
Thanks, guys!
Have you ever been to Nature? I have. There are special activities that change every day,
cute animals, and nice counselors.
Activities include animal bags, animal charades, Swiss rescue dog tags, and others. Animal
bags are pretty fun. You get a small twine bag, some animal stamps, and assorted paints. Then take
a stamp of your choice and stamp it on a piece of paper until you get a consistency of your choice.
Then, stamp on the bag. Repeat with different stamps until you have no space left, or until you feel
you are done. Tada! You have an animal bag! It is also fun playing with the animals. Some animals
include a snake, a few hamsters, some bunnies, a goat, two sheep, a donkey, and more. The snake
is named Steven, even though it is a girl. Apparently, they named her before they found out she
was a girl, but it was too late to change her name because she only responds to “Steven.” I hope
you go to Nature and have fun. I sure did!
-Jonah, Dan
The Lake
The lake is a very fun place at camp Nah-JeeWah! It has an awesome 100 ft waterslide, a
trampoline, and a lot of boats. The banana
boats are very fun because water splashes in
your face. Sometimes you even fall off the boat!
The 100ft water slide is very fun, but my favorite part of the lake is the banana boats. I love
the lake!
-Grace, Hannah
Here at camp Nah-Jee-Wah, we love the lake! In the past, a
very fun part of the lake was the iceberg, an inflatable chunk
of ice that campers climb up and slide off of. The iceberg
was an all time favorite. Now, there are two slides in the
lake and no iceberg. With two slides, there are fewer options to do. However, they aren’t the same slides. One slide
is a slide that floats in the middle of the lake and the other
slide is a 100ft slide that starts on the ground and shoots
you into the water. I think it would be fun for new campers
to be able to try the iceberg. The iceberg is fun for everybody and should be brought back! If not, I think they might
still have it in CLC! Try it on Visiting Day!
-Keira, Naomi
Ah, paddleboards…the best board ever invented. Every day paddleboards are the
first lake items to disappear. Oh, how all the campers run to get in line for a paddleboard at the start of every period. Paddleboards are very fun for me because you
can sit down or stand up on paddleboards and travel across the lake. On all the other boats, you have to sit down the whole ride, while paddle boarders can stand up
and balance whenever they like.
-Rose, Hannah
The P.A.D
In camp Nah-Jee-Wah, there are electives that you can choose from. My
favorite is Painting and Drawing (P.A.D). Today, T.P (the division head of
Dan) and I were at The P.A.D. The first thing we did was play The Scribble
Game. To play, you have to draw a scribble. Then, you have 1 minute to
make something out of it. Here’s an example:
I turned this scribble into a new type of bug: The Banana bug. He’s holding a
pineapple (for some reason) and he’s protesting bug spray. After our minigame, we started a project. We created portraits of random people. We
did it step by step (head, nose, eyes, etc). If you have a creative mind and
you love to draw and paint, The P.A.D is the shop for you.
-Miles, Dan
In cooking, you cook yummy food! In the first few cycles, we made fruit salad, Israeli
salad, and chocolate cake. In cooking, you work together to make the food. It is great
for teamwork. For example, when we made fruit salad, everyone worked together to
cut different fruit. I heard that tomorrow they are making shashuka and smoothies.
Cooking is one of my favorite electives! I can’t wait to sign up for it again!
-Henry, Asher
One of the many electives at camp is Studio. This week, we are working
on decorating umbrellas. We get to choose how to design them! We can
use markers, paint, and more! Some things that we have made in the past
are liberty signs, chandeliers, black boards, pom-poms, etc. As you can
tell, Studio has a lot of fun and cool activities/projects. Some of the materials that they have in Studio include crayons, chalk, markers, paint, tissue
paper, and spray paint. In my opinion, Studio is an extremely fun activity.
One of my favorite projects was when we decorated old converse
shoes. We used many cool materials to make our own “masterpieces.”
Studio is for campers who love art, so if you love art, go check it out!
-Maya, Hannah
Record Day!
On Saturday, it was Records Day. I tried to break some records myself! I almost
broke one for flying a paper airplane, but it didn’t travel far enough. It was disappointing but still fun! When you break a record, you get a medal. The whole day
was a lot of fun. Two people in my division won medals. My favorite record to
watch was the chubby bunny competition. There were so many people with marshmallows shoved into their mouths! I loved it.
-Alana, Abi
My first time at camp...
Even if you are a two weeker at camp, you can
still do so many interesting and fun activities! This
year was my first year at camp, and I am a two
weeker. When I first said goodbye to my parents,
I felt nervous and excited. The first few days of
camp flew by and I had the most fun I have had in
a long time. The two electives that I enjoyed the
most were lacrosse and the giant swing. Some fun
activities were the water carnival, the 4th of July
fireworks, and tonight we are having a pool party!
Next year, I definitely want to come for longer!
-Avah, Naomi
Camp is so much fun! When I got to camp, the first thing
I did was meet my counselors and bunkmates! After a
long day of traveling, everyone was really nice to me.
They showed me around the camp and where I would
sleep. Then, my counselors helped me unpack. I didn’t
finish unpacking until the second day of camp but it was
okay! Then we had a show where they introduced us all
to the electives at camp. My favorite elective is boating on
the lake. Boating is SO much fun. With all of these amazing choices, I already know it is going to be the best summer that I could have ever imagined. It will be awesome!
Have a great summer!
-Jordan, Abi
Bunk Nights and Barbeques!
Sunday nights are a whole lot of fun! Why? It’s simple. It’s because of the barbecues and bunk nights!
At the barbecues, we have traditional barbecue food – hotdogs, hamburgers, corn, watermelon and
KETCHUP. After we eat, we can choose to relax or play on the tire playground. It’s always a blast.
Then, to top the night off, we have bunk night. Bunk nights can range from doing activities at shops to
creative events and activities that your counselors create and come up with. Then we get to have
bunk closure which is a great way to end the day. Sometimes we play a fun game, and sometimes we
go around and share our roses and thorns of the day. After closure, there’s FLASHLIGHT TIME! This
is the time that you get before bed to use your flashlights to read books, write letters, or look around
and think when the light are turned off. It is the perfect ending to the perfect day. So you want more
Sunday’s, right?
-Jen, Hannah
Coming up this weekend is the Nah-Jee-Wah camp wide lip-sync battle. For the first
round, every bunk thinks of a song that they are going to lip-sync. Every bunk gets
some time to practice their performance. When all the bunks have had their time to
practice, they show their routine to their DH, assistant DH, and SC; there may even
be a guest judge. When the judges have selected a bunk to represent each division,
the bunks get to perform their routine to the entire camp on Saturday night. After
the performances, the judges (Kari, Jason, Heather, etc) choose a winner. Last year’s
winner was a Naomi bunk. This year, Hannah Bunk 9 will be representing the Hannah division. Levi Bunk 38 is representing the Levi division. Bunk 5 in Dan is representing the Dan division. In Naomi Bunk 32 is representing the Naomi division. In
Asher Bunk 18 is representing the Asher division. Representing the Abi division is
Bunk 42 and Bunk 40. Can’t wait to see who will win!
-Adar, Abi
Club Enjoy
If you have seen new people around camp lately, it is possible that they are from
Club Enjoy. Club Enjoy is a program where day camps from around the area
come to visit camp for about one to five days and nights to see what our camp is
all about. They participate in all of the different activities that we have to offer
here at camp. They also stay in bunks all over camp. Club Enjoy is a great way to
explore and see if new people want to come to camp next summer. Club Enjoy
is all about giving day campers the best sleep away camp experience. So, if you
ever see Club Enjoy, make sure you say hi!
-Gwen, Hannah
Bunk Life
One really exciting thing about camp is that we get to live in bunks! Mornings in bunks can be
pretty busy. We have to wake up pretty early, get ready for the day, clean our areas and
clean places around our bunks as well. It is important that we clean because we get to work
together to earn gold brooms! Evenings in the bunks are really fun. Usually we play games,
talk, laugh, and tell stories. On the first night of camp, we played an icebreaker game to get to
know each other. Even though bunks are really fun, there are some things to get used to. We
have to adjust to living with many other people. We have to adjust to living in crowded areas.
We also have to get used to staying pretty organized and clean. But, these are very valuable
lessons for later in life! Bunks are so much fun! We make so many friends that will last forever.
-Abby, Hannah
When Hannah/Levi campers visit Canteen, they are allowed to choose one piece of
candy, one bag of chips, and one drink. But, sometimes kids would rather have two
candies and one drink, or two drinks and one bag of chips. In my opinion, campers
should be able to choose which items they want! While I like getting to pick three
items, sometimes I feel like the younger kids should get three items too! But, we
are older and the younger kids probably don’t need so much candy! Also, I think it
would be really fun if Canteen delivered every once in a while rather than walking
down there multiple times a week. These are just suggestions, but I still LOOOVE
-Gabrielle, Hannah
Public Service Announcements
Please don’t litter in camp. Littering makes the camp
dirty. It is not fair for new campers to come to camp
and see litter from their friends. The counselors have
worked really hard to make this camp clean, so it is
not nice to ruin it by littering. We are asking everyone
to not litter in the pool, lake, bunks, and NJY camp
grounds in general. It can also make the plants not
grow which is bad for the earth. You should always
pick up garbage at camp even if no one asks you to.
When you see trash, you know what to do! In a flash,
pick up the trash!!!
-Kayla and Sophie, Abi
Lately, Nah Jee Wah’s dining hall has been messy after
each meal. It seems that campers are forgetting to throw
out their garbage! The first shift contains none other than
the Asher, Abi, and Naomi divisions. Second shift contains
the Dan, Levi, and Hannah divisions. The dining hall is very
big, so it isn’t surprising that there is a lot of garbage to be
thrown out. The place where you find the most garbage is
the garbage cans! Sometimes they are filled all the way to
the brim! This is good in a way because it means people
are throwing out their garbage. Leaving garbage on and
underneath the tables can lead to a demoted golden
broom, and no one wants that! So, throw out your trash
-Daniel, Dan
Capture the Compliment
Have you ever heard of Capture the Compliment? It’s just like capture the flag, but more fun!
Start by sitting in a circle with your bunk. Then, everyone gets their own piece of paper and writes their name on
it. When everyone is finished, the bunk can start passing their pieces of paper around to everyone in the circle. Every time
you get someone’s piece of paper, you have to write a compliment on it. By the end of the rotation, everyone should have
written a compliment for everyone. After this, your counselors will split the bunk into two teams and put your pieces of
paper into two envelopes. Next, you play capture the flag using the envelopes as the flags. Each team’s flag will be hidden
on the other team’s side.
Whoever’s team captures their flag (envelope of compliments) first gets to open the envelope and read their compliments before the other team. After the winning team is done reading their compliments, the other team gets to read
theirs! This game is a good bonding activity because everyone has to work together as a team. It also promotes kindness.
After, everyone gets to hang up their compliments by their beds if they want!
-Lily, Naomi
The Election
This year camp Nah-Jee-Wah had their first camp wide election. Campers who wanted to run for President started the day by putting their names in their division’s brown bag. After services, Jason pulled a random name from each division’s bag. The people chosen became our presidential nominees. After services,
each division went to various activities in order to earn delegates for their nominees. After dinner and
shower hour, the entire camp headed to the roller-hockey rink and each nominee gave their speech. We
then voted for the nominee who we wanted to win the election. Then, the big reveal came. The rink was
so silent, you could hear a pin drop. After a few seconds of tension, Jason grabbed the microphone and
announced, “our first ever Nah-Jee-Wah president is…Robyn from the Abi division!”
-Paige, Abi
“President Robyn of Camp Nah-Jee-Wah has proposed that we would start getting more golf cart
rides and that maybe we can get soda at canteen. I
am a two weeker at camp so maybe I wouldn’t be
able to get any of those perks but if you are here for
longer, I hope they come true. I can’t wait to see
these new changes take place.”
-Ben, Asher
“The recent election has gotten everyone excited. The
election was a close race, but it was won by the Abi nominee, Robyn. The new Nah-Jee-Wah President will bring
us a fun and exciting summer.”
Really dedicated
Opening new chances for campers
Best president
You can trust her
Never gives up
-Hudson, Dan
President Robyn is trying to get soda back at canteen for NJW campers. But, I’m not sure if that is good or not. A
lot of people like soda but it is not very good for you. It has a lot of sugar and caffeine and we don’t want campers
bouncing off of the walls and acting wacky. I personally don’t really like soda but I’m curious to know, do you want
soda? Report back to Robyn with your opinion!
-Adam, Dan
I Love Camp!
I love everything at camp. At athletics, you have to have good sportsmanship. You also get good exercise! Electives are so much fun. Here at camp, we have Pottery Wheel, Hand Ceramics, Den, Studio,
Cooking, Israeli Culture, and more! At Israeli Culture, you learn all about Israel and what Jewish people
are like. You also learn about Israeli food. It is a lot of fun. Camp Nah-Jee-Wah is a place your child will
never forget. Your child will have a BLAST (by the way, we have Rocketry here, so they really will have a
-Aubrey, Abi
PJ Library
This year in News@Naj, we have started a new debate section! Campers are invited to sign up,
choose a topic, and share their opinions! This edition’s topic is PJ Library. For those who don’t
know, this year at camp, every division has been given a free book to read. The purpose of the program is to instill Jewish values into the lives of our campers as well as give campers a common read
to talk about! Here we have two opinions on whether or not they like PJ Library. Let’s hear what
they have to say:
“I like the idea of reading a book during the summer because it prepares you for the school year.
This way, it’ll be easier to transition into the school year after two months of vacation. Also, the
program is a good idea because it provides easy access for children to read good books. It is nice
because now you have something to read during rest hour, flashlight time, rec, etc. (if you want)! It
is nice to have such a relaxing option to do during free time. And, just because it is the summer
doesn’t mean you don’t have to read! It can be fun!”
-Leah B. and Ellie G. Hannah Division
“I think that because we are in camp, we should have fun instead of learning… that should be saved
for school. Also, most of us already have books here. This would just add on to what we already
have to read. Plus, I don’t want to read something that I don’t know if I’ll like! Reading also takes
time away from other activities. We read during the whole year but the point of camp is to try new
things! Even though we are not forced to read it, you feel pressured to, especially since camp spent
money on the books. Some kids like to read for fun, and that’s great! However, not everyone does.
I’m just saying, who wants to read in the summer when you can have fun and play in the sun?”
-Brook V. Hannah Division
In conclusion, people have different opinions on reading during summer. Some people like it,
and others, not so much. But, that’s okay! PJ Library is completely optional and has many benefits.
We would also like to hear your opinions on other cool things around camp. To submit more ideas
for this debate section, feel free to sign up for Newspaper!
-Ellie F, Lily F, and Gabby B, Hannah
The Poetry Corner
-Hudson, Dan
Really fun
Never want to leave
Dan Division Brotherhood!
Levi (OOH-RAH!)
Abi Abi Abi (Oi Oi Oi!)/ (In) Asher, we care!
Camp NJW
-Rose, Hannah
Camp NJW: the best camp I have ever been to!
Always fun!
More fun is added every year!
Probably the best camp in the universe!
No sad faces are seen in NJW!
Just so much more amazing than any other camp!
We all love NJW!
-Aubrey, Abi
Dramatic people
Realistic scenes,
Amazing choreography,
Moments that are never forgetful,
A play that you definitely want to see!
Camp is Amazing
-Lily, Hannah
I love camp!
Do you love camp?
Camp is amazing!
Kids come to have fun,
Because there are so many activities!
Swimming, art, and adventuring,
Everyone has their favorite elective!
Camp Nah-Jee-Wah is really fun!
-Eva, Naomi
What you can do is go on a boat.
If you fall in, you will float.
When you are on the big slide,
You will glide.
If you jump off of the rave,
You will make a wave.
If you’re on land,
You can make a castle out of sand.
The lake is super fun,
Especially because it is for everyone!
Getting to Camp
-Emily, Naomi
We’re finally here,
Stand up and cheer!
Sing loud and do it proud!
Go to your bunk,
And unpack your trunk!
Meet your roomies,
They act like total goonies!
To get a gold broom,
Clean your room.
What will you sign up for?
Just wait, there’s more!
I’m just so glad were finally here.
Nah Jee Wah
-Jade, Naomi
Never boring
An amazing camp
Home away from home
Jet skis and banana boating
Exceptional food
Exciting adventures
Worth your attention
And a
Happy place
Jokes and Games
Riddle of the Week!
You fill up a bathtub with water and you have
a teaspoon, tablespoon, and a pot. What is the
fastest way to empty the bathtub?
Pull the drain!
What is a bug’s favorite band?
The Beatles!
What is the most expensive kind of
A goldfish!
Why did the girl bring a ladder to graduation?
Because she was going to high school.
How many tickles does it take to tickle
an octopus?
Why did the vampire go on a diet?
Because his doctors told him steak was bad
for his heart.
Have you ever heard the joke about the
jump rope?
Let’s skip it.