Why was there a Glorious Revolution in 1688?

Why was there a Glorious Revolution in 1688?
Background information
James II was a Catholic.
He came to the throne in 1685.
He dismissed Parliament and ruled without it.
He issued two laws that allowed Catholics
and non-conformists freedom of religion.
He built up a standing army of 34,000, led by
Catholic officers.
King James II of England. / Credit: The Granger Collection / Universal Images Group /
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non-conformist: a member of a Protestant Church which is not part of the Church of
Q1. Why might Protestants have been frightened of the King?
James had two grown up daughters. They had both
been brought up as Protestants. The eldest, Mary,
had married William of Orange, the Protestant ruler
of Holland.
Powerful Protestants in England were unhappy at
what King James was doing but expected everything
to be better when his daughter Mary became Queen.
But then something unexpected happened …!
Queen Mary II after William Wissing / Credit: National Portrait Gallery, London /
Universal Images Group / Copyright © National Portrait Gallery / For Education Use Only.
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Why was there a Glorious Revolution in 1688?
James's wife gave birth to a son in June 1688! At
first, nobody believed that the prince was real!
When he was born, rumours immediately began to
spread that he was an impostor baby, smuggled into
the royal birth chamber in a warming pan.
In an attempt to stop these rumours, James
published the testimonies of over seventy witnesses
to the birth!
Now the English Protestants were really worried!
When James II died, it would not be his Protestant
daughter who would come to the throne, it would
be his Catholic son James!
Everyone remembered the terrible time of the Civil
War. No one wanted to have more wars of religion.
Prince James Francis Edward Stuart / Credit: National Portrait Gallery, London / Universal Images Group / Copyright © National Portrait Gallery / For
Education Use Only. This and millions of other educational images are available through Britannica Image Quest. For a free trial, please
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Q2. Why did it surprise people that the King had a baby boy in 1688?
Q3. Why did this event worry Protestants?
Q4. What do you think they did next?
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Why was there a Glorious Revolution in 1688?
Seven English nobles, known as the 'Immortal Seven', asked the Dutch leader, William of
Orange, to invade.
Nobody helped James, and in December 1688, William and his wife Mary were made
joint monarchs by Parliament.
William issued a Bill of Rights (1689) promising to obey the law and call frequent
Soon after, the Act of Settlement (1701) made it law that the king of England had to be
a Protestant.
Q5. Complete these sentences:
William and Mary became .............................. in December 1688.
They made two important changes to the law. In 1689 they issued the Bill of Rights,
promising to .......................................................................................
In 1701 they issued the Act of Settlement, which made it the law that the king of
England must be a ................................................................................
Q6. Why do you think this Revolution was called ‘Glorious’?
Imagine you are a Protestant living in England in 1688. You have a friend in France who wants to
know what has happened in England.
Write a letter that explains all the amazing events in 1688. You can start like this:
Dear Luc
I must tell you about the amazing events that have happened in England. In June,
the King announced the birth of a son! Some people did not believe it was true, they
said that the baby had been smuggled into the Queen’s bedroom …
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