registration - The Saint Paul Conservatory of Music

Nonprofit Org
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Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 143
Student Name
Children’s Music Workshop
Ages 6 to 12
July 9 to 20, 2012
Home Ph
Sex (Circle one) M F
Parent/Guardian Name
Work Ph
Cell Ph
Grade entering Fall 12
Age Birthdate
Instrument(s)/Area of Interest
Private instructor name
Yrs Studied
Child can read music m Yes mNo
Half-day available by request for Children’s Music Wksp
I have enclosed payment by:
m check
m credit card (MC/Visa/Discover) *
Card #
Circle one: $550/ $525 for current SPCM students
Tuition includes non-refundable $50 deposit.
For 8 years and older rank your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd elective choices for morning and
We have always known that our child
loved music. What we didn’t know was
the the potential he had. The camp
definitely lit a fire in him. The camp has
been a seed of musical growth.
-Parent of first year camp student
The Saint Paul Conservatory of Music
26 East Exchange Street, Suite 500
Saint Paul, MN 55101
651-224-2205 •
Current resident or:
Childrens’ Music Workshop:
For 6-7 year olds, circle one elective choice for morning and afternoon.
Intro to Keyboard or Beginning Violin
Afternoon Orff/Percussion Ensemble or Small Vocal Ensemble
Chamber Music
Piano Master Class (min 1 yr)
Musical Theatre
Musical Soundtracks
Drum Circle
Orchestra (indicate instr)
Violin Master Class (min 2 yr)
Cello Master Class (min 2 yr)
Renaisance Band
Viola da Gamba
Guitar Class
Rock Band
Babysitting Service will be available for an additional $15 per day between 4 and 5:30 pm.
Instrument Rental: Violins, guitars, and gambas will be available for rental for an additional $15.
Please return this form with deposit to: The Saint Paul Conservatory of Music
26 East Exchange Street, Suite 500, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Fax 651-224-5725 • [email protected]
Financial aid is available for all summer camps.
Please contact the Conservatory for an application.
The Conservatory welcomes students of any race, color, creed and national or ethnic origin.
Children’s Music Workshop
The Children’s Music Workshop, a day camp for aspiring young musicians, offers a setting in which children can explore their musical knowledge and ability through classes, creative play,
and presentations by locally renowned professionals. All levels of experience (including none) are welcome. The Workshop will culminate in performances on the last two days of camp.
DAtes: July 9-20 (Mon-Fri)
Hours: 9am - 4pm
Ages: 6 - 12 years
Fee: $550; ($525 for Conservatory students)
Please select electives on registration form. Placement is not first come, first served.
Morning Electives
For ages 6-7
Intro to the Keyboard: Learn the
basics of beginning piano in a group
Beginning Violin: Learn with other
beginners in this introductory class.
For ages 8 and up
Workshop Orchestra: All string and
wind players can join the Orchestra.
Experience the excitement and
challenge of playing new music and
expanding ensemble skills. Please
indicate instrument on registration
Poem by camper Peter Dean McKenzie
A Typical Day
Schedule for ages 6-7 years
Schedule for ages 8 and up
Morning Movement and Chorus
All campers share a musical warm-up and start the day by singing together.
Beginning Musicianship
Note-reading and rhythm skills are
developed in this introductory class.
Instrument Exploration
The string, wind, and percussion families
of instruments will be studied and
demonstrated, with opportunities for
campers to take a turn!
Music Theory
Campers are divided into small groups
to develop and refine their knowledge
of concepts such as tonality, rhythm and
First Elective
First Elective
Lunch (students bring their own)
Creative Music History
Our youngest campers will be introduced
to the great personalities and works of
music history through drama, storytelling, and movement.
Second Elective
Music through the Ages: Campers will
be taken through the important periods of
musical history and hone their listening
skills, with optional independent studies
and presentations for the more advanced
music historians.
Second Elective
Each day ends with a special performance
Camp Leadership
Rena Kraut is Adjunct Professor of Clarinet at Augsburg
College. She received her D.M.A. from the U of MN, and also
holds music degrees from Rice and Northwestern Universities.
Dr. Kraut has held positions with various orchestras including
the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, the Duluth-Superior
Symphony Orchestra, and the Sarasota and Des Moines Metro
Opera Orchestras. She performs frequently with the Minnesota
Orchestra and as a chamber musician in the Twin Cities. Dr.
Kraut is instructor of clarinet and director of the chamber music
program at the Saint Paul Conservatory of Music.
Piano Master Class: Work in a master
class setting on keyboard technique,
repertoire and history, developing
solo works and duets. Students
should come with a performanceready piece and a work in progress.
Minumim of one year of piano
Guitar Class: Instruction for
beginning and intermediate players.
Composition/Songwriting: Learn to
write instrumental music or a song.
Musical Soundtracks: Learn essential
musical concepts using movement and
interpretation in this highly creative
Renaisance Band: Travel back to
Elizabethan England and play in a
“Renaisance Band”. For recorder and
viola da gamba players.
Afternoon Electives
For ages 6-7
Orff & Percussion Ensemble:
Create music with xylophones,
glockenspiels, and other rhythm
Small Vocal Ensemble: Develop vocal
and ensemble technique.
For ages 8 and up
Chamber Music: Work in small
instrumental groups. All levels and
instruments (piano too!) encouraged.
Drum Circle: Hands-on rhythm
instruction develops music and
ensemble skills.
Songs of Musical Theater: Develop
your singing and dance skills by
performing songs and choreography
from Broadway musicals.
Viola da Gamba Consort: Experience
Renaissance and Baroque music
while learning to play this gentle
string instrument.
Violin or Cello Master Class: Work to
improve violin or cello technique.
Students should come with a
performance-ready piece and a work
in progress. Minimum of two years
of lessons.
Rock Ensemble: Love the video
game “Rock band”? Try your
hand at playing in a real life
rock band in which campers will
learn the basics of classic rock
and blues composition while also
learning to play both their original
compositions and the hits of others.