Crystal structure of human PNP complexed with hypoxanthine and

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 326 (2005) 335–338
Crystal structure of human PNP complexed with hypoxanthine
and sulfate ion
Fernanda Canduria,b, Valmir Fadela,b, Marcio Vinı́cius Bertacine Diasa,
Luiz Augusto Bassoc, Mário Sérgio Palmab,d, Diógenes Santiago Santosc,e,*,
Walter Filgueira de Azevedo Jr.a,b,*
Programa de Pós-graduação em Biofı́sica Molecular, Departamento de Fı́sica, UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, SP 15054-000, Brazil
Center for Applied Toxinology, Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, SP 05503-900, Brazil
Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas em Tuberculose, Departamento de Biologia Molecular e Biotecnologia, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS 91501-970, Brazil
Laboratory of Structural Biology and Zoochemistry-CEIS/Department of Biology, Institute of Biosciences, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP 13506-900, Brazil
Centro de Pesquisas em Biologia Molecular e Funcional, Instituto de Pesquisas Biomédicas, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, 90619-900, Brazil
Received 6 November 2004
Available online 19 November 2004
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a ubiquitous enzyme, which plays a key role in the purine salvage pathway, and PNP
deficiency in humans leads to an impairment of T-cell function, usually with no apparent effects on B-cell function. Human PNP has
been submitted to intensive structure-based design of inhibitors, most of them using low-resolution structures of human PNP. Here
we report the crystal structure of human PNP in complex with hypoxanthine, refined to 2.6 Å resolution. The intermolecular interaction between ligand and PNP is discussed.
2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: PNP; Synchrotron radiation; Structure; Drug design; Hypoxanthine
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP, E.C.
catalyzes the cleavage of the glycosidic bond of riboand deoxyribonucleosides, in the presence of inorganic
orthophosphate (Pi) as a second substrate, to generate
the purine base and ribose(deoxyribose)-1-phosphate.
PNP is a ubiquitous enzyme of purine metabolism that
functions in the salvage pathway, thus enabling the cells
to utilize purine bases recovered from metabolized purine ribo- and deoxyribonucleosides to synthesize purine
nucleotides [1]. Human PNP is an attractive target for
drug design and it has been submitted to structure-based
design [2,3]. More recently, the three-dimensional struc*
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.S. Santos), walterfa@ (W.F. de Azevedo Jr.).
0006-291X/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ture of human PNP has been refined to 2.3 Å resolution
[4], which allowed a redefinition of the residues involved
in the substrate binding and provided a more reliable
model for structure-based design of inhibitors.
The crystallographic structure is a trimer and analysis
of human PNP in solution, using the integration of geometric docking and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS),
confirmed that the crystallographic trimer is conserved in
solution [5]. Furthermore, the crystallographic structure
of human PNP complexed with guanine revealed a new
phosphate site, which may be the second regulatory
phosphate-binding site [6]. We have obtained the crystallographic structure of the complex between HsPNP
and hypoxanthine (HsPNP:Hx). Ligand-binding conformational changes and the intermolecular interaction
between Hx and PNP are discussed.
F. Canduri et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 326 (2005) 335–338
Materials and methods
Table 1
Data collection and refinement statistics
Crystallization and data collection. Recombinant human PNP was
expressed and purified as previously described [7]. HsPNP:Hx was
crystallized using the experimental conditions described elsewhere
[4,8]. In brief, a PNP solution was concentrated to 13 mg mL 1 against
10 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.1) and incubated in the
presence of 4 mM Hx (Sigma). Hanging drops were equilibrated by
vapor diffusion at 25 C against reservoir containing 19% saturated
ammonium sulfate solution in 0.05 M citrate buffer (pH 5.3).
In order to increase the resolution of the HsPNP:Hx crystal, we
collected data from a flash-cooled crystal at 104 K. Prior to flash
cooling, glycerol was added, up to 50% by volume, to the crystallization drop. X-ray diffraction data were collected at a wavelength of
1.4310 Å using the synchrotron radiation source (Station PCr, Laboratório Nacional de Luz Sı́ncrotron, LNLS, Campinas, Brazil) and a
CCD detector (MARCCD) with an exposure time of 30 s per image at
a crystal to detector distance of 120 mm. X-ray diffraction data were
processed to 2.6 Å resolution using the program MOSFLM and scaled
with the program SCALA [9].
For HsPNP:Hx complex the volume of the unit cell is 2.70 · 106 Å3
compatible with one monomer in the asymmetric unit with Vm value of
4.67 Å3/Da. Assuming a value of 0.26 cm3 g 1 for the protein partial
specific volume, the calculated solvent content in the crystal is 74% and
the calculated crystal density 1.10 g cm 3.
Crystal structure. The crystal structure of the HsPNP:Hx was
determined by standard molecular replacement methods using the
program AMoRe [10], using as search model the structure of HsPNP
(PDB access code: 1M73) [4]. Structure refinement was performed
using X-PLOR [11]. The atomic positions obtained from molecular
replacement were used to initiate the crystallographic refinement. The
overall stereochemical quality of the final model for HsPNP:Hx
complex was assessed by the program PROCHECK [12]. Atomic
models were superposed using the program LSQKAB from CCP4 [9].
Molecular replacement and crystallographic refinement. The standard procedure of molecular replacement using AMoRe [10] was used
to solve the structure. After translation function computation the
correlation was of 77.1% and the Rfactor of 31.1%. The highest magnitude of the correlation coefficient function was obtained for the Euler
angles a = 113.7, b = 57.5, and c = 158.1. The fractional coordinates
are Tx = 0.164, Ty = 0.625, and Tz = 0.032. At this stage 2Fobs Fcalc
omit maps were calculated. These maps showed clear electron density
for the Hx in the complex. Further refinement in X-PLOR continued
with simulated annealing using the slow-cooling protocol, followed by
alternate cycles of positional refinement and manual rebuilding using
XtalView [13]. Finally, the positions of hypoxanthine, water, and sulfate molecules were checked and corrected in Fobs Fcalc maps. Fig. 1
shows the molecular structure of hypoxanthine. The final model has an
Rfactor of 21.1% and an Rfree of 27.7%, with 70 water molecules, two
sulfate ions, and the hypoxanthine.
Ignoring low-resolution data, a Luzzati plot [14] gives the best
correlation between the observed and calculated data for a predicted
mean coordinate error of 0.32 Å. The average B factor for main
chain atoms is 38.56 Å2, whereas that for side chain atoms is 40.59Å2
Cell parameters
Fig. 1. Molecular structure of hypoxanthine.
a = b = 139.41 Å,
c = 160.09 Å
a = b = 90.00,
c = 120.00
Space group
Number of measurements with I > 2r (I)
Number of independent reflections
Completeness in the range from
56.80 to 2.60 Å(%)
Rsyma (%)
Highest resolution shell (Å)
Completeness in the highest resolution shell (%)
Rsyma in the highest resolution shell (%)
Resolution range used in the refinement (Å)
Rfactorb (%)
Rfreec (%)
Observed r.m.s.d from ideal geometry
Bond lengths (Å)
Bond angles ()
Dihedrals ()
B valuesd (Å2)
Main chain
Side chains
Sulfate groups
No. of water molecules
No. of sulfate groups
Rsym = 100 |I(h) ÆI(h)æ|/ I(h) with I(h), observed intensity
and ÆI(h)æ, mean intensity
of reflection
P h over all measurement of I(h).
Rfactor = 100 ·
|Fobs Fcalc|/
(Fobs), the sums being taken
over all reflections with F/r (F) > 2 cutoff.
Rfree = Rfactor for 10% of the data, which were not included during
crystallographic refinement.
B values = average B values for all non-hydrogen atoms.
(Table 1). Analysis of the Ramachandran plot of the HsPNP:Hx
structure shows that 82.0% of the residues lie in the most favorable
regions, 16.6% in the additional allowed regions, and 1.6% (4 residues)
in the disallowed regions. Analysis of the electron-density map
(2Fobs Fcalc) agrees with the positioning for these four residues.
Results and discussion
Overall description
Analysis of the crystallographic structure of HsPNP–
Hx complex indicates a trimeric structure. The core of
one PNP monomer consists of an extended b-sheet. This
sheet is surrounded by a helices. The structure contains
an eight-stranded mixed b-sheet and a five-stranded
mixed b-sheet, which join to form a distorted b-barrel.
These secondary structural elements are linked by
extended loops, a characteristic feature of all PNP molecules [1]. The structure of human PNP in a complex with
Hx is displayed in Fig. 2. The ligand is locked between
the monomers, as observed for the structures of PNP
complexed with immucillin-H and acyclovir [15,16].
F. Canduri et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 326 (2005) 335–338
Fig. 2. Ribbon diagram for the monomer of HsPNP in complex with
hypoxanthine generated by Molscript [20] and Raster3d [21].
Ligand-binding conformational changes
There is a conformational change in the PNP structures when ligands bind to the active site. The largest
movement was observed for Ala263 in the present structure. The residues 241–260 act as a gate that opens
during substrate binding. The r.m.s.d. of the superimposition of HsPNP complexes on the PNP apoenzyme, in
the coordinates of Ca is 0.40 Å, disregarding the gate.
The r.m.s.d. in the coordinates of all Ca is 1.30 Å upon
superimposition of the complexes of HsPNP on the PNP
apoenzyme. The gate is anchored near the central bsheet at one end and near the C-terminal helix at the
other end and it is responsible for controlling access to
the active site. The gate movement involves a helical
transformation of residues 257–265 in the transition
apoenzyme-complex, with the largest movement observed for His257 side chain, which partially occupies
the purine subsite in the native enzyme.
Interaction with hypoxanthine
Analysis of the hydrogen bonds between hypoxanthine and PNP reveals two hydrogen bonds involving
the residues Glu201 and Asn243 (Fig. 3B). The contact
area between hypoxanthine and HsPNP is 115 Å2. This
area is close to the contact area observed to HsPNP:azaGua complex (105 Å2). HsPNP:Ino has a contact area of
Fig. 3. HsPNP complexed with (A) inosine and (B) hypoxanthine.
189 Å2. Analysis of the hydrogen bonds between inosine
and PNP reveals six hydrogen bonds, involving the
residues Tyr88, Glu201, Met219, Asn243, and His257
(Fig. 3A).
The nine crystallographic structures of binary complexes between human PNP and ligands (PDB access
codes: 1M73, 1PWY, 1PF7, 1V2H, 1V3Q, 1RCT,
1V45, 1V41, and 1RFG) [4,6,15–17], with resolution
ranging from 2.8 to 2.3 Å, strongly indicates that the
pair of hydrogen bonds between side chain atoms of
Asn243 and the purine ring is important to break the
glycosidic bond. Furthermore, the high-resolution structures of calf bovine PNP in complex with DFPP-G [18]
and PNP from Termus termophylus [19] indicate the
F. Canduri et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 326 (2005) 335–338
same position for the side chain of Asn243. The residue
Glu201 also participates in interactions with ligands in
all HsPNP structures solved so far.
Recent structural studies of human PNP opened the
possibility to refine the active site of human PNP [4],
and establish the structural basis for inhibition of this
enzyme [16]. In addition, the present structure confirms
the importance of Glu201 and Asn243 for ligand binding. Furthermore, the structural studies together with
functional studies may help in the proposal of a new catalytic mechanism for human PNP.
We acknowledge the expertise of Denise Cantarelli
Machado for the expansion of the cDNA library and
Deise Potrich for the DNA sequencing. This work was
supported by grants from FAPESP (SMOLBNet,
Proc.01/07532-0, 02/04383-7, 04/00217-0), CNPq,
CAPES and Instituto do Milênio (CNPq-MCT). WFA
(CNPq, 300851/98-7), MSP (CNPq, 300337/2003-5),
and LAB (CNPq, 520182/99-5) are researchers for the
Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological
Development, and F.C. is post-doctoral fellow under
FAPESP fellowship.
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