WH1 – Renaissance (1300-1600) - Rebirth of art and learning in

WH1 – Renaissance (1300-1600) - Rebirth of art and learning in Europe
How did the Crusades stimulate trade?
• by introducing Europeans to many desirable products, and ___________________________________________
Economic Effects of the Crusades
1. _________________________________________ for Middle Eastern products
2. ___________________________________________________________________ to trade in Middle Eastern markets
3. Encouraged the use of _______________________________________________________
Economic Concepts of the Renaissance
Define usury.
• loaning money with ________________________________________________________________
Was the Church in favor of usury?
• __________________ usury and the banks’ practice of charging interest helped to secularize northern Italy.
What did a letter of credit do?
• ______________________________________________________________________
What is secular?
• _____________________________ related
How were Arabic numerals used?
• ______________________________________________________________________
were introduced
• wealth accumulated from European trade with the Middle East ______________________________________
• Wealthy merchants were __________________________________________.
• ________________________________________
Locations of Italian City-States
What 3 city-states did the Italian Renaissance begin? ________________________________________________________
How did the Italian city-states’ proximity (closeness) to the Middle East make it a good location?
• ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
with Middle Eastern markets
• _______________________________________________________ for the distribution of goods to northern Europe
How were the city-states governed?
• Were initially independent city-states ________________________________________________________________
Who was Machiavelli?
• was a Florentine historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer
• He has often been called the founder of modern political science- had responsibilities in diplomatic and
military affairs.
• He also wrote comedies, carnival songs, and poetry.
• observed city-state rulers of his day
What kind of advice did he give?
• produced guidelines for the acquisition and maintenance of power
(_____________________________________________________) by absolute rule
Where did he write down these guidelines?
• published his ideas in a book called _____________________________________________
What type of government did Machiavelli support?
• An early modern narrative on _________________________________
• Supported ________________________________________ of the ruler
• Advises that one should do _____________________________________, but _____________________________
Explain the saying “the end justifies the means”.
• the way in which you do something isn’t as important as the end result
The Renaissance
What was the Renaissance?
• ___________________ of Art and Learning
• _______________________________________ that were reflected in the arts, philosophy, and literature.
• Education became___________________________________.
Who were patrons?
• _______________________________from newly expanded trade, ________________________________ that
glorified city-states in northern Italy.
Art and Literature
Compare the difference between medieval and Renaissance artwork.
Medieval: focused on the ____________________________________________
Renaissance: focused on_____________________________________________________________________, along
with Christianity
Italian Renaissance Artists and Writers
Leonardo da Vinci: _____________________________________________________________________
Michelangelo: _________________________________________________________________________
Petrarch: ________________________________________________________________
Known as the Father of __________________________________
What is humanism?
• ________________________________________ rather than divine (godly) or
supernatural matters.
• Celebrated ____________________________________________
• ______________________________________________ of Greek and Roman
literature and culture
• Was supported by ______________________________________
The Northern Renaissance
Where will the Renaissance spread to next?
• with rise of ________________________________________ the Italian Renaissance spread to
Northern Renaissance Art and Literature
How will the N. Renaissance art and literature be similar to the Italian Renaissance?
• Growing wealth in Northern Europe _________________________________________________________________.
• Northern Renaissance thinkers ______________________________________________________________________
What great invention will occur during this time?
• The __________________________________________________________________________________________
helped spread ideas.
What is the significance of it?
• ______________________ (read/write)
What is the first book printed? _________________________________________
Northern Renaissance Artists and Writers
• ________________________________
• _________________________________________ (1511)
• Poked fun at greedy merchants
Sir Thomas More:
• ___________________ (1516)
Discussed _______________________________________
Significance: Northern Renaissance artists portrayed religious and secular objects
Gothic Architecture
• of or in the style of architecture prevalent in western Europe in the __________________________________
• ____________________________________ pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, together with
large windows and elaborate