All Roads Lead to Rome

All Roads Lead to Rome
1. The Fourth World Kingdom: Daniel 2:40-41
2. Sight vs. True Faith 2 Cor. 5:1-7
A monstrance, which means “to
show”, holds the consecrated
4. Teach the Sheep! “It is the responsibility of pastors, teachers and church
elders, to not only nurture and feed God's flock, but to expose heresy,
aberrant teachings, false teachers and false prophets - in order to faithfully
and lovingly WARN God's flock. Those that fail to do so not only disqualify
themselves from serving in a position of biblical Eldership and leadership,
but they end up lead others astray!” James B. De Young
5. Teach the Sheep Correctly!
Sheep, Wolves, and Wolves in sheep’s clothing
6. Bridging the G – A – P
7. The Art of Compromise is in the Eye of the Beholder
Ecumenical: (Third Meaning)
Promoting or fostering Christian unity throughout the world.
(Fourth Meaning) Of or pertaining to a movement (ecumenical movement),
especially among Protestant groups since the 1800s, aimed
at achieving universal Christian unity and church union
through international interdenominational organizations that
cooperate on matters of mutual concern.
8. Ecumenism says take a step off your rock. You don’t have to
come all the way onto my sand, just take a step this way. As it
pertains to our discussion, Rome has not once taken a true step
towards God’s Word, but subtly demands that all others come to
9. During the Pope's visit to Los Angeles in 1987 [Robert] Schuller
said, "It's time for Protestants to go to the shepherd [Pope] and say 'what
do we have to do to come home?'"
(Calvary Contender 11/15/87)
10. “Protestantism is running its course. All the protest is getting tired. And
they are running out of places to find answers that don’t lead them deep
into Church history, back to the ancient liturgy, and into the intellectual
tradition that ultimately leads to one place: Rome.”
Matthew Warner, National Catholic Register, Aug. 5, 2010
11. Evangelicals and Catholics Together?
12. Syncretism: The combination of different forms of belief or
13. ECT: A Brief History- This is a 1994 ecumenical document signed by
leading Evangelical and Roman Catholic scholars in the United States. The
co-signers of the document were Charles Colson and Richard John
Neuhaus. A few evangelical signatories included: Bill Bright, J.I. Packard,
Pat Robertson
14. ECT 2: A New Initiative- 1997 “As Evangelicals who thank God for the
heritage of the Reformation and affirm with conviction its classic
confessions, as Catholics who are conscientiously faithful to the teaching of
the Catholic Church, and as disciples together of the Lord Jesus Christ who
recognize our debt to our Christian forebears and our obligations to our
contemporaries and those who will come after us, we affirm our unity in
the gospel that we have here professed.” A few evangelical signatories
included: Dr. Bill Bright, Charles Colson, Max Lucado
15. Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification – 1999
Roman Catholic and Lutheran Agreement: “In Augsburg on October
31, 1999 ("coincidentally," the very day in 1517 that Martin Luther publicly
nailed his theses to the door), representatives of the Lutheran World
Federation (LWF) and of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) signed a Joint
Declaration on Justification (JD), disclaiming previous differences.”
“In signing JD, Lutherans surrendered; Catholics changed nothing. The
Vatican has refused to rescind any of the more than 100 anathemas still in
effect against those who proclaim justification by faith in Christ alone,
without RCC sacraments. Yet JD deceives both Protestants and Catholics
into believing that the Reformation arose out of a misunderstanding of true
16. Bridging the Gap with “The Passion” 2004
17. "For evangelicals, the film has given them a glimpse inside the Catholic
soul, even the traditional Catholic soul. Many evangelicals, reflecting on
what they saw in the movie, say they are beginning to 'get' the whole
Catholic thing.” T.A. McMahon
18. “Mel Gibson’s much anticipated The Passion officially opened in theaters
on Ash Wednesday, February 25, 2004. Never in history has any movie so
captured the attention and adoration of the Christian community. No
movie, no movement, no sermon, no revival, no event – nothing in modern
history has created such a moving among the Christian world.
The first day The Passion grossed over $25 million dollars. And there
appears no slowdown. After 5 days, it has now grossed over $125 million
dollars. The Passion generated an unbelievable $10 million in advance sales.
Many churches leased complete movie theaters to show The Passion. Some
churches have rented theaters until March.”
19. A Passion for the Stations: “Mel Gibson has said that his movie The
Passion of the Christ was meant to be a cinematic Stations of the Cross.
These meditations, first written for Faith & Family magazine, are meant to
glean the powerful lessons of the film.” The
20. The Origin of “The Passion” – “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord
Jesus Christ according to the Meditations of Anne Catherine
Emmerich” Gibson claims like "magic" this book opened up a
new world. "Amazing images,” he said. “She supplied me with
stuff I never would have thought of".
21. Anne Catherine Emmerich was a famous, mystic, Catholic Nun
who possessed some very unusual abilities.
22. The Manhattan Declaration:
Drafted on October 20, 2009, Released on November 20, 2009
“We, as Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians, have gathered,
beginning in New York on September 28, 2009, to make the following
declaration, which we sign as individuals, not on behalf of our
organizations, but speaking to and from our communities.”
Signers include: Randy Alcorn, Kay Arthur, Chuck Colson, Dr.
James Dobson, Dinesh D'Souza, Josh McDowell, Dr. R. Albert
Mohler, Jr., Chuck Swindoll, Dr. J.I. Packer, Tony Perkins, Dennis
Rainey, Dr. Michael Youssef
23. Evangelical Bridge Builders
24. Billy Graham:
“Billy noted the significance of the occasion by saying that this is "a time
when Catholics and Protestants could meet together and greet each other
as brothers, whereas 10 years ago, they could not.”
“Billy Graham held his Capitol District Crusade, April 22-29 at the
Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, New York. According to Foundation for
January-February, 1990, the organ of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Albany, The Evangelist, for November 2, 1989, the following occurred:
About 20, 000 persons are busy making ready for Billy Graham’s 1990
Capitol District Crusade, including representatives from 18 Protestant
denominations in the area and a delegation of top Catholic officials
appointed by Bishop Howard J Hubbard.”
25. How Did This Happen?
“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
~Psalm 118:8
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
Revelation 12:12
26. Ravi Zacharias, Chuck Swindoll, Beth Moore
27. Calvary Chapel’s Crossroads
28. Other Roads: Youth Specialties, YWAM, Navigators, Campus
Crusade, Intervarsity
29. Avenues of Music: Michael W. Smith, Michael Card, David
Crowder, Rebecca St. James
30. A Biblical Response:
"But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not
serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which
you have set up.” Daniel 3:14,15,17,18
A Few Online Resources:
 Lighthouse Trails Research:
 Understanding the Times- Roger Oakland:
 The Berean Call:
 Always be Ready:
 Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry:
A Few Book Resources:
The Gospel According to Rome
By: James G. McCarthy
A Woman Rides the Beast
By: Dave Hunt
Another Jesus
By: Roger Oakland