Short-Answer Response for The Diary of Anne Frank Prompt

Short-Answer Response for The Diary of Anne Frank
Prompt: How do Goodrich and Hackett (the playwrights) use stage directions
and/or narration (italicized text) to explain more fully a personality
trait of one of the persons in hiding?
Format for your response:
Sentence 1:
Answer the question in a complete sentence. Include the following:
1. the character’s name ___________________________
2. the character’s personality trait ____________________
3. how the playwrights show this (use the word “by”)
Sentence 2: Give a supporting detail through a quotation EMBEDDED in this
sentence. Remember that the quotation should come from the play’s stage
directions or narration. You should cite the PAGE number in parentheses.
Sentence 3: Give a secondary piece of supporting detail through a quotation
EMBEDDED in this sentence. Remember that the quotation should come
from the play’s stage directions or narration. You should cite the PAGE
number in parentheses.
Sentence 4: Further explain the connection between your supporting quotes and your
answer to the prompt. You do NOT need a concluding sentence. Do NOT
introduce any new information or details.
Do not use statements such as “I think” or “I believe.”
Do not shift to “you” pronouns.
What TWO pieces of textual evidence are you planning to use? (Remember to cite PAGE number!)
Bring your index card to the test!
You will earn 2 points on the test for your completed index card!
List on your index card:
character’s name
character’s personality trait
supporting text #1 (page number cited)
supporting text #2 (page number cited)
Short Answer Response Rubric & Points
Score Point 3 = Exemplary Response (Best Possible!) – earns 15 points
The idea (topic sentence) clearly answers the prompt.
For both selections, text evidence is specific, well chosen, and effectively embedded.
The combination of the idea and the text evidence show a deep understanding of how the two selections connect.
Score Point 2 = Sufficient Response – earns 13 points
The idea (topic sentence) clearly answers the prompt.
For both selections, text evidence is accurate, relevant, and effectively embedded.
The combination of the idea and the text evidence show a good understanding of how the two selections connect.
Score Point 1 = Partially Sufficient Response – earns 11 points
The idea (topic sentence) is reasonable, but the response…
____ lacks text evidence from one or both selections.
____ lacks effective use of text evidence.
____ is only a summary of the texts.
Score Point 0 = Insufficient Response – earns 9 points
No idea (topic sentence) is present (even though the response contains text evidence).
The idea (topic sentence) does not answer the question.
The idea (topic sentence) is too general, vague, or unclear.