Bulletin - Our Lady Queen of Mercy

~ Solemnity
he Mother of God:
of the Holy Trinity ~
Attention, Parishioners!
Please, attend a 1 hour meeting after the Mass which you
attend on the weekend of June 17-18. The meeting will
be held in the church, as the Blessed Sacrament will be
reposed in the sacristy during the meeting. We will
decide our future for the next 1-2 years. Decisions will
be made after the presentation of specific facts.
Trinity Sunday (June 11)
This is the 1st Sunday after Pentecost. Trinity is a term
used since 200 A.D. to indicate the main doctrine of the
Christian religion. God, who is 1 & unique in his
limitless substance or nature, is 3 really distinct persons –
Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. God the Father is not God the
Son, but generates the Son eternally, as the Son is
eternally begotten. The Holy Spirit is neither the Father
nor the Son, but a distinct person having his divine nature
from the Father & the Son by eternal procession. The 3
divine persons are co-equal, co-eternal, & consubstantial
& deserve co-equal glory & adoration.
Ordinary Time The Church continues to celebrate our
Lord's Resurrection – but in its application to our earthly
lives. The time after Jesus' Baptism covers the beginning
of his preaching, his baptism, & his first manifestation.
The time after Pentecost covers Jesus' public ministry of
healing & preaching.
The liturgical color is green which symbolizes hope &
the vitality of a life of faith in Jesus.
Organist Needed
Our Lady Queen of Mercy Parish needs an organist to
play weekly at the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass. Salary is
flexible. An accompanist for the choir describes the
position. Please, contact Fr. Sreboth, 288-2850.
Traditional Latin Mass Sunday, June 25 at 12:30 p.m.
Fr. Den Irwin will be celebrating a Missa Cantata in the
Extraordinary Form at St. Martin of Tours Catholic
Church,, 725 Highway 87 (and Highway 167) Troy, AL
www.stmartinoftourscatholicchurch.com. Everyone
is welcome.
Fr. Augusty will be leaving St. Peter's to go back to India
on June 11, 2017. We will be having a reception for him
on June 4th after the 10:30 AM Mass. This reception will
be a way to honor Fr. Augusty for all the good works he
has done for us spiritually. We are saddened that he is
leaving St. Peter's, but our joyful hope is that our Lord
will continue to use and guide him when he returns to his
parish in India. Join us in wishing him well. Please no
gifts, as it would be hard for Fr. to take them with him,
so we will have a basket out in case you wish to leave
him a card.
Letter to the Hebrews
Classes start Wednesday, August 16. Class times: 9 AM
& 6:30 PM. Place: parish hall. This letter is 1 of the most
profound sources of Christian teaching, as it presents a
study on Jesus Christ. It stresses the superiority of the
New Covenant over the Old, expresses the pattern for
Christian living, & above all focuses on the priesthood &
sacrifice of Jesus. This is our parish class for the
1st semester of Scripture study. The textbook is: "The
Letter to the Hebrews" by Dr. Scott Hahn & Curtis
Mitch. The publisher is Ignatius Press. The ISBN number is 978-1-58617-468-2. If you would like OLQM to
bulk order your textbook, please, call the church office.
The Catholic Young Adults of Montgomery invite
all Young Adults (21-39) to attend
Brewing the Faith on the second Monday of each
month. Each meeting will include fellowship and a brief
talk on our faith.
Date: Monday, June 12th at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Cuco’s Mexican Cafe on Chantilly Parkway
(outdoor patio)
John & Kalynne Pudner from Auburn will be speaking
about “A Sanctity Built for Two: The Vocation to Marriage
in the Universal Call to Holiness.”
To learn more about the Catholic Young Adults of
Montgomery group.
go to our website: cyamontgomery.com
Pro-Life Men Wanted!!
The tri-county area has been blessed with an amazing
new ministry and a life-saving vehicle--the Life on
Wheels mobile ultrasound unit. This incredible resource
travels between Montgomery, Wetumpka and Prattville
providing free ultrasounds to women considering
abortion. The unit also parks across from the
Montgomery abortion clinic several days a week. Since
the unit went into service in January, lives are saved
every week when abortion-minded women see their baby
for the first time.
There is an urgent need for male drivers right now.
Drivers can sign up for one day a week, one day a month
or on an as-needed basis. This is an excellent way
for men to become actively involved in the pro-life fight!
You won't need a special license--only a little training.
If interested, please contact Ed Gannon (334) 850-3045,
[email protected].
From the moment of our founding in 1882,
charity has been the first principle of the Knights
of Columbus. We are men of faith and men of
action. If you’d like to be a part of an international
organization of more than 1.9 million Catholic men whose
principal work involves helping others in need, we'd like to
meet you and invite you to join us.
For more information, please feel free to contact
Shane McKenny at (334) 669-1114.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
June 10 & 11
9:30 AM Carmine Roberto
Steve Smejkal
Bennie Ryan
Ken Hutchison
Chris McCracken
4:00PM Tony & Mary Ann
Randal & Michelle
9:30 AM John & Susan Starr
Shane & Michelle
Eucharist Ministers:
June 10 & June 11
June 17 & June 18
4:00, Randal Beesley
4:00, Jeanne Paxson
Michelle Beesley
William Paxson
9:30, Jamie & Dawn
9:30, Daniel Phillips
Karen Franklin
June 24 & June 25
4:00, Priscilla Berry
Mary Loftin
9:30, Michelle McKenny
Please pray for:
June 17 & 18
July 1 & July 2
4:00, Randal Beesley
Michelle Beesley
9:30, Jamie & Dawn
Weekly Tithing Report:
June 11, 2017
Year’s 2017 Budget: $208,000.00
Budget to Date: $92,000.00
Sun Collections to Date: $92,088.50
Sun Collection Last Week: $6,726.00
Building the Future: $1,879.00
Lori Riggles
Bill Skinner
Gwen Wilson
Dana Libby
Ed & Loretta Martin Cal Libby
Tom Somerville
Helen Rayburn
Cammie Moreno Shaddock
Gladys Bracken
Jane Bruton
Shannon Young
Philip Callahan
Kathleen Faulkner
Montgomery Area Adoration Chapel
Call Priscilla Berry, 288-3292.
Adoration Chapel's open hour:
Sun: 1-2 AM.
Prayer Partners needed: Fri: 10-11 PM.
Sat: 10-11 PM.
Adoration Chapel
For peace in our country!
"When my people humble themselves & seek my
presence, I will revive their land." (2 Chr 7:14)
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sat, June 10
Sun, June 11
Mon, June 12
Tues, June 13
Wed, June 14
Thurs, June 15
Fri, June 16
Sat, June 17
4:00 PM, OLQM Parishioners
9:30 AM, Teresa Rains
8:15 AM, Teresa Hyatt (L)
8:15 AM, John Linehardt
8:15 AM, Gould Family
8:15 AM Lorenz Family
6:30 AM, Ronnie Beasley
9:00 AM, (Draper), Holy Souls
An Angel’s Watching Over You! Download the App and
Grow in Your Catholic Faith! Visit archangelradio.com
Thank you for your generosity!
Fatima Invocation
This prayer was recommended by the Blessed Virgin to
the children at Fatima (1917), to be recited by the
faithful. It is often said between the decades of the
Rosary & reads: "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save
us from the fires of hell, & bring all souls to heaven,
especially those who most need your mercy."
Natural Family Planning
In order to help couples live out the Church's
beautiful teaching on marriage & family life, the
Couple to Couple League offers classes on
natural family planning. To find out more info,
go to www.ccli.org & search for classes in your ZIP
Code. Or, call Brian & Vicki Petters, 334-356-5357.
The Knights of Columbus OLQM Roundtable and
Parishioners of OLQM will be leading a rosary
before each weekend mass. The rosary will begin
25 minutes before each regularly scheduled
mass. We would like to invite all you to come and
pray together with us.
Water Cooler Catechism
Fr. Pat Driscoll from Holy Spirit Parish & Tom Riello from
Montgomery Catholic Prep are on WMGY (800 AM) at 8
AM, Sunday mornings, & online at archangelradio.com &
the Archangel Radio app.
Catholic News Sources:
EWTN.com; CtholicCulture.org; Catholic World
Report.com; www.cardinalnewmansociety.org &
USCCB.org (official website of the US bishops)