A Magical Life - Magic-4-Life

A Magical Life
Solarzar Steven Dellaporta
266 F Reservation Road #352
Marina, CA 93933
Phone: 800-965-8939  Fax: 800-965-8939
E-mail: [email protected]
What is Your Religion?
This country had several colonies founded by people looking for a new beginning, an opportunity to live their lives
freely. We had French Calvinists, Anglicans, Puritans,
Pietists, Moravians, Quakers, Adventists, and Methodists
to name a few.
Each group sought to worship their god in their way.
Some, such as the Quakers, found a way to maintain a
lifestyle that does not interfere with others but retains the
tenets that they hold as important. Others, such as the Puritans, established a rigid theocracy which ultimately led to
the dissolution of the religious sect into more practical religious sects who were in balance with the environment
and the colonial government.
When we hear current evangelical ministers proclaim that
we were founded as a Christian nation, it is an oversimplification of the truth. We have many Christian
groups that were among the early settlers of the U.S. but
they did not honor each other. In some areas they tolerated
each other, but they had the same rigid intolerance of
those who were different in their belief system as the
evangelicals do today.
To an evangelical your desire to NOT be saved by accepting Jesus does not mean they have stop proselytizing to
you. They have developed the victim's cry of their rights;
their needs; their beliefs; their war against Islam; their war
against abortion; their need to be soldiers of Jesus as the
pre-eminent rights that trump the rights of everyone else.
They are full of themselves, but I'll save more of that for
another day.
My question to you is - what is your religion. In which
area of your life do you claim pre-eminent rights that
trumps the rights over everyone around you? How have
you built up your victim mentality around this issue so that
it becomes the defining issue. It can be as simple as someone not putting something back in the "right" place. Or
needing to explain to someone how something is actually
done better.
In this month of July I challenge you to release your religion and embrace unconditionality. More next month.
It isn't hard to be good from time to time. What's
tough is being good every day.
-- Willie Mays, Hall of Fame, baseball
It's easy to dodge responsibilities, but we
can't dodge the consequences of dodging our
-- Anonymous
Stop asking if the glass is half full or half empty.
Instead, ask "What's in it? How did it get there?
What can I do with it?"
-- David Kaufman, financial journalist
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Fun for All...
Trivia Teaser: Famous Firsts
1. Who was he first wife of King Henry VIII?
a-Jane Seymour, b-Catherine Parr, c-Catherine of
Aragon, d-Anne Boleyn.
2. Who was the first commissioner of Major
League Baseball? a-Ford Frick, b-Kenesaw
Mountain Landis, c-Nellie Fox, d-Casey Stengel.
3. Who was the first secretary-general of the
United Nations? a-Dag Hammarskjold, b-U
Than, c-Kurt Waldheim, d-Trygve Lie.
4. Who was the first actor to win back-to-back
Academy Awards for Best Actor? a-Spencer
Tracy, b-Tom Hanks, c-Paul Muni, d-Henry
5. What was the first state west of the Mississippi
admitted to the Union? a-Texas, b-Mississippi,
c-Kansas, d-Louisiana.
6. Sally Ride became the first American woman
in space in 1983 aboard which space shuttle?
a-Challenger, b-Enterprise, c-Atlantis, d-Galileo.
7. What superhero made his first appearance in
the June 1938 issue of "Action Comics"?
a-Batman, b-Hawkman, c-The Flash,
8. Who was the first U.S. President born outside
of the original 13 colonies? a-Abraham Lincoln,
b-Martin Van Buren, c-Jimmy Carter, d-John
Quincy Adams.
9. Who won the first Nobel Prize awarded to an
American? a-Woodrow Wilson, b-Sinclair Lewis, c-Theodore Roosevelt, d-Albert Michael
10. Who was the first former First Lady ever
elected to national office? a-Mamie Eisenhower,
b-Hillary Clinton, c-Julia Grant, d-Rosalynn
1-c, Catherine of Aragon
2-b, Kenesaw Mountain
3-d, Trygve Lie
4-a, Spencer Tracy
5-d, Louisiana
6-a, Challenger
7-d, Superman
8-a, Abraham Lincoln
9-c, Theodore Roosevelt
10-b, Hillary Clinton
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News and Notes…
Magic-4-Life Seminars and
Performance Sessions
Customer Service
“Attitude Plus Communication =
"Leadership Magic: The Journey
from Trickster to Sage”
“The Alchemy of Success”
“Good Vibrations Radio™: Tools for Transformation”
 Saturday on AM 540 KRXA 
Jul 3
Jul 10
“Journey to Union”
Mysteries of the Mind
A Magical Journey
For more information about upcoming
sessions visit the Events section of our
Web site: www.magic4life.com
or, call: 800-965-8939
Metaphysical Training
Numerology Classes
Intuition Classes
Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology
Readings for individuals, couples
and groups are also available.
Visit: www.solarzar.com
Call: 800-965-8939
or E-mail: [email protected]
Good Vibrations Radio
Listen to Kyralani and Solarzar
on Good Vibrations Radio
every weekend.
Saturday evenings from 6:06 PM
to 9:00 PM on AM 540 KRXA
Listen on your radio dial, or
Live stream the show at:
Magical Performer and Speaker
Make your next event extraordinary,
call  (800) 965-8939
e-mail : [email protected]
or visit : http://www.magic4life.com.
Jul 17
Jul 24
Jul 31
Sat, AM 540: Solarzar and Kyralani will present an ENCORE
SHOW of the interview with Chaney Weiner, founder of the Wealth Mastery System will share how to overcome fear, doubt and worry in 7 hours
Sat, AM 540: Dr. Liara Covert author of the International bestseller, "SelfDisclosures, Changes from Within"
(http://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/bio/). Dr. Richard Jelusich, Renee
Branch, and Lynn Rogers, speakers at the A.R.E "Heart of Healing" Conference will talk about the work of Edgar Cayce
(A.R.E. Asilomar Conference)
Sat, AM 540: Peter Canova, author of "Pope Annalisa" book one of The
First Souls trilogy (http://www.popeannalisa.com)
Sat, AM 540: David Paul Doyle, author of "When God Spoke to Me"
Sat, AM 540: Petey Silveira, author of "Stepping into my Happiest Life
time" (www.newpathwaytohealing.com/).
Saturday evenings, from 6:06 pm to 9 pm (3 hours)
Where: AM 540, KRXA on your radio dial.
Live stream the show at: www.GoodVibrationsRadio.com
Remember to support our show partners (www.GoodVibrationsRadio.com)
Skyye Song, Monterey Reflexology
Maggie Smith, Flower Essence Energy
Mary Jeanne Vincent, Career Talk
John Voris, Authentic Systems
Good Vibrations Radio™: Tools for Transformation
is made possible through the support of our sponsors:
Jacqueline Joy creator of Diamond Alignment™ (www.diamondalignment.com)
Lilyana Bethanee and Nohlan Matthew, founders of Seventh Awakening™
Jacqueline Joy, creator of Diamond Alignment™ announces FREE Unlimited
Access to the 6-minute Diamond Alignment Activation to all around the world to
flood the planet with Diamond Consciousness and Joy. Sign-up at
The Lighter Side…“God’s Email”
One day God was looking down at earth and saw a lot of bad behavior
going on? So He called one of His angels and sent him down to earth to
study the situation.
When he returned, he told God, "It's bad on earth; 95 percent are misbehaving and only 5 percent are not." God sent another angel who came
back with the same conclusions.
God decided to email all those who were good and encourage them. Do
you know what the email said?
I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either.
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The back page…
Your Horoscope
ARIES: Tenacity and determination will take you far in
life. But sometimes it's good to leave room for serendipity. Incidental or accidental occurrences can give
you an idea that will be useful in another area.
TAURUS: There are times when you feel like walking
out on a relationship, but think twice. It's not that unusual a feeling. Consider all the benefits and blessings
of staying and you could change your mind.
GEMINI: So you are having an intense
desire to just play all day. Fortunately, it's a great time
to take a break from work. Shoot off some fireworks.
Renew your energy.
CANCER: If you reflect on your past mistakes and
accomplishments, you could find the answer to the situation foremost in your mind now. Focus on your successes and how you achieved them.
LEO: The balance of power in your workplace is
somewhat complicated. Work on doing your job well
instead of trying to figure out who to please. Higherups will recognize your upbeat attitude.
1, Dan Aykroyd, actor, 1952.
3, Tom Cruise, actor, 1962.
4, Neil Simon, playwright, 1927.
5, Edie Falco, actress, 1963.
6, Sylvester Stallone, Rambo, 1946.
7, Janine Kyralani Groth, 1961
7, Jorja Fox, actress, 1968.
8, Kevin Bacon, actor, 1958.
9, Tom Hanks, Oscar winner, 1956.
10, Arlo Guthrie, singer, 1947.
11, Sela Ward, actress, 1956.
12, Paul Guilfoyle, actor, 1955.
13, Harrison Ford, actor, 1941.
14, Matthew Fox, actor, 1966.
15, Linda Ronstadt, singer, 1946.
17, David Hasselhoff, actor, 1952.
18, Kristin Bell, actress, 1980.
21, Robin Williams, comedian, 1952.
22, Danny Glover, actor, 1947.
24, Jennifer Lopez, actress, 1970.
25, Matt LeBlanc, actor, 1967.
26, Sandra Bullock, actress, 1964.
28, Jim Davis, "Garfield" cartoonist, 1945.
29, Martina McBride, singer, 1966.
30, Laurence Fishburne, actor, 1961.
31, Wesley Snipes, actor, 1962.
VIRGO: A case of the envies has plagued you recently. Get over it and get on with your life. Your personal
life can make you happier than turning your attention
LIBRA: The rest of 2010 will feature some endings
and some beginnings. As one door closes, another is
likely to open. Welcome the new and leave the ending
doors closed.
SCORPIO: Isn't it time to liven up your home? A new
coat of paint can do wonders for your outlook whenever you come home. Invite people to your place and be
SAGITTARIUS: Though it's difficult to imagine that
anyone's way is better than your own, think about it.
Transitions at work are inevitable. At home, your partner has ideas that merit your consideration.
CAPRICORN: Too much conversation can end up
clouding the situation. Re-evaluate what you want,
what they want, and how you can come to a win-win
AQUARIUS: Things are falling into place now. You
might have to make an effort to recognize that positive
direction. Life is good, but it's not perfect!
Expect Miracles and Receive them when they appear.
PISCES: The impact you have on other people makes
you feel worthy and attractive. Keep that impact on a
constructive note and you'll succeed in helping others
while helping yourself. Nice work.
Magical Performer and Speaker
Make your next event extraordinary,
call  (800) 965-8939, e-mail : [email protected]
or visit : http://www.magic4life.com.
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