The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist October 12, 2014 Bishop of

The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
October 12, 2014
Bishop of Charleston
Executive Assistant to the Rector
The Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, DD.
The full-time staff position of Executive Assistant to the
Rector serves as the administrative assistant and project
coordinator for the Rector of the Charleston Cathedral/
Administrator of Saint Mary’s, Hasell St. The primary
responsibility is to provide executive level organizational, HR
assistance and administrative support.
Diocesan Website:
Cathedral Staff Contact Information
Monsignor Steven L. Brovey, Cathedral Rector
Telephone Number: 843-724-8395
Email: [email protected]
Assisting Priests:
Father Patrick Allen
Father Robert Conway
Deacon Jerome P. Remkiewicz
Telephone: 843-937-8518
Email: [email protected]
Deacon Charles J. Olimpio
Telephone: 843-856-0955
Sr. Deanna Bartolomei, Pastoral Associate
Telephone: 843-724-8395 Extension 224
Email:[email protected]
Director of Music & Liturgy
Mr. Daniel Sansone 843-724-8395 ext. 225
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Organist, Larry Long
Telephone 843-813-3850
Email: lklong@
Director of Christian Formation &
Dan Lord Telephone 843-724-8395 Extension 233
Email: [email protected]
Bookkeeper: Mrs. Sharon M. Emma
Telephone: 843-724-8395 Extension 236
Email: [email protected]
Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Mrs. Linda Lyons
Telephone: 843-724-8395
[email protected]
Charleston Catholic School
Principal, Mr. Fred McKay
Telephone 843-577-4495
General Purpose
Individual should have excellent prioritization and
organizational skills. Must be a self-starter, flexible and
professional. Skilled at managing multiple tasks simultaneously.
Must be detailed oriented and flexible. Exceptional written
and oral communication. Experience writing reports. Proven
ability to exercise judgment and make decisions independently.
Ability to work with diverse people and diverse tasks in a
given day.
Experience with human resources or office management
a plus. Special events and project planning also a plus.
Experience with website maintenance and social media.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Adept at Internet researching. See complete job discription at
⁃Requires Associates or Bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration, Theology or related. Experience in lieu of
degree will be considered.
⁃Requires three years experience.
⁃Experience working or volunteering for a Catholic entity &
a knowledge, love and joy of the Catholic Faith.
⁃Must be practicing Catholic/Willingness to support the
mission of the Catholic Faith.
⁃Experience working with the public and handling issues/
complaints in a diplomatic manner.
⁃Demonstrated ability to handle confidential, time-sensitive
and critical manners using good judgment, tact, respect and
⁃Ability to anticipate needs, establish priorities, maintain
confidentiality, and project a positive, joyful attitude.
⁃Excellent relationship-building skills with a focus on service
to others. A high level of energy, creativity, humor and joy.
⁃Ability to communicate effectively through email and/or
⁃Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
⁃Experience with Website management and social media.
(Word Press)
Qualified applicants should email a cover letter, resume, salary
requirements and references by November 12 to Msgr. Steven
Brovey, Rector [email protected]
Msgr. Steven Brovey
Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist
120 Broad St. Charleston, SC 29401
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cathedral Music
Listed below is the scheduled Liturgical Music for the
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(October 11th & 12th)
The Readings can be found on page 667
In the St. Isaac Jogues Missal
October 19,
Introit: Si Iniqutatis
Mode III
Hymn: The King of Love (ST. COLUMBA)
Hymn Book (#269)
Kyrie Eleison: Mass in honor of St. Isaac Jogues
Missal (page 815)
Kyrie Eleison: Missa De Angelis
Hymn Book (#408)
Gloria: Mass in honor of St. Isaac Jogues
Missal (page 815)
On the
Gloria: Missa De Angelis
Hymn Book (#408)
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23
Missal (page 667)
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia
12:30pm to
Roasted Pig
Frogmore Stew
Funnel Cakes
Hymn at the Offering: What Wondrous Love (WONDROUS LOVE) Hymn Book (#268)
Anthem at the Offering: Exultabo Te
Orlandus Lassus
Holy, Holy, Holy: Mass in honor of St. Isaac Jogues
Missal (page 818)
Sanctus: Missa De Angelis
Hymn Book (#410)
Memorial Acclamation: Mass in honor of St. Isaac Jogues
Missal (page 818)
Great Amen: Mass in honor of St. Isaac Jogues
Missal (page 818)
Lamb of God: Mass in Honor of St. Isaac Jogues
Missal (page 818)
Agnus Dei: Missa XVIII
Hymn Book (#447)
Hymn at Communion: At the Lamb’s High Feast (SALTZBURG)Hymn Book (#353)
Communion Chant: Aufer a Me
Mode II
Anthem at Communion: Ubi Caritas
Maurice Durufle
Hymn: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT) Hymn Book (#220)
Live Music
Jump Castle
Attending Families with
the last name beginning
with A- M are asked to
bring either Salads
or Side Dishes
N-Z are asked to Bring
Solemn High Mass (11:15am)
“Welcome to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist! We offer brief tours after the
Vigil Mass and the Sunday 9:00 and 11:15 Masses. Please meet your guide at the pulpit
immediately after Mass.”
Please Silence All Cellphones!
Beginning Sunday October 19th, NEW NURSERY HOURS are Sunday
8:30am-1:00pm. The Nursery is provided during Adult Education
You are invited to Sunday Morning Fellowship Coffee after the 9AM
Altar Server Practice at 10:15am on Sunday, October 19th, and
Sunday, October 26th, for those who are interested in grades 3rd
thru 12th.
The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
4 May 2015 - 12 May 2015
5 nights in Lourdes and
3 nights in Paris
$3798 per person
Monsignor Steven Brovey will be leading a pilgrimage to
Lourdes, France on 4 May 2015. In 1858 the Blessed Virgin
Mary appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous identifying
herself as “the Immaculate Conception”. The pilgrimage
will delve into the life of St. Bernadette and the message of
Our Lady. There will be ample time to spend in prayer at the
Grotto where Our Lady appeared, time to experience the
“Miraculous Baths”, daily Eucharistic Procession and moving
Candlelight Rosary Procession each evening. After five days in
Lourdes the pilgrimage will move on to Paris and visit SacreCoeur of Montmartre, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Chapel of
the Miraculous Medal and other religious and historic sites.
(**An early bird discount is available if deposits are made by
30 October 2014) Email Msgr. Brovey at the Cathedral for a
brochure of the itinerary: [email protected]
Welcome Father Robert Conway!!
Father Conway retired from the Diocese of Charlotte and moved
to Charleston. Father Conway desires to remain active in the
priestly ministry. You will see him around the Cathedral helping
with confession and presiding at Mass. Welcome Father! We are
happy to have you with us at the Cathedral.
Cathedral MOMS Group
We will begin our ninth year on Thursday, October 16 and run
through December 18. The group meets on Thursdays, mid
morning.. A nursery is provided for the children. If you would
like to register or have further questions call Deana Lattanzio
at 388-6434. Space is limited.
The Cathedral of St. John
the Baptist
October 11-12, 2014
Parking Garage
Tear along dotted line
for the attendant.
October 12, 2014
Prayer List
Paul Arena
Todd Armstrong
Irene Boles
Susan Brannock
Margaret Mary Brant
Caroline Campbell
David Caron
Mabel Frances Caron
Mary Carson
Gay Carter
George Catumas
Trudie Cooper
Theresa Corbin
Jeffery William Cozy
Ella Deitch
Carol Delisio
Jim Daugherty
Sharon J. Dean
Sr. Mary Ann Donovan
Irene Douglass
Mac Dunbar
Kit Dunlap
Fr. John Dux
Rob Everhart
Vincenza Ferri
Amelia Finley
Rosie Finnegan
Veronica Fisher
Mary Ann Flack
Donna Fread
Cheryle Freiberger
Shirley Gadsden
Elizabeth Gallagher
Peggy Geraty
Fran Granger
Richardeen Grant
Joann Gustafson
John Hathaway
Zachary Healey
Hilde Hensley
Barbara Herman
Nora Lynn Hoffman
Ken Hoffmann
Cindy Hogan
Alice Holmquist
Bob Hosker
Danielle Hosker
Greg Hutto
James Ingrassia
Dave McGrath
Peter Murphy
Marty Jones
Bill Kanapaux
Peggy Kanapaux
Margaret Karafa
Chris Keller
John Kolasinski, O.P.
Nancy Kowalsky
Shirley Lanford
Cheryl La Rose
Bryan Lester
Kevin & Kailii Lyons
Mary Magee
Carolyn Mason
Marcia Mathias
Dave McCaffery
Shirley McGill
Jeremy Meeks
Jay Michel, IV
Beth Mullen
Lee Mullinax, Sr.
Hannah Murphy
Michael Murphy
Peter Murphy
SSgt. Samuel T. Myers,USMC
Bob Nebergall
Annie Neese
Mary Olimpio
Carson Parker
Sonoma Peterson
Myrna Lane Piccione
Margarite C. Poulnot
Danny Pritchard
Frank Rose
De’Anna Scannel
RAdm. William Schachte
Gus Schill
Mary Condon Schill
Jodi Schumacher
Janet Sherbine
Linda Smith
Elyse Sokol
Margaret Mary Sprague
Charlene Stuart
Esther Tecklenburg
Jane Thompson
Carolyn Torlay
Margaret Trubia
Mary Addison Tutterow
Mary S. Tutterow
Haley Tyrrell
Jessica Valind
William Viger
Patricia Vitkovic
Peter Winkler
Nicholas Yeaw
Kathi Zigli
Keep These People in
your Prayers
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Needs to Resupply these items:
Little fruit cups (all varities)
Applesauce cups
Grits & 2lb bags Rice
Canned Peas & mixed
Breakfast bars
Peanut butter & Jelly
Pancake mixes
Bars of soap
Knights of Columbus
Council 704 Dinner
invites Cathedral parishioners to join
us for a Rosary dinner on Sunday
the 12th of October at 7 PM at the
Cathedral Hall. The Rosary dinner
is scheduled the 2nd Sunday every
month after the 6:00 Mass at the
Cathedral. Dinner is provided by the
Knights of Columbus. We invite you
to pray the Rosary with us, throughout
our “Year For The Family”.
Attention High School Youth
Group! The new B16 meeting
day is Sunday, from 7:00 - 8:30
p.m. in the parish hall! Come
join us this Sunday for food,
fun and faith!
The New Cathedral
Library Is Open!
The St. Augustine Library is located
on the 2nd floor of the Cathedral
Center, 3rd door on the left! Come
peruse our ever expanding collection
of great books and illuminate your
mind. Library hours are: Monday Friday, 9:00 - 2:00 and Sundays from
8:30 - 10:05. Book Return is located
in the Cathedral Center foyer, next to
the secretary’s office.
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The CCS 5th grade class enjoyed a field trip to
Ft. Sumter. In addition to seeing one of the most
famous landmarks of the Civil War they had the
privilege of raising the flags!
CCS will be closed on Monday, October 13th, in honor of the
Columbus Day Holiday, we hope everyone has a fun and safe
holiday weekend.
The CCS Walk-A-Thon is coming up on Saturday, October 18th.
Students will be raising money for the athletic department. This
event will be held at beautiful Hampton Park from 8:30 - 11:00
Grandparents Day will be celebrated at CCS on Monday,
October 20th from 8 - 9:30 AM at 888-A King Street. Parking
is available on Benson Street, as well as on King Street in the
Longshoremen’s Parking Lot and Trojan Labor. We look forward
to seeing everyone.
If you would like to schedule a tour of CCS, please contact
Jeannie Fanjoy @ 577-4495. Stay connected with CCS on the
web, or on Facebook.
September 24-November 2, 2014 West Ashley Abortion
Facility Inter-denominational candlelight prayer vigil.
Please join us! Tuesday, October 14th at 7PM
To sign up Call Cheryle at 696-0604 or Jim at 813-6078.
More information at WWW.40DAYSFORLIFE.COM.
October Rosary
The Organization, Priests for Life, has called for each
Catholic to pray fervently for the closing of their
local abortion facility. Please join Father Joseph V.
Romanoski, Pastor at Blessed Sacrament Church, who
will lead the Rosary and prayers at the West Ashley Abortion
facility at 1312 Ashley River Road (corner of Hwy 61 & Fuseler)
on Saturday, October 18, from 8-9am. For information call
Stephen Boyle at 763-0681
“The Blessed Sacrament Women’s Guild” along with Parish
Organizations of Blessed Sacrament wish to invite you join us in
our Living Rosary, Tuesday October 21 , 6:30 PM. Please join us.
The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Coming Events
Sun., Oct. 12 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00am Fellowship Morning Coffee in Hall
10:05am Religious Education in Center
10:05am Sunday Bible Study In Center Hall
2:00pm Special Parishioners Tour of Cathedral
7:00pm HS B16’s Youth Group Meeting in LH
Mon., Oct. 13 Columbus Day Office Closed
Tue., Oct. 14
9:00am Lectionary Faith Sharing in Hall
10:00am Tuesday Bible Study in Hall
6:45pm Cathedral Women’s Club Meeting in Hall
Wed., Oct. 15
7:00pm Cathedral Choir Rehearsal in MR
7:00pm RCIA Meeting in the Lecture Hall
7:00pm Lucius Via (Young Adults) Pauline Book &
Media - Corner of King and Beaufain Sts
Thurs., Oct. 16
7:00pm Renaissance Ensemble-MR
Fri., Oct. 17
Sat., Oct. 18
11:00am Wedding- Maureen K. Porzio & David P. Stasairis
2:00pm Wedding- Maureen K. Porzio & David P. Stasairis
Sun., Oct. 12 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00pm Fellowship Morning Coffee in Hall
Religious Education in Center
Sunday Bible Study In Center Hall
Oktoberfest Picnic on Church Grounds
HS B16’s Youth Group Meeting in LH
Weekly Offertory Report
October 5, 2014
Envelope Offertory
Electronic Offertory
Total Received
$ 9,677.60
Sincere thanks for your generosity. Each gift matters!
October 12, 2014
Priest Celebrants & Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 11
5:30 pm Monsignor Brovey
+Patrick Darcy
Sunday, October 12
9:00 am Fr. Patrick Allen
+Peter Weiland
9:30 am Msgr. Brovey St. Mary, 89 Hasell St.
11:15 am Monsignor Brovey
+Bishop David B. Thompson
6:00 pm Fr. Robert Conway
Pro Populo
Monday, October 13
7:00 am Fr. Robert Higgins St Mary, 89 Hasell St.
12:05 pm Monsignor Brovey
The Tecklenburg Family
Tuesday, October 14
7:00 am Fr. Robert Higgins St. Mary, 89 Hasell St.
12:05 pm Fr. Patrick Allen
Intentions of Ed Bernard
Wednesday, October 15
7:00 am Fr. Robert Higgins St. Mary, 89 Hasell St.
12:05pm Fr. Robert Conway
+Bishop David B. Thompson
Thursday, October 16
7:00 am Fr. Conway St. Mary, 89 Hasell St.
12:05 pm Monsignor Brovey
+Mary Alma Parker
Friday, October 17
7:00 am Fr. Conway St. Mary, 89 Hasell St.
12:05 pm Fr. Patrick Allen
+Armando Rodriguez
Saturday, October 18
5:30 pm Monsignor Brovey
+Daniel Chamberlain
Sunday, October 19
9:00 am Monsignor Brovey
+Peter Weiland
9:30 am Fr. Patrick Allen St. Mary, 89 Hasell St.
11:15 am Fr. Robert Conway
+Bishop David B. Thompson
6:00 pm Fr. Robert Conway
Pro Populo
Various facilities and services are available
to our active members. This includes use
of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings,
and other sacramental events, and includes
parishioner status in parochial schools.
is determined by four things:
1. Being properly registered in the
parish for a sufficient period of time.
2. Faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays
and Holy Days.
3. Use of the envelope system in regular
support of the parish.
4. Being active in at least one parish
program, ministry, or organization.
Either the bride or the groom must be
a practicing Catholic and registered at
the Cathedral for at least twelve months
before scheduling a wedding date and
beginning the six months marriage
preparation. The bride/groom must be
an active parishioner, regularly attending
Mass on Sundays and holydays of
obligation, and use of the envelope
system in regular support of the parish.
The Wedding Policy Booklet may be
found on the Cathedral website:www. Please
contact Sister Deanna for more
information at 843-724-8395
To have your child baptized,
please contact Mr. Dan Lord at
724-8395 ext. 233. Please call before
the birth of your child.
Homebound? If you know someone
who is Homebound, and would like to
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
Holy Communion, or Annointing
of the sick, please call or email the
Parish office at 724-8395 linda@
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Children’s Nursery
Available on Sunday
Cathedral Mass
8:30am to 1:00pm
Walking Infants
to 5 years old.
Weekday Devotions
11:30 am, Rosary
12 Noon Angelus
12:05 pm Mass
The Nursery is in the Cathedral
Center Hallway turn left
Room 2 on Right.
For information, call
the Nursery Operator, Maricela
Villalobos at 404-580-1429
St. Mary of the
7:00am Mass
Free Parking
The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is a Safe
Environment Parish
The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist provides its children with a safe
environment. Catechists and all volunteers with access to children
have undergone the Virtus Training Session, are background
screened and sign a Code of Conduct and understand the Policy
of the Diocese concerning abuse. All volunteers with access to
minors (those under the age of 18) must meet these requirements
of the diocese in order to volunteer. Persons to contact with your
questions or concerns, as well as all policies, can be found below.
Louisa Storen, Victim Assistance Coordinator,
Diocese of Charleston: 843-856-0748
Bonnie Sigers, Safe Environment Manager, Diocese of Charleston
Child Protection Services: 843-853-2130 ext. 210;
[email protected]
Mary Meditation Garden
Bricks are still available for purchase
in the Mary Meditation Garden. An
engraved brick is a wonderful way of
celebrating a special event (weddings,
baptisms, confirmations, graduations,
etc) or honoring a loved one. Brick
order forms are available at the parish
office or on the Cathedral website under the Women’s Club. Bricks
are $125 each. Please make checks payable to CWC; drop off orders
in the parish hall or mail to CWC at the Cathedral. For additional
information contact Michaela Coleman at 843-725-9178 or
[email protected]. Thank you for your support
of the Mary Garden!