Chapter 7 Study Guide The Glory of Ancient Greece

Mr. Graver
Old World Cultures
Name _____________________
Period ____________________
Chapter 7 Study Guide
The Glory of Ancient Greece
Is it just me or do you feel as though you’ve actually BEEN to Greece these last few
weeks? We’ve learned about Athens and Sparta, the Acropolis and Agora, Greek
architecture, lives of women and men, slavery, King Philip II and
Alexander the Great, and all of the other accomplishments of the
Ancient Greeks. Heck, we even spent time on the battlefield
fighting the Persians.
Study this Study Guide and you’ll be the one shouting “NIKE!” at
the end of the test!
There will be 30 Multiple Choice Questions on the test:
1. Why were Spartan girls expected to be very physically fit?
2. What city-state did the Persians try to invade first?
3. What were some typical foods an Athenian might eat?
4. Lists the lands Alexander the Great ruled.
5. What was the AGORA the center of in Athens?
6. What were slaved called that were owned by the government of Sparta?
7. What was a HOPLITE?
9. What were public markets called in Greece?
10. What 2 famous men originally lived in Macedonia?
11. What rights did SLAVES have in Athens?
12. What was one basic rule the Spartans lived by?
13. What happened to a Spartan boy at the age of 7?
14. What was a TRIBUTE?
15. Who was the King of MACEDONIA?
16. What type of people were some Greeks a little uncomfortable owning as
17. What is the Greek word for “Victory”?
18. Why did the Spartans later become friends with the PERSIANS?
19. What Wonder of the Ancient World stood in Alexandria, Egypt?
20. What was the center of RELIGIOUS life in Athens?
21. Describe a typical Spartan.
22. What does the Greek math called GEOMETRY explain?
23. Who won the Battle of MARATHON?
24. What two city-states fought each other during the PELOPONNESIAN
25. How did King Philip II die?
27. What did VENDORS do in Greece?
28. What was really the only freedom an Athenian woman had?
29. How were cities of the HELLENISTIC world modeled after Greek cities?
30. What “deal” did city-states make that joined the DELIAN LEAGUE?
There will be 10 True/False Questions on the test:
31. Who were made slaves in Ancient Greece?
32. What were Athenian women expected to be?
33. What happened to the great library in Alexandria in Egypt?
34. Why were Greek city-states a lot like brother and sister?
35. What happened to Alexander’s Empire after he died?
36. Why did Alexander the Great stop conquering more land?
37. What did the threat of a Persian attack do to the Greek city-states?
38. What are some buildings in our country that are modeled after Greek
39. In which city-state did women have more freedom: ATHENS or SPARTA?
40. Why did King Philip II and Alexander the Great think of themselves as being
There will be 10 Matching Questions on the test:
41. What was one thing the Greek scientist ARCHIMEDES discovered?
42. Who was King Philip II’s son?
43. Who created and expanded the PERSIAN EMPIRE?
44. What Greek HERO did Alexander the Great admire the most?
45. Why is PHIDIPIDES important to Greek history?
46. Who taught Alexander the Great literature, philosophy, and science?
47. Who created a math called GEOMETRY?
48. How did Pericles die?
49. Who warned the Greeks that King Philip II might try to invade Greece?
50. Who was given the nickname “The Great”?