Cisco Quad Social Software: Transform Your Business with People-Centric Collaboration Cisco Quad™ is a people-centric enterprise collaboration platform that goes beyond email, portals, and point social networking products to deliver a true collaboration experience - anytime, anywhere. Achieving greater individual and organizational productivity requires a more dynamic and flexible work model. Unlike email and other document-centric tools, Cisco Quad is a people-centric collaboration platform. It is designed to harness the vast knowledge and expertise within your organization, and make those resources easily available to employees everywhere. With Cisco Quad, employees can create a personalized collaboration environment to support their work styles, instantly form communities to achieve focused goals, and collaborate in real time using their preferred communications tools. Your employees also get full-fidelity mobile access. No other solution is so personalized and versatile out of the box, while also supporting enterprise-level scale and security. Cisco Quad helps organizations transform business processes for increased employee productivity and innovation, while substantially reducing IT infrastructure cost and complexity. Table 1 provides examples of how your organization can use Cisco Quad to achieve your business objectives. Table 1. 1 HIGHLIGHTS Ȥ Speed action by enabling employees to quickly locate experts and share relevant information. Ȥ Encourage employee-led innovation through collaborative sharing of ideas in communities. Ȥ Scale knowledge and improve workforce competencies by disseminating formal training materials and “tribal knowledge”. Ȥ Curtail escalating costs associated with the growth of email and the proliferation of point technology solutions. Ȥ Promote operational continuity through continuous, anywhere access to resources and information. Ȥ Bring together distributed work teams regardless of geography or work styles. Practical Applications of Cisco Quad Cross-functional teaming >cXgZVhZgZbdiZldg`ZgegdYjXi^k^inVcYZbedlZgk^gijValdg`iZVbhl^i]Vcni^bZ!Vcnl]ZgZVXXZhh idXg^i^XVagZhdjgXZhVcYXdaaVWdgVi^dciddah# Bringing new employees on board :[[^X^ZcianWg^c\cZlZbeadnZZhdcWdVgYVcYigV^ci]ZbWnegdk^Y^c\dcZ"hideVXXZhhidZmeZgih! bZcidgh!igV^c^c\k^YZdhVcYYdXjbZciVi^dc!YZbdh!VcYgZaZkVciXdbbjc^i^Zh# Employee-led innovation >begdkZi]ZfjVa^inVcYfjVci^ind[^YZVhi]gdj\]i]ZVW^a^inidYncVb^XVaan[dgbXdbbjc^i^Zh[dg^YZV \ZcZgVi^dc!WgV^chidgb^c\!VcYY^hXjhh^dch# Sales enablement ;VX^a^iViZGZfjZhi[dgEgdedhVaG;EgZhedchZhWnXgZVi^c\Xgdhh"[jcXi^dcVaXdbbjc^i^Zhid ¼XgdlYhdjgXZ½VchlZgh!^YZci^[n^c\hjW_ZXi"bViiZgZmeZgih!VcYadXVi^c\YdXjbZcih0jhZ8^hXdFjVY \gdjeXd"Vji]dg^c\VcYZY^i^c\XVeVW^a^i^Zh[dgZ[[^X^ZciG;EYZkZadebZci# Project or program management :cVWaZbdgZk^h^WaZVcYhigZVba^cZYXdbbjc^XVi^dc[adlhVcYigVcheVgZciXddgY^cVi^dc# Crisis management BV^ciV^cdeZgVi^dcVaXdci^cj^ini]gdj\]djiVXg^h^hh^ijVi^dcl^i]i]ZVW^a^inidgZVX]eZdeaZ! h]VgZ^c[dgbVi^dc!VcYgZhedcY^cVXddgY^cViZY[Vh]^dc# © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Eliminating Barriers to Productivity Important projects can suffer unacceptable delays when employees cannot locate the resources they need. With Cisco Quad, you can quickly identify subject-matter experts, gather group feedback, and find relevant content and communities to complete projects and tasks much more efficiently. The solution also makes it easier to bring employees from remote offices together to work in virtual teams, speeding decision making and problem resolution. Additionally, Cisco Quad helps new employees become productive immediately with access to mentors, relevant communities based on their roles, preloaded documentation, and training videos. The solution not only streamlines the process of bringing new employee on board and knowledge transfer, it also helps ensure that intellectual property is not lost when employees leave the organization. Breaking Down Information and Communication Silos Reducing Infrastructure Complexity and Keeping Up with Mobile Devices The proliferation of new technology introduces a host of IT complexities, including: integrating multiple solutions from multiple vendors; dealing with added management burden and growing licensing costs; and keeping up with new mobile devices and the latest versions of software to support them. Cisco Quad helps you reduce IT complexity and cost by reducing the number of overlapping social collaboration tools supported and their associated licensing and maintenance costs. Native support for the latest tablets and smartphones eliminates the need for separate mobile apps or middleware (Figure 2). Cisco Quad also lowers data replication, storage, and backup costs by reducing the volume of messages with large attachments sent between people. Instead, users go to one centralized location (Cisco Quad) to share content and provide and receive feedback. Figure 2. Native Mobile Device Support Cisco Quad breaks down information silos and merges social and real-time collaboration through integration with the leading content and document management, calendaring, instant messaging (IM) and presence, and unified communications solutions. Cisco Quad transparently integrates with Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Office Communications Server, EMC Documentum, Cisco® Unified Communications, Cisco WebEx® Meeting Center, and the Cisco Jabber™ messaging integration platform. The social capabilities of Cisco Quad can be layered over these systems to extend existing IT investments (Figure 1). Figure 1. Cisco Quad with Cisco Jabber Integration Enforcing Compliance and Security Cisco Quad is built for secure group collaboration and the sharing of large files within the organization. Instead of sending large files as email attachments, you can post them in Cisco Quad and collect feedback in one place. You can define who can view posted content and control how recipients can act on the post, such as share, comment, or edit. Cisco Quad comes equipped with embedded policy management capabilities that also support integration with external compliance and records management systems. All activities within Cisco Quad are logged and recorded, so there is always an audit trail of views, comments, and forwards. 2 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Features and Benefits Cisco Quad is a complete social collaboration platform, incorporating both social and real-time collaboration tools in one place. Table 2 lists the features and benefits of Cisco Quad. Table 2. Features and Benefits of the Cisco Quad Solution Feature Description and Benefits Unified Post More powerful and flexible than email, blogs, or wikis, Unified Post is a simplified way for you to share content and receive feedback. EdhiVcnineZd[XdciZci^cXajY^c\iZmi!YdXjbZcih!^bV\Zh!VcYk^YZd# 6iiVX]aVg\Z[^aZhidedhihVcY^chZgiiV\hVcY]neZga^c`h# H]VgZl^i]^cY^k^YjVah!Xdbbjc^in^Zh!dgXdciVXi\gdjeh# 8dcigdal]Zi]Zgi]ZgZX^e^ZcihXVck^Zl!XdbbZci!ZY^i!dgh]VgZ# JhZi]Zdei^dcVaeZghdcVa^oZYZbV^aVaZgi[ZVijgZ# GZXZ^kZi]gZVYZYXdbbZcih!a^`Zh!iV\h!VcYXdcig^Wjidg^c[dgbVi^dc# <ZiVjidbVi^XkZgh^dc^c\d[VaaedhihVcY[^aZViiVX]bZcih# AdXViZedhih^cndjgeZghdcVaa^WgVgndgi]gdj\]i]ZWj^ai"^chZVgX][jcXi^dc# Unified communications Get immediate access to real-time collaboration tools without leaving the Cisco Quad application. EgZWj^ai^ciZ\gVi^dcl^i]8^hXdJc^[^ZY8dbbjc^XVi^dchVcYB^Xgdhd[iVcY>7B>BVcYEgZhZcXZ DcZ"Xa^X`Y^gZXiVXXZhh[gdb8^hXdFjVYid8^hXd?VWWZg!B^Xgdhd[iD8H!>7BHVbZi^bZ!8^hXdLZW:m! VcY8^hXdkd^XZXVaah Enterprise Social networking Take advantage of a broad set of social capabilities to connect people, find experts, and gather tribal knowledge. 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Egdk^YZhhXVaVWaZk^YZdjeadVY^c\!h]Vg^c\!VcYeaVnWVX`# :cVWaZhk^YZd[^aZVcYk^YZdhZ\bZcihidWZiV\\ZYVcYhZVgX]ZYVhZVh^anVhVcndi]ZgXdciZci# :bWZYhk^YZdi]jbWcV^ahl^i]dcZ"Xa^X`eaVnWVX`^c6Xi^k^inHigZVbhVcYLViX]A^hi# Security and compliance Enforce secure and compliant social collaboration. EgdiZXihZch^i^kZXdciZcii]gdj\]gdaZh"WVhZYeda^XnbVcV\ZbZciVii]ZVYb^c^higVidgVcYjhZgaZkZah# 6eean\gVcjaVghZXjg^ineZgb^hh^dchVii]ZXdciZciaZkZaidZVX]edhi!eV\Z!VcYXdbbjc^in# 8dbea^VcXZVeea^XVi^dcegd\gVbb^c\^ciZg[VXZ6E>hjeedgih^ciZ\gVi^dcl^i]i]^gY"eVginXdbea^VcXZhnhiZbh# For More Information To learn more about how Cisco Quad can benefit your organization, visit Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems International BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. C22-698483-00 02/12
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