February 2015 - Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District

The Cardinal Connection
Connecting Chippewa Falls Middle School
with Families and the Community
February 2014-2015
Check out the
middle school website
at this address:
Message from the Principal
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),
Chippewa Falls Middle School
Heidi Taylor-Eliopoulos
Building Principal
Jerim DesJarlais
Assistant Principal
Derrick Kunsman
Assistant Principal
Newsletter Highlights
Students of the Month
Feed My People
Summer School Info
Spelling Bee
Music Students of Month
Honor & Merit Rolls
Kidz Junction Class
Toothpick Bridge
Social Studies News
February can be a tough time at the middle level. The excitement of the holidays is over; spring is still not quite in sight; and students have been cooped up
inside for a while. One way to help our tweens keep their heads in the game is
through having them create their own goals to work on. This gives students
things to focus on, work towards, and celebrate.
Not all goals are created equally, though! The best set goals for tweens are
positive, realistic, and specific.
A goal that is positive helps the tween focus on what to do instead of what
not to do. A positive goal would be “I will complete my assignment notebook
every day,” instead of “I won’t forget about my assignment notebook.” Another
positive goal could be “I will eat healthy foods” instead of “I won’t eat junk
A goal that is realistic is one that the student himself or herself believes that
he or she can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time. This is important because we want the students to experience success and not be discouraged. Have
your student plan celebrations for when he or she meets his or her goal. They
don’t have to be expensive or flashy, just special to the student.
Help your student develop a goal that is specific; that is, it has a list of steps
for the student to take to help reach his or her goal. Set a deadline for each step.
As an added bonus, help students remember and stay focused on their goals
by writing them down and keeping them in a place where they will see them
every day. This could be by their bed or even taped to their breakfast cereal box!
Goals and celebrations are one way to help tweens through these winter
months. No matter what the groundhog says, spring is still a ways
off! Nonetheless, we are enjoying our time with your kids and look
forward to a great second half of the year!
Heidi Eliopoulos
Building Principal
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Cardinal Connection
The Whole Child
Students of the month are chosen by teams for a variety of reasons including
exceeding expectations or showing growth in a variety of areas.
Brady Fixmer
Nyah Matthews
Rachel Gering
Jacob Siegenthaler
Gabriel Olson
Isabella Smith
Haedynn Leazott
Barron Tucci
Ashlie Cummings
Matthew Walters
Jaykob Hamman
Kianna Prince
Madelain Adrian
Aiden Detienne
Raenah Chapek
Abigail Thibedeau
Sawyer Lubs
Kaitlyn Sommerfeld
The Whole Child
February Teach-To:
Just Act Right (JAR) wherever you are.
Be Productive: do as you should in all areas of the building or school grounds.
Be Responsible: throw garbage away where it belongs (no gum under tables)
Be Respectful: be kind to peers and staff
Be Safe: no horseplay; push in chairs
February 2-6: use class time productively
February 9-13: be productive in hallways and locker bays
February 16-20: interact in a safe and kind manner
Enjoy the mid-winter break: February 23-27!
Voyagers News
The final days of Voyagers classes for 2nd trimester will be February
17 and 19. Registration for the upcoming spring trimester of Voyagers
will begin on Wednesday, February 11, at 8 am inside the flag pole
doors. Brochures will be going home with students on Monday, February 9. Fees must accompany registration forms and classes will be
filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. As always, we look forward to
having a fun and successful trimester with new and exciting classes
and some returning favorites as well. Any questions, please call Doug
Ellis at 715-726-2416, ext. 2431 or Peggy Herrmann at ext. 2402.
Weekend Kid’s Meals Program
Chippewa Falls Middle School is happy to offer the Weekend Kid’s Meals Program. This program is offered through Feed My People Food Bank. The purpose
of the program is to provide food for your child during the weekend when school
breakfasts and lunches are not available. There are no income guidelines or requirements. Anyone is welcome to participate in this program. The food is at NO
COST to you or your child. If you choose to enroll your child, he/she will receive
a plastic bag each Friday with enough food for breakfast and lunch for him/her
for Saturday and Sunday, plus snacks and fresh fruit. The meals have not been
screened for different allergies; therefore, parents are responsible for determining
if this program meets your child’s dietary and health needs. If you have any questions or concerns please feel
free to contact Derrick Kunsman, Assistant Principal, at [email protected] or 715.726.2400, ext. 1144.
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Cardinal Connection
Register your 4-year-old for BB4C—(Chippewa Falls School District’s Pre-K Program)
Building Bridges 4 Children (BB4C), the district’s 4-year-old early learning
program is accepting registrations for the 2015-16 school year beginning
February 1st, 2015. BB4C is open to all children who will be 4 years old on or
before September 1, 2015. Please bring your child’s birth certificate with you
when you register your child. The district has partnered with the following
sites to ensure a quality early-learning program designed for children this age.
CESA 11 Head Start
Circle of Friends Early Learning Center
Kids USA Learning Center Inc.
MACS-St. Charles Borromeo
Monkey Business Early Educational Community
YMCA Early Learning Community
123 Look @ Me Early Learning Center
2820 E. Park Avenue
1750 Hallie Road
656 Lakeland Drive
429 W. Spruce Street
1300 Lowater Road
5051 171st Street
630 Miller Street
2964 Cty Rd F, Eau Claire
For additional information or to pick up registration materials, contact a BB4C partner site, download forms
from the BB4C website (http://cfsd.chipfalls.k12.wi.us/bb4c/), or contact the BB4C Coordinator:
Dana Sommerfeld, BB4C Coordinator, 715-726-2414 ext. 3004, [email protected]
Speech and Language/Early Childhood Screening for 3 and 4 Year Old Children
The Chippewa Falls Public School District is hosting a screening for all 3 and 4
year old children who live in the Chippewa Falls School District. If there are
concerns regarding your child’s speech, language, or general development,
please plan to attend this screening.
(PLEASE NOTE: All 4 year old children attending BB4C will be screened for
speech and language at their BB4C site. Those BB4C screenings are done each
When: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Where: River Source Family Center, 403 N. High Street, Chippewa Falls
2 pm to 6 pm
No appointment is necessary for the screening. Screening should take approximately 15 minutes depending
upon the number of children attending. Come any time within the times listed above. Please contact Vicki
Johnson, SLP, at 715-726-2414, ext. 5040, or Ann Seibel, SLP, at 726-2414, ext. 3032, with any questions.
Summer School Information
We have tentatively scheduled summer school for:
June 15-July 2 and July 13– July 31
(Summer School break is July 3 — July 10 for the 4th of July and
the Northern Wisconsin State Fair.)
A Renewed Promise, A New Perspective
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Cardinal Connection
From the Nurse
With the freezing temperatures outside we are all spending more time indoors—the perfect place for colds and
flu to spread from person to person. The best ways to prevent the spread of illness:
 Wash your hands often. Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Cover a cough/sneeze with your arm.
 Stay home if you are sick.
 Get plenty of rest and eat healthy foods
None or low grade
Always lasts 3 – 4 days
Body aches
(below 100° F)
Absent or mild
Common, often severe
Often extreme, may last 2 - 3 weeks
Runny, stuffy nose
Sore throat
Mucus-producing, may become severe
 Annual vaccination for influenza
types A and B.
Prescription antiviral medication,
rimantadine or amantadine, for influenTreatment
Only temporary, symptomatic
za type A only in adults and children.
Prescription antiviral medication,
relief from cough/cold medi-
rimantadine or amantadine, for influen-
Sinus congestion
za type A only in adults.
 Earache, bronchitis
Pneumonia, meningitis
Possibly life-threatening for high-
Source: Forest Laboratories,
Your child should NOT come to school if:
 He/she has a fever of 100.0 or higher before medication (Tylenol/Ibuprofen)
 He/she has vomited during the last 24 hours
 He/she has had diarrhea during the last 24 hours
 He/she has been diagnosed with a contagious illness (strep throat, pink eye) and has been on medication
less than 24 hours.
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Cardinal Connection
Spelling Bee
The CFMS English Department is pleased to announce Sean
as the winner of this year’s spelling bee, which was held on
January 30. Sean, a sixth grader on the Skylark team, correctly spelled ragout and epicurean to advance to the regional
spelling bee on March 3 in Stanley. Second place honors go
to seventh grader Kailee from the Endeavor team. Sean will
represent CFMS at the regional bee, and Kailee will serve as
an alternate. Congratulations to all the fine spellers, including
second runner-up Dylan from the Trek team.
Music Students of the Month
Fisher, Madison 7th
Radle, Marshall 6th
Richmond, Erin 7th
Schindler, Leah 6th
Sheehan, Abby 8th
Solberg, Keyton 7th
Anderson, Ashley C. 6th
Butak, Paige 7th
Dienger, John 7th
Dollarhyde, Gavin 6th
Garber, Keara 8th
Griffith, Luke 6th
Jochum, Cheyenne 7th
Lanners, Mady 8th
Levine, Sam 8th
Raycher, Kya 6th
Small, Hannah 7th
Anderson, Ashley L. 7th
Ayensu-Mensah, Mike 8th
Burchett, Logan 6th
Christie, Grace 6th
Emerson, Matt 7th
Flatten, Emily 8th
Guibord, Bailey 6th
Kromrey, Alexa 7th
Mason, Nick 8th
Mattke, Emily 6th
Mewhorter, Jordan 7th
Meyer, Jack 6th
Rasmussen, Ryan 6th
Sarazen, Luke 6th
Sargent, Kayla 8th
Smithberg, Katie 6th
Pop’s Concert
On Thursday evening, January 29, the CFMS show
choir put on their annual Pop’s Concert. This year’s
event was extra special in that it was a completely
student led show. Prior to the show choir’s perfor
mance, seven solo or small group acts performed vocal
selections or did stunt/gymnastics routines. The entire
concert program was created by Ingrid Lyberg, the
sound system was run by student helper Elaina Myers,
the show choir props were designed by Emma Eslinger and Allie Johnson, and the concert emcees Beth
McIlquham, Marissa Monpas and Ingrid Lyberg came up with their own act introductions. All of this on top
of just the amazing work of all of the members of the CFMS show choir—they are certainly a driven group of
students!! Thanks to all of you for a great concert! You truly make CFMS a great place to be!
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Cardinal Connection
World Language Students of the Month
Adler “Vicente” is Señorita Wolner’s selection for January’s
Spanish Student of the Month. Vicente shows a desire to learn and
grow in his Spanish skills. He actively volunteers in class and engages in each activity. His willing attitude and focus have allowed
him to become a talented Spanish student. Vicente attended the
trip to Concordia Language Villages. During the trip Vicente
chose to try new activities and participate in each experience. He
is a great of example of diligence and commitment in learning a
language. ¡Buen trabajo, Vicente!
Sammie “Ofelia” is Señorita Wolner’s selection for January’s
Spanish Student of the Month. Ofelia is an excellent Spanish student that encourages others to be involved.
Her leadership is evident in class as she raises her hand, works with others, and strives to extend her vocabulary. She regularly comes to class with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. Ofelia is an eager learner
and often asks questions about the Spanish language to understand at a deeper level. She makes class a great
place to learn. ¡Fabuloso, Ofelia!
Jackson “Rafael” is Señora Arendt’s selection for January’s Spanish Student of the Month. Rafael set a goal
at the end of first quarter that he wanted to speak more Spanish and participate more in class. He has done
more than just meet his goal; he has become one of the top leaders in the class. The students now look to him
when they are in need of help. Rafael pushes himself each day to expand his Spanish and has motivated others
around him to do the same! Rafael has a true passion for the learning the language and it is so fun to see his
growth each day! ¡Eres increíble, Rafael!
Sydney “Mónica” is Señora Arendt’s selection for January’s Spanish Student of the Month. Mónica attended
the World Language trip to the Concordia Language Villages at the end of January. She was recognized by the
camp staff and other teachers for having a positive attitude and impressed everyone with her dedication to stay
in the target language. Mónica inspires everyone with her passion for learning new words and improving her
fluency. She is constantly asking how to say new words and then uses them later in class. Mónica will definitely be a Spanish student we will see amazing things from in the future! ¡Eres fenomenal, Mónica!
Matt “Frank” is Mademoiselle Hemauer’s selection for January’s French Student of the Month. Frank is a
very bright young man who demonstrates a strong passion and motivation for learning another language. One
time in class, Frank actually caught a grammar mistake in one of the class stories and was rewarded with euros. Frank also enjoys learning about the French culture. At the end of January, Frank went to Concordia Language Villages with his classmates. At the camp, Frank communicated with the counselors and other campers
in French, tried a variety of authentic cuisine, which he loved, and participated in a variety of activities. His
positive attitude at camp was contagious among other campers and staff.
Félicitations, Frank !
Grace “Violette” is Mademoiselle Hemauer’s selection for January’s French Student of the Month. Violette is
one of the hardest workers in French class. She tries to use the French language as much as possible during
class and even outside of class. Violette also participated in the Concordia Language Villages weekend at the
end of January and had so much fun. She was motivated the whole weekend to speak only French, learn as
much as she could about the language and culture, and always had a huge smile on her face. She was definitely a positive leader at the camp and helped others around her to succeed in the language and to have as much
fun as she was having. Très bien fait, Violette !
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Cardinal Connection
CEO Students of the Month:
The Art Department would like to recognize Camryn as our February CEO. In addition
to a smiling face Camryn brings a lot to the "art table". She is content savvy (art smart),
creates great compositions, and puts forth wonderful effort in craftsmanship. Last year
she was part of those who represented CFMS in the Heyde Art Show. Congratulations
Camryn, thank you for sharing your talents and work ethic with us!
- Mrs. VanDenHeuvel
The Business Department has chosen Aziel as their CEO. No matter the type or
requirement of the assignment, Aziel always has a creative side. His work is always of excellent quality and he has no qualms about improving an answer if it is
not the quality he was striving for. Any teacher knows that Aziel is energetic and
ready with an answer regarding any topic. Congratulations Aziel.
- Ms. McIlquham
Jennah is a pleasure to have in class. She is an extremely hard worker and very attentive. One of the things I enjoy most about Jennah is her willingness to learn. Jennah
has the capability of being able to think things through and then ask thought provoking
questions; which is an amazing skill. I will definitely miss seeing Jennah's smiling
face and her politeness.
- Mrs. Hahn
I nominate Cali for CEO of the month. In a male dominated class she lead by example.
She was remarkable in knot tying and accepted leadership roles in rappelling and ziplining. Her efforts and willingness to work with others has put her at the top of the list.
- Mr. Bobb
Madeline E. Adams, Peyton Adamson, Ashley C. Anderson, Josiah D. Anderson, Jessi C. Andreo,
Gabriella R. Ausman, Lyla Barber, Ella R. Behling, Callyn M. Billen, Logan A. Bobb, Sawyer E.
Bowe, Griffin D. Brandt, Leah R. Brawdy, Nicholas R. Bresina, Tianna R. Buchholz, Brayden A.
Burt, Brady A. Butak, Nicholas Carlson, Grace K. Christie, Steven S. Coulson, Connor R. Crotty,
Sydnie H. Danielson, Arianna M. Davidson, Alexis J. Dawson, Reyna Detienne, Brihan E. Dressel,
Brett B. Elkin, Hayley J. Erickson, Brooklyn J. Farnham, Brady S. Fixmer, Hailey M. Forcier, Daniel
D. Fredrickson, Ava C. Fries, Rachel G. Gering, Amber L. Graham, Luke Griffith, Bailey G. Guibord,
Emerson R. Haen, Ava A. Hakes, Greta L. Hansen, Nathan E. Hanson, Kalib C. Hebert, Sophie M.
Hedrington, Logan P. Hegg, Devon Helwig, Matthew K. Hering, Makenzie Hines, Jayden R. Hoover,
Kestrel I. Huebler, Baylee M. Jacquemart, Jazmine A. Johnson, Jennah A. Johnson, Kirsten R.
Johnson, Elina M. Jouppi, Abbegale T. Kadlec, Max R. Kauphusman, Joseph M. Kelly, Joseph R.
Kloss, Sirach C. Krogstad, Katelyn A. Kukuk, Michael P. Lambert, Lisa M. Landwehr, Annika C.
Lemanski, Alexis F. Lequia, Kiley J. Liedl, Shelby A. Loebertman, Nousoua Lor, Nathan T. Lucas,
Megan E. Ludy, Jordyn N. Luedtke, Kailey J. Makuck, Abigail K. Martin, Sean D. Martin, Joseph M.
Martineau, Sophie R. Martineau, Dominic U. Martinez-Hengst, Tyler J. Matherne, Sydney M.
Mathwig, Nyah Matthews, Emily J. Mattke, Aiden D. McCauley, Ian R. McCormick, Noah M. McGivern, Alina M. McIntyre, Lillian L. Meier, Sierra A. Melville, Jonathan G. Meyer, Seth M. Meyer,
Caleb J. Michlig, Evalyn M. Nascimento, Jenna L. Nelson, Alexis R. Norton, Jacklyn M. Oldroyd,
Parker E. Olson, Kaira I. Papiernik, Zachary J. Parkhurst, Kaylie Paul, Teig A. Perlberg, Jacob T.
Polzin, Sidney A. Polzin, Drew D. Post, Grace M. Potter, Wyatt W. Proud, Ethan J. Raffesberger,
Ryan N. Rasmussen, Kya M. Raycher, Hattie R. Repinski, Joseph D. Reuter, Emily A. Richmond,
Parker G. Roth, Bruce H. Sanborn, Isaiah T. Sanchez, Maxwell K. Saron, Allen-John N.
Schemenauer, Addison K. Schindler, Leah M. Schindler, Emma K. Schneider, Jayden M. Schroetter, Austin C. Schultz, Aziel B. Severson, Gavin R. Shaurette, Logan J. Shemick, Hannah R. Short,
Rachel M. Short, Jacob M. Siegenthaler, Savannah Small, Kaira A. Smiskey, Isabella R. Smith,
Kaitlyn S. Smithberg, Alisha R. Sommerfeld, Jacob P. Spaeth, Ben W. Steinmetz, Jayden L. Sullivan, Lucas J. Svendal, Teagan S. Swift, Emily M. Syverson, Ethan N. Trowbridge, Isaac V. Vang,
Paige C. Watson, Cameron M. Welter, Lauren J. Whetstone, Abby G. Wiberg, Alexa R. Wickland,
Kylee A. Wilson-Ross, Maleah F. Wittman, Amanda J. Zawacki, Kiarra D. Zeinert, Jack A. Zenner,
Kari L. Zwiefelhofer
Dorian D. Anderson, Autumn A. Anger, Tryston N. Ash, Andrea Barron Vargas, Brylee O. Berg,
Shelbi M. Blaeser, Zoe R. Bleske, Megan R. Bowe, Sydney N. Braden, Allison M. Buckwheat, Logan C. Burchett, Nicholas J. Couey, Haley M. Davidson, Jasper W. Davis, Lukas J. Dean, Seth J.
Dillman, Gavin Dollarhyde, Jacob Douglas, Wesley Eliason, Katelyn I. Ellis, Anthony T. Fink, Isaac
R. Frenette, Kegan J. Gerlach, Ashley K. Graham, De'ken Griffin, Casey J. Grothe, Robert K. Gumness, Mia M. Gunderson, Madison J. Henneman, Savannah M. Hinke, Alyssa L. Hysell, Taylor R.
Jensen, Ophelia H. Johnson, Percy A. Johnson, Isaac J. Kass, Carter J. Katz, Amanda L. King,
Alexa J. Kordecki, Tristan J. Kupczak, Tyler L. Kurtenbach, Seth J. Kusmirek, Serenity R. Larue,
Gee H. Lee, Thea B. Lenhart, Adrienne R. Leuck, Cole E. Ling, Lawrence M. Lonetree-Burgess,
Darian J. Longdo, Cason S. Lorenzo, Lily M. Lucas, Joslyn M. Meyer, Mikaya R. Miner, Harmony H.
Molumby, Lilly M. Nemitz, Gabriel A. Olson, Timothy G. Patrick, Riley M. Pettman, Cooper T. Porzondek, Aidan T. Price, Alexis M. Prosecky, Marshall L. Radle, Taisha L. Radle, Cort D. Rathbun,
Autumn K. Raymond, John V. Ripienski, Reagan L. Rivard, Alex S. Robinson, Zoe L. Roder, Carson
J. Schick, Ethan J. Schlageter, Devin D. Schneider, Courtney E. Schuster, Aidan C. Senn, Hailey M.
Shearer, Kyle D. Siddons, Abigail N. Sippel, Mateo D. Stanley, Dominik T. Stanton, Morgan L.
Starck, Carter T. Steinmetz, Riley D. Strassburg, Rebekah P. Studinger, Ian T. Swanson, Preston
D. Swim, Alyssa M. Sykora, Jason T. Thach, Bohde N. Torkelson, Vincent S. Trott, Xxayvion Tucker, Tina K. Vang, Trevor M. Voth, Carter R. Webb, Hunter T. Welch, Jordona L. White, Cameron
Windelspecht, Ji Lia V. Yang, Tanner J. Zilk
Chloe E. Adams, Rebecca L. Adams, Aliyah M. Anderson, Ashley L. Anderson, Carly R. Arneson,
Marnie R. Barth, Chloe J. Beaudette, Sydney L. Belonge, Donald J. Berg, Sydnea M. Berg, Tyler G.
Bohland, Dylan C. Brown, Nicholas R. Bruder, Maxwell A. Brunner, Tayler L. Buchholz, Saige J.
Buckley, Kaitlyn M. Buckli, Paige M. Butak, Owen C. Carpenter, Nicole J. Crumbaker, Ashlie R.
Cummings, Nadia S. Detlaff, Brookelyn E. Dewberry, John M. Dienger, Jaylin M. Dubberke, Marah
E. Dunham, Matthew P. Emerson, Emma Eslinger, Madelynn M. Fasbender, Stephanie J. Fedie,
Madison M. Fisher, Lauren Frion, Molly M. Frizzell, Caelan M. Givens, Hayden J. Goodman, Noah
Graffunder, Iris M. Hakes, Rebecca A. Hall, Ashley L. Hanley, Alondra N. Harris, Josephine M. Harvey, Leah J. Hayden, Hunter M. Hayes, Emma E. Herriges, Ethan Z. Heuer, Evelyn M. Hietpas,
Jayden M. Hodgson, Mitchell T. Howard, Gabrielle E. Hull, Cassandra J. Isenberger, Jacob Jackan,
Cheyenne Jochum, Allison I. Johnson, Sarah E. Kauphusman, Makayla R. Kline, Cora N. KnightHamm, Alexa R. Kromrey, Ryan R. Krumenauer, Samantha L. Kukuk, Maxwell Kunkel, Camryn R.
Lahr, Logan R. Lecleir, Zong G. Lee, Pyper S. Leirmo, Kailee A. Lien, Isaac H. Lindstrom, Shyann
K. Ling, Nathan A. Loebertman, Matthew T. Maclaughlin-Barck, Emma J. Maes, Paige P. McNamara, Alexa R. Mercier, Jordan J. Mewhorter, Alexander T. Mitchell, Kendall L. Monson, Daniel J.
Moucha, Theresa J. Nichols, Ian D. Olson, Alisia J. Palms, Alexandria B. Pampuch, Anna Y. Peterson, Kiana L. Pitsch, Anthony D. Plechacek, Isabelle C. Polnaszek, Kianna M. Prince, Hayden M.
Pynch, Jillian S. Raschke, Eric A. Rasmussen, Courtney Raymond, Jessica P. Renaud, Erin M.
Richmond, Brystal J. Roshell, Jade Ruf, Hannah R. Sarazen, Hannah M. Schick, Emerson R.
Schultze, Audreyanna H. Seidlitz, Morgan E. Shepherd, Tiger Y. Slowinski, Hannah K. Small, Dannah Sokup, Keyton C. Solberg, Lily M. Spooner, Emma F. Sprague, Alaina C. Steinmetz, Tristan A.
Stygar, Madelyn I. Suchomel, Jacob D. Thompson, Kylie J. Van Dyke, Keelin H. Vaudreuil, Kaden
M. Verhulst, Zachary C. Voigt, Alycea K. Vranish, Matthew S. Walters, Sydney N. Ward, Megan L.
Wegner, Tanner J. Whelan, Chloe L. Wingert, Jailian X. Xiong, Alexis J. Zenner
Zachary J. Abbott, Brielle C. Adrian, Collin J. Albright, Benjamin G. Anderson, Teagan R. Anderson,
Tessa Anderson, Jordan Atkinson-Devall, Adam J. Ausman, William M. Baxter, William W. Bergeman, Cole A. Bowe, Grace R. Bowe, Kaitlynn A. Buckwalter, Austin T. Copas, Jacob L. Demars,
Amber S. Devaul-Nute, Darica S. Edwards-Smith, Ashlee M. Endvick, Nicholas Frazer, Katarina R.
Gardow, Owen T. Gehl, Amber R. Gilles, Gracie M. Grenko, Alyssa L. Grodevant, Samantha R.
Gubrud, Hosanna M. Guerrero, Shelby L. Gulseth, Isabelle A. Gunderson, Ruthann C. Haile, Jaykob M. Hamman, Odessa V. Hazelton, Carter E. Holm, Elijah H. Holty, Alexis M. Huset, Samantha
A. Jaeger, Jared P. Jarosz, Matthew T. Jeffries, Cameron S. Johnson, Kaylee R. Johnson, Cole M.
Jonas, Ross J. Kaz, Jack A. Kenner, Devon Klatt, Dakota R. Koenig, Jonah R. Krueger, Kyle J.
Lampman, Kaylee F. Launderville, Zachary D. Lee, Austin N. Little, Sammantha M. Long, Nathaniel
D. Marsh, Brooklyn E. Matthaei, Madison G. McDonough, Jaidah R. Mchie, Aaliyah P. McMillan,
Hope McNamara, Avery L. Michels, Lashay N. Morris, Jack C. Mullen, Robert D. Mullenberg, Emilee F. Murphy, Mckayla A. Nowak, Zachary A. O'Connell, Ambrea K. Olson, Caleb J. Olson, Brayton
M. Pecenka, Grace Polhamus, Karlie E. Ramharter, Jacob Reese, Marjorie Kay E. Reitan, Gunnar
E. Richel, Connor K. Risinger, Autumn R. Robinson, Peyton C. Rogers-Schmidt, Dylan J. Rothbauer, Jordyn E. Schultz, Cameron Scobie, Dylan M. Shackleton, Logan B. Shermo, Austin Smith, Griffin J. Spindler, Adriana A. Stephenson, Noah J. Stewart, Megan M. Sworski, Blake T. Trippler, Tristin M. Tuschl, Aidan R. Wegrzyn, Bryce A. White, Ty L. Wiberg, Lindsey V. Wiener, Kaia R. Wilkie,
Kylee D. Willert, Brooke M. Williamson, Zechariah H. Wills, Brianna M. Wooley, Arianna D. Wootan,
Alexander K. Yang, George B. Yang, Natasha Yliniemi, Joseph K. Ziehr
Madelain G. Adrian, Eric T. Albitz, Emily Anderson, Faith M. Anderson, Korbyn A. Andre, Amber
Atchison, Mike Ayensu-Mensah, Jacob C. Baker, Daniela S. Barron Vargas, Loren W. Beaudette,
Jon Begley, Adeline B. Bengtson, Levi B. Berg, Kennedy K. Bergh, Elizabeth K. Bowe, Molly J.
Bowe, Ciara B. Breezee, Emma K. Bresina, William J. Butak, Orion M. Caneff, Kayleigh K. Carotenuto, Raenah L. Chapek, Grant Crank, Bayleigh J. Crawford, Nathan M. Custer, John D. Czech,
Olivia A. Danielson, Kyle Davies, Maximus A. Davis, Ella R. Denning, Aidan D. Detienne, Amanda
F. Deutschlander, Victoria M. Dodge, Bayleigh R. Dresel, Tirzah J. Dunham, David M. Dvoracek,
Adrianna E. Eby, Trent J. Eckwright, Logan M. Erickson, Shadia Escorcia-Cure, Jack W. Evans,
Courtney K. Fisher, Emily J. Fliehr, Faith A. Ford, Joseph J. Forster, Luke G. Franz, Justin R. Gassen, Joshua T. Gienapp, Cali E. Goulet, Sadie C. Gramling, Ryan Hagen, Cameron G. Hazelton,
Naomi M. Heidtke, Sophia N. Heller, Alissa A. Hering, Alayna E. Hetke, Egan T. Hill, Kaylie A. Honaker, Ezekiel A. Huebler, Nolan M. Hutzler, Cierra E. January, Grace E. Kasparek, Julia K. Kauffman, Wyatt A. Keyeski, Aurora G. Killough, Emmalia V. Kline, Cole Koxlien, Michael R. Kramer, Adler C. Kranich, Calvin Kukuk, Spencer Kurtenbach, Victor S. Labelle, Samuel D. Langel, Mady K.
Lanners, Daria E. Larson, Kelsey A. Lato, Hanna N. Litscher, Patricia A. Lowry, Sawyer H. Lubs,
Jonah R. Lucas, Ingrid A. Lyberg, Jacob C. Maier, Nathan C. Makuck, Nicholas M. Mason, Aftyn
Maurer, Cooper McCanna, Beth M. McIlquham, Tyler C. McIlquham, Levi D. Meyer, Mara M.
Milledge, Christian J. Miller, Marissa R. Monpas, Elaina J. Myers, Talin R. Neitge, Sophie M. Nelson, Payton J. Niblett, Lacey R. O'Donnell, Kaleigh Oemig, Adrienne E. Olson, Emma M. Palmberg,
Nicole M. Patzoldt, Olivia L. Pomietlo, Alyssa Potts, Samantha J. Riedel, Caleb Rislove, Tyler R.
Robarge, Zachary C. Rohde, Andrew W. Rolfes, Makayla M. Romundstad, Kaelin M. Roshell, Dalton N. Rothbauer, Kayla L. Rowan, Mikayla Runge, Katherine G. Rushmann, David S. Salazar, Kayla M. Sargent, Emily A. Schaefer, Luke M. Schemenauer, Madalyn N. Schmidley, Jadelyn J.
Schmidt, Chloe J. Schreurs, Jackson J. Sedivy, Ellie M. Senn, Katelyn M. Siddons, Hannah R.
Sillman, Dane A. Simmons, Shawn A. Smith, Caleb Smithberg, Payton K. Solberg, Kaitlyn E. Sommerfeld, Rachel M. Spaeth, Abigail R. Staves, Katelyn E. Steinmetz, Lydia B. Steinmetz, Mallory R.
Sterling, Natalie A. Stewart, Madison L. Sweeney, Catelyn N. Swenson, Austin W. Sykora, Kevin T.
Thach, Sydney J. Thies, Alexandra P. Thomas, Gavin R. Thorson, Jackston Tillotson, Kaitlyn B. Tinberg, Samantha J. Trinrud, Mitchell P. Vanyo, Elizabeth M. Wagner, Rachael A. Wagner, Julia E.
Wahl, Kelsey L. Walla, Korah J. Walla, Claire L. Walter, Dane C. Weiland, Brady S. Weyandt, Leah
M. Woodward, Bailey C. Zank, Madelyn R. Zenner
Victor A. Adams, Jasiel I. Albarran Molina, Marley Allen, Abigail S. Anderson, Austin J. Anderson,
Austin A. Badaluco, Joshua A. Beaudette, Deven D. Berg, Adrianna M. Bernier, John E. Bilda, Matthew M. Blake, McKenna R. Blum, Dylan T. Bush, Jocelyn J. Buss, Jordan J. Chartrand, Ethan M.
Crocker, Isaac S. Ducommun, Vince A. Eggen, Hannah R. Eliason, Jordan T. Eliason, Rayna M. Evans, Timothy J. Evans, Brandon A. Feigum, Felix B. Fenner, Emily H. Flaten, Keara R. Garbers,
Cameron Gates, Trey A. Gerberding, Grace L. Greene, Mariah E. Gregory, Lacey J. Hamm, Nathan
S. Hayes, Reed G. Hebert, Madison Helland, Haley Hines, Chase M. Holm, Kyler R. Holmlund,
Jaden T. Hoople-Leisz, Alexis Huber, Alex H. Jake, Alexander C. Johnson, James A. Kenner, Zachary R. Kerckhove, Alexis N. King, Samuel H. Krarup, Chloe R. Kuester, Alexandria E. Lackner, Seth
T. Larson, Kaitlyn J. Lato, Hannah Leavesseur, Samantha A. Levine, Laly Lor, Ella M. Makemson,
Austin G. Martell, Garrett D. McDonough, Denon O. McLaughlin, Diana Medina, Jack R. Metza,
Paige K. Miner, Wyatt E. Moon, Tucker A. Mueller, Rylee A. Myers, Alexander R. Nelson, Maurice
A. Niesen, Jacob A. Peleschak, Alex Peterson, Parker W. Pickerign, Taylor L. Pierson, Matthew S.
Pomietlo, Cassidy R. Quinlan, Abygail R. Ralston, Grace Reiter, Thomas J. Rothbauer, Garrett D.
Sabaska, Isaac R. Sanchez, Jenna L. Schemenauer, Jack K. Schimmel, Hailey L. Schneider, Jena
A. Secraw, Abigail M. Sheehan, Luke K. Shermo, Jaron C. Silvernail, Alexandria L. Smithee, Sunshine A. Southworth, Bailey A. Straskowski, Reed J. Swan, Cole A. Swink, Abigail R. Thibedeau,
Kirsten M. Turner, Taylor C. Tuschner, Serena Vang, Wyatt R. Veitch, Brandon M. Walton, Christian
M. Webb, Ethan G. Weese, Jack G. Welke, Isaac F. Whaley, Caleb J. White, Karissa M. Wright
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Cardinal Connection
Educational Excellence
Family and Consumer Science Department Field Trip
The 8th grade Kidz Junction Class went to the Chippewa Falls YMCA, BB4C class, and taught the 4 year old
children a lesson about winter. The students did a fantastic job teaching and working with the children. Here
are some pictures from this school-to-work experience!
Manufacturing Show
CVTC will hold a Manufacturing Show Thursday, March 5
3-7 pm
Gateway Campus
2320 Alpine Road, Eau Claire.
For more information, please check out:
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Cardinal Connection
Concordia Language Villages
On January 30th-February 1st, Mr. Jahnke, Ms. Brown, Ms. Hemauer, Ms. Wolner, and Mrs. Arendt took a
group of Spanish and French students to the Village Weekends program at the Concordia Language Villages
in Bemidji, Minnesota.
The students were immersed in their target language the entire weekend while experiencing aspects of different cultures from around the world. They were exposed to cultural games, music, dances, sports, and
food. Throughout these experiences they interacted with students and counselors from around the world. The
students returned full of unforgettable experiences and an even greater passion for Spanish and French!
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Cardinal Connection
Toothpick Bridge Competition
With 2nd quarter tucked under our belts, 7th grade science is going to challenge students with an engineering project. The month of February is devoted to learning about some famous bridges that have impacted the transportation system and advanced engineering practices. More importantly, our students will
be able to take the learned material and apply it in a hands-on engineering experience: Toothpick Bridge Competition! With only toothpicks and Elmer’s Glue-All, students will research, design, budget, predict, and test. Their final goal is to build a bridge they designed, all while
staying in their $1,000,000 budget, and test the bridge for weightbearing capacity. Can our student groups be successful? We will see.
I’m confident each student will gain valuable experiences throughout
the process.
Math Department News
In 6th grade , students have been studying ratios and proportional relationships. Students have been learning to write ratios, find unit rates and graph ratios as sets of numbers on
the coordinate plane. Additionally, students have been learning to solve problems involving percentages. Students will conclude the unit by applying their knowledge of ratios to units
of measurement. Our next area of study will require students to apply what they
know about mathematics to algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities.
In 7th grade, students are learning about Ratio and Proportional Relationships. They will extend their understanding of ratios and develop an understanding
of proportionality to solve single and multi-step problems. Students will graph proportional relationships and understand the unit rate informally as a measure of the
steepness of the related line, called the slope. Students will also solve problems
about scale drawings by relating corresponding lengths between the objects or by using the fact that relationships of lengths within an object are preserved in similar objects. Finally, they will solve a wide variety of
percent problems, including those involving discounts, interest, taxes, tips, and percent increase or decrease.
In 8th grade Pre-Algebra, we have finished our unit on Linear Equations and are moving directly into Solving Systems of Equations. This is a transition from studying one line to studying two lines. The students will
be able to determine the three types of solutions for the lines, and they will have the ability to solve the system
by graphing, by addition, by multiplication or by substitution. Once the students are able to complete solving
a systems, we will move onto modeling and real life problems where systems are used outside of the classroom. An excellent model is the break even point. When a business is spending money, expenses, and making money, income, the students will be able to determine at what point a business will break even or when a
profit or a loss will occur. After this topic, we will be transitioning into a geometry unit.
In 8th grade Algebra, we have finished our factoring unit and our fractional equations unit. We are moving
into a unit that has the students applying the skills they learned previously. The applications range from working with percentages to solving chemistry solution problems. It has many interesting problems and the students enjoy applying the math skill they have learned to solve a problem. Also, our After School Voyager’s
program is offering a class on Tuesdays and Thursday during the first session call Algebra Resource. The
class is designed for students that need some additional help on math homework and test corrections. Please
be looking for the flyer, coming home on Feb. 9th, if your student could use some extra help!
A Renewed Promise, A New Perspective
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Cardinal Connection
Social Studies News
In 6th Grade Social Studies, we have just finished studying the Earth’s physical geography. Our classes examined
how physical processes like plate tectonics, weathering,
and erosion shape the Earth’s surface. We are working on
our understanding of how Geographers sort the Earth into
regions based on the analysis of common characteristics
including, but not limited to, landforms, precipitation,
growing seasons, soil types, agriculture, transportation,
and economies. Through our studies, we have learned
how each place on the Earth is unique.
We also discovered how geographic factors help determine where people live. We discussed how latitude
and altitude, ocean and wind currents, and prevailing weather patterns influence the Earth’s climate, and
how Mr. Thornton’s “Goldilock’s Factors” determine settlement patterns. Some regions are too warm,
some regions are too cold, and some regions are just right for humans to thrive. We have further honed
our basic Geographer’s tools to enable us to dive deeper into our current units on Canada.
7th Grade Social Studies classes have been working on a unit
covering Southern Europe. We are examining the countries of
Italy and Greece and will be studying Spain and Portugal next.
Classes have focused on the importance of the ancient Greek and
Roman civilizations’ contributions to Western Culture. We will
be describing the effect Greek and Roman architecture has had
on our building designs.
After the students return from their mid-winter break, our classes
will be focusing on a unit about the Holocaust. This unit will
include standards that focus on primary and secondary sources to interpret the past. We will conclude this
unit with a presentation to the entire seventh grade by speaker Tim Scott.
Currently 8th Grade Social Studies students are finishing units relating to the Constitution and the New
Republic. Here are some of the learning objectives students are focusing on:
I can identify and discuss important political documents,
such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Declaration
of Independence and explain their function in the American political system.
I can describe and explain how the federal system separates the powers of federal and state governments in the
United States.
I can describe and explain how legislative, executive, and
judicial powers are balanced at the federal level.
I can clearly explain and defend my position on a topic of
public concern.
I can identify significant events and people that shaped the political traditions of the new republic.
I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific
to domains related to history/ social studies.
A Renewed Promise, A New Perspective
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Cardinal Connection
Parent Corner
Chippewa Falls Middle School is excited to announce participation in the
Dunn County Cooperative Extension’s eParenting®: High-Tech Kids pilot!
Chippewa Falls Middle School is one of several schools across Wisconsin
testing this method of providing parenting information and support.
Over the next 4 months, CFMS parents will receive an email every
Wednesday with a link to a new eParenting®: High-Tech Kids blog post at http://fyi.uwex.edu/
eparenting/. We are excited to partner with our community to provide free and high-interest resources for our
families. Thank you to CFMS parent Kristen Bruder for her work in connecting us to this program!
Beating the Blahs
The holidays are over, we’ve begun faltering on our New Year’s goals, and it’s cold
and dreary. Welcome to mid-winter funk, for you and your family. The ‘blahs’ can
impact our BEST personally and professionally. The semester is wrapping up and
we feel like relaxing. But, the new semester is sitting there right in front of us, waiting for us to enthusiastically dig in. While you and your children feel like staying in
bed. The old saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” This
time of year feels tough at times, ergo it’s time for us to get going. Where will you
find your motivation, the energy and drive to inspire your kids?
I like to inspire myself by reading about those that strive to be their BEST. I recently read a book written by Carey D. Lohrenz called Fearless Leadership. Carey was
the U.S. Navy’s first female F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot. That was an interesting fact
to me, but what really drew me in was her experience as a Wisconsin Badger! Carey is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Madison and there she learned some important lessons as a member of a championship
women’s rowing team. A quote in her book caught my eye: The most successful people in the world do
the things they know they need to be doing even when they don’t feel like doing them.
Ah…. even when you wish it were spring break. Or, even when your student doesn’t feel like working on
his/her reading journal. Or even when you let your guard down and don’t monitor closely enough to see those
missing assignments. We want our children to be successful students now and into the future, so these feelings present a natural learning opportunity. Harness it! Here are some ideas:
Focus on discipline. Have a family conversation about discipline. Not “punishment” but discipline in the
sense of having a routine and sticking to it, knowing that if you do you are very likely to succeed. Help your
child think about what would need to be done to achieve a specific goal. Write down the steps. Coach the
concept that repetition, doing the same things over and over and over, is discipline. Discipline is a key component of success!
Self-Care. To bring your BEST this time of year, you might have to tap into your past experience with the
mid-winter blahs. Think for a minute about what won’t work. If you hit snooze, skip breakfast, run late,
think negatively, complain about others and use the drive-thru for dinner, your mid-winter funk will be extraordinary. Don’t handle the problem this way. Do it the exact opposite and notice how it seems like the sun
is shining!
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Cardinal Connection
Do it as a family! Make a plan to bring some sunshine into
your home. How about a beach-themed dinner? Or a campout on the living room floor? Or some summer music to
inspire your morning routine? Ask your children for ideas,
they will have many!!
As parents, we are precisely the people that do the things we
know we need to be doing, even when we don’t feel like doing them. It’s what makes us our BEST and what will help
our children be their BEST too!
Holly Hakes is a mother of three children in the school
district, including two daughters at the middle school. She is professional speaker and a writer. Her work is
featured in publications and at events designed to help people be their BEST as professionals and parents.
eParenting® High Tech Kids Workshop coming to Chippewa Falls Middle School
Would you like to learn how digital media can be used to help you stay connected and be even more
influential in your (pre)teens life? Curious how digital media can help you build and nurture your relationship with your developing teen? Have you been reading the eParenting® e-mails and want to
know more or have questions? You are in luck! The eParenting® High Tech Kids 2-hour workshop is
coming to the Chippewa Falls Middle School! UW-Extension Educator, Kristen Bruder, is hosting a 2
-hour workshop that will address the role that digital media has in supporting our changing adolescent and how we can use digital media in our parenting.
What: eParenting® High Tech Kids Workshop
Where: Chippewa Falls Middle School
When: March 16, 2015 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
How do I sign up?: Call 715-232-1636 to register
Community Conversation for Educational Excellence (one year anniversary)
The Community Conversation Reunion was held Tuesday, February 3. It was a wonderful event with about
50 community members in attendance. The CFMS show choir performed, student art was on display, and
we completed four areas of update, including the strategic plan, communications, mental health, and career
and technical education advancement.
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Cardinal Connection
What’s Trending
What do students love about CFMS?
Mitch—the variety of classes
Hanna—meeting new people
Hailey—good Special Ed program
Monique—the library
Emily—Spanish program
Abigail—teachers are always helpful
Ashtyn—pick your classes in 8th grade
Keaton—the food
Brian—hot dog picnics
Orion—you can sit where you want for lunch
Dalton—lockers have their own locks; don’t need a padlock
Jaron—being a student helper
Brady—Outdoor Skills class
Nathan—Jazz Band
Lacey—Taco Bar
Kara—field trips
Maddie—freedom to express ourselves
Tons of opportunities . . . More things to love
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Cardinal Connection
Staff Spotlight
Herb Kohl Fellowship
Congratulations to our very own Eric Olson and Angie Southworth! Both teachers have made it to the State Selection Level
for consideration as Herb Kohl Fellowship teachers.
The Kohl Teacher Fellowship program recognizes and supports
teaching excellence and innovation in the State of Wisconsin.
Kohl Teacher Fellowship’s goal is to support
teachers in the pursuit of their unrealized goals
for their classrooms or professional development.
Beginning in 2015 the Foundation will increase
its awards to 100 Wisconsin teachers to $3,000,
and each Kohl Fellowship recipient's school will
receive a matching $3,000 grant. Recipients'
professional accomplishments are celebrated at a
recognition luncheon in the spring.
The applications of the public school Kohl fellowship
recipients will automatically be used as the applicants
for the Wisconsin Teacher of the Year program. Four
teachers will be selected, one in each of the four
categories. These Teachers of the Year will come to
Madison to be interviewed to select Wisconsin's
nominee to the National Teacher of the Year
Congratulations and thank you for representing CFMS at the state level.
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Cardinal Connection
The Back Page
Mid-winter break is February 23-27.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, March 12,
from 5-8 pm. Please stop by and check out the “Lost and Found”
located at the front Reception area.
Regular School Day
Collaboration/Late Start
Start Time: 8:30 am
Start Time: 9:30 am
End Time: 3:44 pm
End Time: 3:44 pm
February 4 & 18
April 1 & 15
March 4 & 18
May 6 & 20
Middle School Breakfast: $0.85
Lunch: $2.25
Starting January 5, 2015 second meal items will be charged individually due to new government guidelines.
Middle School students will be able to purchase additional amounts of any item on the posted menu. Please
note students are not required to take a fruit or vegetable as part of a second meal. Keep in mind they will be
charged for each individual component taken. Additional purchases will only be permitted if funds are
Lunch: Entrée—$1.75; Side Dish or Dessert—75 cents; Fruit or Vegetable—50 cents; Milk—35 cents
Breakfast: Entrée—$1.00; Fruit—50 cents; Cereal—65 cents; Granola Bar—50 cents;
Milk/Juice—35 cents
Again, this only applies to second meals. Please encourage your children to only take items they want.
To report an absence or request a pass, please call the appropriate attendance line:
6th and 7th Grade
Press 1 or ext. 1570
8th Grade
Press 2 or ext. 1572
Parents are required to notify the school when their child will be absent. Please have your student bring a
medical appointment excuse from the doctor to the grade level office. Parents must notify the school when
their child will arrive later than 8:30 am. Students who arrive late to school need to check in at the main office
and receive an admittance pass from their grade level office. Students who need to leave school during the
school day need an Off-Campus Pass. Parents need to notify the school as early as possible so that a pass may
be issued.
For your convenience, attendance lines are accessible 24/7. Notification should include the time your child
needs to leave, the time that they will return, if applicable, and the reason they will be gone. Passes will be
delivered to students or they may stop at the grade level office to pick up their pass. Students who return to
school need to check in at the main office and receive an admittance pass from the grade level office.
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Cardinal Connection
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Each parent/guardian is granted a Parent Portal account. For instructions, please contact
the middle school grade level office. This portal gives you access to lunch payments, attendance, grades, assignment due dates, and much more. Other private messages and information regarding your child are also available here.
School Website
The middle school public website can be found at http://cfsd.chipfalls.k12.wi.us/middle/.
School calendars, athletic schedules, teacher webpages with lesson plans, and other useful information can be accessed through the site.
District Mobile App
This mobile app has all of our district information, including our website and Facebook
Page. The district has a mobile app that can be downloaded from iTunes/Google Play.
The Facebook page offers regular updates on events, student activities, school closings,
Timely information about our district, and adult education opportunities. The Facebook
Page is accessible through the district website or by searching for the Chippewa Falls
Area Unified School District.
Follow items of interest—share your insights. We are tweeting such things as updates
on projects in our school and great things students and staff are doing. Find the middle
School’s Twitter account @CFMSCardinals and the Chippewa Falls Area Unified School
District’s Twitter account @ChippewaFallsSD.
Chippewa Yellow Bus
For all questions bus related, contact:
Chippewa Yellow Bus Company—715-726-2454. 510 E. South Ave., Chippewa Falls, WI
54729. If your child is taking an alternative way home, any given day of school, such as
riding their bike or getting picked up when they would normally ride the bus, a parent/
guardian must provide a written note to the school. Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us. Parents needing alternative drop off locations for their child in the afternoon or if the child is riding home with a friend, a bus deviation must be completed.
These forms are available in school offices.
Attendance at Public Events
Upon request to the building administrator, submitted 24 hours in advance, the district shall make reasonable
accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format as necessary for a
disabled person to be able to participate in this activity. At least twenty-four hours advanced notice of the need
for accommodation is appreciated.