PI Financials Tool – Gen 2 Quick Reference – Home Objectives

PI Financials Tool – Gen 2 Quick Reference – Home Objectives: Through using this quick reference guide, a PI Financial tool user will be able to: 1. Understand the main areas of the Home screen 2. Navigate to key functional areas The Home screen is your dashboard when you first log into the PI Financials: The first part [1] of the Home page lists general announcements. The middle part of the Home page [2] shows what Group (of projects) you are viewing and provides additional navigation options:  If you are a PI, the home page project summary list will default to “All Projects” for which you are PI.  If you are a delegate, the “All Projects” list will be blank and you will need to select your PI’s group from the “Group” drop‐down list. For more information on the additional navigation options in this section, see:  Editing and Adding Groups ‐ see https://www.rsp.wisc.edu/pifin/grouphelp.pdf  Personnel View – see https://www.rsp.wisc.edu/pifin/personnelhelp.pdf  Manage Scenarios – see https://www.rsp.wisc.edu/pifin/scenariohelp.pdf The Project summary list is divided into two parts:  Your Open Projects have a WISDM status of 1‐Open, 2‐Ended‐Past Official End Date, or 3‐
Closed‐Adjustments Only.  Your Closed Projects are provided for historical reference, and have a WISDM status of 5‐Closed. The main change in this section is the new Committed Spending column, replacing the previous Encumbrances column. Rather than being limited to the current fiscal year, this column now uses HRS salary projections through the end of the project period, as listed in the official WISDM record, or five years into the future per the HRS calendar data, for projects with a longer end date. For non‐salary expenses, purchase order encumbrances are included from WISDM. This means that this column will typically not match WISDM, but should provide a better forecast of spending commitments. Navigation from the Project list:  Click on UW Project ID or Name link to see details on the project. For more details, see https://www.rsp.wisc.edu/pifin/detailshelp.pdf  If you click on the ‘pencil’ icon in the 3rd column, you can edit the project Name to include additional information you find helpful.  A stop sign icon in the End Date column flags projects that are past their end date.  Current Month Paid and Total Paid will agree to what has been paid in the official university records (WISDM) as of the previous day.  A red flag in the Budget column warns you that the PI Financials Budget has been adjusted/does not currently agree with the official university records (WISDM). For more information on managing budgets in PI Financials, see https://www.rsp.wisc.edu/pifin/budgetshelp.pdf  Balance is calculated as Budget minus Total Paid minus Committed Spending.