(NRP) Research Grants and Young Investigator Awards

Approved and Funded Neonatal Resuscitation Program® (NRP) Research Grants and Young Investigator Awards
2016 Flush Volume and Epinephrine Pharmocokinetics, Buffalo, NY Young Investigator Award: Development and Validation of a Competency Assessment Tool for Bag Mask Ventilation, Toronto, ON TM
2015 Meconium aspiration syndrome and non‐vigorous neonates ‐ pilot study, St Louis, MO Young Investigator Award: Identification of respiratory targets for lung aeration, Philadelphia, PA Optimizing cognitive workload and human performance through gaze pattern categorization during simulated neonatal resuscitation, Palo Alto, CA Prevention of skills decay through telesimulation, St Louis, MO 2014 MRSOPA ‐ Drills to Improve Mask Ventilation in the Delivery Room, Edmonton, AB, Canada Young Investigator Award: Optimal oxygen saturation range during resuscitation following severe asphyxia, Buffalo, NY Continuous chest compressions during sustained inflations in preterm lambs with asphyxia arrest, Buffalo, NY 2013 Novel transitional goal saturations for preterm resuscitation in the delivery room: A randomized control trial, Dallas, TX 2012 Young Investigator Award: Effects of supplemental oxygen following hypoxia‐ischemia in preterm and term‐equivalent neonatal rat pups, New York, NY End tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) prediction of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) during CPR in asystolic and bradycardic neonates, Dallas, TX Determination of the rate of common deviations from the NRP algorithm and evaluation of focused strategies for remediation, Fremont, CA 2011 A multi‐center state collaborative project to improve delivery room management of neonatal resuscitation, Freemont, CA Tracheal Suctioning in “Spontaneous” Meconium Aspiration in Non‐vigorous Asphyxiated Lambs, Albany, NY Young Investigator Award: Variability in Delivery Room Management of Infants With Congenital Anomalies, Philadelphia, PA The Use of Pulse Oximetry in the Assessment of Effective Chest Compressions During Neonatal Resuscitation, Albany, NY 2010 Alternative Chest Compression and Decompression Techniques in Neonatal Piglet Model of Cardiac Arrest, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL Young Investigator Award: Hyperoxia‐Induced Oxidative Stress in the Developing Lung, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Teaching Neonatal Endotracheal Intubation with the Videolaryngoscope, a Randomized Controlled Trial, CHU Sainte‐
Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study of Asynchronous Compression and Ventilation Cycles vs Standard NRP CPR for Resuscitation in a Neonatal Swine Asphyxia Model, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX The Effect of Resuscitative Hyperoxia on Toll‐like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Signaling and T‐cell Recruitment, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, New York, NY 2009 Resuscitation with Varying Levels of Oxygen Soon After Birth and its Effects on Long Term Outcomes in Neonatal Mice, University at Buffalo/ Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Effect of Delivery Room Temperature on the Admission Temperature of Very Low Birth Weight Infants‐A Randomized Controlled Trial (revision), Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY Young Investigator Award: Study of Optimal Ventilation to Chest Compression Ratio in Resuscitation of Neonatal Piglets, University at Buffalo/ Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Video Laryngoscopy Assisted Coaching Improves Resident Intubation Training, Duke University, NC 2008 Acute and Long‐term Effects of Newborn Resuscitation with 100% Oxygen on Bone Marrow Function and Malignant Transformation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX Long‐Term Retention of Knowledge and Technical Skills Following Traditional vs High Fidelity Simulation‐based NRP, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA Young Investigator Award: Delivery Room Cardiopulmonary Support and Long‐Term Outcomes in Very Low Birth Weight Infants, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Prevention of Oxidative Injury in the Neonatal Pulmonary Vasculature After Brief Exposure to Hyperoxia, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Comparison of Umbilical Venous and Intraosseous Access During Simulated Neonatal Resuscitation, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Effectiveness of Plastic Lined Hats for Prevention of Hypothermia in Preterm Newborns in the Delivery Room, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 2007 Preventing Cell Death in Neonatal Hearts during Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Use of a Neonatal Lung Model to Evaluate Changes in Lung Compliance with Flow‐Inflating Versus Self‐Inflating Resuscitation Bags, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Laryngeal Mask Airway for Surfactant Administration in a Newborn Animal Model, University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital, Minneapolis, MN Endotracheal Intubation and Suctioning of Non‐Vigorous Infants Born to Mothers with Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid: Does it Affect Outcome?, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL Young Investigator Award: Effects of Hyperoxia on Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage in Premature Rabbit Pups, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY 2006 A Randomized‐Control Study Comparing Neonatal Outcomes for Traditional Birthing Attendants (TBAs) Trained in Neonatal Resuscitation that Incorporates a Reusable Pocket Mask Resuscitator Compared to Current Standard Birthing Practice in Luwanyama District, Zambia, The Floating Hospital for Children Tufts‐New England Medical Center, Boston, MA Randomized Study of Vasopressin vs Standard and High‐Dose Epinephrine in a Neonatal Model of Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario Canada Comparison of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure versus Free Flow Oxygen Administration on Oxygen Saturation During Resuscitation of Infants > 35 Weeks Gestation, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Canada Screen‐Based Computer Simulation as an Adjunct to Conventional NRP Training, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2005 Newborn Ventilation in the Delivery Room: Could We do it Better with a Mechanical Device?, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Effect of Oxygen Concentration of Resuscitative Gas on Pulmonary Hemodynamics in Term Lambs, Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Young Investigator Award: Randomized Controlled Trial of Endotracheal Versus Intravenous Administration of Epinephrine During Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Asphyxiated Neonatal Piglets, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center of Dallas, Dallas, TX Re‐Oxygenation of Asphyxiated Neonatal Mice. Does Oxygen Concentration Matter?, Columbia University, New York, NY 2004 Prevention of Neonatal Hypoxic‐Ischemic Brain Injury with Minocycline, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Randomized Controlled Trial of End‐Tidal CO2 Guided Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in an Asphyxiated Neonatal Model, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 2003 Effect of Hypercapnia on the Newborn Brain: Need for Resuscitation; Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Resuscitation With 100% Oxygen vs Room Air in Premature Lambs: Effect on Oxidant Stress, Apoptosis, and Necrosis; Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Young Investigator Award: Protective Strategies Against Periventricular Leukomalacia; University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL 2002 NRP and Neonatal Outcomes in Rural Hospitals; University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Minneapolis, MN Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing Resuscitation of Term Newborn Infants with 100% Oxygen Versus Room Air; SUNY, Stony Brook, NY Young Investigator Award: Post Hypoxic Resuscitative Oxygen Concentration and EGR‐1 Expression in the Piglet Brain; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 2001 Does Hypothermia Extend the Therapeutic Window for Anti‐Inflammatory Neuroprotective Strategies after Neonatal Cerebral Hypoxia‐Ischemia in Rats?; The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Comparison of Albumin Versus Normal Saline Administration on Resuscitation in an Asphyxiated Hypotensive Neonatal Model; University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 2000 Potential Physiological Role of Vernix Caseosa in the Delivery Room; Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Serial Evaluation of the Lead Resuscitator Based on Video Review; University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA Is Intrapartum Oro ‐and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Effective in the Newborn Infant Born Through Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid?; SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 1999 Evaluation of Self‐Efficacy Following Use of a Simple, Inexpensive Model for Teaching of Umbilical Vein Catheterization; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 1998 Impact of Education and Training of Neonatal Resuscitation and Asphyxia Related Morbidity and Mortality in Institutional Births; AAPI Charitable Foundation, Oak Brook Terrace, IL Prevention of Heat Loss in the Delivery Room: The Effect of Polyethylene Occlusive Skin Wrapping Immediately After Birth in Very Premature Infants; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 1997 Study to Measure Development of Competence in Neonatal Intubation by Pediatric Residents; The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX Development of a Simulated Delivery Room for the Study of Human Performance During Neonatal Resuscitation, Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA Effect of Glucose Administration During Resuscitation on Brain Function Following Neonatal Asphyxia, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Variability of Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Oxygen Saturation, and Blood Pressure Simultaneously Measured Using Non‐Invasive Monitoring During the Transition Period in Healthy Full‐Term Newborn Infants; Keesler Medical Center, Keesler AFB, MS 1996 Perceptions of Physicians Regarding Pre‐Term Neonatal Resuscitation of Very and Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants; Rush University, College of Nursing, Napa, CA Neuroprotective Effects of Postischemic Adenosine Potentiation and Mild Hypothermia in the Neonatal Rat; UCLA School of Medicine, Center for Health Sciences, Los Angeles, CA Trend Analysis to Reveal Changes in Neonatal Morbidity in Illinois After Initiation of the National Resuscitation Program; Columbus Hospital, Chicago, IL Consent of Neonatal Resuscitation Research – What are Societal Preferences?; Children's Hospital for Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 1995 Management of the Apparently Vigorous Meconium‐ Stained Neonate: A Randomized Prospective Trial; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA Effect of 100% Oxygen and 21% Oxygen During Resuscitation on Cerebral Cellular Function Following Neonatal Asphyxia; Allegheny Health, Education, Research Foundation, Philadelphia, PA 1994 A Computer‐Based Program to Administer Post‐Tests for the Neonatal Resuscitation Program; Saint Elizabeth's Medical Center, Boston, MA Retention of Knowledge and Skills in Family Practice Residents Following Neonatal Resuscitation Program Courses: A Randomized Trail, SMBD‐Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada