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Another year is flying by in
Woozel World and we were elated
to have held another extremely
successful dog show this summer
in aid of Medical Detection Dogs.
We are proud to announce that
we raised over £1200 and we
would like to thank all that
attended and showed their
This year has been full of joys but it has also
been scattered with goodbyes to many of my
oldies that I started treating during old age for
osteoarthritis over six years ago. I will never
forget one customer in particular, the fabulous
Patricia Gonzalez who started bringing her four
dogs to Woozelbears in 2010. She set foot in
Woozelbears greeting my dogs before Margaret
and I and we knew straight away we would get
on with this lady!
The following week we met Sapphire, Didi,
Chips and Honey. Sapphire had a reputation at
the vets to refuse to get out the car so Patricia
assured us if she enjoyed her first session we
would know! Sure enough the next time she
came, to her owner’s surprise she hopped out
the car and walked up to the
pool to have her lifejacket
fitted! This made handling a
60kg leonberger much easier,
especially as she had a
fractured pelvis from an RTA.
Affectionately known as
‘Boo’ we lost her to a fast
growing tumour after many
years of happy swimming memories.
Chips and Honey were inseparable Labradors
that had been rehomed too many times to
remember, nobody ever knew why as they were
impeccably behaved. You couldn’t even be
annoyed with Chips when he lost his sight and
thought your finger was a treat! We sadly lost
Chips at 15 years old from Laryngeal Paralysis
and Honey sadly fractured her leg falling down
the stairs at 16 years old and understandably
had to be put to sleep, her heart murmur and
age meant surgery was not an option.
So Didi was left to rule the roost, which
apparently she loved as she got Patricia all to
herself and as you can imagine she was spoilt
rotten. She had never been much of a fan of the
pool in previous years but when she started
showing signs of stiffness she returned for
hydrotherapy and we used the hydrotherapy
treadmill. We managed to maintain her mobility
and she ran around the fields for several years
until she sadly passed at 12 years old which for
a Leonberger is a credit to Patricia’s dedication
and care she always gave to her fur babies
It is with great sadness to hear that Patricia is
now moving back home abroad but I am looking
forward to training her Son in hydrotherapy as
they plan to take the therapy over the pond!
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We were very excited that Espiritu Spanish
Water Dogs wanted us to groom their dog
Coco for Crufts. They travelled 3 hours to us in
January and then again in March for the show
preparation groom. It took 6 hours to bath and
cord her coat for the show day. Show standard
for the Spanish water dog’s coat is always
curled with a wholly texture, forming cords
when long. The coat may be clipped but must
be the same length all over.
The Spanish Water Dog’s history traces back
several hundred years. In Spain they were kept
in relative isolation in
rural parts of Spain.
Their duties consisted of retrieving
These dogs were used for
a variety of tasks; they
equipment from the water, bringing
were called upon
in stray fish that escaped the nets,
whenever a dog was
required to work. They were used
carry a tow rope to shore for the
as sheepdogs to move flocks of
boat to be pulled in and they would
sheep and goats. They
guard the catch once on land.
accompanied fishermen in their
boats. Their duties consisted of
retrieving equipment from the
water, bringing in stray fish that
escaped the nets, carry a tow rope
to shore for the boat to be pulled in and they
would guard the catch once on land. They also
went hunting and were used as retrievers
Another year brings another venture, in
particularly for waterfowl. They are thought to
collaboration with Abingdon and Witney college
be related to the French Barbet, Poodles and
we are now offering spaces on our City and
Portuguese Water Dog. It is also believed they
Guild Level 2 and 3 grooming courses which
are ancestors to the Irish Water Spaniel.
start at various points throughout the year.
These are part time courses being offered at a
Spanish Water Dogs were first seen in the
of one day a week for the duration of
show ring in the 1970’s. This year there were
20 weeks. We only have 10 places left so please
76 entries at Crufts. We were extremely
now to avoid disappointment!
pleased that Coco won 1st in Veteran Bitch.
She is a lovely dog and a pleasure to groom.