Gordon Gregory Middle School Pioneer Express – October 2010

Gordon Gregory Middle School
“Where Kids Come First”
Pioneer Express – October 2010
“Home of the Pioneers”
From the Principal Mr. Severson
Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year!
This is the first of a series of newsletters – Pioneer Express – that you will receive on-line from Gregory Middle
School throughout the year to keep you informed about what is happening at school. (Note: All Pioneer Express newsletters will be on-line on the front page of the Gregory website, however, we will have copies in the
main office if you or your child would like to stop in and pick one up.)
As many of you may already know, Ms. Igoe has left Gregory and is now a Special Services Director in the
Hinsdale School system. I want to thank Ms. Igoe for her commitment to Gregory Middle School for the past
year. Her dedication to the staff and students of Gregory helped to make a difference in the area of Problem
Solving and Interventions to help our students move forward.
I am pleased to announce that we have hired Mr. Peter Gatz as our Assistant Principal. Peter comes to us
from Brooks Elementary School in District 204. Peter holds a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education
from Carroll College as well as a Masters Degree in Education and one in Reading Instruction, both from
Aurora University.
Peter has spent the past 13 years working in District 204. Nine of Peter’s thirteen years have been spent as
a 5th Grade Teacher at both McCarty Elementary and Owen Elementary. During the past four years, Peter has
been the Student Services Coordinator at Brooks Elementary. In this role, Peter has spent the majority of his
time facilitating all aspects of the Special Education Program, and as the Response to Intervention (RTI) Coordinator. Peter has also had an important role as an Instructional
Leader, Staff Evaluator, Testing Coordinator, and has been
From Steve Severson .................. 1
charged with handling Student Discipline. In addition to these
building level responsibilities, Peter has been a District ElemenFrom Kim Maloney ....................... 3
tary Lead Math Trainer for 9 years. In this role, he has reFrom Pete Gatz .………………..5
searched new approaches to math instruction and assessment,
7th Grade ……..……...…... ........ ..6
has been responsible for training new staff members in District
Volleyball News ……………... ...…6
204 math curriculum, and has collaborated with teachers and
administrators throughout the district to address math assessHealth News ……………………….6
ment and instructional needs.
Rachel’s Challenge………………..7
Communication Tips………………8
Gregory Staff by Team…………...9
New Staff Biographies…………...10
Bell Schedule……………………...11
Middle Years: September. .. ..... ..13
Middle Years: October
.. ..... .14
Teen Food & Fitness ...................15
Peter has a wealth of knowledge in several areas, but will primarily focus on the areas of Special Education instruction and the
continuation of our Problem Solving journey. Ms. Maloney and I
are extremely excited about the prospects of working with Peter,
his extensive teaching background coupled with his wealth of
education should bode well for Gregory as we move forward in
this ever-changing field of education.
When you get a chance please stop by and welcome Mr. Gatz to
the Gregory family.
Joining our new 6th graders and students new to District 204 this year we welcome several new staff members; as noted above Peter Gatz (Assistant Principal), Ashley Stinger (8 th Grade Science & Language Arts),
Sara Allgire (Part-time Support Teacher) Amanda Evans (Social Worker), Jessica Winters (Part-time School
Psychologist), Julie Do (Part-time General Music), Deborah Lieske (Part-time Speech Pathologist), Gloria
Baumgartner (Part-time French).
We welcome our new students, parents and staff alike and look forward to working with all of you. Brief biographies of our new staff members and team configurations are included in this issue of the Pioneer Express.
During the first few days of this school year, your child will be issued a Parent-Student handbook/assignment
notebook that contains school rules and regulations. Please take the time to review this publication with your
son/daughter. The format of the Student Handbook has been updated making it even more important for all
students and parents to spend time reviewing the handbook. Although this may seem to be a time consuming task, it provides an excellent opportunity for you to interact with your child and share your values regarding school, discipline, and civic responsibility. It also allows you and your child to develop a set of expectations and goals for the upcoming school year. When students recognize that their parents and the school
share a common understanding of what is right and wrong, and have common goals/expectations, students
are more likely to comply with school expectations, reinforce good citizenship skills, and be more successful.
Many of our seventh and eighth grade students are participating in our athletic programs during the course of
this school year. We have already begun contests in football, volleyball, cross-country and soccer…GO PIONEERS! Gregory, along with all the other District 204 Middle Schools, participates with District 203 Jr. High
Schools in the Naper-Prairie Conference (NPC). The conference shares and practices a philosophy appropriate for middle school students in respect to healthy competition. Our member schools believe we have a responsibility to provide quality playing time for as many students as possible. We have "no cut" policies in
those sports where it is possible and "A" and "AA" teams in those sports where tryouts and "cuts" are necessary. All members of teams will play in all contests barring injury or disciplinary action. Our purpose is to
teach sportsmanship, fundamentals of the game, teamwork and fair play. Parental support and positive role
modeling are crucial parts of the athletic experience. We encourage you to support your children and our
teams by attending and cheering appropriately at contests. Belittling athletes or arguing or harassing officials
has no place in our program and will not be tolerated. Thank you for your cooperation.
Numerous musical, club and intramural opportunities will also be available for all Gregory students. For example, we have nearly 100 students participating in Student Council each week (all are welcome), we have
also begun Project Linus and Math Counts. Active participation in school activities provides for a more well
rounded experience and supports overall school success. We encourage all kids to get involved in extracurricular activities in some fashion.
Middle School is a potentially tumultuous transitional time for our children.
We at Gregory have committed ourselves to providing a safe and reassuring
environment where our students can grow and develop socially, emotionally,
physically, and intellectually. Parents and teachers working together will
make a positive difference in your children's lives. We are only a phone call
away. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns or if you wish to
communicate in any way about your child's education.
From the Assistant Principal Mrs. Maloney
Let’s Get 2009-2010 Off to a Great Start!
A new school year is a great opportunity to establish new routines, while continuing to build upon successes from the
previous school year. The excitement can make the first few weeks hectic for the whole family. With a little planning,
your child(ren) can start the upcoming school year off in the right direction.
Prepare for success during the day, the night before: Instead of feeling rushed in the mornings, have your
child prepare for the next day by establishing simple routines. Your middle schooler can set out his or her
clothing, shower, pack his or her backpack and pack a lunch prior to going to bed. Children need at least
eight hours of sleep per night and need to be eating nutritious and healthy meals and snacks.
Help keep your child organized at school and when completing assignments at home: Encourage your child
to keep extra materials (pencils, pens, a calculator, erasers, lined paper) in pocket of his or her backpack.
Extra supplies at home can be stored in a shoe box and placed in a convenient location should they be
I am a huge believer in encouraging your child to write down assignments in the school planner. Upon arriving at home, students can transfer due dates of large projects onto a monthly family calendar. This not only
allows for everyone to know what and when something is due, but it also can help stimulate conversation
between parent and child.
Reading is the key to success: Is your middle schooler a reluctant reader? Ask your child to read to you as
you are preparing dinner. Children can read anything from magazines, to the newspaper, comic books or a
novel. He or she will appreciate the personal attention and improve his reading skills at the same time!
The Art of Listening
When it comes to communicating with your middle schooler, sometimes what your hear is more important
than what you say. When parents take the time to listen, kids get the message that what they have to say is
important. In turn, this makes them more likely to listen to your thoughts on the subject. If your child starts a
conversation, try to make time for it right then. Your child is more likely to open up when he or she picks the
time and topic. Also, resist the temptation to jump in or ask too many questions. As soon as you begin to
criticize or cross-examine, he or she is likely to stop talking.
@Resources for Education, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.
Parent Involvement Pays Off!
Studies confirm that children do better in school when parents are actively involved in their education.
Consider the following ways to help support your middle grader this year.
*Make contact: Touch base with your child’s teachers at the beginning of the school year.
Send an email, write a note, or attend the upcoming open house night. Share any information that
might help the teacher be more successful with your child.
*Meet and greet: Attend conferences and parent functions throughout the year. By meeting
with teachers, you’ll learn first hand how your child is doing, and you’ll have the chance to discuss
strengths and weaknesses.
*Pitch in: Show support for your child’s school! Seek out volunteer opportunities in and out of
school. Working parents can make phone calls and help out with fundraisers. By showing interest in
your child’s education, you are showing an interest in your child. That kind of support can encourage
your youngster to work harder in school.
If you have any questions, concerns or compliments throughout the year, please feel
free to call a teacher, counselor or administrator. I look forward to meeting and servicing the community of Gregory Middle School.
Welcome back, Pioneers!
From the Assistant Principal Mr. Gatz
Welcome Back!!! I hope all of you had time to relax and rejuvenate this summer. I was fortunate to have
some time this summer to begin my adjustment to middle school after many years at the elementary school
level. Mr. Severson, Mrs. Maloney and I have been working very hard this summer to prepare many things
that will get us up and running with the start of the school year and hopefully create a smooth transition back
for our GMS students and families.
As I sent my daughter off to kindergarten this year, I know that communication between school and families is
vital. The Gregory staff is here to assist students and parents with the pursuit of continued success. The following are important communication resources that you may need throughout the school year. Please feel
free to call or email our staff whenever you have a question or concern.
The school office works diligently in providing assistance to a variety of concerns or questions regarding
school rules, district policies, building events or other issues. We are here to resolve concerns for parents
and students. The Gregory Administrators are Steve Severson, Principal; Pete Gatz, Assistant Principal; Kim
Maloney, Assistant Principal. The Administrative Office Staff are Diane Herbert, Secretary to the Principal;
Kathy Hounihan, Secretary to Kim Maloney; Carol Anne Kacz, Secretary to Pete Gatz.
Our student services department can offer valuable resources and assistance to help students and parents
with school and home issues that impact school performance. We urge you to contact us with concerns that
you may have. Students are welcomed to stop by the Student Service Department Office if and when they are
seeking support. Our Student Service Department staff:
Debbie Janes, Secretary
Becca Koehler, Guidance Counselor
8th Grade and 6th Grade (Alpha L – Z)
Michelle Cevera, Guidance Counselor
7th Grade and 6th Grade (Alpha A - K)
Vickie Martin, Student Services Coordinator
Jacquie Newquist, Nurse
Amanda Evans, Social Worker
Ann Weinstock, ELL Teacher
Vanessa Strougal, Speech Language Pathologist
Jessica Winters, School Psychologist
Brandy Brennan, Interventionist
Pat Conway, Strategic Reading Teacher
Lauri Zalaznik, Strategic Reading Teacher
Welcome Back, Seventh Graders & Parents
The seventh grade teams want to welcome all returning Pioneers as well as our new students.
We’ve hit the road running with our curriculum and so far, students are showing they are up to the challenge.
We hope our Curriculum Night sessions have given you a better idea of what lies ahead in each subject area.
Organization is the key to ensuring a smooth transition to a new school year. Please encourage your
child to know where to keep all supplies, assignments, and textbooks and to know, per the teacher’s instructions, what needs to be brought each day to class. We look forward to working with you this year to make it a
growing experience for our students.
Thank you,
The Seventh Grade Teams
8th Grade Volleyball Teams
Good luck to the 8th grade volleyball teams as they begin their season. Members of the team include: Essence Coleman, Nicole Dehnel, Taylor Dooley, Angie Gliganic, Alyssa Kirkman, Sam Knapczyk,
Sneha Koduru, Kelsey Lanman, Jamie McInerney, Lizzie Meyers, Mirando Pinto, Krista Quebbeman, Alix
Ramos, Maddie Reichert, Lauren Rendak, Haley Siemann, Carley Simeur, Abby Skryd, Jamie Smith, and Taylor
Sparbanie. Coaches are Mr. Kerry Crowe and Ms. Erica Lansu. Their schedule can be found on the online
calendar on Gregory’s website.
Greetings from the Gregory Middle School Health Office!
Welcome to all new and returning students of Gregory. Here are a few reminders as we begin our school year.
Students who are ill and have a fever of 100 degrees or more are not to be in school and must be fever free for
24 hours according to IDPH.
Many students have seasonal allergies and fall triggers to asthma. Please ensure that your child has their inhaler
with them and that the health office has a note from the doctor for permission to carry inhaler at school.
Students who have an undiagnosed skin rash will be sent home for further medical evaluation and a note from
doctor needed upon returning to school..
An increasing number of our students have a severe allergic/anaphylactic (life -threatening) reaction to peanuts
and tree nuts. Their health and safety in their school environment is a concern for all students and faculty.
Please reinforce with your child the importance of washing their hands after eating a lunch with any peanut /
nut product.
Thanks parents for all that you do to keep your child healthy and ready to learn at Gregory! Please update any health
information with the health office and keep current all of the emergency contact numbers as needed throughout the
school year.
Please call with any concerns or questions.
Jacquie Newquist BSN, RN
Cathy Lozon RN, CSN
On Monday, October 25 at 7pm Gregory Middle School will be hosting Rachel’s Challenge,
a motivational program dedicated to teaching students world-wide to make permanent,
positive cultural change in their schools and communities. Founded by the father of Rachel Joy Scott, the first person killed at Columbine High School in 1999, the mission of Rachel’s Challenge is to “start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion.”
In our commitment to end bullying behavior and increase empathy and kindness, Gregory
Middle School has invited Rachel’s Challenge to present this message of hope & compassion to students, parents and community members. Rachel’s Challenge focuses on helping students recognize their purpose in life; to this end, students will be issued five powerful challenges that are based on the writings and life of Rachel Joy Scott. While the Columbine tragedy was the inspiration behind the creation of this organization, the message that
is delivered truly reflects the values of the very special Rachel, who once stated: “I have
this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start
a chain reaction of the same.” Instead of highlighting the tragedy that Columbine High
School experienced as a result of bullying behavior, the assembly focuses on true stories
from people who were impacted by Rachel’s acts of kindness and encourages the students to live their life with purpose, kindness and compassion by accepting Rachel’s 5
Eliminate Prejudice - by looking for the best in others
Dare to Dream - set goals, keep a journal
Choose your Influences - input determines output
Kind Words - small acts of kindness = huge impact
Start a Chain Reaction with family & friends
Gregory students will receive the hour-long multimedia assembly during the school day,
followed by a “leadership” club for students interested in learning practical ways in which
they can impact our school and community. These students will be introduced to opportunities to mentor younger students, welcome new students to school, write letters of kindness, create an atmosphere of kindness, and impact their school, community and world.
We urge parents to attend the evening session to increase understanding of the program
and facilitate conversations between parents and students.
We invite you to join us for this inspirational event & hope it will motivate everyone in attendance to strive for change – to create a positive, caring environment at school, at
home, and in the community. Special thanks to Gregory PTA for their support of this
Communication Tips
From the Office Team
Diane Herbert, Main Office Secretary
Kathy Hounihan, Main Office Secretary
Carol Anne Kacz, Main Office Secretary
Debbie Janes, Guidance Department Secretary
Main Office Phone Number -- 428-6300
Our office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Our busiest hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from
2:30 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. These times are related to the rush of activity associated with student arrival and dismissal. If it
is possible to call outside of these times it would help us to serve you better.
Guidance Office Phone Number -- 428-6302
Call Guidance directly to:
Change your student's address, phone number and emergency contact information.
Request homework for your student after your student has been absent for 3 consecutive days. Please
note: after notifying the guidance office, teachers have 24 hours to prepare homework.
Homework Hotline - After 3:30 -- 428-6317
Use the Attendance/Absence Line (428-6316) to report your child absent or tardy. Please tell
us the following:
Your name, your child's name and grade, the reason for the absence (or tardy), and how long your child will be
out of school. Unless you have given us advance notification, please call us each day that your child will be out of
Early Dismissal Procedure
When a student needs to be picked up early from Gregory for any reason, please help us
by following this procedure:
Send a note with the student (including student's name, grade and team) stating the time, date and reason for
early dismissal.
Instruct the student to bring the note to the Main Office first thing in the morning upon entering the building. The student will be issued a pass that will allow the student to be ready in the Main Office when you come to
sign him or her out. This also allows the Attendance Office to be notified, placing the student's name on the absence list as having early dismissal so teachers later in the day are not looking for the student.
Ensure a parent or guardian comes to the Greeter's Desk to sign the student out; the student may sign
themselves back in if they return to school.
Use the following procedure when you require an early dismissal for a student who is unaware of the early dismissal when they leave for school in the morning. Please call the Main Office at 428-6300 as soon as you
become aware of the need for an early dismissal. This will allow the office ample time to find your
student and have him or her ready and waiting for you when you arrive. The office staff appreciates
your cooperation.
Gregory Staff by Team
Team 6-1
Patty Riemer (TC)
Julie Lis
Julie Dimundo
Donna Walz
Special Services
Team 6-2
Kathy Battle (TC)
Nicole Anetsberger
Kathie Sheehan
Team 6-3
Erica Lansu (TC)
Kevin Reagan
Beth Hafenrichter
Sara Allgire
Special Services
Team 7-1
Jan Jansky (TC)
Jill DeFarno
Joan Mayotte
Kristen Berardi
Michelle Flynn
Special Services
Special Services
Team 7-2
Shari Lange (TC)
Doreen Downey
Pamela Feiss
Team 7-3
Kris Monroe (TC)
Wes Klassen
Jill Beauregard
John Curran
Special Services
Team 8-1
Jeanne Topic (TC)
Ashley Stinger
Steve Hook
Team 8-2
Tom Martin (TC)
Tim Higgins
Melissa Pinto
Tim Kill
Beth Watson
Fran Kern
Special Services
Team 6-4 & 7-4
Ann Heath (TC)
Fatima Khan
Sherry Fredericks
Meghan Brazel
Team 8-4
Kiki LaBianca
Bill Savage
Jan Davenport
Nancy Voegtle (TC)
Gloria Baumgartner
Anne Smith
Tony Wesolowski
Patty Hicks
Jenna Smith
Chris LaRose
Kim Williams (TC)
Kerry Crowe
Emily Binder
Kelly Donahue
Kathryn Lakiotis
Dave Pfenninger
Lauren Pautlitz
Computer/Mixed Media
Chorus/Study Skills
Study Skills
Ana Burnopp (TC)
Sue Connor
Corey MacGregor
Terri Rhodes
Martha Bouchard
Harry Sanderson
Applied Tech
Additional Explo
Samantha Lorens
Bob Provost
Greg Schwaegler
Julie Do
LMC Director
Nancy Danforth
Support Services
Vickie Martin
Rebecca Koehler
Michelle Cevera
Pat Conway
Lauri Zalaznik
Ann Weinstock
Vanessa Strougal
Deborah Lieske
Amanda Evans
Brandy Brennan
Jessica Winters
Stu. Serv. Coordinator
Strategic Reading
Strategic Reading
Speech & Language
Speech & Language
Social Worker
Steve Severson
Kim Maloney
Peter Gatz
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
New Staff Members
Sara Allgire (Support Teacher 6-3)
Sara graduated from Northern Illinois University in December of 2008. Last year she was an 8th grade
support teacher at Scullen Middle School. Sara loves to spend time with her family, especially her nephews and her niece. She is an avid hockey fan and is looking forward to watching the Blackhawks win another Stanley Cup this season!
Greg Schwaegler (Orchestra)
Greg Schwaegler has taught orchestra at Neuqua Valley High School for the past four years. He is also an
assistant director of the Marching Wildcats and arranges the half-time show music performed by the band.
This year, in addition to his high school duties, Greg will teach orchestra technique classes at Gregory MS
and Graham Elem. After school, he enjoys spending time with his wife, 3-year-old daughter, and 5-monthold son.
Bob Provost (Orchestra)
Mr. Provost is enjoying his twentieth year teaching orchestra in district 204! He began teaching in the
Yorkville, and then the Sycamore Schools. He has both his Bachelors & Masters degrees from Northern
Illinois University in DeKalb. He currently lives in Wheaton with his wife, Carrie and three daughters: Lucy,
29, Laurie, 21 & Sara, 15. He enjoys running, tennis, and spending time with his family.
Samantha Lorens (Band)
Samantha Lorens is happy to join the Gregory Pioneer Family. She teaches 7th and 8th grade band technique classes every morning and spends each afternoon at Neuqua Valley High School, teaching Symphonic Band, technique classes and Music Theory. She also works with the Neuqua Valley Marching Wildcats. Ms. Lorens received a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from The University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree from Northwestern University. Before joining the
204 Family, Ms. Lorens taught middle school and high school band in Des Plaines, Illinois. Ms. Lorens
plays clarinet and piano and enjoys spending her off hours volunteering and with family and friends.
Gloria Baumgartner (French)
I have taught French & Spanish at 5 different schools in the District. Although I was at Hill Middle School
last year, the majority of my teaching career has been at Gregory. I grew up in Aurora and went to school
at Western Illinois University. I have 3 children, 2 dogs and love sports, travel and reading.
Deborah Lieske (Speech Language Pathologist)
I am originally from Rossville, Georgia and have lived in Aurora for 16 years. I have two sons, ages 20 and
22. I travel between three schools, Gregory, Crone and Young Elementary working as a speech language
Julie Do (Music)
Mrs. Julie Do is coming to us from Crone Middle School and is very excited to be working part time teaching general music at Gregory this year. She has a Bachelor degree in Music with a minor in theater from
the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a Masters degree in education from Aurora University. She loves
sharing her passion for music with students, and outside of school has been enjoying family time with her
new baby.
Gregory Middle School Bell Schedule
Gregory Safe Walking Routes