Unit Assignments – 1990`s and Beyond

Unit Assignments – Presidency of Bill Clinton
Remember: the date means you walk into class with the assignment/reading
already completed!
 If you are present in class every day, there is no homework.
 If you are absent from class any day, there will be homework to catch up (and
not much time to catch up).
There will be no unit assessment; the information below appears on the final exam!
Content standards addressed in this unit:
 HS.1. Evaluate continuity and change over the course of world and United States
 HS.2. Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant
events in world and U.S. history. More specifically . . .
o Understand the domestic and foreign policy issues of Bill Clinton’s
o Understand the issues around the presidential election of 2000.
 HS.10. Gather and analyze historical information, including contradictory data,
from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including sources located on
the Internet, to support or reject hypotheses. More specifically . . .
o Understand the causes, course, and results of the Impeachment of Clinton.
Key people, places, and ideas for this unit:
Clinton’s major domestic goal
Contract With America
Clinton’s economic successes
Concerns with former USSR
Congress’ investigation of Clinton
Results of impeachment
Why health care plan failed
Growth/benefits of Technology
Budget battle with Congress
90’s music Election of 1992
Foreign policy challenges
Impeachment charges
Schedule for the remainder of the trimester:
Wednesday, February 26th – Bill Clinton domestic policy
Thursday, February 27th – Bill Clinton domestic policy
Friday, February 28th – Bill Clinton foreign policy
Monday, March 3rd – Bill Clinton foreign policy
Tuesday, March 4th – Bill Clinton impeachment
Wednesday, March 5th – Bill Clinton impeachment
Thursday, March 6th – Election of 2000
Friday, March 7th – Election of 2000; George W. Bush to 9-11
Monday, March 10th – 90’s Music
Tuesday, March 11th – Review for final exam
Wednesday, March 12th – 1st per: Review; 2nd/4th per: Take final exam
Thursday, March 13th – 1st per: Take final exam; 2nd/4th per: Go over final grades
There will be 85 multiple choice questions (approximately) representing each standard.
This test will be on Thursday, March 13th for 1st period
This test will be on Friday, March 14th for 2nd and 4th periods
Vietnam War (21 questions)
Gulf of Tonkin incident
effects of the Tet Offensive
U.S. primary goal in Vietnam
Vietcong successes
return of Vietnam veterans
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
a war of attrition
United States aid to Vietnam
napalm/Agent Orange/pacification
Vietnam War effects
Tet Offensive
Ho Chi Minh’s goal
type of war in Vietnam
War Powers Act
treatment Vietnam/Iraq vets
1970’s (16 questions)
causes of increased stagflation
effects of the OPEC embargo
Camp David Accords
The OPEC embargo of 1973
US Olympic boycott
Ford pardoning Nixon
effect of Watergate Scandal
Iranian Hostage Crisis
The Watergate Scandal
human rights policy
purpose of SALT agreement
“Me Decade”
Reagan-Bush (20 Questions)
Soviet Union break up
election of 1988
election of 1980
Reagan’s strengths
The Iran-Contra crisis
Reagan and the Contras
negative of Reaganomics
Eastern Europe late 1980’s
problems with social issues/80s-90s
Bush’s success in Gulf War
Reagan’s weaknesses
Bush’s role in Iran-Contra
Reaganomics (supply side)
Russia after Soviet collapse
“Decade of Indulgence”
why Saddam isn’t removed
“The Evil Empire”
Reagan’s role in Iran-Contra
positive of Reaganomics
Clinton (22 questions)
Clinton’s major domestic goal
Clinton’s actions in Iraq
impeachment vs. conviction
Defeat of health care proposal
benefits of technology in 90’s
results of impeachment
“The Contract With America”
post-Cold War concern w/USSR
Congress’ investigation of Clinton
Clinton and Reagan-Bush
music of the 90’s
negative result of NAFTA
Investigation of the Clintons
Clinton’s economic success
Clinton’s and Vietnam
two charges against Clinton
economic growth in 1990s
why Clinton elected in 92
battles of Clinton/Congress
Clinton for. pol. challenges
Beyond Clinton (6 questions)
Election of 2000 – Popular Vote
9-11 attacks
Election of 2000 – Electoral Vote
Terrorist threats
Supreme Court