Term 1 - Gilson College

Weekly Newsletter for P
OF 09
rents, Stude
nts and Frie
of Gilson College
Gilson Gazette - 19 February 2016
Whisky Lullaby
When I was a young bloke the best advertisements
on television, that were noted for their outstanding
cinematography, were those produced by cigarette
companies. They often featured rugged looking men in amazing
landscapes perhaps riding a horse, but definitely looking like a hero no
matter what was happening.
When public opinion changed and social pressure came to bear we
witnessed the disappearance of cigarette advertising only to see it
replaced with advertisements for alcohol in its many and varied forms.
Today in Australia, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent advertising
alcohol each year and the big message from the advertising giants is
that sport, glamour and youth are all associated with alcohol.
Ironically, the reality is that all three of those items are negatively
affected by alcohol consumption. Even at the most average level
sportsman or sportswoman knows how detrimental alcohol consumption
is to performance. Furthermore the more astute person recognizes
that both glamour and youth disintegrate more quickly the more one
consumes liquor.
Whisky Lullaby is the title of a haunting country song that has been
sung as a duet by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss. The story that it tells
is about a couple whose painful separation leads to alcoholism and
eventually a double tragedy. The song is beautiful – the message is
not. However it is a more accurate picture than the one painted by our
friends in the advertising industry.
While there are no bans on alcohol advertising in Australia and limited
restrictions apply – no advertising on television at certain times –
there are no limits on the sponsorship of sports and youth activities.
Whenever concerns are raised about advertising, the usual response is
that children are more influenced by watching their parents and this
influences them more significantly than any advertising.
While this is usually stated to distract the community’s attention away
from advertising’s influence, there is some truth to this. Recently a
major study by the University of NSW identified that parents who supply
alcohol to their children in early adolescence are three times more
likely to be drinking full serves at age 16.
“What we found was that early parental supply of alcohol through
school years 7 to 9 was the single biggest predictor of drinking in
year 10,” said Professor Mattick. “It was more influential than family
circumstances and issues; more influential than individual psychological
risk factors and more influential than peers.”
“We know that adolescent drinking is associated with a wide range of
later harms in early adulthood including injury, sexually-transmitted
diseases, adult alcohol dependence, and changes in brain function have
been reported by US researchers,” said Professor Mattick.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s fancy advertisements about cigarettes or
trying to show how much ‘fun’ alcohol is supposed to be, perhaps it’s
just best to completely avoid the ‘whisky lullaby’.
It’s worth a thought.
Mark B Vodéll
Welcome to Mr. Cherry!
General NEWS
This week we would like to introduce to you Mr Jarrod Cherry
who has joined our Teaching and Learning Team as English
teacher for the Yr 9 Learning 4 Life program.
Mr Cherry was born and raised in The Garden City,
Toowoomba, QLD. His formal education was completed at
Darling Downs Christian School and was followed by a gap
year working in manufacturing. His tertiary education, Bachelor
of Arts in English and Bachelor of Teaching, was completed
at Avondale College. Other responsibilities while studying
included two years as president of the Avondale Basketball
Association and leader of One Mission.
Service has been at the heart of what Mr Cherry is passionate
about and this has resulted in life changing mission trips to
Fiji, Cambodia X2 and Brazil. These encounters have taught
him the value of people; all people, and the true purpose of
His interests also include basketball, snowboarding, socializing
and reading. He is related to rugby league star Daly CherryEvans. Welcome to the Gilson College community Mr Cherry!
The Victorian Department of Education and Training (Vic
DET) has announced that there will be a change to the timing
of the Camps, Sport and Excursions Fund (CSEF) in 2016.
Applications for funding are now open and you are encouraged to
submit an application if eligible.
The CSEF was introduced by the newly-elected Victorian
Government in 2015 to replace the Education Maintenance
Allowance (EMA).
Term 1
Week 05
22 - 26 February
• Year 9 Camp
23 - 26 February
• Year 8 Camp
24 February
• Year 11 / 12 FUTSAL
• Maths Night
26 February
• CSPSSA Swimming
27 February
• Yr 12 & SRC GSD
Week 06
28 February
• Working Bee
To be eligible the student, or the
parent or legal guardian of the student
* be an eligible beneficiary within
the meaning of the State Concessions Act
2004, that is, be the holder of a Veterans
Affairs Gold Card or be an eligible
Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or
Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), or
* be a temporary foster parent of the
student, and
* submit an application to the school
by the due date (Friday 26th February
Where a student is eligible to receive
funding under the CSEF, the school
will receive $125.00 for primary school
students and $225.00 for secondary
school students. For schools that submit
funding applications prior to Tuesday
1 March 2016, CSEF payments will be
transferred to the school during March.
Payments for later applications will be sent
to schools as they are received.
You can access the form from:
07 - 11 March
• Secondary SEW
07 March
• Year 9 / 10 FUTSAL
• Year 12 Chemistry Excursion
09 March
• Immunisation Dose 1 - Year 7 Only
• Public Information Evening
11 March
• Keilor Division Swimming
Primary NEWS
On Monday morning in our
Primary Awards Assembly one student
from each class was acknowledged for
demonstrating the value of KINDNESS.
FW – Tyson Pham
02 March
08 March
Please be advised that fees are now
overdue. Contact the College Bursar if you
need to make arrangements.
Week 07
FA – Anushka Shah
• Secondary Swimming Carnival
• Year 12 Geography Trip Docklands
• Young Leaders Day
February 27th – This will be the
first GSD (Gilson Student Day) for
2016. The year 12’s and our SRC’s
will be leading out in our campus
church worship. Please plan to join
us for a great time of community
connections and worship experience.
The morning will commence with a
hot toastie/drink available between
9:15am-9:50am. The Worship
program will then start at 10:00 –
12:00pm followed by some light
or alternatively call into the College
office and ask for a form.
01 March
FSJ – Charmaine Lee
1A – Leon Razmoski
February 20th – Prayer breakfast
starts back up on this day at 9.00am
to 9.45am, Eco Science Chapel.
BYO breakfast and come join us as
we pray for our friends, families and
community. Thank you
1J - Iden Duong
1P – Jake Krukowski
2G – Zara Woollard
2H – Kade Cini
February 20th – Join us for Worship
as Pr Sylvain Romain presents a
message entitled ““Hello, It´s Me!”Not My Fault, but I Can Change It.”
The worship program will start at
10am. This will be followed by a
time to relax over a hot cuppa and a
snack. Please bring along a healthy
snack to share with others. Life
groups will commence straight after
the worship program.
2T – Chris Cherian
SPECIAL Announcement: Cradle roll
and Kindergarten program starts this
Saturday straight after the hot cuppa
and snack time. Location: As you
exit the Eco Science building, turn to
your right and you will see colourful
balloons on top of the gym door,
please enter.
French – Ethan Blancato
February 20th – Our Gilson College
Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs
will hold their first club meeting
this Saturday afternoon. Please
note if you were not able to make
registration last Sunday enrolments
are still welcomed at 2:45pm before
the club meeting at 3:00pm.
Adventurers: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Pathfinder: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
3B – Eva Varghese
3H – Ari Thomas
4H – Lana Yanto
4L – Abraham Machiek
4T – Tyra Laida
5G – Sathya Srikanth
5S – Giovanni Saliba
6R – Tayani Ratnayake
Tuesday 24 February 2016
Who: Foundation to Year 6 Parents and Students
Where: Year 5/6 building
Come along and
learn how we teach Maths
and why. Have fun learning
how to play some games to support your
child develop their mathematical skills and
We recommend the use of bathing
caps to be used, particularly on cooler
Verse of the Week
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against
such things there is no law.
Page 2
Galatians 5:22-23
The VALUE for Week 5
days and if your child has long or thick
hair that may take longer to dry. We also
ask that you do not use hair dryers to dry
your child’s hair at the pool as we do not
have enough time to do this and get all
50 students changed and ready for their
return trip to school. Bathing caps are
available at our Uniform shop for $10.
Responsibility means that people can rely on you to keep your
word. It means that you are prepared to admit mistakes and take
steps to make things right.
Every Tuesday of Term 1
Foundation A and Year 6R
Foundation W and Year 6F
12:00 -
This value matches responsibility in the core values for Australian
God is not a disinterested bystander. Rather, He stands by His
people with unfailing love. This means he never lets us down and
He is always there.
Foundation SJ and Year 4T 12:45 - 1:30
Every Wednesday of Term 1
Year 1A and Year 3A
11:15 - 12:00
Year 1J and Year 3B
12:00 - 12:45
Year 1P and Year 3H
12:45 - 1:30
“I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.” Psalms 52:8
“Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good
servants of God’s various gifts of grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
Every Thursday of Term 1
Year 2G and Year 5G 11:15 - 12:00
Year 2H and Year 5S
12:00 - 12:45
Year 2T and Year 5B
12:45 - 1:30
Year 4L and Year 4H
1:30 - 2:15
Please label all their clothing, towels,
goggles, etc.
It is very important that you have
valid email address details given to the
school. Most notices, permission slips,
newsletters and class information will
be sent out using email. If you have
registered an email with the college but
you are not receiving emails, for example,
you haven’t received a newsletter in 2016
yet, then please ensure you check with
the office that your details are correct and
up to date so that you are not missing
important information. If you do not have
an email address it is important that you
let your child’s class teacher know so
that information can reach you by other
means. Most communication will happen
via email, so we encourage you to check
your email inbox of the address you have
given to the school.
Parents are very welcome to
come to our Primary Chapels on Friday
mornings. The Foundation to Year 2
chapel begins at 9am, and the Year 3 – 6
Chapel at 9:50am. We now have Chapel
in our Year 5&6 building located at the
back of the school behind the middle
school basketball courts and close to the
back oval. As you now have to come right
on to the campus to attend Chapel you
will need to sign in at the office first.
Our Year 6 students will be
attending the Halogen Young Leaders
Day at Melbourne Convention Centre on
Wednesday 2nd March. An email has
been sent home with information and a
request for parents to reply to the class
teacher granting permission to attend.
Students will need to be at school by 7:45
am so that the bus can leave with enough
time to get to the city by 9:15am. Students
must bring their lunch, drink bottle and
a snack as the program is full and there
will be no time to buy their lunch at the
event. Please ensure students bring their
lunch in a small day pack so they do
not have to carry their large school bag
around all day. They must wear their full
summer school uniform. Please notify your
child’s teacher as soon as possible to
grant permission or if you have any further
queries about this event.
Children That Play Outside In All
Weather Grow Up Resilient
24th February – Year 6 Seniors
Connect Visit
24th February – Family Maths Night
27th February – Year 12 & SRC
29th Feb – 2nd March – Year 5
Sovereign Hill Camp
2nd March – Year 6 Young Leaders
17th March – Years 1 – 3 ASV
Athletics Day
22nd & 23rd March – Parent
Teacher Interviews
24th March – Last day of Term 1
Secondary NEWS
We wish to offer our congratulations
to Ashana Khurana (Year 12) who whilst
in Year 11 completed her VCE subject
of Hindi studied through the Victorian
School of Languages (VSL). Recently we
were informed that Ashana was identified
by VSL as a VCE top scorer and we
acknowledge her effort and dedication.
Ashana who speaks Hindi, Russian and
Not sure how to increase the plant
content of your diet? Maybe you have
already started to eat less meat – but
wondering what to do next?
These classes will show you how easy
it is to prepare nutritionally balanced,
low cost, delicious vegetarian meals
that the whole family will enjoy!
Join us every third Wednesday, once a
month at 7-8.30pm
You will enjoy a food demonstration,
sampling of all food demonstrated, and
a nutritional presentation.
First session.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Cost: $15 per session
Booking essential
1-3 West Esplanade
St. Albans 3031
Need more information, feel free to call
Voice mail 93659377 or email to newstart.
[email protected]
Reading time in the Year 3 classrooms
English fluently is commended for her
achievement and we wish her well as she
continues her VCE program in Year 12
this year.
* Sleeping bag
* Toiletries
Just a reminder that the Year 8
Camp to Cape Otway is scheduled for
next week Tuesday 23rd- Friday 26th
February. Below is a useful checklist to
ensure your child is adequately prepared
for the camp. If you have any questions,
please contact the Year 8 Level Leader,
Ms Sarah Hanley.
Year 8 Camp Checklist:
* One dollar coins for showers
* Underwear/clothing for 3 days
(comfortable pants/shorts, t-shirts)
* Supportive boots/runners for
walking (no thongs, sneakers, volleys,
jeans etc, on the walk).
* Swimmers for surfing/kayaking
* Plastic bags for wet/dirty clothing
* Towel
* Packed lunch for the first day
* Lunch money for the last day
* Hat and sunscreen
* Insect repellant if needed
* Jacket for wet weather
* Water bottles 2 Litres minimum
* Medication and action plan if
* Backpack
* Pillow
* Camera (at own risk)
* Torch
* Saucepan/pot
* Plastic plate, bowl, cutlery, cup, tea
* Food for breakfast, lunches and
* Food and equipment for cooking
stored in a separate, sealed bag and
labelled with child’s FULL name
Our Year 9 students participated in
their training hike at Werribee Gorge last
Thursday (11th). At the start of the day
there was a buzz of a combination of
nervousness and excitement as students
were split into groups and hopped on
buses to travel to the gorge. The groups
hiked different routes within the gorge,
some travelling down creek beds, some
climbing up and along ridges and some
following along an old aqueduct that dates
back to the 1930s. Many students enjoyed
jumping off rocks into swimming holes,
some even conquering a fear or two
along the way. There were opportunities
for field sketches, observing unique natural
landforms and rock formations which had
been discussed in Environmental Science
classes, learning about some history of the
area and reflecting upon themselves at the
end of the hike. After the hike it was on
the buses again to travel to Mt Macedon
for dinner and the Calling ceremony. After
a dinner of bread rolls and watermelon,
students walked over to the memorial
cross to listen to an inspiring message
from Ps. Sammy. Moving to face towards
the east, towards the new dawn, students
look for a new phase in their life beyond
childhood. Students were then challenged
to use the Learning4Life Program to
change and develop to give themselves
the best opportunity for their future.
Last Thursday the Year 9’s went to
Werribee Gorge for their first Learning
for Life adventure. It was an exciting
and interesting experience but also a
challenge, as many tried new things. I
had a great time, overall it was a really
enjoyable hike. – Kiara Barbara
Hiking at Werribee Gorge was very
fun and exciting since it was our first hike.
This year, we saw some beautiful sights
and had a terrific time. It was a really
good experience from me and my peers,
I had Mr Goltz as my teacher and he was
very supportive and caring and helped
us do our best though the whole hike. I
feel very proud and accomplished that
I had faced my fear through this camp
and had the courage to jump of a cliff
into the deep water, I couldn’t have done
this without the help of my friends and
teachers, this hike was so fun I couldn’t
be more excited for more too come. Anjali Rana
On Monday and Tuesday this
week the Sport and Recreation Students
embarked on their last camp. This
camp was filled with us learning how to
surf and what better place to do it than
in Anglesea and Lorne, some of the
best places to learn how to surf. The
camp was very exciting and exhilarating
for all students in the class as surfing
was a new experience there were
times of little downfall due to the fact
that our instructors new exactly what
they were doing and for that we thank
them because in reality all of us would
not have made such memories from
this class and became stronger in our
friendships and teamwork without our
teacher Mr Luszczak. We will be eternally
grateful for his mentorship and the effort
he puts in to his class and to each
individual student. So all in all the Surfing
camp was quite fantastic.
28 February, Working Bee
1 March, Swimming Carnival
2 March, Year 12 Georgraphy Trip
Special thanks from the Sport and
Recreation class of 2016!!!
22 - 26 February, Year 9 Camp
23 - 26 February, Year 8 Camp
24 February, Year 11 - 12 FUTSAL
27 February, Year 12 and SRC GSD
Our 1st GCAC (Gilson College Adventurers Club) Meeting is this Saturday
20th February from 3-5pm, upstairs in the Eco Science Room. If you missed
out on registration last week, we still have places. So if you have children
aged between 4-9yrs and are keen for them to learn some cool stuff and
know more about a Jesus that cares for them and their Family. Then come
on down or for more info please contact Nesa Tuaoi on 041 685 2301.
Easter Vacation program
We have the Easter holiday program available for viewing online, at the front office, in
the OSHC room or you can request it to be emailed to you through the OSHC staff. Early
bookings for the program are preferred.
Soccer Classes
The OSHC program has received funding for 4 soccer classes in the last 4 weeks of
term. They will be held during after school care on Tuesdays. Classes are run at no
additional cost on the usual OSHC fees. Please book your child or children into the
program if they are interested are not already permanent on these days.
Gilly the Princess Parrot
In the end of 2015 a baby bird was found lost and scared on school property. The staff
in the OSHC service took him in and hand reared him. He is now a permanent resident
in the service. The children have taken to Gilly and are learning how to safely handle
him. He often joins their art and craft time by playing with the equipment on the table.
He also enjoys sitting on the children’s shoulders and in their hair.
Some items such as hats and shoes have been accidently taken by the incorrect
students recently. Please check your child’s property to make sure it does not belong
to someone else.
Please contact the OSHC office for all enquiries on 9365 9341 or
[email protected]
Parents and Friends
Facebook: www.facebook.com/goups/parentsandfriendsgilsoncollege/ Email: [email protected]