December 10, 2014 - Rotary Club of Dallas

December 10, 2014
Volume 104 | Issue 21
Making a difference in the community. Making a difference in the world.
The mission of the Rotary Club of Dallas is to provide service to others, to identify and support humanitarian
projects, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its
fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
The place to be on
17 th
Are We Ready for
Join us as Dr. Zan Wesley
Holmes, Jr., Pastor Emeritus
of St. Luke Community
United Methodist Church
shares how we can be ready
for the holiday season.
Location: Sheraton Hotel, Chaparral Club
Merry Christmas!
We will hold no meeting in lieu of this date
falling on Christmas Eve. We wish everyone a
very Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
We will hold no meeting in lieu of this date
falling on New Year’s Eve. We wish everyone a
very happy and joyous New Year.
7 th
Transformation through
1st in Texas
39th Internationally
Organized 1911
“Think of giving not only as a duty but as a privilege.” [John D. Rockefeller]
Tis the Season - The Salvation Army
DFW Metroplex Commanders Majors Michele and Ward
Matthews were appointed June 24, 2009. In this position, they
oversee The Salvation Army’s largest U.S. area command,
covering a five-county territory including Dallas, Tarrant, Collin,
Denton, and Ellis Counties. The Matthews manage an operation
that includes 30 Salvation Army officers, a staff of more than 400
employees, and a budget of $44 million to deliver an extensive
range of compassionate services and spiritual programs to meet
human needs in the community. The DFW Metroplex
Ward Matthews
Commanders are responsible for a faith-based nonprofit DFW Metroplex Commander
organization that includes 15 community centers, four homeless
shelters, two apartment buildings for senior citizens, two
socialservice centers, and a Christmas assistance center. Continued on pg. 2...
MEETING review
Today was our tenth annual Salute to
America’s Veterans at the Frontiers of Flight
Museum. Jody Dean of KLUV radio honored
us by acting as the Master of Ceremonies
again. The SMU Graduate Brass Quintet
played stirring music. Renee Tucker, the
Adamson student who sang for us at the
teacher awards banquet, led us in the
National Anthem. Bill Moore, the Chairman
of the USO DFW, gave us an update on their
activities. Tracy Little gave us an update on
the work that the Veterans Coalition of
North Central Texas does to help
returning vets in our area.
Our keynote speaker was Vice Admiral
Joseph Maguire, U.S. Navy (Ret.).
received a Bachelor of Science degree from
Join us as Toni Brinker Pickens and Bill Hall
Manhattan College and had planned to have
share the mission for an improved Dallas where
a career on Wall Street before his brother
neighborhoods are safer, ripe for new
persuaded him to join the Navy. He spent 36
development that will grow the tax base with
proud families. Through collaboration we’ll make years as a Naval Special Warfare Officer
a difference in Dallas.
(SEAL). After retiring in 2010, he started
Visit our Club Calendar at
Reported by: Don Read
November 5, 2014
working with The Special Operations Warrior
Foundation, becoming President and CEO in
His foundation provides college
scholarships for the children of special ops
troops who are killed.
Special ops forces are less than 2% of the
troops, but they incur 10% of all the causalities. After our failed attempt to rescue the
embassy hostages in Iran in 1980, Congress
set up a Special Operations Command with
its own budget. That has led to our modern
special ops troops. Admiral Maguire said
that global terrorism is the biggest threat to
the security of the U.S. He reminded us that
we could not enjoy the freedoms that we
have without the willing sacrifices made by
our men and women in uniform.
Member Highlight
Speaker Biography Continued…
Directing a complex enterprise
that is larger than Delaware and
Rhode Island combined is no simple task. The DFW Metroplex Command is
privileged to have an important group of community stakeholders serving on an
Advisory Board to lend their expertise to the overall management of the
enterprise. The members of the Advisory Board serve on a variety of committees
in the areas of program services, business services, resource development and
marketing. As committee members, they help make key decisions for the
organization and participate in strategic planning to ensure The Salvation Army
continues successfully meet human needs as our area population continues to
Major Michele Matthews graduated from Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky
with degrees in Psychology and Social Services. She went on to become a
Registered Nurse, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from The
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduating from Johns
Hopkins, she worked at the Veterans Hospital in Tampa in the Medical Intensive
Care Unit. Major Ward Matthews graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Emory
University in Atlanta with degrees in History and Religion. He has held
appointments with The Salvation Army in Danville, Kentucky; Bristol, Tennessee/
Virginia; Oklahoma City; Fort Lauderdale; and in the Legal Department at the
organization’s Southern Territorial headquarters in Atlanta. In 1999, Michele and
Ward were married and have served together in Greensboro and Charlotte, North
Carolina. In 2005, they were asked to serve as The Salvation Army’s Chief
Development Officer and Chief Financial Officer in the Caribbean, overseeing the
organization’s work in the 16 countries in the Caribbean basin.
Happy Birthday
For the week of December 7th - 13th
Bob Best
Ted Fields
Jim Hunter
What is your occupation and why did
you choose it?
I am an Architect and practice as a
Consultant Manager in the Mission
Critical Industries (Data Centers,
Healthcare and Oil/Gas). I chose
Architecture because I felt it was the
best way to utilize my passion for
Andrew Ford
creativity and problem solving. By
being an Architect, I am able to sit down with a client
and help them identify the problem and come up with
the solution.
What book are you reading right now or favorite
podcast you’re listening to?
Since I have finished my Architecture Registration
Exams I finally have time to pleasure read. I just got
the book “Liars Poker” by Michael Lewis. It is about his
experiences on Wall Street in the early 1980’s. If you
are into economics and investment banking, I have
been told it is a must read.
What’s your biggest turn off?
People who are pessimistic.
If you could have a very special dinner and invite
whoever you wanted (living or deceased), who would
be the 5 people you would invite?
B.K.S. Lyenger (Father of Modern Yoga), Frank Lloyd
Wright, Sir Christopher Wren, Thomas Jefferson and my
In Memory of
JoAnn Hancock
The Club sends their deepest sympathy to member
Victor Hancock on the death of his wife JoAnn Hancock. We
cannot convey enough our sorrow for your loss.
Give generously to
the Rotary Foundation
of Rotary International
this season. Giving to
the Rotary Foundation
comes back to us
through district and
global grants. This
allows us to continue
making a difference in
our local and global
Visit to learn more or
contact the Rotary Office at
Memorial service details are pending.
We will email those once received.
A message from Victor Hancock…
I had left the hospital at 1AM to go
home and get a few hours rest. About
an hour later the phone rang and,
somewhat urgently, the nurse told me
to return and she would notify others
that Jo Ann was passing. Looking at Jo
Ann laying there so helpless, my heart
was filled with compassion and wonderful memories. I told the charge nurse I
wished to be with Jo Ann her in her
hospital bed until she passed. For what had been her assumed
imminent death turned to nine hours more. During that period
Jo Ann and I were embraced in a beautiful and heavenly
oneness. When Vicki and the others arrived it was to see her
mom's head nestled upon my shoulder and there it remained
being gently caressed. I whispered words of love and God's
assurances of eternal life and spoke passages that I had
remembered from the Bible-I softly sang songs of our youth and
hymns of Sunday School. I told her how much her family
respected and loved her-we had long moments of precious
silence and our hearts beating as one. After getting everything
sorted out within herself and God she passed on to her Creator,
with her breath un-labored and even as close as I was to her
mouth-there was no sound accompanying her soft gentle last
breath. Before I had laid down with her Jo Ann had opened her
eyes and stared briefly and then without any weakness, pulled
me towards her--her eyes still fixed upon mine, she kissed me
and then Jo Ann smiled at me so lovingly and closed her eyes
again--Jo Ann had given me one more treasured memory of our
69 years together.
Share the Gift of Rotary with your
friends, business associates and
neighbors. What better way to
build our membership, than with
qualified, outstanding individuals.
Visit the members access through
the website to learn more!
Receive $100 bounty on your dues
for each member you bring into
the Club!
The Rotary Club of Dallas
5430 Glen Lakes Drive, Ste. 240
Dallas, Texas 75231
tel. 214.742.5451 | fax. 214.303.1260
[email protected]
Charles M. Mohrle, President
Jeffrey M. Bosque, President Elect
Robert H. Dilworth, Past President
Wm. Dennis Connally, Treasurer &
Past President 5yr Advisor
Elizabeth Acquaye-Kwarteng
Dana DeVance
Rocky Dhir
Thomas Franklin, Jr., Ph.D.
John H. Forest
Cyndi Janssen
Gregory L. Miller
Rachael Jones
George H. Tarpley
Howard L. Templin
Greg Wood
Heather Stevens
Thank You Charles Read for
providing complimentary payroll
services to the Club since 1998.
Thanks to Wildfire XM for
providing discount printing
services to the Club since 2006.
Comprehensive Payroll Services Nationwide
Charles Read