Conditional correction First conditional Exercise 1

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Conditional correction
First conditional
Exercise 1
Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.
Answer: If I go to the cinema, I will watch an interesting film.
1) If I study (to study) , I will pass (to pass) the exams.
2) If the sun shines (to shine) , we will walk (to walk) to the town.
3) If he has (to have) a temperature, he will see (to see) the doctor.
4) If my friends come (to come) , I will be (to be) very happy.
5) If she earns (to earn) a lot of money, she will fly (to fly) to New York.
6) If we travel (to travel) to London, we will visit (to visit) the museums.
7) If you wear (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you will slip (to slip) on the
8) If Rita forgets (to forget) her homework, the teacher will give (to give) her a
low mark.
9) If they go (to go) to the disco, they will listen (to listen) to loud music.
10) If you wait (to wait) a minute, I will ask (to ask) my parents.
Exercise 2
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type I.
Only use the will-future in the main clauses. Mind the position of the if-clause.
Example: Thomas ________ (not/to catch) the bus if he _________ (to get up)
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Answer: Thomas will not catch the bus if he gets up late or
Thomas won't catch the bus if he gets up late.
1) If you drive (to dive) into this river, you will hurt (to hurt) yourself.
2) If the sun shines (to shine) , the children will play (to play) outside.
3) Richard will walk (to walk) to school if he misses (to miss) the bus.
4) Emily will buy (to buy) the cola if you pack (to pack) the picnic basket.
5) If I am (to be) in Venice, I will rent (to rent) a boat.
6) Michael's teacher will phone (to phone) his parents if he writes (to write) text
messages during the lesson.
7) If she answers (to answer) this question correctly, she will get (to get) an extra
8) My sister will be (to be) angry if I turn (to turn) on the music too loud.
9) Your room will look (to look) much tidier if you keep (to keep) your hamster
in the cage.
10) If we surf (to surf) the Internet, we will find (to find) a lot of information
about Loch Ness.
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Second conditional
Exercise 1
1) If we lived (to live) in Rome, Francesco would visit (to visit) us.
2) If Tim and Tom were (to be) older, they would play (to play) in our hockey
3) If he was (to be) my friend, I would invite (to invite) him to my birthday party.
4) If Susan studied (to study) harder, she would be (to be) better at school.
5) If they had (to have) enough money, they would buy (to buy) a new car.
6) If you did (to do) a paper round, you would earn (to earn) a little extra money.
7) If Michael got (to get) more pocket money, he would ask (to ask) Doris out
for dinner.
8) If we hurried (to hurry) , we would catch (to catch) the bus.
9) If it rained (to rain) , Nina would take (to take) an umbrella with her.
10) If I had (to have) enough money, I would buy (to buy) a new house
Exercise 2
Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? If I (win)
won that much money, I (quit) would quit my job the next day. I (travel) would
travel around the world and (stay) stay in the most luxurious hotels. If I (want)
wanted anything, I (buy) would buy it. If I (see) saw a beautiful Mercedes that I
wanted, I (buy ) would buy it. If I wanted to stay in a beautiful hotel and the hotel
(be) was full, I (buy) would buy the hotel and make them give me a room. I (can)
could do anything in the world if I had 180 million dollars ... Oh, I am starting to
sound a little materialistic... Well... I (do) would do good things with the money as
well. If anybody (need) needed help, I (give) would give them some money to
help them out. I (donate) would donate money to charities. I (give) would give
money to help support the arts. If I (win) won that much money, I wouldn't keep
it all for myself. I (help) would help as many people as possible.
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Third conditional
Exercise 1
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps.
Example: If I _______ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an
interesting film.
Answer: If I had gone to the cinema, I would have watched an interesting film.
1) If the weather had been (to be) nice, they would have played (to play) football.
2) If we had gone (to go) to a good restaurant we would have had (to have) a
better dinner.
3) If John had learnt (to learn) more words, he would have written.(to write) a
good report.
4) If the boys had taken (to take) the bus to school, they would have arrived (to
arrive) on time.
5) If the teacher had explained (to explain) the homework, I would have done (to
do) it.
6) If they had waited (to wait) for another 10 minutes, they would have seen (to
see) the pop star.
7) If the police had come (to come) earlier, they would have arrested (to arrest)
the burglar.
8) If you had bought (to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad would have tasted
(to taste) better.
9) If Alex had asked (to ask) me, I would have emailed (to email) the documents.
10) If he had spoken (to speak) more slowly, Peggy would have understood (to
understand) him.
Exercise 2
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
conditional form.
After I graduated from university, I applied for a marketing position with a
prominent bank with branches all over the world. I didn't get the job because they
wanted someone who spoke Spanish fluently. I could have taken (could, take)
Spanish in high school, but I didn't. I took an acting class instead. If I had taken
(take) Spanish, I would have gotten (get) the job. Just imagine, if I had actually
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gotten the job, I would have moved (move) to Spain. My entire life could have
gone (could, go) in a totally different direction. If I had accepted the job and
moved to Spain, I might had met (might, meet) a Spanish woman and gotten(get)
married. If that had actually happened, I probably would have stayed (stay) in
Spain. We might have had (might, have) children. Unfortunately, I didn't get the
job and I didn't go to Spain. I got a boring job and I live alone. If I had just taken
Spanish, my life would have been.(be) much more interesting.
First or second conditional?
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
conditional form.
Michael: Sharon, I am having some problems at work, and I was wondering if you
might be able to give me some advice.
Sharon: Sure, what's the problem?
Michael: The computer sales business is more difficult than I thought. When
customers (come) come in to look at the new computer models, they often (ask)
ask me which model they should buy. If they (ask) ask me to suggest a model, I
(be) am usually quite honest with them. Most computer users don't need a very
advanced computer; they just need a basic model which they can use for wordprocessing, bookkeeping and Internet access. If I am honest and I (recommend)
recommend one of the cheaper models, my boss (get) gets angry at me. He always
says that a good salesperson can convince a customer to buy one of the more
expensive advanced models. I don't really feel comfortable doing that. What would
you do in my situation? Isn't it wrong to make them buy something which they
don't need?
Sharon: I think you should help your customers make an intelligent decision. If I
(be) were you, I (educate)would educate the customers. I (teach) would teach
them how to make a good decision by themselves. I (make, not) would not make
the decision for them. When a customer (ask) asks a question, answer it honestly.
You don't need to lie to the customer, and you don't need to make the decision for
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Michael: When I (sell) sell an inexpensive computer to a customer, my boss
(complain) complains that I am not trying hard enough. What would you tell
Sharon: If I (be) were in your situation, I (tell) would tell him that I wasn't
comfortable forcing customers to buy products which they don't need. Tell him
that you don't want to lie to honest people, and that you want to provide them with
good service. Remind him that when customers (get) get good service, they
(return) return to a store and spend more money.
Michael: I think that's a great idea. He (might) might change his mind if I said
that to him. Maybe he (realize) would realize that good service is the most
important thing to consumers. And, of course, I (feel) would feel much more
comfortable if I (be) were able to be honest with the customers. Thanks for your