Warner bears all with collection

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Sudden Valleyy Views
December 2002
Sudden Valley Community Association
Warner bears all
with collection
by Elisa Claassen
Views editor
Jeannette Warner of Sudden Valley has never been to
England, but her mohair teddy
bears have. In fact, these teddy
bears are travelers who have
“seen” many parts of the globe
from their glass eyes.
Warner, 58, came to Sudden Valley four years ago from
Bellingham proper where she
had lived for 13 years. She and
her husband, Darryl, 64, loved
the peace and quiet in the
woods of the Valley and decided
to make the change. Both of the
Warners are also members of
the golf club and spend summers between the golf course
and out on their boat, a 32-foot
bayliner, moored at Squalicum
The rest of the year is
Vol. 28 No. 11
Pensive pause
dictated for Warner by her “production” of teddy bears for the
two to three large teddy bear
shows she goes to each year
attracting hundreds of exhibitors: San Diego, Calif. in January,
Lincoln City in October, and an
additional show which changes
each year. The additional city
pick for 2003 is undecided but
has included Las Vegas in the
past. In 2005, she will go to Clarian, Iowa for a special show held
every five years and to which
she has already sent her RSVP.
Serious Bear Collectors
She has produced an auction piece, in which a children’s
group benefitted, featured in a
past show catalog, in which the
artist gets half of the proceeds.
Hers sold
Views photo courtesy of MELISSA STRATMAN
Memories of a long, warm summer comes to mind in this image submitted by Views
reader Melissa Stratman of Gate 2. Tyler, 6, and Noah, 3, walk ahead of their mother
at the end of a day on Grandview Lane.
See Bears, page 4
Looking back with a view to the Valley in 2002
by Elisa Claassen
Views editor
•Tiffany Olson started part-time Flamboya Tree,” at the Women’s
This is part one of a twopart series that will conclude
in the January 2003 issues of
Sudden Valley Views.
•No Views issue in January
• Golfers continued to golf
through the month
• January Board of Directors
meeting moved into early
February due to weather conditions.
•Board member Tony Freeland
•Lance Bunker started as Recreation Coordinator.
• Women’s Club: Benjamin
Franklin program
•Board discusses water spills,
possible emergency generator
at Sofield Park, and the ongoing battle with geese and their
in the Accounting Department
with Accounts Payable
•Bellingham florist Gerry Wilson
visited the Garden Club
•Soffield Park not to be the site
for an emergency generator
•Golf trip to Bandon Dunes,
•Audit announced of no wrongdoing in association election
from 2001
•Work was started on the WD10
interceptor project, delayed
from a projected start date in
January due to weather.
•March 10, Ellen Kester was
inducted into the Northwest
Women’s Hall of Fame for her
work in the theatre.
•Washington State DNR surveyed spawning ground of
native Cutthroat Trout in Austin
•Sudden Valley resident Clara
Kelly signed her book, “The
Club monthly meeting. It was
based on her life story of living
in a Japanese internment camp
during WWII.
•Richard Cochinos is appointed
to serve on the Board of Directors following the vacancy created by the resignation earlier in
the year by Tony Freeland.
• Greens fee revenue down.
March is a time of unexpected
snow storms. Sudden Valley
had 12 inches on the first day
of Spring.
•SVCA Board votes to temporarily close the SV Campground
starting May1, 2002.
•Paul Nuchims establishes the
Sudden Valley Art Center at the
Center Condominiums.
•David Friedlander withdraws
his acceptance of the general
manager position. Negotiations
start with Steve Grieser.
•Water District 10 announces
Bulletin Board
Blood Drive
Volunteers Needed
The last SV blood drive
only had 18 participants. The
low turnout was possibly due
to the poor weather, according to Carolyn Thornley.
Thornley, Christel Scott,
and Marion Forkner are no
longer going to be involved
as volunteers with the Puget
Sound Blood Drives. After
serving for over two years,
they hope other volunteers
will step forward to take
over this four-times-a-year
program. Those interested
should contact Suzanna
Dentel at 1-888-475-4250.
N & E Volunteers Needed
More volunteers are
needed by the Nominations
and Elections Committee.
Contact Suzanne Blangsted,
chair, or the Admin office.
Important Notice
Deadline for opting out
of the Water District 10 (WD10)
ULID approaching: Monday,
Dec. 16. Contact the district
office at 360-734-9224 with
any questions.
Board work session for SV
The SVCA Board of Directors will establish a “Vision
Creation and Strategic Planning” work session from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Dec.
15 at the Adult Center with
facilitator Edmund Williams.
Community members are
welcome to observe the
lifting of the 10-year sewer
moratorium at the end of the
•MarketPlace Video opens in
the mini-mall.
•The Barn Theatre presented
“The Secret Garden”
•Blood donations down during
blood drives.
•WD10 hosts a meeting to realign the water district boundaries using census information.
•Julie Frame starts at front desk
in the Admin office.
• Bruce Bean demonstrated
making “salad” baskets for
See Review, page 4
Official election results
SVCA Annual Meeting, Nov. 2, 2002
from the N & E Committee, held Nov. 18, 2002
Board of Directors
(two position: three-year
Paul Nuchims
Darrell Darnell
2003 Budget
(Issue #1)
Nominations & Elections
(two-year terms)
Marie Marantette
Voter Tally
In person
Absentee Ballot DA Proxy
DA Issues-Only Proxy
Common Proxy
Limited Common Proxy
Delinquent, Budget Only
-DA Proxy
-Common Proxy
Total Votes
Views from the Inside
Board of Directors listing........................................................
Board report............................................................................... 3
Current budget......................................................................... 5
Classified ads...............................................................................
Page 2
December 2002
Sudden Valley Views
Point of Views
Holidays are time to
cherish those around us
Christmas Thoughts What a beautiful fall we have had this
year. I can appreciate why so many people
throughout the States and lower B.C. have
liked the season --for the first time.
Christmas thoughts. Just a few. It can
be a exciting and difficult time for many
people. Some struggle with finances,
being separated from family, or the loss
of a family member. Some look forward
to gazing at the lights, appreciating the
decorated homes, finding just the right
gift for a loved one.
I can appreciate all of the sentiments and hope this wll be
a joyous time for all. If you notice someone new in one of your
clubs or in your cul-de-sac, maybe this would be a good time to
introduce yourself, to invite someone to share a holiday memory with you and your family.
Because I happen to love art, that tends to be one of my
favorite gifts to give. I either frequent the many arts and crafts
shows prior to the holiday or complete a few pieces (of assorted
mediums: photos, painting, quilts) to give out myself. (By the way-it was nice to meet a number of you at the Fine Art Show in the
barn recently!)
I have always favored encouraging children to make something special for family and friends, and when they do to appropriately and enthusiastically ohhh and ahhh over these items no
matter how beautiful they may or may not truly be.
Summary of the Year
A summary of the year: this has been my first year as editor
of the Views following the several-year effort of my friend Robin
Ireland. As part of the Lewis Publishing effort in Lynden, I have
come in from outside of the Valley and tried to find people and
“things” of interest. This has been, and continues to be, the focus
of my efforts at the helm. Some view change as good, others as
something that rocks their comfort zone.
Feel free to offer constructive input for YOUR paper.This is
a community publication. What do you want to read about? Do
you have ideas for stories? Would you like to write stories? If you
have someone in your family who has been honored in some
way, been the recipient of an award, perhaps you would like to
share that with “us”--the community. I cannot guarantee that
everything will fit or that all of you will find everything that you
wish to find, but I will do my best.
A big thank-you to those who have sent in photographs,
stories, or have offered their encouragement over the year. I
expect more good things ahead.
The Views welcomes letters to
the editor. Letters
should not exceed
250 words. All letters
must be signed and
carry a Sudden Valley
address or Division
and Lot number, as
well as a daytime
phone number. Any
p ro p e r t y o w n e r
in good standing
may submit up to
three letters in each
12-month period.
Letters must reflect
the viewpoint of the
author and should
not contain personal
attacks. Writers are
requested to focus
on the issue and
not the individuals
involved. Letters are
subject to editing
only for libelous material or statements.
Beavers continue to cause havoc
by Jerry Klun
Views guest opinion
Most people that are aware
of the damage being done
by the beaver are concerned
but few appear to want to get
I was hoping that an article
in the Views might bring it to the
fore front and perhaps people
with some clout in the Valley
will come forward.
Over the past 2 1/2 years
the beaver have taken down
over 200 trees around the
Lake Louise and an additional
number on the Sudden Valley
golf course. Golf course maintenance has wrapped a number
of trees they want to save with
wire mesh.
Obviously that would be
impractical in the forest surrounding Lake Louise. I cleared
about 20 fallen trees from the
trail around the lake over the
past two weeks alone.
Many of the trees that were
taken down over the past two
years are currently under leaves
and grass and are difficult to see,
however, much of that cover
should drop off over the next
couple of weeks.
As I understand it, a few
beaver were relocated a number
of years ago. I would think that
is what is required again.
Note: The editor went with
Jerry Klun to examine the tree
situation around the Lake on
deadline in mid-November and
noticed a considerable amount
of trees were recently chewed
down. The majority of the trees
were between the trail and
the Lake, but some were also
damaged on the other side of
the trail.
If anyone from the community has any suggestions or
opinions on this matter concerning the loss of trees due to
the growing beaver population,
please contact the Views and/or
those in Administration.
Letter to the Editor
A noteworthy
balancing act
Dear Editor,
Leah Keefer, if only we
could clone you! Knowing
that your discerning and very
capable mind kept the Valley’s
financial matters in excellent
order these past two years, has
made our dollar investment in
the Valley worry-free! Let those
who remain and those who follow remember to distinguish
CAPITAL funding and OPERATING funding and to strive for a
balanced budget.
Praise and thanks to you,
Donna Matthews
Div. 8/Lot 9
ACC has new members
ACC members
Chair - Ginny Hadd
Co-Chair - Warren Rice
Members who have moved
from alternate to regular(3 yr.
term): Bill McRoberts, Roger
Taylor, and Carolyn Thornley.
New alternate members (1yr.
term) are: Marjorie Bushnell,
Kenneth Enright, and Lance Hillengass. Re-appointed alternate
member (1 yr. term) is George
Classifieds, News Deadlines
Classified ads cannot be published without evidence of payment. See the Classified Ads
page for size and payment information. Submit classified ads and payment at the Clubhouse Front Desk, 2145 Lake Whatcom Blvd., Bellingham, WA.
Property owners are always encouraged to submit news articles and items of interest, but
please submit materials in compliance with the guidelines and deadlines.
The deadline for classified advertising and news items for the December issue of the
Views is Thursday, Dec. 12, at 12 noon.
DISPLAY ADS: For display advertising contact Debbie Boschma at 360-354-4444 The deadline for display advertising for the December issue of the Views is Friday, Dec. 13, at 5 p.m.
Editorial Guidelines
Any item submitted for use in the Views should be an original hard copy which is typewritten or laser printer output on white
paper, faxed, or emailed (svviews@ lyndentrib.com) and single spaced. Photos are encouraged — either black-and-white or color
prints — preferably with a glossy finish. Guest columnists should include a head-and-shoulders photo, if possible. Photos will be
returned only upon request, and will be available at the Front desk the week after publication. Editorial cartoons also accepted.
Items not in compliance with the guidelines or submitted after the deadlines cannot be guaranteed placement.
December 2002
Sudden Valley Views
Page 3
Board vacancy tops docket of board meeting
by Elisa Claassen
Views editor
Three applications have
been received for the one vacancy for the Board of Directors
left following the Annual Meeting Nov. 3. Interviews will be set
for early December. Candidates
are being contacted.
WD10 Report
Water District 10 Commissioner Vince D’Onofrio announced the resignation of
WD10 General Manager Sandy
Peterson . A search committee
is looking for a new manager
while City of Bellingham official Dick McHenry serves on
an interim basis in a part-time
capacity for the district.
Other news:
• A rate study is being
conducted to unify the rate
structure for the entire district.
• A reminder of the Dec.
16 deadline to opt out of the
ULID. Property owners MUST
notify the WD10 office by that
deadline. D’Onofrio did not have
a number count yet of those lots
opting out of the project.
• The interceptor is nearing
completion. One final pump station is being worked on near Sudden Valley along Lake Whatcom
Boulevard. Although the district
had hoped to have it operational
by now, it should be online by
Jan. 1, 2003.
• The next WD10 meeting,
open to the public, is Dec. 11 at
approximately 6:30 p.m. (due to
the preceding closed session, it
may not start on time).
• WD voted to extend
$12,500 for the next tax sale.
These funds were returned to
WD10 from the Lake Whatcom
Management Committee as
unused funds.
General Manager’s Report
• WD10 will sign onto the
four-way agreement for the
purchase of tax sale lots from
the County. The City of Bellingham has yet to sign as they are
questioning the use of lots for
• Grieser hopes that the
upgrade of the server will have
few impacts to service Admin
• The upcoming ULID
deadline has kept Grieser and
his office busy lately, specifically
with lot sales and donations.
• Grieser and Accounting
Manager Jessica Staten will be
purchasing lots at the County
tax sale Nov. 22 with monies allocated from the October Board
• Staff schedule changes
anticipated for January. Accounting Clerk Tiffany Olson
will be going on a maternity
leave which will precipitate Julie
Frame assisting in that office
during that time. Phone coverage may be more limited during
that time in the main office.
Board Action Items
• The executive committee authorized up to an additional $1,500 for the upgrade of
the SVCA server, in order to stay
within the scheduled timeline.
• The executive committee was notified of the sale of a
1990 Chevy security vehicle to
staff for $300.
• The Board approved
ACC members: Chair - Ginny Hadd, Co-Chair - Warren
Rice, Members who have
moved from alternate to
regular (3 yr. term): Bill McRoberts, Roger Taylor, and Carolyn
Thornley. New alternate members (1yr. term) are: Marjorie
Bushnell, Kenneth Enright, and
Lance Hillengass. George Ryker
was reappointed as alternative
member (1 yr). • The Board approved the
officials results of the Annual
Meeting elections which will be
printed in this month’s Views.
• The Board approved the
re-establishment of the following committees for 2002-2003:
finance, communications, and
ocument review.
• The Board authorized
GM Steve Grieser temporary
additional negotiated abilities during the ULID deadline
time period. No policies were
changed. This ability to operate
on an ad hoc basis will continue
until the January meeting of
the Board.
• $750 was authorized for
the purchase of Div. 16, lot 250
from Roman Hohol. This lot lies
next to a greenbelt and other
SVCA owned lots.
• Board members resigned authorization paperwork.
Treasurer’s Motions Approved
• Approved the Asset
Write-off list submitted by SVCA
department managers. All items
have values under $1,000.
• Approved the expenditure from capital reserves of an
amount not to exceed $1,800
for an additional radar gun for
Security to be kept in the new
• Approved an amount
not to exceed $20,000 from
regular capital reserves for a
truck and snow plow, preferably
used, if one can be found.
• Approved an amount
not to exceed $5,100 for a Camera ID system to replace one that
was broken.
-- Editor’s Note: Due to a
concern for space, the Board
notes will be abbreviated. For
those wishing to see the Board
meeting in entirety, request a
video from the Admin office or
a copy of the Board minutes.
Page 4
Sudden Valley Views
December 2002
Bears: Hand made creations have travelled the world
from page 1
for $2,400.
Some of her bears also now
make their homes in another
part of the world--Japan and
those collectors have paid well.
An example: a few years ago,
she donated a bear to raise
money to aid the victims of a
severe earthquake in Japan.
Her 24-inch bear went for the
equivalent of $8,000 in U.S.
Ordinarily Warner’s bears
sell for approximately $100 for
the smaller ones to $475-$500
for the larger ones which are
traditional and without frills.
“The face is the biggest
thing that sells the bear in my
opinion,” she said. Her bears
faces are made of embroidered
mouth and nose with glass eyes
or shoe buttons.
After a show, few bears
remain in the Warner household
until she has the opportunity to
make more. Just walking into her
home, she said, would not alert
any visitors to the significance of
this hobby turned business. She
has a workshop, formerly part of
the large garage, filled with the
mohair,“wood wool”for stuffing
in bags and boxes.
The mohair is bought from
a California firm which imports
from England and Germany,
the top suppliers in the world.
Mohair comes from angora
goats, she said, and has a cotton
backing. The cheapest mohair
she buys is $62 to $65 a yard,
which explains why these bears
are priced accordingly. The
particular mohair used for her
bears’ beards and the hair on
her character dolls, which she
makes in addition to the bears,
runs up to $180 a yard.
These character dolls,
also known traditionally as
“gollywogs,” were popular in
England turn of the century and
were found with teddy bears
on virtually every toy shelf.
Her new character doll, based
on a gnome originally done by
Steiff around 1912, and sold
for thousands of dollars at a
Christys auction, does not have
a name as yet.
Warner is able to recreate,
she said, from her collection of
Steiff books, auction catalogs
containing pictures and description, and from bears and
dolls in the collections of her
friends. Her own collection is
primarily miniature bears which
are generally 3 1/2 inches and
under, made almost entirely
by hand, and displayed under
Review: Spring filled with traffic woes
from page 1
hanging in the home at the
Women’s Club.
•Dave MacAuley of the Communications Committee urges
Admin to find projects for
•Conservative measures sustain
SV under budget.
•April 9, the Western Washington Hearing Board issed an
“Order re Motions and Notification of Our Intent to Dismiss”
regarding the challenge to
Sudden Valley’s efforts to be in
an Urban Growth Area (UGA).
On April 22, the Bellingham City
Council rejected the invitation
to intervene in the process.
•Road closures due to construction of the sewer interceptor.
•Ownership of Valley Services
transfers from Bud Fosset and
Brenda Anderson to Dave and
Wanda Klotz.
•Traffic delays continue due
to construction of the water
district’s interceptor.
•Steve Grieser, who had served
as interim general manager,
signs contract to be general
•Lance Bunker leaves position
as Recreation Coordinator. Bob
Barker selected to replace him.
•Town Hall Meeting June 25 to
discuss open topics.
•Hiring process for seasonal
employees for the golf and
recreation areas.
•SVCA slightly ahead of budget
on the number of dues payers.
•Lynn Fallis takes over Security
from Joe Garguilo, who took a
federal law enforcement position.
•Jr. Golf Camp teaches fundamentals of the game to children
and teens.
•Soccer camp also trains 25
children and teens.
•The Barn Theatre offers its seventh year of drama workshops
for youth.
•The Recreation Department
hosts games for children along
with activities for the family by
the barns the Fourth of July. The
Jimmy Murphy Band provides
•SV’s Density Reduction Program is highlighted at the July
Board of Director’s meeting.
•July 23, the finance committee meets to discuss the 2003
•Whatcom County announces
interim land clearing measure.
This draws public protest.
•July 2, Kiwanas gains a charter
at SV. The new club is known
as “Kiwanas Club of Lake Whatcom.”
•StarTouch, Inc., a high-speed
internet provider discusses establishing service in the Valley.
•The intertie project of WD10
hits a snag due to the interim
land clearing measure.
•Valley Services sold 15,000
stamps since the increase midmonth of postal rates from 34
to 37 cents.
•First Mocktail night at the main
pool -- 25 kids in attendance.
-- The conclusion of the year
in review will be printed in next
month’s Sudden Valley Views.
From Hobby to Business
After dabbling with a
“hobby” while working for the
school lunch program at Western Washington University for
11 years, Warner eventually
got serious about making and
selling bears in 1985/86. She
moved from full-time employment to part-time. Eventually
she quit her day job to focus
on the bears.
Warner had sold bears
in small shops in La Conner,
Eastern Washington and locally
in Whatcom County, as well as
participating in the annual Allied Arts Christmas Show while it
was still located in Fairhaven.
This changed after she had
been in a bear show in Seattle at
that time. She met other bear
“artists” and serious collectors.
“I got in at a good time,”she
said. “They happened to take a
liking to me and my bears.”
The bears, which range
from 5 1/2 to 31 inches, are
known as“Nettee Bears”derived
from her name. The business is a
one-person operation with help
from her daughters on occasion
(Kristi Rautenberg, 34, and Elise
Cupples, 38) who make the
props, clothing or bear bodies.
Only Warner herself works on
the bears’ faces.
Sales are not based on
advertising, as she does not
advertise, but on articles of her
bears from time to time in the
industry magazines, going to
the shows, and her established
collectors. She does not sell
from a website as she, producing on her own, she said, cannot
produce enough.
Sales have been slower
since 9/11, even for the teddy
bear market although she is
starting to see some of her collectors buying again, Warner
said. This includes one of her
more stable markets, the Japanese collectors. Another effect
of 9/11 was a lost opportunity.
Warner had been invited to be
one of a group of 25 selected
U.S. bear artists in a special
bear show at the Smithsonian
Museum in Washington, D.C. to
celebrate the 100th Anniversary
of the teddy bear. The show
was slated for last June but
was cancelled due to security
“It would’ve been a thrill
and an honor for me,” she said,
with disappointment of not being able to go to Washington,
D.C. for the first time. She had
planned to take a bear based on
President Teddy Roosevelt complete in a roughrider outfit.
Did Warner have a large
collections of beloved bears as
a child? No. She actually played
with “lady” dolls similar to a
Chrissy doll which her daughers
later played with in the ‘60s and
early ‘70s. Both these dolls were
inexpensive and fun to dress.
The Sign of a True Bear Lover
Warner did have to laugh
as she recalled that one collector was so fond of her bears
that she was noted for carrying
them with her on errands in the
car, to the store, and even to
the theatre.
They went everywhere
she went.
-- Note: Locally, Warner was
one of the local artists in the Nov.
16 Fine Arts Show at the barns
in the Valley. Her bears are also
featured in a catalog, “Teddy
Bears of Witney” from a shop in
Witney, England 60 miles from
London. The theme-oriented
catalogs have a worldwide distribution.
December 2002
Page 5
Sudden Valley Views
Committee Reports
New treasurer seeks to continue financial success
by Leslie McRoberts
Treasurer’s report
T h e
new Treasurer re ceived Sudden Valley’s
records in
from previous Treasurer, Leah
Keefer. She
and Accounting
Manager Jessica Staten, have
made this an easy transition.
We applaud both of their efforts
to strengthen Sudden Valley
A great portion of Staff activity over the next month will be
devoted to analysis of Sudden
Valley lots in the light of the Water
District 10(WD10)’s ULID. Dec. 16,
2002 is the deadline for vacant
lot owners to decide whether or
not they will opt out of the ULID.
If they do so, they will not be
able to build on their property
for 20 years.
By early 2003, we will have a
firm idea of how many lots have
been taken out of “production”
and, consequently, the number
of billable lots remaining.
Sudden Valley will again
purchase lots at the County Tax
sale on Nov. 22 as part of our
Density Reduction program. This
year, we have commitments from
WD10, Whatcom County, and the
city of Bellingham to reimburse
a portion of the cost of these
lots. This is recognition by other
local government entities of the
importance of this program.
Last month, it was reported
that the cost of keeping the
swimming pools open two
extra weeks in September was
in excess of $4,600. In fact, the
August gas bill was paid twice
in error. The additional cost
October 2002 Budget Status
incurred for keeping the pools
open wasn’t as great as had
been believed.
Golf income has continued
to exceed budget projections
for the month of October. Where
golf expenses exceeded budget
projections, it was directly related to the increased business,
such as additional fuel for the
golf carts. The golf staff has done
an outstanding job this year under difficult circumstances.
Led by a Treasurer, Finance
Committee, and Accounting Manager who provided the expertise
and determination, we have come
a long way from the financial
straits in which Sudden Valley
found itself the last several years.
The new Treasurer and Finance
Committee will endeavor to
provide the oversight required to
keep us on track going forward.
Report recounting 2002 events given at annual meeting
by Jon Wolfe
I regret that family matters prohibit me from attending today’s Annual Meeting.
When I first thought of the
task of preparing a President’s
Report, I was stumped about
what to say. We have achieved
many accomplishments this
year, but we have asked each
committee chair to report their
achievements -- and that pretty
much precluded anything that
I could say.
Then, it hit me. I can report to you what we have not
• Foremost, we have not
sued anyone this year! We concluded one suit and another is
expected to conclude as soon as
the Lake Louise Interceptor is up
and running, which is expected
in a few short months from now.
But we believe litigation should
not be a primary activity of the
• Second, we have not
resigned. In previous years, the
Board has suffered a number
of resignations. We only have
nine voting members and
resignations really impede our
forward progress -- we need all
the workers we have!
• Third, we have not been
engaging in combat with one
another nor with members. This
Board has achieved a new ethic
for conduct. We have differing
opinions, but we focus on is-
sues -- and not people. We are
dedicated to working through
issues, and believe every opinion leads to a better final result.
Once the decisions have been
made, we part as friends.
See Report, page 6
Page 6
Sudden Valley Views
December 2002
Art show continues to build in popularity, size
by Nathalie Vogt
Women’s Club
The Art Fair has become an
annual event for November in
Sudden Valley. Starting six years
ago, the Women’s Club each
year has seen this pre-holiday
event grow in popularity and
attendance. This year to
set the tone and enhance the
21 participating talents, the
Dance Barn was decorated
in celebration of the coming
holidays. Ruth Klun created a
centerpiece of autumn flowers
and leaves adorning the buffet
table. Bob’s restaurant served
the hor d’oveures including
spicy meatballs, cheese, a vegetable plates. Friends visited
with friends while leisurely
strolling among the many tables
of art and crafts on display by
the artists.
Some of The Art
• Michael Ireland’s painting of Fairhaven was on exhibit
by Robin with cards of the painting for sale. • Shayula Diamond’s
table displayedhandmade
beaded jewelry and key chains
for sale. • Pat Loken’s water color
and pencil drawings of family
were for display only. • Jeff Mildner, had a
large assortment of vivid blue
and white pottery in bowls
and urns.
• Tish Geehan’s garden
art, of the mysterious hyper
tufa garden stones and wall
hangings. • Chuck Addicott’s oil
Views photo courtesy of SUE FULMER
A decorated dance barn served as the setting for the fine arts show sponsored by the
Women’s Club Nov. 16.
paintings and stone sculptures
were only a few of the many
table displays. Report: Staff, board working together
from page 5
• Fourth, we have not allowed outside forces to set our
agenda. The work of the Valley
is too important to permit our
energies to be drained attending to issues which have not
importance and no significant
impact upon policy.
• Finally, we have not succumbed to micro-management.
We employ a manager who has
assembled a very able staff. Dayto-day operations have been
left to staff while the Board attends to policy. To achieve this
takes a partnership with staff.
It is quite easy for the Board,
and its members, to stumble
into operations territory and it
is equally easy for staff to waltz
into policy matters. We have the
kind of working relationship
where we can blow the whistle
on each other and move back
to our proper roles.
We have individually received many compliments on
the functioning of the Board
and our improvements. There
are, without a doubt, areas for
improvement --and we will
improve. Thank you for your
support during this past year.
Next year, 2003, we plan
on achieving a five-year strategic plan based upon a vision
for the Valley. This task will be
undertaken by the entire Board
and its committees. I urge you
to take an active part in guiding
the present and future of Sudden Valley.
-- Editor’s note: Those interested in signing up to serve as
volunteers on any committee
may contact members of the
Board or Administration. A
Corps of Volunteers has also
been established as well. A daylong workshop is scheduled for
10 a.m.to 5 p.m., Sunday, Dec.
15 for the visioning process.
This is open to the public--for
observation. Location is the
Adult Center.
Sue Fulmer, steering committee member, chaired this
event with the help of the other
Steering Committee members
and made this year’s Art Fair a
continuing success.
December’s Program:
A Living Wreath
The December program
for The Women’s Club will
be a week early this year on
Wednesday, Dec. 4. Marcy
Plattner, from the Garden Spot
Nursery in Bellingham, will give
a demonstration on creating a
living wreath for the holidays.
The completed wreath will be
donated as a prized raffle gift.
Kathy Cross, board member
of Blue Skies for Children, will
address The Women’s Club during the luncheon and provide
information about her organization that has been chosen
by the Steering Committee to
support this holiday season.
A basket will be provided on
each table for those who wish
to contribute. The Calling Committee will
phone members for reservations. Bob’s restaurant in the
Clubhouse will be serving lunch
for $12.50. Guests and new residents are cordially invited by the
Women’s Club to attend. Check
in time 11:30, lunch 12:00. Cancellations or reservations need
to be made by Dec. 2. No Meeting January 2003 As in past years, January
is a time of relaxation for the
Women’s Club. To start off the
new year in February, guest
speaker Bill Thurmona will
perform as “Mark Twain.” The
January issue of The Views will
have more information on this
December 2002
Page 7
Sudden Valley Views
Rec Center stays busy following Halloween
by Bob Barker
The contributions of both
our local real estate offices was
wonderful. The support they
have shown to us and our efforts
goes beyond the call of duty,
and we thank both REMAX AND
SUN MARK for their continued
support throughout the year.
Two big thumbs up for our
local businesses Valley Market
Rentals and Tino’s Restaurant
as well for their contributions of
gift certificates as prizes at this
years carnival.
I would also like to thank
our own SVCA for donating a
$95 use fee credit to our carnival event and congratulate the
lucky winners of the drawings
and our costume contest winners as well.
Teen Dance Night. Friday, Nov.
The dance was attended
by 18 teens ranging from 12
to 17 years old. They danced
to a variety of groups supplied
by Josh Drummand, a practicing DJ from here in the Valley!
Great job, Josh. Popcorn, pizza
bagels, and a variety of different
great tasting refreshments were
served. I would like to thank
Kalene Drummand, Dan and
Marie Marentette and Jack and
Dee Spreitzer for their volunteer
efforts and continued great support of programs offered to the
kids at the REC.
In the last Views issue, I
wrote about the TEEN DANCE
and made reference to the
Dance Barn as being set up to
depict a cocktail lounge where
we would serve mock tails,
non-alcoholic combinations of
various refreshments.
I would like to apologize to
any and all that decided these
terms were promoting drinking
of alcohol. While I can see how
some might construe this as
that kind of promotion, let me
make it clear that what we were
doing was promoting quite the
opposite. What we were saying
is that a lounge does not have to
serve alcohol for the drinks to be
cool or taste good. Strawberry
syrup, Seven-up blended in
ice makes a very good tasting
strawberry drink without any
lingering side effects.
Now, because I can also see
and understand the argument
being made by some about
the use of certain terms in the
advertising, any future teen parties will simply say beverages or
sodas available.
Employee Nancy Daly has a
husband and several children of
her own to care for and is hired to
man the front desk from 3-6 p.m.
Her last 15 minutes on duty are
spent closing the cash register,
vacuuming, collecting equipment, and closing the center.
This is becoming more
difficult with more parents not
arriving until after 6:00 p.m. As
a former teacher, myself, I have
a problem leaving while kids
are still at the center without a
ride home. As a REC Center, and
not a day care facility, we are
not legally responsible for these
children, but we still cannot
bring ourselves to leave them
unattended. We are asking all
parents, who have kids at the
REC Center following school, to
please make every effort to pick
up your children on or before
6:00 p.m. each night so we can
in fact close on time.
Adult Event: Nostalgia
Baby Boomer Dance, With
The date is Jan. 18.
This could be a very well
attended function, given the
number of baby boomers our
community has, and the overwhelming popularity of Karaoke
right now. The cover charge
per person will be determined
later, after costs have been
Any change of events, for
weather or other reasons, will
be announced on Channel 10
and posted at gates 2, 3, 5, and
13 bulletin boards. YOU CAN
360-734-6430 EXT 242 OR 243
Firefighter pancake raises funds for burn foundation
by Dave Ralston
Fire District 2 chief
The Geneva Firefighter
Association held its second
annual fall pancake feed on
Saturday, Oct. 26. They served
425 breakfasts to net $1,851.
This year, the proceeds were
donated to the Northwest Burn
Foundation, a non-profit organization which helps burn victims
and their families. In addition to
the breakfasts, the firefighters
took 140 kids through the fire
safety house which is designed
to show kids what to do in a
house on
fire with smoke.
The Fire District 2 Board of
Commissioners consists of: Dave
Hanson, chairman, Paul Guy,
commissioner, Ron Swanson,
commissioner, Carrie Carter,
board secretary. Administrative
staff for the district are Dave Ralston, fire chief, Will Anderson, assistant chief, Bill Hewett, assistant
chief, Scott Neher, maintenance
lieutenant, Ruth Schmidt, administrative assistant, and Kathy
Erholm, office assistant.
Highlights of Fall 2002:
•Sept. 14 barbeque at the
SV station for volunteers.
•Douglas and Lynn Reeve
and their family were the winners of a special day at the
Sudden Valley station this fall
which included a station tour,
demonstration of equipment,
and spaghetti dinner.
Car prowls appear to be on the rise
by Lynn Fallis
Security chief
While our September Stats
only show a total of three Prowls,
October started out much
worse. There have been a rash of
car prowls over the last couple
Security summary
October 2002
I.D. checks...................................................................................8
House checks.............................................................................
Dog calls......................................................................................
Fire/aid calls................................................................................
Assist citizen...............................................................................
Assist outside agency.............................................................
House alarms............................................................................1
of weeks and it might be wise
to double check door locks and
windows whenever you leave
your vehicle.
We were very disappointed
when a couple different people
refused to press charges, but
have hopes that those who did
will carry enough weight to
make things happen.
New Board
New Board Positions announced
for 2003:
President - Jon Wolfe
Vice President - Bob Cooper
Secretary - Deb Strong
Treasurer - Leslie McRobert
Member-At-Large - Roger Bull
Communications-Paul Nuchims
N & E - Suzanne Blangsted
ACC - Ginny Hadd/Warren Rice
•Oct. 5, firefighters col-
lected donations for the Northwest Burn Foundation at Cost
Cutter grocery store.
Applications Accepted
For those interesting in becoming a volunteer firefighter,
applications are being accepted
for the next class which starts
in March 2003. Call Fire Chief
Dave Ralston at 360-676-8080
for more information about
volunteer positionsand/or the
training program offered.
Page 8
Sudden Valley Views
December 2002
Lovable little dickens ‘Oliver’ coming to Barn
by Ellen Kester
artistic director
At The
Barn Theatre, we are
the musical “Oliver,”
the 1968
musical by
Lionel Hart,
which derives from
novel, “Oliver Twist.” Rehearsals start in the Dance Barn at
6:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 6, and
the 10 performances run from
March 13 to 30. Tickets ($!0, $8,
$6) go on sale Feb. 1 at Village
Books and Piper Music and
will be available at the door
one-half hour before each
A very famous song in this
musical, that is replete with
wonderful songs, is the Fagin’s,
“I’m Reviewing the Situation;
I think I’d better think it out
December is a natural time,
with the old year fading fast and
the new year hurrying near, to
“review the situation”; i.e., to
look back and to plan ahead.
Dickens’ Oliver!
Charles Dickens was exciting story-teller had a gift with
language and knew human
nature. Through suspenseful
plots and recognizable characters, Dickens satirizes human
foibles and motivates personal
and social reform.
The novel “Oliver Twist”
dramatizes that theme that love
can enable the human spirit to
survive--even triumph--over the
most adverse circumstances.
Although “Oliver!,” the musical,
does not attempt to address the
entire novel, it distills much and
appeals to all ages.
So, while our actos, crews,
directors and audiences are
planning our 2003 season, we
are also reminiscing about our
exciting productions in 2002.
The Secret Garden
We opened the 2002 Season with our spring musical,
“The Secret Garden,” the New
York musical version by Marsha
Norman and Lucy Simon. It
derives from the poignant story
by Frances H. Burnet, a life-long
ardent gardener (1849-1924).
We offered 10 performances
(April 4-21) and our costumes,
sets, special light, sound effects, and cast evoked, first,
the sad scene in India where
Mary Lennox’s parents died in
a cholera epidemic, and, then,
the huge, musty Misselthwaite
Manor where the orphan Mary
is sent to begin a new life with
her Uncle Archibald Craven and
her cousin, Colin.
Our intergenerational cast
of 55 rose to the challenge of the
dazzling music and the varied
roles including Misselthwaite
Servants, Vicar’s School Girls, La
Baki dancers, Martha’s Siblings,
Dickon’s Animal Friends, and the
leads: (Archibald Craven played
by John Kamrar); Mary Lennox
(Emily Lester, age 10); Colin
Craver (Brandon Naff, age 11);
Martha (Katie Kennedy); Lily
Winter series continues
by Greg Paul
Golf report
The “Ball-Buster” is the
second golf tournament in our
winter series and is scheduled for
Saturday, Dec. 7. The format is a
two-person scramble. Tees will
be back, pins will be tucked, and
hopefully the wind is blowing!
If you enjoy playing in the offseason, with a very unique golf
course set-up, grab a partner and
join us. The tournament is open
to members and guests.
The Pro Shop Open House
is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 8
and is open to golf club members and residents of Sudden
Valley. All merchandise will be
marked at special sale prices
and several sales representa-
tives will be on hand to answer
questions about their new
products for 2003. The hours
for the Open House will be
from 11:00 a.m.until 3:30 p.m.
Please join the staff for some
Christmas cheer, snacks, and
goodies. Hope you can join us
as we would love to have your
company on the 8th.
Lastly, the Pro Shop has
raffle tickets available for a golf
club annual membership for
2003. The lucky winner will be
draw during the Open House.
Tickets are $2.00 each or six for
$10.00. Do you feel lucky?
(Rebecca Darnell); Dickon (Evan
Aegerter), Ben, the gardener
(Eddy Lester); Dr. Neville Craven
(Jonathan Skoczen); Mrs. Medlock (Sandee Engels); and, Mrs.
Winthrop (Lisa LaGuardia).
Summer Workshop for Youth
Our 2002 Summer Drama
Workshops, (June 21-July 11)
attracted actors from Seattle,
Everson, Acme, Lynden, Mount
Vernon, Bellingham, and Sudden
Valley. Daily, we trained 30 actors
(ages four to 20) in three age
groups (8:30 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.).
Acting techniques, including
musical theatre skills, were the
focus, and, in the four repeated
culminating productions, the
actors performed the 75 roles in
“The Legend of Scarface and Blue
Water”; “Tom Sawyer’s Morning”;
“Scratch and Daniel Webster”;
and, “ The Importance of Being
Earnest” (seven scenes).
In three weeks, our volunteer tech directors and crews
created light and sound effects,
sets, and costumes.
An opportunity each
December is to reprise one of
the summer’s plays for the Bellingham School District when
approximately 900 elementary
children will be bused to the
morning and afternoon performances.
HMS Pinafore
Our fall production (Oct.
10-27), was “H.M.S. Pinafore,”
one of the most popular of
Gilbert and Sullivan’s 14 operettas. This happened with the
expertise of a volunteer production staff of 27 including: Ruth
Broward (tech director); Patrick
Davis (set construction); RenÈe
Kennedy (costume mistress);
and numerous Sudden Valley’s
talents John Sinkevitch (Assistant Director and pianist);
Dwight Kester (house manager);
Cecily Aegerter (set design);
Joyce Dillenberger (program
and costume design); and
Pall Groundal (sound design).
These and other Thespians
all mounted the delightful
operetta, set on the famous
fictional ship, that’s been riding
at anchor in Portsmouth Harbor
since 1878.
The plot involves the struggles and triumphs of the three
romantic couples dramatized
through witty dialogue and the
25 memorable songs all performed by a rousing chorus of
Sailors and Sir Joseph’s relatives
(Hebe, the Sisters, Nieces, Cousins, and Aunts) and by the leads:
the Pinafore’s comedic Captain
Corcoran (John Kamrar); the
villainous, Dick Deadeye (Tristan
Niemier); the young lover, Ralph
Rackstraw (Evan Aegerter); his
sweetheart, Josephine (Katie
Kennedy); the secretive bumboat lady, Little Buttercup (Kia
Davis); and, the arrogant, Sir
Weather increased course work
by Bryan Newman
course superintendent
This year’s Fall weather
extended the course’s playing
season which also extended
Staff ’s normal maintenance
Fall aerification of greens,
tees, approaches, and fairways
were spread out over a longer
period of time, in an effort to set
up for, and to not impact, the unusual amount of play throughout
September and October. The
bulk of this year’s fairway sand
topdressing also was applied
during this time. All of this work
tied up Staff and equipment,
otherwise needed to accomplish
many of the projects on our Fall
and Winter schedule.
Tee construction, tee reconstruction and drainage
installation will have Staff out on
the course at every opportunity
this Winter.
Joseph Porter, K.C.B,. (Knight
Commander of the Bath Alec
December is a natural time
to “review the situation” and our
BARN THEATRE president, Sudden Valley’s Sally Sheedy, with
our BT board of 24, can report
that we can look back on a happy
2002, and, indeed, on almost
seven years of 48 successful plays
including 24 musicals and involving the training and showcasing
of over 650 actors of all ages.
Now we look forward to
“Oliver!” (March 13ó30); our
Summer Drama Workshops
(June 13-June 29); and, our fall
production (Oct. 9-26). As 2002
ends, we wish to thank the SVCA
for its continued support and
to share a New Year’s resolution
implied in an evaluation offered
by Bill Quehrm in a KGMI 1998
interview with me when he
remarked, “The BARN THEATRE
stimulates good vibes for Sudden Valley!”
We invite you to come join
us! Call 360-756-9916 or 360671-5970 for information and
discover a role you can play in
our 2003 Season!
December 2002
Sudden Valley Views
Page 9
Exploring establishment of PRD in the Valley
by Dennis Jones
Parks and Recreation feasibility coordinator
A second Parks & Recreation District (PRD) feasibility
meeting was held Nov. 13 at
the Art Center. Pat Milliken,
former Recreation Director for
Whatcom County and now a
private consultant, presented
“Parks Districting Possibilities
for Sudden Valley.
Milliken explained park
district possibilities for Sudden
Valley supplying a summary of
related legislation, a quantified
work sheet from the City of
Ferndale and his experiences
working with current parks
districts including the Birch
Bay/Blaine, Lynden, and Point
Roberts areas.
There are about 70 Park
and Recreation Districts (PRDs)
in Washington, he said.
Establishing a PRD
According to the State PRD
summary, they are set up, “to
provide leisure time activities
and recreational facilities, of
a nonprofit nature as a public
service to the residents of the
geographical areas included
within their boundries”.
Technically, PRD’s are a
mini form of a “municipal cor-
poration” for example, a public
agency with boundries codified by the County Auditor and
Assessor and funds collected,
accounted and distributed
through the County Treasurer’s
Office. Five Local District Commissioners, who function similar
to Fire District Commissioners,
compile the annual budget from
anticipated revenues including
cumulative reserves for capital
The district is established by
a citizen vote. This would entail
registered voters from within the
district making the decision. To
be on the ballot, a petition by 15
percent of the voters is presented
to the County Commissioners or
County Council who hold a hearing and fix PRD boundries.
Typically the ballot includes three votes:
• 1. Establish District (yes
or no)
• 2. Election of PRD Commissioners, for staggered, fouryear terms and
• 3. an operating levy
based on Countyassessed property values.
For example, a levy of
$0.20 per $1,000 of assessed
value would cost the owner of
a $120,000 home about $20.00
per year.
Such a levy could generate $40,000 for Sudden Valley
earmarking the funds for Parks,
Recreation and Green Way
programs and facilities, though
this is not a net figure, figuring
administrative costs such as
required insurance, for one.
Other PRDs in the County
Birch Bay uses its PRD District to better coordinate with
County Parks. Point Roberts
does too but has taken it a step
further with neighborhood
parks, green ways and major waterfront. Lynden just completed
a regional park, with the land
purchased with district funds,
but was developed primarily
by volunteers.
In Sudden Valley, a similar
approach has been suggested
for the leasing, rather than
purchasing, of Sudden Valley’s
Campground then renovating
and reopening it. Resident Steve
Reed has written a proposal for
a 35 acre SV / Hummingbird
Additionally, a PRD has a
limited ability to float bonds
for larger projects. In Sudden
Valley, the Marina, Barns and
Faw programs have also been
mentioned. The community via
the District Commissioners will
have to decide the actual proj-
Two homes in Holiday Home Tour
by Carolyn Thornley
Garden Club
T h e
of the Sudden Valley
Club invite
the Sudden Valley
community to join
the Holiday
Home Tour
on Saturday, Dec. 7
to showcase two Valley homes.
The Garden Club members
changed the event to a Saturday
this year that all our Sudden
Valley neighbors will be able
to join us for a fun and festive
This event shares the
warmth of neighbors, shows off
some of the beautifully decorated homes here in the Valley, and
sets a great holiday mood for
this time of the year. The monies
collected from this event helps
to beautify and maintain many
garden projects in the Sudden
Valley community.
At 12 noon, hor d’oeuvres
and wine will be served at the
home of Ann and Bob Cooper.
At 1:15 p.m., dessert and coffee
will be enjoyed at the home of
Sue and Gary Fulmer.
The $10 tickets may be purchased at Administration in the
Club House, or from many of the
Garden Club members. A map
with directions to the homes is
provided at that time. Because
of limited parking in some areas,
carpooling is recommended.
For more information
about the Holiday Home Tour,
please contact Vel Hayden at
671-2005. For more information about the Garden Club,
please call Blanche Stevens at
ect, timing, and expenditures
before accruing indebedness
or distributing funds. Exess levies and GO bonds require a 60
percent voter approval.
The SV Meeting
At our first PRD Feasibility
meeting Nov. 6, we put together
a steering crew: consisting of:
Roger Bull, SVCA member at
large; Steve Reed, former chair
of SVCA N&E, and myself, Dennis Jones.
We put together a phone
tree of consultants for planning,
legal-codes and Park/Wildlife/
Rec and are adding volunteers
who aren’t afraid to get their
hand dirty and feet wet.
We would like to thank Pat
Milliken, Wilson Engineering
and others, including Tino’s
Pizza and The Art Center Crew
for their initial encouragement
and invite others to get involved
with the redevelopment & continuing improvement of Sudden
Valley Parks and Rec.
Our specific need now is
for a fiscally prudent controller/secretary and and marine/
aquatic specialist.
Those wishing to be involved may contact Dennis
R. Jones at 360- 676-8143 for
more information or e-mail
[email protected]
Page 10
December 2002
Sudden Valley Views
December 2002
Barn Theatre: Auditions
for “Oliver!”
Bob’s Sunday Brunch 9
a.m.-2 p.m. $9.95 Adults
Valley Vespers Services 4
p.m. at Art Center (interdenominational)
Rec Center: closed
Bob’s Sunday Brunch 9 a.m.2 p.m. $9.95 Adults
Golf: Pro Shop Sale! 11 a.m.3:30 p.m.
Valley Vespers Services 4
p.m. at Art Center (interdenominational)
Rec Center: closed
SV Vision/Strategic Planning Workshop 10 a.m.-5
p.m. at Adult Center (open
to public to observe)
Bob’s Sunday Brunch 9 a.m.2 p.m. $9.95 Adults
Valley Vespers Services 4
p.m. at Art Center (interdenominational)
Rec Center: closed
Bob’s Sunday Brunch 9 a.m.2 p.m. $9.95 Adults
Valley Vespers Services 4
p.m. at Art Center (interdenominational)
Rec Center: closed
Bob’s Sunday Brunch 9 a.m.2 p.m. $9.95 Adults
Valley Vespers Services 4
p.m. at Art Center (interdenominational)
Rec Center: closed
Barn Theatre: Auditions for
Bridge Class 10 a.m.-12
noon at Adult Center (Beg/
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center (time
subject to change), Fee
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Women’s Club: Deadline to
RSVP or Cancel for luncheon
meeting Dec. 4
No Committee of the
Bridge Class 10 a.m.-12
noon at Adult Center (Beg/
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center (time
subject to change), Fee
DISTRICT AT 734-9224!
SVCA Board of Directors’Mtg
7 p.m., Adult Center (early
for holidays)
Bridge Class 10 a.m.-12
noon at Adult Center (Beg/
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center (time
subject to change), Fee
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Bridge Class 10 a.m.-12
noon at Adult Center (Beg/
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center (time
subject to change), Fee
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Bridge Class 10 a.m.-12
noon at Adult Center (Beg/
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center (time
subject to change), Fee
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Women’s Club Mtg/Luncheon at Bob’s-Topic: Making Living Wreath
11:30 a.m. Check-in. $12.50
First Lion’s Club Meeting
7 p.m. at Rotunda. Open
to anyone over 19. Call Hal
Vaughn at 733-3673.
Monthly Adult Potluck--Get
to Know your Neighbors at
6:30 p.m. Dance Barn
Regular Aerobics 8:309:30 a.m. at Adult Center,
Fee (schedule subject to
Beg/Inter. Yoga 6:30-8:00
p.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Weekly Kiwanas Mtg 6-7 Bridge Club 12:30-4:30
p.m. at Bob’s Burger & p.m.at Adult Center
Brew. Call to RSVP: Bud Rec: 3-6 p.m.
at 734-4325 or Gary at
Finance Mtg (time may
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Tino’s Tuesday night speRegular Aerobics 8:309:30 a.m. at Adult Center,
Fee (schedule subject to
Beg/Inter. Yoga 6:30-8:00
p.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Bridge Club 12:30-4:30
p.m.at Adult Center
Off-the-Shelf Book Club
Weekly Kiwanas Mtg 6-7
p.m. at Bob’s Burger &
Brew. Call to RSVP: Bud
at 734-4325 or Gary at
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Tino’s Tuesday night spe-
Weekly Kiwanas Mtg 6-7
p.m. at Bob’s Burger &
Brew. Call to RSVP: Bud
at 734-4325 or Gary at
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Tino’s Tuesday night spe-
Christmas Eve
SV Admin Office open
Mee tings Subject t o
Weekly Kiwanas Mtg 6-7
p.m. at Bob’s Burger &
Brew. Call to RSVP: Bud
at 734-4325 or Gary at
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Tino’s Tuesday night specials!
New Year’s Eve
Celebrate Safely
SV Office Open
Mee tings Subject t o
Weekly Kiwanas Mtg 6-7
p.m. at Bob’s Burger &
Brew. Call to RSVP: Bud
at 734-4325 or Gary at
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
ACC Mtg 9 a.m. at Adult
Art Classes at Art Center:
12 noon, 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m.
All media. Student-directed.
$12/session. Call ahead at
January Editorial Deadline
for the Views-12 noon (Copy
to Admin or email to [email protected])
Art Classes at Art Center:
12 noon, 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m.
All media. Student-directed.
$12/session. Call ahead at
Regular Aerobics 8:309:30 a.m. at Adult Center,
Fee (schedule subject to
Beg/Inter. Yoga 6:30-8:00
p.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Bridge Club 12:30-4:30
p.m.at Adult Center
Full Moon
Art Classes at Art Center:
12 noon, 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m.
All media. Student-directed.
$12/session. Call ahead at
SV Admin Office Closed
Happy Holidays!
Boxing Day
SV Admin Office Closed
No Art Classes (holiday)
Jan. 1, 2003
New Year’s 2003
No Women’s Club in January.
Not all meetings meet
monthly, contact Admin or
those on the committee.
Bob’s Seafood Night 5-10
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Coffee House Fridays 7-10
p.m. at Art Center 16 mm
Call 676-8700.
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
January Display Advertising
Deadline for the Views-5
p.m.-contact Debbie Boschma at 354-4444
Bob’s Seafood Night 5-10
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Coffee House Fridays 7-10
p.m. at Art Center 16 mm
Call 676-8700.
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Bob’s Seafood Night 5-10
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Coffee House Fridays 7-10
p.m. at Art Center 16 mm
Call 676-8700.
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Events Subject to Change:
Bob’s Seafood Night 5-10
Regular Aerobics 8:30-9:30
a.m. at Adult Center, Fee
Coffee House Fridays 7-10
p.m. at Art Center 16 mm
Call 676-8700.
Rec: 3-6 p.m.
Last Day of Hanukkah
Golf: Ball Buster Tourney
Bookmobile by mini-mall
Beg/Inter. Yoga 9-11 a.m. at
Adult Center, Fee
Rec Center: Closed
Bookmobile by mini-mall
Beg/Inter. Yoga 9-11 a.m. at
Adult Center, Fee
Rec Center: Closed
First Day of Winter
Bookmobile by mini-mall
Beg/Inter. Yoga 9-11 a.m. at
Adult Center, Fee
Rec Center: Closed
Take Note
Check Channel 10 for any changes in dates or times of listed
events. Call the contact person for more information. Please
submit calendar items to the Views and mark “for the calendar.”
Items and Events for community calendar are requested.
Please submit by email to: [email protected] and mark
“for calendar.” Community event, nature scenery and recreational photographs are also sought by Views.
Call Security if you see suspicious activity!
Sudden Valley special events
Holiday Home Tour on Saturday this
Sponsored by the Garden Club as a
fundraiser. The annual event starts at 12
noon, Saturday, Dec. 7 and is $10 for a
day of food and fun!
Lions’ Club Coming to SV:
New Chapter to start in Sudden Valley.
First meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dec.
4 at the Rotunda.
Men and women ages 19 and older are
welcome to join. Contact Hal Vaughn at
Barn Theatre Auditions:
Auditions for “Oliver!” Dec. 1 & 2.
Valley Services Mail Tent:
Valley Services in the mini-mall has a
“tent” to help those mailing packages
for the holidays!
Coffee House Friday Nights:
New topics of discussion each Friday
night at the Art Center with Dr. Paul
Nuchims. Call 360-671-8700 for more
Bookmobile by mini-mall
Beg/Inter. Yoga 9-11 a.m. at
Adult Center, Fee
Rec Center: Closed
information! Discussion to follow films and
Women’s Club:Meets monthly, except for
January and the summer months. Women
of all ages are encouraged to RSVP and to
attend. December meeting is Wednesday,
Dec. 4. Interest groups meet for bridge,
book club, interior design, etc.
Women’s Club contacts to reappear in
the January Views.
Thank you to those who have sponsored
Sudden Valley events in 2002!
December 2002
SVCA Board of Directors
President: Jon Wolfe
518 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Vice-Pres: Bob Cooper
1591 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Secretary: Deb Strong
1366 Sudden Valley
Page 11
Sudden Valley Views
Bellingham, WA 98229
Treasurer: Leslie McRoberts
553 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Member-At-Large: Roger Bull
2275 Lake Whatcom Blvd
PMB 183
Bellingham, WA 98229
Member: Bob Lawlor
607 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Member: Paul Nuchims
210 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
[email protected]
Sudden Valley Views
Sudden Valley Community Association
2145 Lake Whatcom Blvd., Bellingham, WA 98229
OFFICE 360-734-6430 Administration Offices
FAX: 734-1915
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Pro Shop
Golf Maintenance
734-6430, x333
734-6430, x232
734-6430, x243
Security Cell Phone
Dispatcher (after 5 p.m.)
General Manager
Steve Grieser
Administrative Staff
Kitty French, Julie Frame
And Rosemary Tate
Recreation Coordinator
Bob Barker
Director of Architectural & Land Development
Craig Ostrom
Maintenance Director
Jeff Thorpe
Golf Superintendent
Bryan Newman
Accounting Manager
Jessica Staten
Security Chief
Lynn Fallis
Golf Professional
Greg Paul
Member: Darrell Darnell
511 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
To Be Filled
N & E Representative:
Suzanne Blangsted
435 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Board of Directors: President Jon Wolfe, Vice-President Bob Cooper, Secretary
Deb Strong, Treasurer Leslie McRoberts, Member-at Large Roger Bull, members
Darrell Darnell, Bob Lawler, Paul Nuchims and a position to be filled. Non-voting
members: Architectural Control Committee Chair Ginny Hadd and Warren Rice,
Nominations and Elections Committee Chair Suzanne Blangsted.
The Sudden Valley Views is the official publication of the Sudden Valley Community Association. Published monthly, it has a circulation of 4,000.
Publisher: Sudden Valley Community Association
Editor: Lynden Tribune Print & Publishing Company
Managing Editor: Elisa Claassen, 360-354-4444, [email protected]
Advertising Manager: Debbie Boschma, 360-354-4444
The Sudden Valley Views (U.S.P.S. 079-490) is published monthly for a subscription price of $12 per year by the Sudden Valley Community Association, 2145 Lake
Whatcom Blvd., Bellingham, WA 98226. Periodicals postage paid at Bellingham,
WA and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes (Form No. 3579) to Sudden Valley
Community Association, 2145 Lake Whatcom Blvd., Bellingham, WA 98226.
The acceptance of an ad in the Sudden Valley Views does not constitute approval of the Sudden Valley Community Association. Comments expressed in the
Sudden Valley Views are not necessarily the opinions of the SVCA or its officers or
board of directors, but are solely those of the writers. No non-advertising portion
of the Sudden Valley Views is subject to pre-publication review by anyone but the
Fast and efficient--$10/hr. Your
supplies. Call: Cherrie 360-7148205.
Installation, finishing, refinishing. Custom olesuon inlays and
borders. Premier worksmenship. Free estimates. Call 360752-2701.
Great Food, Friendly Service,
Free Delivery. Parties, Weddings,
Business Events. Make your
holiday plans now! Catering A’La
King-Call Toll-free 866-757-4922
or www.donnaking.com
Specializing in residential window cleaning since 1995. Servicing interior and/or exterior,
chandeliers, mirrors, skylights,
and screens. Licensed, bonded
and insured. Call Eric for a free
estimate 360-319-3548.
10 percent Tree Saver Special.
Indefinite 10 percent savings to
customers who choose to have
gutters and roofs cleaned consistently instead of taking down
trees. Call 360-756-1551.
I know how important it is to be
sure your pets are safe and wellcared for while you are away. I
have been successfully providing loving, mature, responsible
home pet care in the Valley for
years. Let me feed, walk and play
with your companions while
you are away. I have 25 years animal care experience, including
pets with special medical needs.
Call Linda Larkin, Ridgeview
Petsitting, 360-595-2131. Free
consultation visit. Excellent SV
Does you dog pay attention to
you? Come when called? Walk
without pulling? Learn how to
train your dog in a positive, fun
way. Private and group obedience classes in Bellingham and
Sudden Valley area. Call Linda
at Ridgeview Dog Training, 360595-2131.
Going on vacation, or at work
all day? I can provide all the
care your companion will need
during your absence, including
feeding, walking, and all-around
TLC. Licensed, bonded and
insured. Please call for free
consultation. 360-756-1487.
Marlinda Beduhn.
3 BR, 2 BA, outstanding view,
rate $100/night, minimum of
2 nights Longer rentals negotiable. Call 604-272-1885 or
ACC Representative:
Ginny Hadd
1364 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
ACC Representative:
Warren Rice
1523 Sudden Valley
Bellingham, WA 98229
Deluxe 2 BR Condo on 6th
Green. Lakeview. Close to all
amenities. Fully equipped. 2
TV’s, N/S, N/P. $90/day, $575/
week. 2 Day minimum. Call
Deluxe 3BR/2BA condo on 7th
tee, lake view. Closest unit to
main pool, recreational facilities
and adult center. Beautifully
furnished, fully equipped. NS/
NP. $100/day, $650 week.
Long-term rates available. Call
Clubhouse Condo #4, sleeps 4,
$100/night with a two-night
minimum; $200 per weekend;
$500 per week. Available by the
month. $50 damage deposit.
Great for golfers. Call collect
(604) 820-2441 or (360) 3783303 and leave a phone number
and name with message.
Gate 2 (near mini-mall and golf
club), 3 BR/2BA. Reasonable
Fall/Winter Short/Long-term
rates available. Perfect for those
building homes, transferred,
etc. Call 604-261-3232 or 604-
3BR/2BA, 2-car Garage w/Storage, Gas Fireplace, 2 decks.
Beautiful lakeview home. NS,
NP $1,200/Mo & $1,200 deposit.
Call 360-733-6530.
of my customers had been
turned down by a local bank.
I am known for “Performance!”
Not promises. Call me, Brenda
Bringhurst at Creative Mortgage
Solutions at 360-738-1520. Cell
phone 360-319-2824.
I have been doing purchases
and refinances in Sudden Valley area since 1994. 50 percent
Classified ad rates
CLASSIFIED RATES: $5 per month for up to 25 words.
$6 for 26-40 words, $7 for 41-60 words.
Payment MUST be made prior to publication.
DEADLINE for classified advertising for the January 2003
issue is Thursday, Dec. 12, at 12 noon. Make checks payable to “Sudden Valley Views.” Please send ads and payment
to: Sudden Valley Views, Attn: Classified Ads, 2145 Lake
Whatcom Blvd., Bellingham, WA 98226, or deliver to the
Sudden Valley Clubhouse front desk. For questions about
classified ads, contact the front desk at 734-6430.
Page 12
December 2002
Sudden Valley Views
1850 Lake Whatcom Blvd.
Bellingham, WA 98226
Open 7 Days a Week
Web page: www.sunmarkproperties.com
email: [email protected]
Sheila Walls
We’re a Company “Yule” Want To Remem-
Don Parker
John Kelleher
Lorne Haakonson
For all your Real Estate Needs,
360-733-3700 or Fax: 360-647-6028
1850 Lake Whatcom Blvd., Bellingham, WA 98226
or visit our Website: www.sunmarkproperties.com
George Fedecky
Come on in and enjoy
a cup of coffee
and the view from
our lakeside office.
Mike Wienkers
Judy Fox
Realtor, ABR
Michelle Langstraat
On-Site Property Management:
Judy Fox 360-733-3700
Azam Nader
Two bedroom, 1 bath cedar sided home with
vaulted ceilings, fireplace, lots of windows
and a private setting. It also includes a new
roof, carpets, paint and a near new propane
forced air furnace. Only $112,900
3 bedroom, 1 bath on a double lot, great
location with some lake view. $126,000.
Fabulous rambler with great open floor plan.
3 bdrms, 2 baths, french doors off dining area
to front deck. Vaulted ceilings, large master
suite with walk-in closet and full bath on a
flat, sunny lot close to gate 13. $154,900
This wonderful 4 bedroom, 2.75 bath home is a delight. The
open floor plan is unique in its design. It features a large
kitchen with wall oven and separate cooktop, dining
room, family room with fireplace, natural forced air gas
heating, hot tub, jetted tub, pantry & security system just
to name a few. The large yard over looks Sudden Valley
Golf Course. It is light and bright with many windows and
skylights. $349,900
Lake Front Property in exclusive gate 1
area. All Sudden Valley amenities. Very few
Lakefront Properties left. $119,500.
Just listed newer 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home
with vaulted ceilings, lots of windows, large
family room, spacious decks and garden
potting space. Gate 2 home with wonderful
territorial view, good sun and adjacent to
greenbelt. Asking $169,900
G r e a t family home 3 bedroom, 2.5
bath, large living room, family room with
woodstove. Hardwood floors, 2 car garage,
great condition. New paint throughout,
vaulted ceiling, beautiful landscaping and
more. $164,900
Features 3 bdrms, 2 baths, open floor plan,
gourmet kitchen with large garden window,
vaulted ceilings, skylight, wainscoting and
large master suite. Large private deck reenforced for hot tub with electrical hook-up
ready, $159,900.
This home sits in a prestigious neighborhood.
It features an extra large garage, newer
roof, gas fireplace, family room on the lower
level. A must see for the price. $239,000
Beautiful 12,392 sq. ft. lot with view of lake, Golf
course and mountains. Incredible location close
to all Sudden Valley amenities, fully service and
ready for building. $95,000
Great location on park with spectacular lake
view — Home has vaulted ceilings, formal
dining, sauna off master bath. Large decks
to enjoy afternoon sun — Extra storage and
room to expand — Walk to Marina and golf
course. $209,500
Very spacious high end home with custom
built cabinetry in kitchen with pullouts, tile,
hardwood floors in dining and kitchen,
vaulted ceiling, built-in bookcases. Large
elegant master suite with oversize walk-in
closet, 720 sq. ft. family/rec. room, 2 car garage completely finished. Custom concrete,
stone and shingles outside. $239,900
Sun-Mark Properties
We have applicants on file, so give us a call.
Judy at Sun-Mark Properties 360-733-3700
or FAX: 360-647-6028
12 LAKE LOUISE DRIVE: 4 bedroom, 2 bath.
Rent $1000 Deposit $1000.
26 MARINA LANE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
2 car garage, great view of lake. Rent
until June 1st, 2003. Rent $1200 Deposit
16 LOUISE VIEW CT: 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
carport, Rent $865 Deposit $865.
GLENHAVEN: 763 WEST ROAD: 3 bedroom,
2 bath, washer/dryer, gas fireplace.
Brand new home. Rent $1000 Deposit
CENTER CONDO #47: Studio, rent until June
Rent $425 Deposit $424.
CENTER CONDO #21: Studio on golf course
Rent $425 Deposit $425.
RANCH HOUSE #25: 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
great views. Rent $800 Deposit $800.
LAKERIDGE #25: 2 bedroom, 1-1/4 bath,
garage, Rent $750 Deposit $750.
RIDGEFIELD #33: 3 bedroom, 2 bath Rent
$800 Deposit $800.
1209 Euclid: 3 bedroom, 1 bath Rent $795
Deposit $795
2116 Woburn: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car
This single level condo is ready to move in.
It has a great view across Sudden Valley, 2
bedrooms, 1 bath, very open, light and bright
with clear story windows. A private patio off
the kitchen is perfect for entertaining. Extra
storage. $99,500
Nice end unit condo with 2 large decks,
3 bdrm, 2 bath, tile, extra storage, gas
heat, air conditioning. New upgraded
windows with new window covering. Most
appliances included. Close to private pool
and tennis court in complex. $149,900
unit with a balcony overlooking the golf
course. These condos have gone through
extensive updating and are looking great.
Pre-Licensing Course Continuing Education for Realtors!
Two Bdrm/1.5 Bath Lakeridge unit w/great
view of Sudden Valley. Light and bright
with large master bedroom. $103,900
1850 Lake Whatcom Blvd. Bellingham, WA 98226