Music in an Inclusive Environment – Louise Dorrat

Music in an inclusive
Uniting care Gippsland
2 August 2013
If you can walk you can dance.
If you can talk you can sing.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Singing and chanting rhymes, jingles and songs and engaging children in play with sounds with words and
sounds extends children’s communication (NQS Element 1.1.1) (EYLF Outcome 5)
It builds language and listening skills- beat and rhythm. Helps with memory and concentration skills (5)
Talking about concepts such as rhyme, letters and sounds when sharing texts increases children’s
confidence as learners and effective communicators (Guide to NQS page 25)
Concepts -Faster/slower, high/low, loud/soft, sound/silence
Builds children’s confidence, self esteem (OC 1)
Encourage children to respond through movement to traditional and contemporary music (OC 3)
Demonstrate spatial awareness moving around and through their environments confidently (OC 3)(2.2.2)
Appreciation of diversity
Inclusion is a continuous process that enables opportunities for acceptance, belonging and
participation in the community for each individual (Playworks resource unit, 2001).
Inclusion is about belonging and participating in a diverse society
Inclusive practices are about the things we do every day to make it possible for children to be successfully
included in our service
Explore with children their ideas about diversity (DEEWR,2009)
Culture is not only where you are from, it is who you are
Children’s personal, family and cultural histories shape
their learning and development (DEECD, 2009)
Draw the children to you
Be real
Use your eyes
Vary your voice: tone, pitch and volume
Don’t be cutesy
Use body language
Attunement includes the alignment of
states of mind in moments of
engagement, during which affect is
communicated with facial expressions,
vocalisations, body gestures and eye
contact. (EYLF page 39)
1. How Do You Do?
8. Rat-a tat-tat.
How do you do-ti-do-ti-do-ti-do
How do you do to-day?
It’s so nice to see you all
to have a sing and a play.
I look forward to FDC on Mondays
Just to here you say
How do you do ti-do-ti-do
How do you do today?
Rat-a-tat-tat. Who is that?
Only Grandma’s pussy cat.
What do you want? A pint of milk
Well where’s your money?
In my pocket.
Well where’s your pocket?
I forgot it.
Oh you silly pussy cats
What language is relevant to you and/or your
community? Ask your families for assistance.
9. I have 10 Fingers
2. Italian
Ciao Buonogiorno Ciao Buonogiorno
Come Stai Come Stai
Molte Molte Bene Molte Molte Bene
Grazie a te Grazie a te
3. Greek
Calimera Calimera
Tikanis Tikanis
Polikala efharisto
Polikala efharisto
Yasoo Yasoo
4. Indigenous (Gunai)
Wuma ninji
Wuma ninji
How are you How are you?
Naju Budgery Naju Budgery
I am good I am good.
5.Indigenous (Yorta Yorta)
Te bandol nginak Te bandol nginak
Hello how are you? Hello how are you?
6 Bumble bee
I have 10 little fingers and they all belong to me
I can make them do things, would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight
I can open them up wide
I can clap them together
I can make them hide
I can make them jump high
I can make them jump low
I can fold them quietly And fold them so
(from teacher’s resource to koorie activities booklet)
10. Black socks.
Black socks they never get dirty
The longer you wear them
the stronger they get.
Just when I thought I should wash them a voice deep
inside me said “Don’t wash them yet”
- not yet,
- not yet,
- not yet.
11.Two little cockatoos
Two Little cockatoos
Flying to Echuca
One named Nargra, One named Eluka
Fly away Nargra, Fly away Eluka
Come back Nargra, come back Eluka
(from teacher’s resource to koorie activities booklet)
Bumble bee bumble bee
Can you sing your name to me?
My name is …………..
7. Old Joan Muddlecomb
Old Joan Muddlecomb Lost her hat
She didn’t know where it went the poor old bat.
She walked down high St and everybody said
“Silly Joan Muddlecomb You’ve got it on your head”
12.Two Large Bunjils (creator spirit)
Two Large Bunjils
Flying to Echuca
One named Nargra, One named Eluka
Fly away Nargra, Flyt away Eluka
Come back Nargra, come back Eluka
13. Jump in jump out (Jenna VU)
Dancing with children using material
Jump in jump out
Shake yourself about
My name is .........Yeah
I like to ................Yeah
Find a variety of music, classical, contemporary,
jazz and world music. Cut holes in pieces of
large material so children can put over their
head or use as a scarf. Get children to move to
the music
14. Bow To Your Partner (middle)
Bow to your partner
Bow to your partner
Stamp Stamp
Turn yourself around
15. Postie Postie
Postie postie deliver me a letter
Postie postie 2 would suit me better
I can hardly wait and see
what is in the bag for me
16. Here comes Kadisha
Here comes Kadisha skipping along
Here comes Kadisha all day long
This away that away this away that away this
away that away all day long
Dismissal or transition
Start from the corner and with the fabric one at a
time run and throw the fabric and then freeze
when you let go the fabric.
Give each child 1 paint brush and provide
coloured bowls with pretend paint in them.
Paint the wall, door, book shelf to the music.
Dorrat. L (2010) You can do music DVD
A variety of music that you love
DEEWR, (2009) Early Years Learning
17. Icka Bicka
Ick Bicka Boo out goes you
18. To the tune farmer in the dell
If you’re wearing stripes If you’re wearing stripes
You can go and wash your hands
If you’re wearing stripes
19. Farewell
Let your hands so loudly clap clap clap
Let your fingers loudly snap snap snap
Close your eyes, fold your arms and quiet be
Let your eyes so wide awake
Let your fingers shake shake shake
Touch your nose touch your cheek
Wave good bye, See you next week
Some of the resources were hand made by
artisans trained and working at the Craft Centre,
YWCA Dhaka, Bangladesh. The artisan
receives fair wages and there is no exploitation
of child labor. “Eco-friendly jute and cotton is
used in the making of this product.” Available at
Gowrie Victoria.
The bunjls are from Yarn Strong Sista
Action plan as part of the Quality Improvement Plan
Quality Improvement identified