Updated EscapiaNET Commission Calculations

Updated EscapiaNETTM Commission Calculations
Until now, EscapiaNET commissions on the EscapiaNET Billing Report and your monthly bill calculated on
Rent Plus Grouped Charges, while the bill that Escapia automatically generated only calculated based on the
rental amount. In order to correct for this, it was necessary to do Journal Entries each month to adjust the
amount payable in Escapia to the actual amount billed. We have made several updates in Escapia to
streamline and correct this process.
What does this mean for you? No more monthly offsetting Journal Entries. Your monthly bill and the EVRN
payable will now match. There is a new option to update Travel Agent commission basis for Travel Agents.
Summary of Changes
Setting Commission Basis for Travel Agents
The new Commission Basis field allows you to set a Commission Basis for vendors that you categorize as
Travel Agents. Complete the following steps to set a Commission Basis for Travel Agent vendors:
1. Select Contacts > Find Contacts > Find Vendors to display the Find Vendors page.
2. In the Category column, find a vendor with the category Travel Agency. Click the name of a vendor to
display the Vendor page.
3. Click the Details tab.
4. In the Travel Agency section of the Details tab, notice the Commission Basis field next to Default
This new field allows you to set a Commission Basis for travel agents, based on your agreements with
Note: The default setting for the HomeAway Software Inc vendor (EscapiaNET/EVRN) is Rent Plus
Grouped Charges.
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Viewing Travel Agent Commission Basis for a Reservation
You can view a travel agent commission basis for a reservation by opening a reservation and clicking the
Reservation tab. In the Travel Agents section, notice the Commission Basis column next to the Agent
Name column.
The default for EscapiaNET reservations is Rent Plus Grouped Charges. And, just like the commission rate,
this is a static field on EscapiaNET reservations. For other travel agents, you can update this field on a caseby-case basis if revenue has not been processed.
Viewing Renamed Calculation Methods on the Owner Contract Charge Template
Two items in the Calculation Method field on the Edit Contract Charge Template dialog box have been
renamed. Complete the following steps to view these changes:
Select Units > Setup > Owner Contracts to display the Owner Contracts page.
Click the name of an Owner Contract to display the Owner Contract page.
Click the Charges & Fees tab.
Open an existing Owner Contract charge or click +New Contract Charge Template to display the
Edit Contract Charge Template dialog box.
5. In the Calculation section, click the Calculation Method pull-down menu.
6. Notice that Percent of Travel Agent Commissions has now been renamed to Percent of Travel
Agent Commissions on Rent, since the basis here has always only been rent and Calculation
Method remains the same.
7. Notice that Percent of Prededucted Travel Agent Commissions has now been renamed to Percent
of Prededucted Travel Agent Commission on Rent.
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8. Contract Charge Templates will continue to use Travel Agent Commissions on Rent as the
Calculation Method unless you manually change the Calculation Method in the Contract Charge
Template setup.
Viewing New Calculation Methods on the Owner Contract Charge Template
Several new items have been added to the Calculation Method field on the Edit Contract Charge Template
dialog box. In general, most users only use the two calculation methods mentioned in the previous section.
However, if your business needs are different you might choose to use one of the new methods:
Percent of Travel Agent Commissions On Rent (mentioned in previous section)
Percent of TA Commissions On Rent Plus Grouped Charges
Percent of TA Commissions On Rent Plus Non-Grouped Charges
Percent of TA Commissions On Rent Plus All Charges
Percent of Prededucted Travel Agent Commissions on Rent (mentioned in previous section)
Percent of Prededucted TAC On Rent Plus Grouped Charges
Percent of Prededucted TAC On Rent Plus Non-Grouped Charges
Percent of Prededucted TAC On Rent Plus All Charges
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These calculation methods are calculated based on the travel agent commissions that are actually charged.
For example, if the travel agent Commission Basis is set to Rent Only, then there is no commission charged
on Grouped Charges or Non-Grouped Charges, even if there are both grouped and non-grouped charges on
the reservation. The totals for the travel agent commissions on each booking are split into three amounts: 1.
the amount of the commission for Rent, 2. the amount for Grouped Charges, and 3. the amount for NonGrouped Charges. Then, the Calculation Method adds up the appropriate amounts to use as the basis,
depending on the Calculation Method you choose.
© Copyright 2012-Present HomeAway Software for Professionals. All rights reserved.
The following reservation has EVRN Travel Agent Commission with Commission Basis set to Rent Plus
Grouped Charges.
The following is an example of the total travel agent commission:
906.00 Rent * 10% = 90.60
= TA Commission Amount on Rent
75.00 Grouped Charge * 10% = 7.50
= TA Commission on Grouped Charges
60.00 Non-Grouped Charge * 0% = 0.00
= TA Commission on Non-Grouped Charges (0.00 even
though there are grouped charges, because TAC is on Rent Plus Grouped Charges only)
Total TAC = 98.10
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In Example 1 below, the Owner Contract Charge is configured to charge the Unit 100.00 Percent of Travel
Agent Commissions on Rent.
You can see the results in the Reservation/Transactions tab below in Example 1.
Per JE-0041749 there is a 98.10 TAC – Homeaway Software, Inc (EVRN) payment due to Homeaway,
which is charged to the Business (Hawaii Homes). Here, the Property Management Company is paying this
$98.10 commission.
And per JE-0041750 there is a 90.60 Travel Agent Commission charged to Unit 1BR1BA, which is then
allocated to the two 50% Owners Homer Simpson and Ed McMahon with JE-0041751. Note that 90.60 is equal
to 100.00 Percent of Travel Agent Commissions on Rent, which is the full amount of the travel agent
commission on rent but none of the travel agent commission on grouped charges or non-grouped charges.
See the Reservation/Transactions tab below in Example 2 for how this looks if the Contract Charge
Template Calculation Basis is set to 40.00 Percent of Travel Agent Commission on Rent Plus All Charges.
In this scenario, the travel agent commission charged to the Unit on JE-0041751 is .4 * ( 90.60 + 7.50 + 0.00 )
= 39.24 which is again split to the two owners 50% each. Note that even though the Owner Contract Charge
Template is configured for Percent of Travel Agent Commission on Rent Plus All Charges, no commission
© Copyright 2012-Present HomeAway Software for Professionals. All rights reserved.
is charged to the Unit for the non-grouped charges because the travel agent commission on the reservation is
configured to Rent Plus Grouped Charges.
Reservation Tab Example 1 – Contract Charge Template Configured for 100% of Travel Agent
Commissions on Rent
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Reservation Tab Example 2 – Contract Charge Template Configured for 40% of Travel Agent
Commissions on Rent Plus All Charges
© Copyright 2012-Present HomeAway Software for Professionals. All rights reserved.