Class III - APS Sri Ganganagar

Summer Vacation Assignment (2017-18)
Dear Children
The long awaited summer vacation is here. Vacation is a time to relax, be productive and to get
ahead. As it is important to rest and enjoy, equally important is to continue to learn. So, strike a
balance between work and play and allow yourself to grow in the process. You can spend your time
as you wish but make sure that along with enjoying and relaxing make this vacation a time to learn
new things, exploring the opportunities available and prepare fully for the future course of action in
Hence, in order to let you stay in touch with academics, a little amount of holidays’ homework is
assigned as below:
MAIN COURSE BOOK: Revise the syllabus covered till now.
WRITING SKILL: Write a paragraph each on ‘My Self’ and ‘My School’ in about 60-80 words:
Frame a short poem on any one of the topics - ‘My Mother’, ‘My Family’ and ‘The Nature’
Click pictures of yourself doing various activities at home showing your contribution in helping your
mother/father and paste them in your notebook. Write three or four lines for each activity describing
why you like doing it.
GRAMMAR: Write ten sentences each of common noun, proper noun and collective noun used in
everyday life situations.
Write sentences using the helping verbs is, am, are (10 sentences of each)
Write sentences using the helping verbs was, were (10 sentences of each)
प्रश्न 1 किन्ही 5 फूलों ि चित्र चिपिािर उनि नाम ललखें ।
प्रश्न 2 पत्तियों िो जोड़िर आिृति बनाओ ।
जस:- गााँव िा दृश्य , िार्ून, फूल, नाव, नदी, पहाड़ आदद ।
प्रश्न 3 किसान ि जीवन पर 10 पंत्तियााँ ललखो ।
प्रश्न 4 िज गति और धीमी गति स िलन वाल वाहनों िी सि
ू ी बनाओ ।
प्रश्न 5 ‘िी’ और ‘कि’ शब्दों िा प्रयोग िर 5-5 वातय बनाओ ।
1) Write tables of 2 to 20 twice and revise them everyday.
2) Solve worksheets – page no. 19 and 29 from maths book.
3) Solve exercise 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 2.3
4) Draw abacus on a chart and colour it.
5) Activity - How Old is Tree?
Near your location find any five trees and estimate the age of trees.
Every year on our birthday we have a reminder of how old we are. And if we ever forget, we can
always ask our parents! How do you think you find out how old a tree is? When a tree has been cut
down, you can count its "rings" in order to tell how old it is, but what about when it is alive? We can't
ask a tree how old it is. But there is a way! This activity will teach you and your child a way to
estimate the age of a tree without cutting it down. It doesn't work with every tree but it will with a lot of
What You Need:
Measuring tape
What You Do:
1. Help your child find a tree that is at least as tall as a grown up and have your child wrap the
measuring tape around the widest part of the trunk. (A grown up might need to help with this
part!) The distance around the trunk of a tree is called the circumference. Write this
measurement down on a piece of paper.
2. The measurement of the circumference in inches is also the approximate age of the tree in
Did You Know?
Every year a new layer of growth occurs just under the bark. Some trees like firs and redwoods may
grow more than this in a year, while others like cedars may grow less. This method is a good rule of
thumb to estimate the age of a tree.
Paste the petals or leaves of any ten flowers and write the names of the flowers they belong to.
Paste five pictures of former Prime Ministers of India in notebook.
Paste the pictures of any ten body parts of human and name them.
Make a beautiful chart on any one topic given below:
(Taste buds on the tongue, Photosynthesis, Clean house, Directions, Lifecycle of a butterfly)
Learn lessons namely ‘My Body’,’The green earth’ and ’Animals and insects’.
1) Make a collage and paste pictures of various places where computers are used.
2) Try to find a computer that is not running on windows 7 operating system. Which operating system
is it using? Write down the name of the operating system in a notepad file. Find out if this operating
system is a single-user or a multi-user system.
1) Write summer vacation assignment in a thin notebook, separate for each subject.