go fish! script - Ravenscroft Blogs

Scene 1 = 4 sharks sitting around playing card game “Go Fish”
Hammerhead 1 Cole Rogers:
Gee! I just love it when we “card sharks” get together
for our weekly game of Go Fish.
Blue Shark 1 Bryce Augusti:
Hey, Mako, got any Jacks?
Mako Shark 1 Cole Bell:
Yeah Blue! I got two. (he hands them over)
Blue Shark 1 Bryce:
How about you, Hammerhead, got any 7’s?
Hammerhead 1 Cole R:
How did you know that!? (he hands over his 7’s)
Blue Shark 1 Bryce:
I got eyes in the back of my head. Okay Tiger, I know
you have some 9’s. Hand ‘em over!
Tiger Shark Olivia Rivera:
(smiling) Nope! No 9’s! Go Fish, Blue, Go Fish!
Blue Shark 1 Bryce:
(shocked) What?!?
ALL OTHER sharks:
He said…… GO FISH!!
curtain opens and “Oceans of Fun!” song #1 starts
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Hi everybody! I’m ready to play!
I’m ready to have a wonderful day!
ALL FISH yell:
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Stop! Stop! Don’t swim away!
I just came by so we could all play!
Blue Shark 2 Will Robbins:
Tiger Shark Olivia:
(fish pretend to run away)
Forget it Tiger. Just leave it behind.
That’s not how it works. You’re just not their kind.
But! But!....
Mako Shark 2 Keira Segars:
Tiger Shark Olivia:
You heard ‘em, Tiger. Now don’t be a pest.
They just don’t like sharks, so give it a rest.
But, why don’t they like us? What did we do?
I’m ready to be their friend through and through.
Hammerhead Shark 2 Sachim Lakshman:
Some things don’t fit. Some things don’t mix.
We can’t change the sea. Some things we can’t fix.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
But, why?
Hammerhead Shark 2 Sachim:
Because kid…
ALL sharks:
Blue Shark 3 Joshua Ratliff-Weathersby:
Tell ‘em Mako. Tell ‘em what’s true.
Mako Shark 3 Caitlin Banks:
You said it ‘bro. That much I can do
song #2 “We’re Sharks!” solos = Rap Sharks
Mako Rap Shark (Zach Kerner),
Mako: A shark may have three thousand teeth;
Some on top, some underneath
When we chew, we just might leave a mark,
That’s what it is… to be a Shark!
Hammerhead Rap Shark, (Ashton Wells)
Hammerhead: Got no bones, only cartilage
But some’ll have bodies as big as a fridge
We only swim forward, we never back up
And when there’s plankton, we’re there to snack up!
Blue Rap Shark (Hunter Harris)
Blue: You might see me comin’ with my dorsal fin
If you get in my way, I usually win!
Even a whale is afraid o’ me
We’re sharks, not chickens of the sea!
Hammerhead 3 Cooper Herakovich:
You’re a shark, kid. Get used to it.
ALL Sharks!
Oh yeah!!
(Sharks give each other high fives etc., except Tiger)
Zebra Fish Andy Vitello:
(from the side of the stage) Psst! Tiger!! Psst!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
(looks around) What was that?
(she hears giggles)
Octopus Jack Hollingshead:
Yo! Tiger Shark! Over here!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Who….who’s there?
Tuna Fish Jill Joyner:
(singing very poorly) Mi mi mi mi mi!!
(Octopus, Zebra Fish, Angel Fish, Needle Fish, Blow Fish, Tuna Fish and
Star Fish come forward)
Needle Fish Grant Corkum:
(Whenever he talks, he pokes the person he’s
talking to with his index finger)
Who? Who? What are you? An owl?
(All giggle)
Tiger Shark Olivia:
(perturbed) No I’m not an owl! I’m a shark!
And who are all of you?
Zebra Fish Andy:
(He is covered in polka dots. He is teasing and
leading the rest to join Tiger Shark center stage)
Oooo! A shark! I’m soooooo scared!
Octopus Jack:
(joining in on the fun)
Me too! I’m shaking to the tips of my tentacles!
Needle Fish Grant:
Knock it off guys. I’ll do the needling around here.
I am a Needle Fish you know.
Octopus Jack:
(He only has 7 legs) I’m an Octopus.
Zebra Fish Andy:
And I’m a Zebra fish.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
A Zebra Fish? But you’re covered in spots.
Zebra Fish Andy:
(sadly)Yeah I know..my extreme makeover didn’t
come out quite right.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
And I thought an Octopus had eight legs.
You only have seven!
Octopus Jack:
(insulted) Well, that’s seven more than you have!
Blow Fish Charlotte Mitchell:
(wheezing) Oh man, somebody get me my inhaler.
(Angel Fish hands her his inhaler and she uses it)
Blow Fish Charlotte:
Thanks Angel.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
(To Angel 1) Who’s that?
Angel Fish 1 Kate Tyler:
That’s Blow Fish. But she has allergies like crazy.
Tuna Fish Jill:
(singing terribly). Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
What’s that?
Blow Fish Charlotte:
That’s Tuna Fish. But she can’t carry a
tune in a bucket!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Wow! This is a strange group.
Needle Fish Grant:
(needling) Strange? Look, who’s talking!
You don’t act like a shark! No, not at all!
You act more like a minnow! or even a tadpole!
Zebra Fish Andy:
Oh, that was a good one, Needle Fish!
A tadpole! Ha ha ha!
Angel Fish 1 Kate T:
(scolding the others) Hush now Zebra.
Needle Fish stop teasing! It’s not very nice.
It’s not very pleasing.
Octopus Jack:
Aw come on, Angel. We were just having a little fun.
Angel Fish 2 Arden McDonald:
Behave yourselves and come to your senses.
Having fun is not fun at all if it’s at other’s expenses.
Star Fish Anna Sonntag:
(who has been primping all along)
That’s right, little shark, just be who you are.
That’s the way I became such a star!
Needle Fish Grant:
(sarcastically) Oh great! Miss Star Fish is here!
She hasn’t had a role in over a year!
Star Fish Anna:
(offended) I’m waiting for a producer to get a decent
look at me. Then at last I’ll be the star of the sea!
Angel Fish 3 Eleanor Mezzullo:
Now little shark, tell us please, why are you sad?
Needle Fish Grant:
How can a shark be feeling so bad?
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I just wanted to have some fun.
I wanted to be friends with everyone.
ALL (except Angel):
But you’re a shark!!
Tuna Fish Jill:
(singing loudly an ascending octave) A shark!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
(sadly) Yeah, I know.
Zebra Shark Andy:
Sharks don’t need friends.
Needle Fish Grant:
You have three thousand teeth!
Octopus Jack:
You’re a boneless wonder!
Angel Fish 4 Addisyn Rhodes:
Hush now, all of you. I have a plan.
The Clown Fish can help, if anyone can!
Blow Fish Charlotte:
The Clown Fish? I love those guys!
Needle Fish Grant:
Me too! They really crack me up!
Zebra Fish Andy:
The Clown Fish! All right!
Tuna Fish Jill:
(singing in no recognizable tune) Send in the clowns!
Star Fish Anna:
The Clown Fish? Oh brother! I’ll be in my trailer!
(she exits as the Clown Fish enter)
song #3 “Commotion in the Ocean”
Clown Fish 1: Zo and Clown Fish 2: Bo tell jokes in the middle of the song
o ZO= Andrew Wessels
o BO = Dean Spilker
Verse 1) Hey Bo!
Yea Zo?
Have you heard what sits on the bottom of the sea and shakes?
No, what sits on the bottom on the sea and shakes?
Verse 2) Hey Zo!
Yea Bo?
So where do you think fish keep their money?
No, I don't know..... where DO fish keep their money?
In the river bank!
Clown Fish 3 Thomas Bergdolt:
So what seems to be the problem?
What’s the matter?
Never mind! I’ll have the fish platter.
Clown Fish 4 Alex Wang:
Ha ha ha! The Fish Platter! You’re killing me! Have
you heard this one? What kind of fish can perform
operations? _________A Sturgeon!
Clown Fish 5 Lucas Stansell:
Well that’s good but do you know why is it so easy to
weigh fish? Because they bring their own scales!!
Clown Fish 6 Matthew Bright:
Ooh, Ooh, What do you get when you cross a fishing
lure with a gym sock? ________A hook, line and
Clown Fish 7 Aidan Leinbach:
What is the difference between a piano and a fish?
You can tune a piano but you cannot tuna fish! (Have
you heard Tuna try to sing?)
Clown Fish 8 Nicolas Valas:
What kind of fish goes great with peanut butter?
____A jellyfish!! get it?
**One more clown fish joke to give to someone really responsible:
What do fish use to make phone call? A shell phone of course!
Angel Fish 5 Sophia Purdy:
Alright funny guys, enough with the jokes.
Tiger wants to have some fun.
She wants to be friends with everyone.
Clown Fish 9 Morgan Riley:
Ha, ha, ha! Hey! We’re the clown fish here.
We’ll tell the jokes!
Clown Fish 10 Benya Wilfret:
Friends? What are ya thinking? Hello! You’re a shark!
Remember….three thousand teeth?
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Yea, I remember.
Clown Fish 11 Ruffin Poole:
But you still really want to be our friend, huh?
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I want to be everybody’s friend.
Zebra Fish Andy:
And I want stripes!
Octopus Jack:
And I want eight legs.
Blow Fish Charlotte:
I want some air!
Star Fish Anna:
And I want a leading role!
Tuna Fish Jill:
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi!
(sadly) I want some talent
Clown Fish 12 Paulie Brooks:
Hey guys, I’ve got a joke.
(all groan)
Needle Fish Grant:
(pointing to Clown Fish 12)
The one clown fish who can’t tell a funny joke.
Clown Fish 12 Paulie:
What would Oliver Twist be if he lived in the ocean?
ALL roll their eyes and say “what”
Clown Fish 12 Paulie:
A sea urchin! (he laughs and slaps his knee but no
one else laughs)
Clown Fish 13 Josh Kesterson:
Knock it off, fellas. I think Tiger’s serious.
Or else the sea has made her delirious.
Angel Fish 6 Gaddyn Cole:
I have an idea that might do some good.
There are some sea horses that live in my neighborhood.
Clown Fish 14 Elijah Smith:
Sea horses, hmm..It’s worth a try.
I often admire them as they gallop by.
Angel Fish 7 Savanna Gardner:
Call out the cavalry! Give them a call!
They’ll help her out, once and for all!
Song #4 “Roundup Under the Sea”
Sea Horse 1 Brock Hoggard:
Howdy, partners! Say, why aren’t y’all in schools?
“schools” get it?
Clown Fish 15 Will Eichler:
Yeah we get it. But leave the jokes to us, will ya, Mr.
Ed? Think of a way to help us instead.
Zebra Andy:
I’m a zebra fish with spots.
Octopus Jack:
I’m an octopus with only seven legs.
Blow Fish Charlotte:
I have allergies and I’m a Blow Fish!
Star Fish Anna:
I’m a star fish but I haven’t had a callback in months.
Tuna Fish Jill:
La la la laaaaaaa! I’m a tuna who can’t carry a tune.
Clown Fish 12: Paulie
Nobody laughs at my jokes, and I’m a Clown Fish!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I just want to have some friends.
Needle Fish Grant:
(poking Sea Horse #1 with his index finger)
Stripes! Legs! Air! Callbacks! Laughs!
And a shark who wants to be friends with everybody!
Needle, Needle, Needle!
Angel Fish 8 Lexie Dozier:
That’s a Needle Fish, in case you didn’t know.
Sea Horse 2 Mary Francis Ramsey:
A shark who wants to be friends with us all.
That’s the best joke I’ve heard this side of my stall.
Sea Horse 3 Leyla Patterson:
Hey I know a joke about Clown Fish!
Why did the shark spit out the clown fish?
____Because he tasted funny!
Sea Horse 4 Logan Gillespie:
I know one about an Octopus!
What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?
I wanna hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand,
hand, hand, hand!
Sea Horse 5 Lauchlin Huebner:
Hey ya’l! I heard there is a herd of Sheephead loose
over the next reef.
Sea Horse 6 Haley Browne:
Sheephead on the loose? We better be moseying
along. Sorry we couldn’t help you folks, but “Hi Ho
SilverFish” and away!! (gallops off)
Tiger Shark Olivia:
It’s all so confusing, isn’t it?
Angel Fish 9 Kayla Joy Nel:
Listen everybody. I know who to ask.
There’s only one kind of creature that’s up to this task.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Who, Angel Fish? Who can this be?
Who can explain this world to me?
Angel Fish 10 Kate Shuey:
The ones who can shed some light in this dark,
Are the one and only Great White Sharks.
The Great White Sharks?! Are you CRAZY?!
Angel Fish 11 Sophie Yoon:
Yes, maybe a little, but they are very wise.
And the answer you seek might be there in their eyes!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I want some friends so if they can me how,
I’m not afraid! I will ask them now.
Teachers as Great White Sharks enter
Look! There they are! Look out for the Sword fish!
2 Sword Fish: Riley Lawton and Lauren Easters
(together) Stay back! Stay back! Stay back from the Great Whites!
Riley : We guard them all day.
Lauren : We guard them all night.
Great White 1:
(in a huge voice) Who’s there? Who’s there?
Tiger Shark Olivia:
It’s me, Great White. Please don’t be aggravated.
Give me a break for I think we’re related.
2 Sword Fish: Riley and Lauren
What do you want?!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I want friends.
Great White 2:
Friends!? What for? You’re a shark from beneath.
Who needs friends? You’ve got 3000 teeth!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Well, I, do, Great Whites and so do the rest!
We all need help, so give it your best.
Zebra Fish Andy:
I’d like some stripes!
Octopus Jack:
Another leg please.
Star Fish Anna:
A leading role.
Tuna Fish Jill:
Some relationship to pitch and tone quality, please.
Blow Fish Charlotte:
Air please!
Great White 3:
It seems to me you have friends all ready.
Friends who are eager! Friends who are steady.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I do?
Great White 4:
And not only that, your friends are unique.
Look around Tiger Shark, see the friends that you seek!
Tiger Shark Olivia:
But all I see is a seven-legged Octopus.
Zebra Fish Andy:
A Zebra Fish with spots.
Blow Fish Charlotte:
A Blow fish with allergies.
Tuna Fish Jill:
A Tuna with a tin ear.
Clown Fish 12 Paulie:
(downcast) A Clown Fish that’s a joke.
Star Fish Anna:
(sadly and dramatically) A fallen star.
Great White 1:
An eight-legged octopus is easy to find.
But this friend of yours is one of a kind!
(as they each say their line, the friends join Tiger Shark)
Octopus Jack:
I am? I mean…..I am!
Great White 2:
Zebra Fish with stripes are a dime a dozen.
How lucky to be friends with this fine spotted cousin.
Zebra Fish Andy:
I do kind of like my spots.
Tiger Shark Olivia:
I like them too! They look good on you.
Great White 3:
It’s a privilege to have a friend who needs you.
Keep an eye on Blow Fish and
she’ll keep an eye on you too.
Tuna Fish Jill:
But what about me? I can’t carry a tune.
Star Fish Anna:
And I haven’t had a starring role since
sometimes last June!
Great White 4:
(to Tuna Fish) You have a song that is all your own.
(to Star Fish) And as for you, I’d pick up the phone.
(the phone rings and Star Fish takes out a cell phone.)
Star Fish Anna:
(very excited) Hello. Really? No kidding! Can it really be?
Cecil Be De Gill has a new role for me!
(all cheer for her)
Angel Fish 12 Hannah Morgan:
(to the audience) If we all were alike, how boring it would be.
We all are as different as the fish in the sea.
Zebra Fish Andy:
Look here are the Rainbow Fish and they have just
the song to show us that we all have something inside
that makes our unique beauty shine though!
Song #5 “The Colors of the Sea”
Rainbow Fish solo 1: Anderson Adams
Take a look around you, purple red and white
Rainbow Fish solo 2 :Ellie Gallimore
everything so perfect, everything so right
Rainbow Fish solo 3: Rory Wingo
In each passing tide, beams a radiant hue
Rainbow Fish solo 4: Claire Dillon
Sparkling rays of sunlight, yellow, green and blue.
All sing chorus
Rainbow Fish solo 5: Kaia Ramakrishnan
Look into the ocean, near the sandy shore
Rainbow Fish solo 6: Emily Capell
Like a magic rainbow, differences give us more
Rainbow Fish solo 7: Ruby Fincher
Painted by the sun, see the water glow.
Rainbow Fish solo 8: Emma Idler
Never hide from sunlight, let your colors show.
All sing Bridge:
Tiger shark:
The Colors of the Sea, show the beauty in you, and the beauty in me
ALL sing final chorus
Tiger Shark Olivia:
Thank you Great Whites, for all of your advice.
I think I see that “different” is nice!
Great Whites:
These are your friends, Tiger. Each and everyone!
Now go one and all and have Oceans of Fun!
Song 6: “Oceans of Fun! Reprise
The END!