Transcribed Letter from Helen Louise Avery (1850

Transcribed Letter from Helen Louise Avery (1850-1918) to her cousin John Morgan Avery (1847-1873)
Postmarked Farmer NY, May 11, 1864
Mr. John M. Avery
Grand Rapids
Farmer May 11th 1864
My Dearest Cousin
I have looked for a letter from you a long time – but as yet none has its appearance. Thinking perhaps
you had forgotten you had a cousin North – and wishing to acknowledge the receipt of that music I
concluded to write you a word.
In the music please accept my sincere thanks. I think the piece beautiful – and wherever I sing it I think
of you
Where have you been – and what have you been doing since I last heard from you? Do you intend going
to school this summer
C L A1 has changed very much – they have an entirely new set of teachers – and scholars. the gentlemen
are all very young – and there are but four young ladies in third hall
I was down to Aurora last week - a few days saw Lizzie Campbell2 married. had a nice long talk with our
Queen which seemed as natural as could be. She has not changed in the least but is the same Kate3 of
old – she does not attend school – but writes Latin and French to Mr. Howard13.
Today Henry Morgan4 & Maggie Bryant5 were married (good for them). John you can imagine Kittie6
and Annie7 setting up straight as beanpoles over daring to look around for fear it wouldent [sic] be
We expect Marie8 home the last of this week or the first of next. I shall be delighted to have her with
me once again. John are you coming out here this summer – oh! I do wish you would – for we all want
to see you so much. Albert9 is well and still in the office – by the way how is your friend? I hope you will
answer my other letter very soon for I have been so anxious to hear from you
Give my love to Uncle10 and Auntie11 & Fred12 – reserve a good share for yourself
from Cousin Helen.
John did you know the report was Cousin Marie13 was going to marry Mr. Howard14 keep shady and I
will tell you in my next. Do write me immediately
[probably Cayuga Lake Academy which assumed this name in 1860 – formerly Cayuga Academy founded in 1798 –
converted to a public school in 1920 and destroyed by fire in 1945]
[possibly sister Lucy Maria Avery (1841-1905)]
[Albert Noyes Avery (1846-1919)]
[Noyes Latham Avery (1815-1901)]
[Elizabeth Dougherty (1820-1875)]
[Noyes Frederick Avery (1855-1925)]
Footnote sources
Aurora, "Village of Constant Dawn", written by Temple Rice Hollcroft for the college Alumnae News 1950 - 1958.
Revised by The Aurora Committee For The American Bicentennial. Printed by W.E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1n 1976
with a second printing in 1987.