Examen d’admission dans la scolarité obligatoire publique
Nom de l’élève :
Prénom :
Mai 2005
Admission en 9 VSG / 9 VSB
120 minutes
Matériel à disposition
Pour l’expression écrite uniquement : dictionnaire bilingue
Rappel des objectifs fondamentaux au 8e degré
Les élèves seront capables de comprendre des textes écrits relatifs à des situations
de la vie courante, du niveau de ceux du livre et du cahier d’exercices :
=> reconnaître le thème/le sujet/la situation de manière globale ;
=> repérer quelques informations de manière sélective.
Les élèves seront capables de s’exprimer par écrit pour donner des
renseignements personnels et pour poser des questions courantes.
Évaluation de l’épreuve
I. Compréhension écrite
Text 1 Welcome to Ireland…
..... / 12 pts
Text 2 More than one Language ..... / 12 pts
Text 3 Sun, Sea and Roof
..... / 12 pts
Total ..... / 36 pts
II. Expression écrite
Trois textes
Selon grille d’évaluation en page 8 :
..... / 36 pts
Total général
Seuils de réussite (note 4)
 8 VSG
= 45 pts
 8 VSB
= 52 pts
..... / 72 pts
Nom et prénom du correcteur : …………………………………………………………………….……………….
N° de téléphone : …………………… Adresse e-mail: ………………………….…..……………………
Date : le ……………………….….. 2005
Signature : …………………………………………………..
Examen d’admission dans la scolarité obligatoire publique, 2005
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Nom de l’élève :
Prénom :
Compréhension écrite
TEXT 1 – Welcome to Ireland, the Perfect Place for a Holiday
Read the text.
About two million tourists visit the Republic of Ireland every year. They come from all over the
world : Europe, Japan, and especially the United States of America, because many Americans have
Irish grandparents and great-grandparents.
Why do so many people come to Ireland ? Perhaps it’s because the capital city, Dublin, has
fascinating museums, comfortable hotels, and great restaurants. Or perhaps it’s because the three
million people who live in Ireland are so warm and friendly. Maybe it’s because it’s a charming and
very beautiful country. But it’s probably because of all these things.
For young people, Ireland is a great place. Camping is easy, you can go windsurfing and canoeing,
you can cycle around the island, or spend some time on a houseboat on one of the beautiful
The music is exciting too. You can listen to traditional Irish music or to the many great Irish pop
groups. If you are lucky you can even see Bono of U2 (the famous Irish band) walking down the
What does the text say ? Tick the correct statements (only one in each group of three).
1. Many Americans visit Ireland because… they like travelling.
their origin is Irish.
their children live in Ireland.
2. Irish people…
are boring people.
love America.
are very kind and to tourists.
3. Dublin is fantastic because…
you can visit interesting places.
everybody speaks American.
it’s always warm.
4. In Ireland you can…
go skiing.
do a lot of water sports.
see strange animals.
5. People go to Ireland…
because it’s cheap.
only because of the music.
for various reasons.
6. Irish music is…
only traditional.
only pop music.
traditional and modern.
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Nom de l’élève :
7. The number of tourists
going to Ireland every year is…
Prénom :
8. In Ireland you can sleep…
in a hotel or in a campsite
only in hotels.
on the beach or in pubs.
9. In Ireland…
everybody has got a boat.
some people live on a boat.
nobody lives on the canals.
10. In Ireland…
it’s nice to go round by bike.
you can’t use your bicycle.
you can’t use a bike in the cities.
11. In Ireland you…
can meet famous people in the street. 
can meet your grandparents.
can play music with famous groups. 
12. If you are young,…
go to Ireland!
don’t go to Ireland!
stay at home!
.... / 12 pts
TEXT 2 – More than One Language
Read the text.
It’s not unusual to learn more than one language. In many countries around the world, a lot of
people speak two or three languages. For example, in some parts of the USA (like Florida), many
people speak Spanish as their mother tongue or first language. Most of these people learn English
too, and a lot of American English speakers speak Spanish.
But perhaps the world’s best language learners are the Indians who live near the Vaupés River in
South America. About 10,000 of the Vaupés River Indians live in a small area of the Amazon
rainforest. In this area, there are more than 20 completely different languages.
All the Vaupés River Indians speak three languages, often more than that. This is because when a
young Indian wants to get married, he or she has to marry someone who speaks a different
language. So the children always learn three languages : their mother’s first language, their father’s
first language and also Tucano, the language that all the Vaupés River Indians have in common.
Then, when these children are grown-ups, they also have to marry someone who speaks a different
language, and their children must learn three languages. This number is often higher, as the Vaupés
people often continue to learn more languages when they are teenagers or adults.
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Nom de l’élève :
Prénom :
Are the statements TRUE or FALSE ? Tick the right boxes.
In the world all the people speak a minimum of 2 languages.
In Florida absolutely everybody speaks Spanish and English.
Vaupés is the name of a river.
The Vaupés River Indians are over nine thousand.
The Vaupés River Indians all speak three languages, minimum.
The Vaupés River Indians all know over twenty languages.
Husband and wife always speak the same language.
All the The Vaupés River children speak Tucano.
A Vaupés child’s father and mother can’t communicate.
The Vaupés River Indians also learn English.
The adult Vaupés River Indians also learn many languages.
Vaupés people sometimes have communication problems.
..... / 12 pts
TEXT 3 – Sun, Sea and Roof *
Read the text.
From Japan, the country that invented the virtual pets and the virtual pop star, comes the
latest leisure idea : the virtual seaside resort*. This is Ocean Dome at Myazaki, south-west
of Tokyo, the biggest artificial indoor beach in the world, where stressed Japanese office
workers can «kick off their shoes » and walk on the beautiful cool white sand. But it’s not
real sand : it’s fake*, made entirely from crushed stones.
In fact, everything under the dome is fake, from the 140 metre-long beach to the
temperature of the air – kept at an unchanging 30°C by a giant, ultra-modern centralheating system. If that’s too hot for you, you can order an attractive plastic palm tree to
give you shade*.
With fake waves and fake sunshine (but not fake crowds) the Ocean Dome is now a
success which Japanese office workers have to share with about 10,000 other sun-lovers.
The fake sea covers about three times the surface of the beach and has 15,826 tons of
water : that’s about the same as ten olympic swimming pools. And it is at a constant
temperature of 20°C.
(continued on the next page)
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Nom de l’élève :
Prénom :
But why spend so much money on a man-made beach when the real thing is free ? Well,
swimming off the Japanese coast isn’t much fun because the sea is cold, polluted and full
of dangerous fish. And the Ocean Dome is close to McDonald’s !
But even the fake beach holiday wouldn’t be complete without some optional activities,
and Ocean Dome offers an amazing choice. You can start with the « Rocky Slider », a high
slide which takes you down into the water, then move on to « Lost World », a raft-journey
on an underground lake. You can also shout with terror on a high-speed trip through
white-water rapids in complete darkness.
And after that, what could be better than a run on the ski-slope ? Just half an hour from
downtown Tokyo, there is an enormous artificial ski-slope where you can practice skiing
on perfect, powdery white snow – indoors, of course.
a roof: un toit
a resort: un lieu de loisirs
fake: factice, artificiel
shade: ombre
Are the statements TRUE or FALSE ? Tick the right boxes.
In Japan some pets are not real animals.
Ocean Dome is a place specially designed for children.
Japanese can’t go to Ocean Dome when they are tired.
You cannot wear shoes in Ocean Dome.
A lot of people go to Ocean Dome.
You don’t have to pay to get into Ocean Drome.
The temperature of the water is always the same.
Ocean Drome is a part of a McDonald restaurant.
You can also meet fake people in Ocean Drome.
In Ocean Dome you can swim, and do all sorts of activities.
In Ocean Drome there is clear daylight everywhere.
You can also ski inside Ocean Dome.
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..... / 12 pts
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Nom de l’élève :
Prénom :
II. Expression écrite
Rédige trois textes en anglais.
Texte 1
Rédige un e-mail à l’intention d’un/une ami-e pour l’inviter à une fête.
 Indique la raison de cette fête, précise le lieu et l’heure, dis qui sera
présent, explique ce qui se passera (nourriture, activités, etc.).
 Demande une réponse.
Texte 2
Rédige un petit texte à propos d’une personne que tu admires.
 Dis qui est cette personne, décris son aspect physique et ce qu’il/elle porte
habituellement ;
 Décris son caractère et ses qualités, précise quelles sont ses activités et
ses capacités, explique pourquoi tu l’admires.
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Nom de l’élève :
Prénom :
Texte 3
Pour admission en 9VSB seulement
Raconte une anecdote qui est arrivée à cette personne.
 Utilise le Past.
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