College and University Based Chapters
Contact Information
Executive Director, AAMN
Brian Doty
[email protected]
Chapters and Membership
Committee Chairperson,
Dale Pfrimmer
[email protected]
Process for AAMN Chapter Approval
The following steps provide a general framework regarding the steps in the chapter formation
process. The timelines associated with the entire process may vary by individual chapter
formation group. In general, the initial grassroots chapter formation work may be as short as 1-3
months or it may extend longer depending on the individual chapter formation group. During the
initial grassroots chapter formation process the lead individual works closely with the AAMN
Chapters & Membership Committee and AAMN Staff in completing the chapter recognition
process. Once the chapter has submitted the formal request for chapter recognition the AAMN
Board of Directors decision is generally finalized within 30-60 days. Completed and approved
forms submitted to the National office by the 1st Friday of the month will be sent to the board for
vote during that month’s board meeting.
An official Chapter of AAMN is a local direct representation of the National AAMN. A chapter
must adhere to AAMN National Bylaws and Policy set forth by the AAMN Board of Directors
and Membership Committee. Direct violation of the Bylaws and Policy may result in revocation
of a Chapter’s official status and its membership.
The Formation of a Chapter:
1. Contact and work with the AAMN Chapters & Membership Committee notifying
them of intent to form chapter.
2. Contact Dean of Student Affairs to identify rules for School Based chapters of
National Organizations
3. Identify at least 3 national dues paying members as chapter founders. One must be a
member of the University’s Faculty or Staff that is at least a Full RN.
4. Develop and approve chapter bylaws. A sample has been provided online.
5. Identify initial chapter goals or focus.
6. Submit written request for chapter recognition to the Chapters & Membership
Committee at [email protected], including:
goals/focus of chapter,
chapter formation checklist
chapter bylaws
AAMN staff will then send the AAMN Board of Directors a chapter recognition request; board
meets monthly, committee presents recommendation to the board and the Committee notifies
chapter formation leader of the status of board decision
Formal notification of AAMN chapter recognition is provided by the AAMN President at the
AAMN National Conference.
Yes, you can form your own local chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing. It
does take a commitment by a dedicated few, a vision and energy. Other men in nursing have
done it, so make the move. The fact that you have this information shows that you have the
AAMN has a set of Bylaws, which are rules that govern the internal affairs of the organization.
As members wishing to form a chapter you need to develop chapter bylaws that do not conflict
with the national bylaws. Chapter bylaws do not need to be mirror images of the national bylaws,
but the intent needs to be consistent. Bylaws are a chartered agreement between the national
Assembly and the local chapter. Violation can cause charters to be suspended and
eventually revoked if not corrected. Sample chapter bylaws are provided in Chapter Starter
Kit to help you get started.
To help you with specific chapter bylaws the following areas are of specific importance:
1. University Based Chapters must have at least one member of the University’s faculty or
staff as a founding member. Remember, students graduate and move, so for the stability
of the chapter it is advised to get as many faculty and staff involved in the chapter as
2. You need to decide on a suitable chapter name.
3.All local chapter members are required to belong to AAMN on a national level.
*Some Universities have regulations prohibiting National organizations requiring
students to be paying members on a National level. IF your University has that
regulation, please notify the AAMN staff. If this is found to be the case, all elected
student officers, Associate Members, and RN/Faculty/Staff members must pay National
Dues. Students who do not hold office do not have to be members on a national level to
be chapter members, but to be involved in ANY national events, they must pay the
national dues. Students who do not join AAMN on a national level are called Student
4. You may establish your own dues structure, however you do not need to state the dues
amount(s) in the bylaws.
5. You may act in the name of AAMN only after your chapter has been recognized as a
chapter by the AAMN Board of Directors.
6. Officers for chapters may include: President, President- Elect, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer or you can combine officer positions (e.g. Secretary/Treasurer) if starting
with a smaller group, or not include or use all these titles as long as the responsibilities
and functions are clearly defined.
The Chapters and Membership Committee will serve as liaison to assist you in this process.
Your ideas and reasons for forming a chapter must go along with the objectives of AAMN,
which are:
1. Encourage men of all ages to become nurses and join together with all nurses to help
strengthen and humanize health care.
2. Support men who are nurses are encouraged to grow professionally and demonstrate to
each other and to society the increasing contributions being made by men within the
nursing profession.
3. Advocate for continued research and dissemination of information about men's health
4. Support members’ full participation in the Nursing profession and its organizations and
use this assembly for the limited objectives stated above.
Once you have "gotten the bug" to form a chapter and have started developing a network of
initial nurses interested chapter development, you will need to start organizing for the first
meeting. There are many ways to get the initial chapter formation meetings going. Here is a list
of some previously used methods for examples:
A. Write a brief letter or email explaining the purpose of the meeting and/or make up a flier
with your intent, date, time, and place of first meeting.
B. It is helpful to have administrative connections with institutions. Though these connections
you can often get:
· Access to lists of men in nursing in hospitals and nursing schools
· Access to lists of male nursing students at nursing schools
· Use of email distribution methods at places of nurse employment and nursing schools
· Free use of hospital or nursing school interdepartmental mail for hard copy letters and
· Free use of hospital or nursing school conference or meeting rooms
· Hospital or nursing school sponsorship refreshments and/or food for meetings
C. The meeting itself can be focused in several directions:
Introduce yourself and others involved with planning the first meeting and discuss your
reasons for wanting to start a local chapter of AAMN. Get introductions from everyone.
Pass around a sign in list to get emails and phone numbers (work, home, cell).
A loose structure might include:
1. Present a brief overview of AAMN’s history and objectives
2. A discussion of what potential members might want in the chapter
3. A focus for the next meeting, its time and place
A tight or fixed structure might include:
1. Come prepared with a format and tentative directions to focus the chapter
2. Present a brief overview of AAMN's history and objectives
3. Pass around a questionnaire so that potential members may write down their ideas (see
attached questionnaire below)
4. Discuss the importance of involvement by everyone
5. Discuss potential times, meeting places, and topics of interest
6. Organize a core group, a steering committee of volunteers to meet prior to the next
meeting in order to organize ideas into plans that focus the chapter
7. Plan on electing officers during the next meeting
8. It is essential to set up a time and place for the next meeting before your first meeting
A. Next steps following your first meeting
The chapter formation or steering committee needs to organize ideas generated during
the first meeting.
At first, you may want to meet at least monthly in order to keep members involved
and committed.
You need to consider a dues structure. Some chapters do not have local dues. Others
have modest dues; $10, $15 or $20 for RNs and $5 or $10 for students as annual dues.
Feel free to ask other chapters what they do for dues and finances. Networking with
other chapters and members is strongly encouraged.
B. Chapter meetings and activities can branch out in a variety of directions depending on
your member ideas, interests, needs or community. Listed here are a few examples:
Mentoring male nursing students
Recruitment and retention activities for men in nursing (elementary, middle school/junior
high, high school, Boy Scouts, undeclared college students, men considering second
careers, non-health care industry downsizing, etc.)
Men’s health
Political activity
Male nurse faculty/clinical instructor development
Social and networking
Nursing student scholarships
Dinner or breakfast meetings with education/speaker/CUE’s
Local Newspaper, TV story/interview
Community service/involvement
We could suggest more areas, but your ideas will keep you better motivated than our
suggestions. Again, seek ideas from other chapters. Find out what is working in their area, tell
them what is working in your area. AAMN wishes for all chapters to be successful.
I.Following notification that your chapter has been recognized the following policies need to be
1. Email the list of chapter officers, committee chairpersons or other chapter board members
to the AAMN Staff at [email protected].
2. Email the names of all chapter members following the initial member recruitment and
annually following the close of your annual chapter membership drive to AAMN Staff at
[email protected].
3. Plan for at least one of your chapter officers, committee chair or board member to attend
the annual meeting and conference each fall.
4. Submit a chapter report twice a year with current membership and annually regarding
activities and outcomes to the AAMN staff in PDF format to [email protected].
5. Periodically submit chapter updates, articles, photos, etc for the AAMN quarterly
newsletter, “InterAction” to the AAMN staff at [email protected]. Please submit in PDF
file format.
II. Following notification of recognition, the following procedures are suggested.
1. Initially monthly meetings are helpful to gain chapter momentum and interest
2. Schedule the chapter meeting structure. You can have separate chapter board meetings
from chapter membership meetings or you can combine them or sequence one after the
other the same day
3. Identify the initial chapter goals for your first year. These may include goals associated
with chapter membership targets, mentoring or recruitment and retention activities, men’s
health, etc
4. Persevere during times of chapter challenges. There will be times when your work does
not produce the results you have hoped. However, we believe that the grassroots chapter
work locally is the foundation for our future and there are others you can call or email
when you need that extra push to keep going.
5. Stay aware of your status with the national assembly. Make sure you are in compliance
of your own bylaws as well as the national bylaws.