chapter 6 - e

Language Focus
Subject Content
Pronouncing ‘st’
Using suitable English words
Completing a note / letter
Using the encyclopedia / internet
Filling in the blanks of sentences
Matching pictures with descriptions
Finding synonyms for words
Finding synonyms from a text
Reading a passage
Role play
Writing a descriptive paragraph
Preparing an application form
Reading a passage
A song
Writing a paragraph
Making sentences
Making sentences with ‘as / because’
Constructing passive sentences
Writing the oath of a sports meet
Describing animals playing
Describing games
Designing a poster
Writing instructions
Forming adjectives
A language game
Relating a personal experience
Writing on advantage of sports
Writing an essay
Forming questions
Finding information about sports
Finding information on an event
Talking about computer games
Making a speech
Group discussion
For free distribution
Activity No.
6.4 / 6.7
6.31 (b)
Dialogue - Games Then and Now
Activity 6.1 (C / L 5.3 - Selects relevant information from a dialogue)
Role - play the dialogue
Grandma : Anupa, you have been playing computer games all day. Please stop that
and come here, I’ll tell you about the games that we used to play when
we were of your age.
: I’d like to hear about them grandma.
Hannah : So do I. Tell us about the games of your day grandma. Did you play
computer games, too?
Grandma : No. We did not have computer games. We didn’t have computers either.
But we played plenty of indoor games and outdoor games.
: What were the indoor games you played grandma?
Grandma : We played board games like Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Draughts,
Chess, Scrabble and Monopoly. I think you play Scrabble in school,
Hannah, don’t you?
Hannah : Yes, grandma. Our English teacher taught us how to play Scrabble. It
is very interesting. We learn a lot of new English words.
Grandma : That’s right. We also played card games like Happy families, Lexicon,
Catch the Mouse, and Donkey.
What’s Lexicon ? How do you play it grandma?
Grandma : Lexicon is like Scrabble, but you don’t use a board to make words; you
use cards.
Hannah : Didn’t you ever play outdoor games grandma?
Grandma : Yes we did .We played Badminton, Tennikoit, Rounders, Hide and
Seek , Marbles, Catchers and Hopscotch those days. These were not
played indoors, but outdoors.
Hannah : What is tennikoit, grandma?
Grandma : It is a game that originated in South India. I don’t think it is played now.
Hannah : How do you play it?
Grandma : On a court same as Badminton, but instead of the racket and the shuttle
cock there is a rubber ring. It is thrown over a net. The opponent catches
it and throws it back.
For free distribution
I've never seen a tennikoit ring. I don't think they play it any longer.
May be you are right. Now I don't see it either.
Were you in any school team grandma?
Yes, I was the scrabble champion.
Great! I'll tell my friends.
Hannha, why don't you play a game of Scrabble with Anupa?
All right. If you insist. Please help us with the spelling.
Activity 6.2
(Pair Work)
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 5.3 - Selects relevant information from a dialogue)
Say whether these statements are true or false. Copy the sentences into your
writing book and write "T" for ture statements and "F" for false ones.
Tennikoit is a board game.
Grandma was a scrabble champion in her school days.
Anupa is addicted to computer games.
Grandma told Hannah and Anupa about the games she played when she was
e) There were fewer games then than now..
Activity 6.3
Reading / Writing
(C / L 4.5 - Uses contexual / visual clues to derive the meaning of words.)
Fill in the blanks with the following words.
indoors / outdoor /
board /
computer / card
a) Lexicon is a ………………………….game.
b) Hopscotch is an ……………………………… game.
c) Chess is played ……………………….and it helps to increase ones thinking
d) Ludo is a ………… played by little children all over the world.
e) Some …………........…. games are interesting but very addictive.
For free distribution
Activity 6.4
(C / L 4.3 - Uses English words in their proper contexts)
Write a note to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her victory at the
Zonal Scrabble competitions by filling in the blanks. Write in your writing
Dear …………………… ,
I was .............. ............. hear the good news.
Congratulations on your .............. .............the Zonal
Scrabble competitions. I too went for the
.............. ............. at Divisional level, but I
lost at .............. ............ You are ........... .............
You .............. ............. practise for the Provincial
Hope to hear from you soon.
Activity 6.5 (a) (Pair Work)
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 8.11 - expresses opinions and gives reasons)
Discuss in pairs and list reasons as to why grandmother tells Anupa to stop
playing computer games.
List the characteristics of a game.
eg : unity, tolerance, friendship etc.
Discuss whether Computer Games have those characteristics.
Report what you have found to the class.
Activity 6.5 (b)
(C / L 6.3 - uses simple sentences in appropriate contexts)
Give a brief account of a game / a sport you like most.
• what the game / sport is
• how you play it
• why you like it very much.
For free distribution
Activity 6.6
Reading / Writing
(C / L 8.9 Gives and asks for information appropriately)
Read Nuwangi’s responses and complete the questions that Hannah asked
in your writing book. Then role - play the dialogue.
It is on the 19th June 2009.
The Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha has
started this project.
c) Who……………………………?
Champaka Ramanayake is the Chief
d) What …………………………...? Swimming pool, gymnasium, play area
for children, Badminton courts and
volleyball courts are some of the facilities
e) How much ………………………? They will charge Rs 200/= for the use of
the complex.
f) Why………………………………? For the maintenance of the complex.
a) When …………………………?
b) Who …………………………?
A Sports Complex for Kaduwela
The Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha has built a sports complex, equipped with the latest
facilities for both indoor and outdoor games.
People in and around Kaduwela can get the membership by paying a nominal fee of
Rs. 200/=. Given below is the poster they put up for the opening ceremony.
All are Welcome
to the
Opening Ceremony
of the
Kaduwela Sports Complex
Chief Guest: Mr. Champaka Ramanayake
(former Test Cricketer)
Date: 19th June 2009
Time: 4.00 p.m.
Venue: Millenium Drive, New Kandy Road, Malabe.
For free distribution
a) Activity 6.7 - Reading / Writing
Writing an invitation
(C / L 4.3 - Uses English words in their proper contexts)
Read the poster “A Sports Complex for Kaduwela” and fill in the blanks with
appropriate words.
The Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha,
12th May 20..
Dear Mr. …………………………….. Ramanayake,
Invitation to Open the Kaduwela Sports Complex
The Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha has built a new .......... complex with
modern provide an .......... for the community to ............... sports
and recreational ...........
The organizing .......... is pleased to .......... you as the chief guest at the
opening .......... of the sports club at ....................a.m. on ......... .
We are looking forward to receiving a favourable reply.
Yours truly,
(C / L 7.7 - Uses a variety of vocabulary items in writing )
Design a poster for any function in your school. Include the date, time and the
venue and any other details you think are important.
Ø Class concert
Ø Annual religious festival
Ø Big match
Ø Opening of a building /Playground
For free distribution
Activity 6.8
(C / L 5.4 - transfers information into other forms)
Writing a membership form
You would like to enrol as many members as possible for the Sports Club:
Imagine you are the Secretary of the sports club and draft an application
You may include the following :
Membership fee
Sports interested in
Hours requested - gymnasium, swimming pool.
Times you would like to use the swimming pool etc.
Whether membership is for life/year/month
Anything else you think is important.
Activity 6.9
Writing / Speaking
(C / L 8.13 - Makes simple announcements and speeches)
Mr. Ramanayake hopes to make a speech.
Mr. Champaka Ramanayake’s Secretary has made some notes for the speech he
hopes to make at the function on the importance of sports for both the old and
the young.
Read the information given on the next page and write the speech.
You can put them in any order you like.
You can also add or leave out some/any of the ideas.
Your teacher will help you.
Write in your writing book.
For free distribution
Distinguished guests
Guest of honour
Ladies and gentlemen.
Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha has
made the right decision to start a sports
Strengthen the ties of the people
Help to maintain peace and harmony
Have a healthy community in Kaduwela.
Value of joint effort
Collective responsibility
Train to plan and work according to a
set plan
Obey the leader
Necessity to promote understanding
and work together
Accept victory and defeat alike
Promote tolerance
To maintain mental balance
o To develop a healthy body and a
healthy mind
o Gives flexibility to the body
o Develop leadership qualities
o Promotes discipline
o Trains to obey rules and playing
o Accept decisions of the umpire or the
referee without questioning
o To be a contented man/woman
o Co-ordinate different parts of the
o Trains to take spontaneous decisions
o Will not only help little ones but also
the aged who need to be healthy in
their old age.
o The best investment for the future has
started at the right time.
o Thank you
Activity 6.10( Pair Work )
(C / L 1.3 - Pronounces English words properly)
Copy the words in bold type into your writing book.
Read them aloud, first with your partner, then for the whole class to hear.
Now find other words that start with ‘st’ like still, stone stripe or end with ‘st’
as in last, most, lost etc.
Write ten such words for each category.
Now read the list of words aloud to the class.
Activity 6.11
(C / L 6.7 - Uses simple, compound and complex sentences in appropriate contexts)
We use ‘as’ or ‘because’ when we want to give a reason.
We can use ‘as’ at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence
but we usually use ‘because’ in the middle of a sentence.
For free distribution
eg: 1. Making the sports complex is a timely move.
It promotes peace among people.
Making the sports complex is a timely move as it promotes peace among
2. Sports are encouraged in every school.
They promote discipline.
Sports are encouraged in every school because they promote discipline.
Join the following sentences using ‘as’ or ‘because’.
Make two sentences of your own.
a) We can spend our leisure hours profitably.
There is a sports complex.
b) Unity will be strengthened.
They will get together at the complex.
c) Sportsmen can maintain a balanced personality.
They are trained to do so.
Read your sentences to your partner. Then read them for the whole class to hear.
Activity 6.12 (Pair work)
(C / L 6.7 - Uses simple, compound and complex sentences in appropriate contexts)
We also use ‘as + adj + as’ when we want to compare things.
eg: As easy as throwing a ball.
eg: Nuwangi is 4 feet tall.
Ismail is 4 feet tall too.
Join the sentences with as ...... as.
Nuwangi is as tall as Ismail.
a) The mango tree is 15 feet tall.
The tamarind tree is 15 feet tall too.
b) Mala is very studious
Rani is also very studious
c) Tilak is clever in English.
Rangesh is clever in English too.
d) Cricket is an interesting game.
Volleyball is an interesting game too.
Activity 6.13 (Group works)
(C / L 7.6 - Writes letters, brief notes, instructions and reports)
Prepare a poster
Write a set of rules for a game that you play in your school. Volley ball,
Cricket, Netball. eg: Do not touch the net (Volley ball)
Write them on a Bristol board and put them up in your class.
For free distribution
Nowadays 20 over cricket matches are also called as 20/ 20 cricket matches.
You can ask your physical education teacher / cricket coach for more details.
Diary writing
Read Brian’s diary.
Brian is a new boy who has come from another school.
He is unhappy in the new school. He writes his diary.
Monday 12th May
I watched the children play soft ball cricket in the play
ground. I would really like to play with them.
Tuesday 13th May
The boys didn’t allow me to join them. I told them
I could bat quite well. They didn’t listen.
Thursday 15th May
I went to the playground again today. The coach didn’t
even see me. I stood all alone and came back home.
I was very sad.
Friday 16th May
I was walking to the grounds with the boys. The coach
announced that only the players who played last year
would be taken for practices.
Saturday 17th May
I wish I stayed at my old school. I was one of the best
cricketers in that school. Mother says, “Do your studies
and don’t bother about cricket. It is a waste of time.”
Sunday 18th May
I was sent a message by the coach to meet him in the
afternoon. I was delighted.
Activity 6.14 (Pair work)
(C / L 7.9 - produces imaginative and interesting writing)
Get into pairs and tell your partner if you have had a problem like Brian.
You can ask :
Did you have any problem like ………?
Do you know of anyone else…….?
I think…..
Perhaps, when I was a new boy…….
Once when I went for …..
For free distribution
Activity 6.15
(C / L 7.9 - produces imaginative and interesting creative writing)
Now write your diary entry about an experience you had or an imaginary
experience when you went to play a game.
Write in your writing book.
Activity 6.16 (Group Work)
(C / L - Uses simple , compound and complete sentences, and uses them in appropriate contexts)
Imagine that you are the new house captain. You have come to know that Brian
was one of the best cricketers in his former school. You want to encourage him to
join cricket practices.
Write down a short dialogue between you and Brian.
I’m afraid…./ I think……../ I feel ……./ I fear……./ I hope…./ I wish…
Brian wrote this article to the school magazine. He did not write his real name.
He called himself ‘Bookworm’.
Now read the article carefully
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Are
students supposed to study all the time, and play only
sometimes? What do games and sports give us? The first
thing that sports give us is companionship. We make friends
in the play ground, and they remain friends forever. We learn
to care for each other, appreciate each other’s abilities and accept each other for what
we are.
Our abilities are displayed on the playing field. We realize the importance
of following the leader. We learn leadership qualities. We understand the significance
of rules. In fact, if rules are not followed, there would be
no fair play. Selflessness, team spirit and discipline are
virtues inculcated in sports. There is a saying that the
British won their wars not on the battle field, but in the
playing fields of Eton and Harrow. In the past Eton and
Harrow were public schools in England, which produced
great men. During the first and the second world wars,
many of those who fought for England were the former
students of Eton and Harrow.Therefore both sports and studies are essential to make
a well - balanced personality.
- Bookworm For free distribution
Activity 6.17
Reading / Writing
(C / L 5.5 - extracts the general idea of the text)
Read the text ‘Bookworm’ and write answers to the following questions in
your writing book.
a) Who is a bookworm?
b) What are the virtues (good qualities) learnt
through sports?
c) Explain the following in your own words:
i) ‘abilities are displayed on the
playing field.’
‘It would be fair play.”
iii) ‘The wars were won on the playing
fields of Eton and Harrow.’
iv) ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’
(Pair Work)
(C / L 7.9 - Produces imaginative and interesting creative writing)
“Bookworm” has not mentioned the value of ‘accepting defeat.’
Write a short account in your writing book on the good points of accepting
defeat. The pictures below may help you.
“If you can’t accept losing, you
can’t win”.
- Vince Lombardi -
For free distribution
Activity 6.18
Reading / Writing
(C / L 5.2 - Extracts specific information from a text)
Common childhood games
Read the text and answer the following questions.
Hide and Seek is one of the best known games for children. The seeker shuts his
eyes and counts upto 100 while the others hide. The seeker then looks for them and
when he sees another player he chases him / her back to the base. If the seeker gets
there first, the other player is caught. This can be played as a team game. If the hiders
get back to the base before the seeker, they go
out to hide again, but if they are caught they
become the seekers.
Babies play games too: Peep – Bow, Peeka-boo are favourites with babies, before they can
even talk. Of course here the babies close their
eyes or cover their faces with their hands and
pretend that they cannot see.
In Blindman’s Buff the players tap and
smack the blindfolded person, who tries to catch
hold of one of them. If he succeeds, the two
exchange their roles, but usually the blind
folded player must identify who the
captured is before they change roles. In
Blindman’s Buff the captive tries to cheat
the one who is blind folded by allowing him
to touch someone else’s hair etc. This gives
more enjoyment to the children.
(Adapted from ‘Children’s Britannica’)
What are the games mentioned in the passage?
Which sentence tells you that Hide and Seek can be played by a group?
Write the sentence in your writing book.
Are there any other games played only by children / adults? Name them.
Mention some games that you play with your brothers and sisters.
Describe one of them.
For free distribution
Activity 6.19 (Pair work)
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 8.9 - Gives and asks for information appropriately)
Have you ever played Hide and Seek?
Describe to your friend how you played Hide and Seek .
How old were you then?
When did you play?
Where did you play, inside the house or outside?
With whom did you play?
Then ask your friend how she / he played it. Write down similarities and
Reading / Writing
(C / L 7.6 - Writes letters, brief notes instructions and reports)
Read the description of ‘Blindman’s Buff’ again and write a set of instructions
for the game in your writing book. Begin your instructions by describing the
cloth for blind folding and how you blindfold the player.
The size of the cloth Texture (thick/soft/see through(transparent) How you should fold it How you should tie it - (tight/loose/fairly tight/rather loose)
Activity 6.20 (Group work)
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 3.6 - Listens to reports and information)
Discuss in your groups and answer the following
questions in your writing book.
Then read the answers to the class.
1. Do animals play?
2. What animals play with
a. their young ones
b. their prey
c. their own kind
3. What actions are displayed
by animals when they
For free distribution
Activity 6.21
(Pair Work)
Animals at play
(C / L 7.2 - Writes descriptions of things, places and people)
a) Most animals play with their own kind.
Animals generally do not play with
other animals. Domestic animals are an
exception. For example, dogs play with
kittens.Sometimes animals tease other
1. Have you ever seen a bird teasing a
domestic cat?
2. Have you seen a cat playing with the
mouse it has caught?
Describe the bird’s actions while
teasing the cat.
Picture Description
(C / L 5.4 - transfers information into other forms)
Describe the bird using the clues given in the box.
Has glossy plumage, a long forked tail, blood red eyes.
Scientific name
English Name
Sinhala Name
Tamil Name
Found in
and Northern and
: Dicrurus bracteatus
: Dicruridae
: Drongo
: Kavudu Panikkiya
: karuwadu wali
: South –East Asia
Eastern Australia.
Find out the following by yourself.
- What it eats
- Where it builds nests
For free distribution
How many eggs it lays
Project work
(C / L 8.9 - Gives and asks for information appropriately)
Have you ever seen a drongo teasing a domestic cat? If not ask your friends/teachers/elders who have seen it.
Write a description on how the Drongo teases the cat.
Paste it on the class wall paper for others to read.
How to Play Hopscotch
1. Draw 8 squares on the ground as shown in the diagram.
2. Throw a stone or a dried mango seed on to square one.
3. Hop on to the 2nd square and continue. Keep both feet down when you reach
a double square.
4. On the way back the player picks the stone without stepping on to that square.
5. Repeat the process till you finish all the squares.
6. When all the squares are completed one throws the stone on to the semicircle
and then the player hops on to it, picks up the stone and turns his/her back to the
squares and throws the stone over the head. If it falls onto a square that square
belongs to that player and can be used as a resting place for that player only.
The other players can’t step onto that square.
7. This is repeated till all the squares are taken.
8. Then the next player gets the chance.
9. A player is pronounced ‘out’ ;
• if a player steps on a line,
• if the stone falls on a line,
• if the stone falls outside the squares.
There are variations in different regions.
For free distribution
Activity 6.22
(Group Work)
(C / L 8.9 - Gives and asks for information appropriately)
Discuss how you play Hopscotch in your area
Ask the following questions.
How many squares do you need?
What do you draw the lines with?
What do you throw onto the squares?
Are there any differences in the way you play the game?
Use the following when answering your friends
We usually ...........
We never .............
Sometimes we ............
We don’t ..............
Playing Hopscotch can make children brainy
Teachers in a junior school in
York have found that the
present day students who are
more interested in computer
games have more problems
than students in the past used
The head of the school said,
‘children seem to have less
listening ability than before’.
She said that it may be due to
watching too much video and
television. She also commented that playground equipment is lying around and tends
not to be used. ‘Nowadays children like to just hang around and talk.’
The teachers believe that traditional games like Hopscotch, Skipping and Catch and
Run could expand children’s interests and stimulate their minds.
A child psychologist Dr.Michael Boiton said, ‘If children spend a lot of time on their
own in front of the television or the computer, they do not interact well with their peers’.
For free distribution
Hopscotch was introduced after a Victorian celebration in a junior school. After the
children started playing the game, their learning abilities seemed to have increased.
After introducing games in their lessons and assemblies, their skills of co-operation
have been improved. Their academic ability has been stimulated.
Gareth Stratton, a physiologist, said that if children were kept busy with physical
exercises, their behaviour would be better. Their minds would become more creative.
Activity 6.23
Reading / Writing
(C / L 5.2- Extracts specific information from a text)
Read the text and write down the problems of the students who are too
interested in computer games/ watching video/ TV in your writing book.
Computer games / Video / TV
Activity 6.24
(C / L 7.7 - uses a variety of vocabulary items in writing)
Given below are some actions that take place when Hopscotch is played.
throw, hop, skip, touch, step, repeat, turn.
Make sentences with these verbs.
Now write them in your writing book.
Activity 6.25
Reading / Scanning
(C / L 4.6 - Finds synonyms for the given English Words)
Find words that are similar in meaning to the following words from the text.
Write them in your writing book.
i) chiefiii) children of the same agev) difficulties-
ii) one who studies the human mind iv) gatherings-
For free distribution
Activity 6.26
(Pair work)
Writing / Adjectives
(C / L 7.7 - Uses a variety of vocabulary items in writing)
Look at the word 'traditional'.
It is an adjective formed by adding 'al' at the end of the word 'tradition'.
There are other words that form the adjectives by adding 'al'.
Make adjectives from the following words.
eg: i. music
- musical
ii. accident
iii. comic
iv. nation
v. classic
vi. logic
vii. medicine -
viii herb
Look at the dictionary and find two more adjectives
formed with 'al'.
Activity 6.27
(C / L 6.3 - Constructs simple sentences)
Read the rules of hopscotch
Now write a set of rules for a game that you play with your friends at home.
Read them out to the class.
Oldest Games
Bouncing a ball against a wall is one the oldest games. Just as the wheel is
central to the development of machinery, so is the ball to many games.
For free distribution
Activity 6.28
(C / L 4.5 Uses contexual visual to derive the meaning of words.)
a) Match the pictures with the names of the games given below.
Basketball, Volleyball, Bowling, Billiards, Ice hockey, Netball, Tennis
b) i) Select the correct description for each game from the list given and
write in your writing book.
ii) Write about your favourite game in your writing book and say why you
like it.
i. a sport in which two teams of five players each, try to score points by throwing a
ball through a high net hanging from a ring.
ii. a game played on a table with a stick, known as a cue stick, which is used to strike
balls, moving them around the table
iii. a game in which players attempt to score points by rolling a ball along a flat surface
to knock down objects called pins.
iv. a team event played on ice, generally in Canada and the United States.
v. a team sport similar to and taken from basketball. It was originally known as
“women’s basketball”
vi. a game played between either two players or two pairs. Players use a stringed
racquet to strike a ball covered with felt. It is hit to pass over a net into the opponent’s court.
vii. a sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, and parts
of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the net.
For free distribution
The Olympic Athletes’ Oath
An oath is a form of making a formal promise or
statement to do something.
At Olympics it was first taken by the Belgian fencer
Victor Boin at the 1920 Games of the 7th Olympiad
in Antwerp, Belgium.
The athlete did this by holding a corner of the
Olympic flag.
To reflect the changing nature of the sporting
competition, the first oath has been modified and the
current form was introduced in 1999. It was taken
at Sydney in the 2000 Olympics by hockey player
Rechelle Hawkes.
It is as follows :
“In the name of all competitors I promise that
we shall take part in these Olympic games,
respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to
a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship for
the glory of sports and honour of our teams.”
It is said aloud by an athlete from the host country and other contestants show their
approval and agreement by raising their right hand.
Activity 6. 29
Reading / Writing
(C / L 4.5 - Uses contextual visual clues to derive the meaning of words.)
Write what the words in bold type refer to.
Use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words underlined in the passage.
Write the words and meaning in your writing book.
Activity 6. 30 (Group Work)
(C / L 7.1 - Writes a simple paragraph effectively)
Write the oath that has to be taken by players in a sportsmeet in your
List occasions where an oath is taken other than in the field of sports.
For free distribution
Activity 6.31
(Pair Work)
(C / L 7.1 - Writes a simple paragraph effectively)
(a) Describe in your own words how the oath is taken at the sportsmeet of
your school. The following phrases might help you.
an athlete is chosen / he says the oath aloud / by raising the right hand others
repeat / it is a very solemn occasion / it is done before starting the sportsmeet.
Project work
(C / L 4.4 - Uses the encyclopedia and the dictionary effectively)
At first the Oath in Olympic Games was taken only by the athletes. But in
1972, for the first time, the officials who judged the games also took an oath
at the 29th Olympics in Munich.
Go to a library and find out the oath taken by the officials. Later read it to
your friends.
Activity 6.32
(Pair Work)
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 7.2 – Writes descriptions of things, places and people)
Describe your favourite game by making a list of ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’
You may choose from the list of games given below.
eg : Baseball, Soccer, Softball, Badminton
Netball, Hopscotch, Football, Cricket
Pass the ball
Do not drag the step.
For free distribution
Activity 6.33 (Group work)
(C / L 7.2 - Writes descriptions of things, places and people)
Discuss the pictures with your friends. Ask questions and answer them as given
in the example.
eg :
: Can you name the game in picture 4?
: It is ...........
What is the boy in front doing?
He is .........
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Listening Texts
(Activity 6.k - workbook - page7)
Honorary President of the Olympic Games
Twin sisters Rushda and Ruzna got the following information from the internet.
Rushda’s note.
Baron Pierre de Coubertin is
considered as one of the greatest
men of the 20th century. He was
born on 1st January 1863. He
was responsible for all the
organizational aspects of the
Olympic Games. He composed
the athletes’ oath. He also
organized the ceremonial
opening and closing of the
Ruzna’s note.
The title of Honorary President of the Olympic Games was bestowed on the Frenchman
Pierre de Coubertin in 1925. He made numerous publications on the techniques and
teaching of sports. He spent his entire fortune on his ideals. He died on 2nd September
1937 in Geneva. According to his last wish, his heart was interred at Olympia, in the
marble monument commemorating the revival of the Olympic Games.
Activity 6.34
(Pair work)
Reading / Writing
‘Wh’ is the most common question form used to ask for information. In groups
read the above text and help Riza and Ravi to write questions for the following
answers. Do this in your writing book.
Baron Pierre de Coubertin
1st January 1863
When ...... born?
all the organizational aspects What ... responsibility?
the athletes’ oath
What ... compose?
opening and closing of
What ... organize?
the Olympic Games
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What some ‘Wh’ question forms stand for are as follows:
• Who
– a person
• What – profession / object / action etc.
• Where – place
• When – time / period of time
• Why
– reason
• How
– method / mode / in which manner
Activity 6.35
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 8.13 - Makes simple announcements and speeches)
Imagine you are the Games Captain of the school. Draw a mind map on the
important facts given in the passage titled ‘Honorary President of the Olympic
Games’. Speak to your members based on the Mind map.
Honorary President
of the olympic games.
eg : his birth place
Activity 6.36
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 6.3 - Constructs simple sentences)
The five rings on the Olympic flag stand for
or symbolize the five continents.
Describe your school flag or your school
sports flag. You may consider the
any design /
emblem on it.
v. what the
emblem stand for
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Activity 6.37
(Pair work)
Speaking / Writing
(C / L 7.9 - Produces imaginative and interresting creative writing)
Baron Pierre de Coubertin contributed much to the development of sports.
Write an essay on a person who has helped your school / village. First write
relevant details under the following in your writing book.
• name of the person
• occupation
• contribution to your school/community/etc.
• what he did…
• its importance for the development of your school / village.
• benefits enjoyed by students/ villagers
• any titles/trophies given in honour
• lessons others can learn……..
• any other details.
Activity 6.38 (Pair work)
Reading / Writing
(C / L 4.1 - Uses English words accurately and appropriately)
Write a word / phrase related to sports/Olympics beginning with each of these
letters. Then read it to the class. Do it in your writing book.
eg: Once in four years ............
Make simple sentences using the words / phrase you wrote.
eg : Olympic games are held once in four years…
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Passive Voice (Revision)
a) Activity 6.39
(C / L 6.9 - Constructs passive sentences)
The following are some headlines. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
Write the headlines in your writing book.
Play …………… stopped due to heavy rain.
Over 100 football players ……… trained every year.
Buy tennis rackets now! Prices ………increased next year.
Baseball …………… played all over the world.
The Junior Olympic winners ………. welcomed at the Katunayake
International Airport last Sunday.
is /was /will be / were / are
(C / L 6.2 - Identifies the grammar of a sentence)
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb phrase from the brackets. Write in your
writing book.
1. Cricket ……………….. (was played/ will be played / is played) all over the
2. Good manners ……………. (are learnt/ is learnt / was learnt) when we play
Happy Families.
3. We ………………………….. (were taught/ was taught/ am taught) Scrabble
by our English teachers.
4. The match ……………………… (was won/ will be won/ is won) by an innings
and two wickets.
5. Today sports ……………………… (is encouraged/ was encouraged / are
encouraged) in every school.
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(C / L 6.9 - Constructs passive sentences)
Change the following sentences into the passive voice.
Children learn games.
Games are learnt by children.
1. The Sri Lankan team won the match.
2. The old boys will buy some sports equipment.
3. The government will build a new stadium for the school.
4. Children play games everyday.
5. Brian always beats me in chess.
(C / L 6.9 - Constructs passive sentences)
These are some dialogues taken from a book of jokes. Complete them using
the passive voice.
1. Coach
: All the matches ………. …………. (lose). That’s too bad.
: ‘Don’t worry you can have my lighter.’
2. Parent
: What kind of bats ……………………. (find) in your school?
: Nocturnal.
3. The teacher asked the children to write about a football match. All the children
were writing except one. The teacher went up to him and looked at his paper.
It said: The game ...................................... (stop) in the first minute due to rain.
4. An old lady asked a boy. "Do you go for athletic practices?"
The boy:
"No, I .......... (send)," was the prompt reply.
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Activity 6.40 (a) (Group Work)
(C / L 5.6 - Reads/ responds to simple poems / stories)
This is a famous song composed by John Lennon & Paul McCartney.
First sing the song.
Study the options given to the first verse.
Blowin’ in the Wind (Playing field)
How many roads must a man walk down (games, sportsman, play)
Before they call him a man (fans champ) ?
How many seas must a white dove sail (ways, he suffer)
Before she sleeps in the sand (one, plays, ground) ?
How many times must the cannon balls fire (days, torch flame burn)
Before they’re forever banned (lit).
The answer my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea ?
How many years can some people exist
Before there’re allowed to be free ?
How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t see.
How many times must a man look up
Before he sees the sky ?
How many ears must one man have
Before he hears people cry ?
How many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died.
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Activity 6.40 (b) (Group Work)
(C / L 5.6 - Reads and responds to simple songs)
Copy the song ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ into your writing book and try including
words related to sports in place of the underlined words. You may also change
any word of your choice to keep to the tune of the song. Then sing the song in
Language Game
Mary’s cat
(C / L 6.2 - Identifies the grammar of a sentence)
Get the students to sit in a circle.
Instruct them to come out with adjectives to describe
Mary’s cat, starting with the letter “A” and then
continue according to the alphabetical order.
• Teacher starts the game. Eg. : Mary’s cat is an angry
The next student will continue with “B” while repeating the adjective used by the
Mary’s cat is an angry, bad cat.
This continues according to the alphabetical order.
If there are more students they can start from “A” again without repeating
adjectives used earlier.
The game can be adapted to improve adverbs /vocabulary etc.
“Sayings” on Sports
“Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence”.
- George F. Will “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”.
- William Edward Hickson “To win without risk is to triumph without glory”.
- Corneille “It isn’t hard to be good from time to time in sports.
What’s tough is being good every day”.
- Willie Mays -
• Learn more sayings / proverbs on sports and include them in your class
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An Outline of the Syllabus.
Competency levels Related to Grade 9
1.5 Constructs English sentences orally with proper articulation.
Correct pronunciation. stress and information
Consonant clusters in the initial position. ‘ng’ / / sound in end
Position, /t/ /d/ sound - past tense morpheme, /s/ /z/ - plural morpheme
Consonant clusters in the final position
Articulation /r /sound in the finial position
/t/ and /d/ sound s in the past tense morpheme
Plural morphemes /s/ and /z/
2.5 Uses exclamation marks appropriately.
In the exclamatory sentence expressing emotion such as shock surprise
astonishment greeting and sarcasm.
3.5 Listens to and Transfers information to other forms.
Listens to cricket commentaries and fills in the gird (individual scores team
scores. number of balls, wicket etc)
Gets information over the phone from a railway station and jots down the
relevant information (time of arrival. name of train platform number. time of
departure etc.)
3.6 Listens to and reports information.
Listen to message in person/ over the phone and convey the content orally to
another person
4.4 Uses the dictionary and encyclopedia effectively.
Aware of alphabetical order to look for a word in a dictionary what the
abbreviation listed in a dictionary stand for, to mark use of the grammatical
information in the dictionary organization of an encyclopedia and extracts
relevant information.
4.5 Uses the contextual / visual clues to derive the meaning of words.
Infer meanings of unfamiliar words with the help of the contextual clues,
morphological clues (prefixes-un .re in sub ful.less….)
4.6 Finds synonyms for given English words.
All synonyms cannot be used in each and every context and are not always
inter changeable positive and negative connotation of words.
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5.4 Transfers information into other forms.
News items, advertisements/ prose/ labels/ recipes/ classified advertisements
fill in a grid table tick etc . using the information in the given text.
5.5 Extract the general Idea of a text.
By - matching topics with paragraphs, headlines, with news items, the gist of
the news items etc.
5.6 Reads and responds to simple poems/stories.
Understand elements of a short story (setting main character other characters,
events, theme etc. and comment on each characters and theme)
6.2 Analyse the grammatical relations within a sentence.
‘S V O’ relationship, negation modality, conditionals (type ii, and iii )
6.7 Uses simple compound, and complex sentences in appropriate contexts.
using and, but, or, yet, nor, either or. neither…….nor. not only .....but also.
both ... and complex if, although. though, as soon as, in order to, so long as.
6.8 Identifies passive sentences.
6.9 Constructs passive sentences.
7.7 Uses a variety of vocabulary items in writing.
Aware of appropriacy in collocation –Noun – verb collocation. Adjective
noun collocation. Adjective – Adverbs collocation.
7.8 Expands and combines given sentences.
Expand a given sentence by adding words /phrases/ clauses appropriately.
Combine sentences using coordinating conjunctions and subordinating
Changing an independent clause to a relative clause.
7.9 Produces imaginative and interesting creative writing.
Directed to write-poems by giving them the themes in the reading text/ stories
by giving them the beginning/ last line of a story / visual topics
8.11 Makes suggestions and responds to them.
Let’s …..Shall we…..What about …why don’t we ……..etc.
8.12 Expresses opinions and gives reasons.
8.13 Makes simple announcements and speeches.
Make simple announcements related to the school activities. (meeting
cancellation of a meeting, postponement of a meeting, after school practices,
sports practices about something lost/ found)
Make prepared/ impromptu speeches on a variety of topics.
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This book is a gift from the Government to the young generation of our country.
Please use it carefully so that it could be passed on to your brothers and sisters in the
coming years.
Name of the School: .............................
Name of the student who is
using the book
Signature of the
class teacher
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