Indian Journal of Radi o & Space Physics Vol. 3 I, August 2002, pp. 190-196 Solar causes of geomagnetic storms Santosh Kumar Department of PG Studies & Research in Physics and Electronics, R D University, Jabalpur (MP) 4 82 001 and Mahendra Pratap Yadav Govt. Tilak PG College, Kat ni (MP) 483 501 Received 7 Jun e 2001; revised 27 September 2001; accepted 18 January 2002 Two hund red ninet y nine geomagnetic storms (GMSs) o f moderate, moderate ly severe and severe type with Ar ~ 20 have been investi gated for the period 1978-99 and thei r possible interpl anetary and solar cau ses are looked upon. Solar features like Ha, X-ray solar flare s and active prominences and di sappearin g filaments (APDFs) have been found to occ ur more in lower hel iog raphi c latitudinal zo nes and produce larger number of GMSs at various locati ons on th e ea rth. No signifi ca nt corre lati on between mag nitude o f GMSs and importance of Ha and X-ray solar fl ares and APDFs has been obse rved. Maximum number of GMSs is associated with importance SF of eac h Hu an d X-ray solar fl ares. On the basis of the statisti ca l sa mpling of fo ur putati ve solar causes o f GMSs on th e earth , th e causes are identifi ed lead ing to magnetic disturbance with Ar ~ 20. The Ha, X-ray solar flares are more plausible ca uses of GMSs. However. a ver) few GMSs have been observed wi th out be ing associa ted wit h either of th ese four solar fem ures. The occ urrence o f di sturbed day s varies with seasons. Further, monthl y di stributi on of di sturbed day s shows a cyclic va riati o n hav ing two peah during the solar cyc le. 1 Introduction Geomagne tic disturbances are generall y represented by geomagnet ic storms and sudde n ionospheric disturbances (SIDs). These can be di stingu ished in two categori es which are originated 1 from two types of sol ar wind streams • Th e first category of geomagnetic sto rms, know n as gradu al storm commencement (GSC), arises from magneticall y open, lo ng lived, hi gh speed so lar w ind streams (HSSWS) emitted by solar coronal ho les and is usuall y small in magnitude and exhi bits an apparent te ndency to occur w ith 27 days rotat ion period of the sun 2• The second category of geomagnetic storms is associated with flare generated stream, kn own as sudden storm com me ncement (SSC) o r sudden impul ses (S l) . This is relativel y large in magnitude and arises from the tran sient erupti on of closed field so lar reg ions and it is identified as abrupt ch ange in ge neral level of geomagneti c field which may be as large as several per cent of th e undi stu rbed value measured at th e surface. Thus, SSCs are caused by shock waves propagatin g throug h the interp la netary medium from the sun . Subsequen tly , Sonett et a/. 3 reported from direct interplanetary observation s that a shoc k like d iscontinuity is moving from th e sun and is associated with SSC. Burlaga and Ogi lvie-! have di scussed some of the events associated w ith shoc ks for which both plasma and mag netic field data are available. Nishida 5 suggested that SSC could also be produced by a non-shock mode, pres umabl y, a hydromagnetic wave or a tangentiJI di sco ntinuity, and th e non -shock mode disco ntinuity may be the cause of Sl. Sonett and Colburn 6 proposed th at SI is due to a 7 reverse shock. Gos ling et a /. , based on inte rplanetary observations, have estab li shed that an Sl mi ght be caused by a no n-shock mode discontinuity. Og il vie et a/. 8 observed a discontinuous dec rease in de nsity and di scontinuous increase in magnet ic field inte nsity and no appreciable change in temperature, showin g that the negative impul ses (Sr) are caused by hydromagnetic di scontinuity w hose s ignature is that of a tangent ial discontinuity, and the positive impul ses (Sn are, some times, caused by hydromag netic discontinuiti es . The so lar fl m·e is a most spec tacu lar short-lived phenomeno n th at occurs on th so lar di sc and is responsibl e fo r so lar energetic parti cle (SEP) evenl and geomagnetic storm. Sol r flares transforrr magnetic ene rgy into several form s. Large so lar flare ~ occ ur in magneticall y complex region, where the fi elc SANTOSH KUMAR & YADA V : SOLAR CAUSES OF GEOMAGNETIC STORMS is often strongly sheared. The mechani sm of energy release is probably associated with magnetic reconnection. There are two basic phenomena that occur during mag netic reconnection in the flare site. One of them is rapid heating of coronal and chromos pheric material, which expands outward into interplanetary medium and produces interplanetary (IP) shocks which cause geomagnetic storms and auroras. The other phenomenon is associated with particle acceleration, which represents the energy aspect of the flares. Many workers have shown the association of di fferent types of geomagnetic storms with solar fl ares 9 · 10 . The occurrences of flares and prominences are associated with varying phases of sunspot cycle. The solar output in terms of particle and fi eld ejected out into interplanetary medium influences the geomagnetic field conditions 11• The radi ant electromagneti c and corpuscular radiation produce extra ioni zation in the sun-lit part of the earth and produces disturbances at various locations, such as, polar midlatitude and eq uatorial regions. These geomagnetic disturbances are observed and represented by different geo magnetic indices 12 like AE, KP or Ap and eq uatorial index Ds1. The product of solar wind velocity (V) and interpl anetary magnetic fi eld (B), i.e. VB is more important for both cosmic ray and geo magnetic activity modulations rather than th e IMF aloneu. The solar disappearing filaments (DFs) have been linked with geo magnetic activit/ 4· 15 and also IP shocks 16• 18 . The CMEs related shocks accelerate so lar energetic particl es (SE Ps) events associated with major IP di stu rbances or shocks causing large geo magnetic stonns 19 . An impo rtant paradigm sh ift, such that th e CMEs and not flares are considered to be the key causal link between the solar activity and all large geomagnetic storms and the associated effects such as auroral displays, has been reported by Webb 11• The CMEs are vast structures of solar plasma and magnetic fields which are expelled from the sun into the heliosphere and make a prime link between solar and geomagnetic acti vity. The north-south component (BJ of IMF, plays a dominan t role in determinin g th e amount of solar wind energy to be trans(.errecI to tI1e magnetos pI1crc I · ~() - . When I 1F has large magn itude (2: 10 nT) and large so uthward component, the amo unt of tran sferred energy becomes very large. On th e other hand , th e tran sferred energy becomes very small when TMF is directed preli min ary 19 1 northward. The energy transfer efficiency is of the order of I 0% during intense magnetic storms21 . Viscous interaction, the other prime energy transfer mechanism proposed21 , has been shown to be onl y < I o/o efficient during intense northward directed IMFs. Tsurutani et a/.22 have examined the interplanetary and solar causes of five largest geomagnetic storms during the period 1971-1 986 and found th at the extreme values of the southward IMF (BJ rather than th e solar wind speeds are the primary causes of great magnetic storms. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the effects of solar and interplanetary transients that may cause GMS . Further, the GMS and their association with various phases of sunspot cycles and different interplanetary and solar features have been investigated for the period of study . 2 Data analysis All those geomagnetic storms which are associated with Ar2:20 during the peri od Jan. 1978- Dec. 1999 are considered and are found to be 299 in number. For thi s study, solar wind pl asma (S WP) and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) data from IMP-8 satellite are used. These data are compi led by King and Papitashvili 23 in different volumes of lnterplalletary Medium Data Book from National Space Science Data Centre (NSSDC). The possibl e assoc iation of geomag neti c storms has been investigated during the peri od Jan. 1978- Dec. 1993. For assoc iat ion of geo magnetic storms with solar feat ures, solar geophysical data 24 (SG D) have been used fo r the period 1978-99. On the basis of so lar wi nd velocity (V), so lar features have been investigated such that I :::; !1t :::; 5 days pri or to the occurrence of GMS on the earth. Here the time (!1t) taken by the so lar wi nd in reaching th e earth from the sun will depend upon the solar wind velocity (V) . Further, the occurrence frequency of geo magnetic storms and disturbed days with sunspot cycle is cons idered for the entire period of considerati on, i.e., 1978-99. 3 Results a nd discussion The geo magnetic storms with planetary index Ap 2: :w have been investigated for th e peri od 1978-99 using solar geo phys ical data reports. The class ification of th e se lected 299 geomagnetic storms in differen t varying range of hori zontal componen t of earth ' s magnetic field (H) with Ap2:20 and Ar indi ces arc prese nted in Tables I and 2, respectively. INDIAN 1 RADIO & SPACE PHYS . AUGUST 2002 192 Tab le 1- Classification of geomagnetic storms on the basis o f H co mpo nent with Ap 2: 20 Category Severe storm s Moderately severe storm s Moderate storm s H range Number of storm s H 2: 400y 250y < H < 400y 97 74 H ::; 250y 128 Table 2 - Class ificat ion o f geo magneti c storms on the basis of Ap index during th e peri od 1978- 1999. Category Intense Major Min or Planetary index Ap range No. of geo magneti c storm s A 1, 2: 100 50< AP < !00 20 $ A P$ 50 14 77 208 The yearly occ urrence of geo magnetic storms with Ap:0::20 and th eir assoc iation with various phases of sunspot cyc les are shown in Fig. 1. A close between yearly occurrence of assoc tatt on geomag neti c storms and sunspot cycle is ap parent from Fig. I. Somehow, a peculi ar res ult is also observable during the year 199 1, i.e., the SSNs decrease slowly with rapid decrease in th e num ber of sto rm s. No definite trend is establi shed between th e SS s and the GMSs for thi s case. Solar output in1lucnces the earth 's magnetic field and produces geo magnetic disturbances at vari ous locations. These disturbances, on the basis of daily average va lue of Ap:0:: 20, are being examined and 1888 dis turbed days are fo und during th e period 1978-99. The yearl y occurrence of disturbed days and their variation wi th sun<>pot cycle are presented in Fi g. 2. No distinct assoctattolt1 between yearly occurrence of disturbed days and sunspot cycle is observed from thi s analysis. It is not always necessary that the number of disturbed days are maximum during the solar maximum period . A peculiar result has been observed during the years 1982 and 1993 when disturbed days have increased significantly, whereas, SSNs have decreased. A frequency occurrence histogram of monthly distribution of number of disturbed days with Ap :0:: 20 during the period 1978-99 has been shown in Fig. 3. It is apparent from Fig. 3 that the maximum number of disturbed days have occurred during the months of March-April and September-October. It is also observed that these di stributi on- show a cyclic variation having two peaks durin g the solar cycles 2 1, 22 and 23. Further, monthly di stributi on of disturbed days on year-to-year basis during the peri od 1978-99 has been plotted in Fig. 4. A recurrent/periodic occutTing tendency of disturbed days with seasons is clearly seen from Fi g. 4. All those geomagnetic storms with AP :0:: 20 are co nsidered during th e period 1978-93 to in ves ti gate their association with solar features. The association of geomagnetic storms with importance of Ha so lar nares and X-ray solar flares during the peri od 197893 has been show n in Fi g. 5 [(a) an d (b)]. From Fig. 5(a), it is apparent that out of 106 GMSs, 83.5 % of geomagnetic sto rms are associated with Ha so lar nares of importance :s; IN. Fun er, it is evident from Fig. 5(a) that maximum number of GMS s arc associated with Ha solar flares of importance SF R 0 V V. JABALPUR R D V V. JABALPUR I 160 >- () z w (f) aw w m ::;; a:: :::J ...a::w :::J z >- u z w 0 a. (f) a:: a:: z :::J :::J (f) () ~ 120~ 0 0 w CD a:: 0 I 0 >(f) ...00 - 120 ~ I :::J 80r ::0 ::; ::0 z >- 0 I~ UJ CD z UJ CD 1\ ; a:: ::; u I f a. -80 <f} z ::0 <f} 40 40~ 7B 82 86 90 94 ~ 98 YEARS YEARS Fig . I - Occurn.:nce freque ncy o f the gc <> lnag nct ic ston m. (hi stographicall y) and sun spot numbers fo r the p..: ri ocl 1978- 1999 Fig. 2 - Piots show ing th e nu mber o f d is:urbcd da ys with Ap 2: 20 (h istographicall y) and sun spo t number-; fo r th e peri od 19781999 SANTOSH KUMAR & Y ADA V : SOLAR CAUSES OF GEOMAGNETIC STORMS R D V V, JABALPUR I I I J I I I I I I I I 200 - - 160 r- - (/) ><{ 0 0 w co a: 120 :::J f- - (solar flare faint) and SN (solar flare normal); and no significant correlation between magnitude of GMS and importance of Ha solar flare is observed. Further, it is apparent from Fig. S(b) that out of 70 geomagnetic storms, 85 .7% of GMSs are associated with X-ray solar flares of importance <lN . Further, it is quite evident from Fig. S(b) that maximum number of GMSs are associated with X-ray solar flares of importance SF and SN. Again, no significant correlation between magnitude (intensity) of r- - 193 R D V V, JABALPUR r- (/) 0 LL 0 a: - - 40 - - 80 w co 2 :::J z 0 _L Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov u>z w ::) MONTHS (1978-99) aw 0::: LL Fig. 3- Histog ram s sho win g th e mo nthly average o f the numbe r of di sturbed days with Ap 2: 20 fo r th e entire period fro m 1978-99 R 0 \1 V, JABALPUR 24 w u z w 0::: 0::: ::) u u 0 20 "'>- <3 16 0 w a: 0 ::> ti 5 12 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 YEARS Fi g. 4- Plo ts show ing th e yea r-to-year di sturbed day s with Ap ;::: 20 for the e ntire pe ri od 1978-99 FLARE IMPORTANCE Fig. 5 - Hi stogra ms sho win g the occurre nce freque ncy of the impo rtance o f (a) Ha sola r fl a res and (b) X-ray so lar fl ares fo r the period 1978-93 194 INDIAN J RADIO & SPACE PHYS. AUGUST 2002 geo magnetic storm and importance of X-ray solar flares has been observed. Sometimes, the X-ray solar flares of lower importance are also able to produce GMSs. This may be due to X-ray burst (11, IV radio burst), larger size and more active National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration (NOAA) region, more duration and lower helio-latitt.ide I longitude of X-ray solar flares. Actually, solar flares of higher importance are able to produce fast IP shocks in interplanetary medium which cause the large geomagnetic storms. The magnitude of GMSs is associated with two kinds of IP shocks known as fast and slow IP shocks. These fast and slow IP shocks are associated with different properties of solar flares, e.g. occurrence duration, area, NOAA region and location (helio-longitude/latitude) of solar flares. In that case, sometimes solar flares of lower importance which are associated with fast shocks, may produce more intense geomagnetic storms. But, no significant correlation between magnitude of GMSs and importance of solar flares is observed. A frequency occurrence hi stogram of GMSs with helio-latitude I longitude of Ha solar flares has been plotted in Fig. 6 [(a) and (b)]. From Fig. 6(a), it is evident that 52.8% geo magnetic storms is produced by southern Ha solar flares and most effective latitudinal zone for producing geomagnetic storms is (0-40) 0 S. At the helio-latitude in the range (0-30tN and (0-30) 0 S, there is a concentration of 94.3% of the total Ha solar flares associated with GMSs and no storm is produced by Ha solar flare beyond 40°N and 40°S. Further, it is quite apparent from Fig. 6(b) that 51.8% geomagnetic storms is produced by western Ha solar flares and 48 . 1% is produced by eastern Ha solar flares. Again, 72.6% geomagnetic storms is produced by Ha solar flares of helio-longi tude between 0 ° and 60°E and between ooand 60°\V. Thus, it may be deduced that Ha solar flares occurred within lower heliographic latitude produce maximum number of GMSs. Therefore, the Ha solar flares occurred within lower heliographic latitude are able to produce a configuration of closed magnetic field regions, which may be associated with IP shocks in the interplanetary medium leading to cause GMSs on the earth. On the higher heliographic latitudes, Ha solar flares have not occurred in association with GMSs. The association of GMSs with different heliographic zones of X-ray solar flares is also investigated. Frequency occurrence histogram of R D V V, JABAL PUR -T I I I I I ' I (a) FLARE'S HELIOLAT:TUO E I I - 30 ~ Nor th South 20 >- - 10 1- u z w LL n n :J 530:: 0 : w u z w : (b) FLARE'S HELI OLONGITUOE 0:: g5 16 u East u 0 West ~ - 4 1- - 12 8 0 .nl .~1 lo II lr ~ ,rl.n ~n.n~ II Fig. 6- Histograms showing the occurrence frequency of the Ha solar flares with (a) Helio-latitude and (b) Heli o- longit ude during the period 1978-93 GMSs with helio-latitude/ longitude of X-ray so lar flares during the period 1978-93 h ve been plotted in Fig. 7 [(a) and (b)]. From Fig. 7(a), it is observed that 64.3% and 35.7% GMSs are produced by northern and southern X-ray solar flares, respectively, in the heliographic latitude range (0-40) 0 N and (0-40t S. At helio-latitUJde in the ranges (0-40) 0 N and (0-40t S, there is a concentration of 100% of total X-ray solar flares with GMSs and no storm is produced by X-ray solar flare beyond 40°N or 40°S. Further, it is quite apparent from Fig. 7(b) that 51.4% and 48.5 % GMSs are produced by western and eastern X-ray so lar flares, respectively. It is further observed that 82.8% GMSs are produced by X-ray solar flares in heliolongitude between oo and 60°E and between 0° and 60°\V. Thus, it may be inferred that X-ray solar flares which occurred within lower heliographic latitude may produce larger number of geomagnetic storm s. Frequency occurrence histograms of GMSs with heliographic latitude/longitude of active prominences SANTOSH KUMAR & Y ADA V : SOLAR CAUSES OF GEOMAGNETIC STORMS 195 R D V V, JABALPUR R D V V. JABALPUR (a) A PDF'S HELIOLATITUDE (a) FLARE'S HELIOLATITUDE 15 North South South North 10 i:iz w ::J ~ 4 0:: l1. w u z (b) FLARE"S HELIOLONGITUDE w 0:: 0:: ::J East West u g 12 (b) A P 0 F 'S HELIOLONGITUDE East 10 West Fig. 7 - Hi strograms showing the occ urrence frequency of X-ray solar flares with (a) He lio-latitude and (b) Helio-longitude during the period 1978-93 Fig. 8 - Histrograms showing occurrence frequen cy of the APDFs with (a) Helio-latitude and (b) Helio-longitude during the period 1978-93 and disappearing filaments (APDFs) during the period 1978-93 have been plotted in Fig 8[(a) and (b)]. It is observed from Fig. 8(a) that 54.7% geomagnetic storms are produced by northern APDFs and the most effective helio-latitudinal zones for producing GMSs lie between 0° and 40°N. At helio-latitude (0-40) 0 N and S, there is a concentration of 92.8% of total APDFs that are associated with GMSs and no storm is produced by APDFs beyond 50°N and 60°S. Further, it is quite evident from Fig. 8(b) that almost equal number of GMSs are produced by each eastern and western APDFs solar features. It is observed from Fig. 8(b) that 55.9% GMSs is produced by APDFs in heliographic longitude range 0-60°E and 0-60°W. Thus, it may be inferred that the APDFs, occurred within lower heliographic latitudinal zones, produce maximum number of geomagnetic storms. solar flares, APDFs and CMEs, respectively. It is observed that maximum number of GMSs seem to be associated with solar flares (Ha and X-ray solar flares), because solar flares occur more frequently than prominence eruptions. This agrees with the Garcia and Dryer 10 results and is inconsistent with the results of Hewish and Bravo 19 and Webb25. The prominence eruptions have occurred on an average of about 0.55/day, during 1976-1979, while solar flares have occurred at the rate of 1.19/day during the period 19781979(Ref. 13). Associations of GMSs with different combination of solar features, i.e., Ha, X-ray solar flares, APDFs and CMEs have been shown in Fig. 9. It is also observed from Fig. 9 that six GMS are not associated with any solar features, revealing that some solar phenomena occurred on the back portion of solar disc which could not be seen during the observation, have caused the geomagnetic storms. Finally, the association of significant GMSs (216) with Ap ~ 20 which are investigated during the period 1978-93 with various solar activities is discussed. Association of these GMSs during the said period has been plotted using Venn diagram in Fig. 9. It is quite clear from Fig. 9 that I 06, 70, 84, 30 geomagnetic storms are associ ated with each Ha solar flares , X-ray 4 Conclusions From the present statistical analysis of the GMSs for the period 1979-99, the following conclusions may be drawn: INDIAN 1 RADIO & SPACE PHYS. AUGUST 2002 196 R D V V, JABALPUR The authors are also thankful ro the anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions. Referenc~es I Arnoldy R L, J Geophys Res (USA!. 76 ( 1971) 5 189. 2 Hundh a use n A J, In Coronal Holes and High Sp eed Stream, edi ted by 1 8 Zirker (Bou lde r, Co lorado : Colo. Assoc. Univ. Press, USA), 1977, p. 225. 1 : H,SOLAR FLARES (106) 2 : X-RAY SOLAR FLARES'(70) 3 : APDF s (84) 4 : CMEs (30) 5 : UNKNOWN (06) 6 : H,. X-RAY (66) 7 : APDF s. CMEs (24) 8 H0 , CMEs (29) 9 : H,,X-RAY, APDFs (57) 10 H0 ,X-RAY, CMEs (27) 11 · H0 ,X-RA Y, APDFs . CMEs (2 3) Fi g. 9- Venn diagram showing the solar origin of 216 geomag netic sto rms with Ap ~ 20 during the period Nov 1978Dec 1993 (i) There is no significant correlation between yearly distribution of GMSs and the number of disturbed days with su nspot numbers during different solar cycles. (ii) The number of disturbed days vary with seasons. Further, year-to-year distribution of disturbed days shows a cyclic variation having two peaks during each solar· cycles. (iii) The maximum number of geomagnetic storms are associated with solar flares of lower importance, i.e., SF during the period 1978-93. Thus, the solar flares with lower importance in association with some other specific properties, i.e. position, duration, region, etc., may also cause GMSs. (iv) Solar features, e.g., Ha, X-ray solar fl ares and APDFs mostly occur within lower heliographic latitudinal zones and produce maximum number of geomagnetic storms . Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to various experimental groups for providing the data. 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