tho Co||ncl llous Sou0r Stcct Afnrr*r Ylhrradrrfie g59 tED NorthWarwickshire BoroughCouncil Householder Application for Planning Permission for works TownandCountryPlanning Act 1 You can completeand submlt thi3 form electronicallyvia the PlannlngPortal by Publicatlonof applicationson planningauthoritywebsites Pleasenote that t{re lnformation provlded on thls applletion form and in supportlng Authorlvs webslte. lf you require arryfurtfier claifflcatlort please contact the Authorlvs Please completeusingblockcapitalsandblackinkIt is lmportantthat you readthe accompanying guidancenotesasincorrectcompletionwilldelaythe processing of lour application. l. Appli(antNameand Address 2, Agent Nameand Address Title: Title: Lastname: Company (optional): Unit f--_l I Company (optional)r House I number:| Ha.rse[--_l | suffix | | House name: Unit [--l | House | number:| Housef--_l | suffix | n Address1: Address2 Address3: A Town: T County; C Country Postcode P 3. Descriptionof ProposedWorks Please describethe f,*-?"s-ct Stg€ + n-ary\- '-rwrE., =l-,{al a'tt}rsir*1s | 3, Descriptionof ProposedWorks(continued) Hasthe workalreadystarted? l_l Yes _,/ lg|,l{o ./ lfYes,pleasestatewhenthe workwasstarted(DD/MM/YYY$: Hasthe work alreadybeencompleted? lYes ! (datemustbe pre-application submission ruo lf Yes,pleasestatewhenthe workwascompleted(DD/MMAYYY): 4. Site AddressDetails rand Rightsof Wat Pedestrianand VehlcleAccess,Roads Pleaseprovldethe full postaladdressofthe applicationsite. Unit: f--_l | ttouse | number:I (datemustbe preapplicationsubmission) House f---_l I suffi* | | rlouSe name: Address1: Address2: ls a newor alteredvehicleaccess proposedto or from the publichighway? lYes 6. ls a newor alteredpedestrianaccess proposedto or from the publichighway? ! Yes El.At Dothe proposals requireanydiversions, extinguishments and/orcreationof public rightsofway? flves & lf Yesto anyquestions,pleaseshowdetailson your plansor drawingsand statethe referencenumbe(s)ofthe plan(s)/ drawing(s): Address3: Town: County: Postcode (optional): 6. Pre-applicationAdvice 7. Treesand Hedges Hasassistance or prioradvicebeensoughtfromthe local ./ authorityaboutthisapplication? pr'r" Ves ! Arethereanytreesor hedgeson y(rurown propertyor on adjoiningpropertieswhich arewithin fallingdistanceofyour proposed _ development? L-l Yes please po6ition lfYes, marktheir on a scaled planandstatethe referencenumberofany plansor drawings: lf Yes,pleasecompletethe followinginformationaboutthe advice you weregiven.(Thiswill helpthe authorityto dealwith this applicatlonmoreefficiently). Pleasetick if the full contactdetailsarenot known,andthen completeasmuchpossible: Reference: Wll anytreesor hedgesneed to be removedor prunedin orderto carryout your proposal? Date(DDMM YYYY): (mustb€ pre-application submission) I ves lfYes,pleaseshowon your planswhichtreesby givingthem numberse.9.Tl, T2etc,statethe referencenumberof the plan(s)/ and indicate the scale. 8. Parking 9. Authority Employee/ Member Willthe proposedworksaffect existingcarparkingarrangements? With respectto the Authority,I am: (a) a memberof staff (b) an electedmember (c) relatedto a memberof staff (d) relatedto an electedmember I ves Do anyofthese statements applyto yyz lves [fn" providedetailsofthe name,relationship lfYes,please androle 1O.Materials pleasestatewhatmaterialsareto be usedexternally.Includetype,colourandnamefor eachmaterial: tf ap'plicable, E(isting (whereapplicable) -g -o 63 Proposed 2=o krUc-f<-=ozrrt*Walls Roof 'lw n L_A. ffip.,Jn*_ . Tv (L,--€ T1\4 y'rrrr-za4 A< tgn,\rq kj+-ttna n lj0vc-. Windows u Doors n Boundary treatments (e.9.fences, walls) n n Vehicleaccessand hard-5tanding n n Lighting n n Others (pleasespeciff) n n Areyou supplyingadditionalinformationon submittedplan(s)/drdwing(s)/design and accessstaternent? lfYes,pleasestatereferences for the andaccess State]nent: ! ves 11. OwnershipCertificates OnecertifiGrt€A. B,C,or D, must be completed,togetherwlth the AgrtculturalHoldlngsCerttfi<ltenraththls appllcatlonforn - CERTIFICATE CEFNFICATE OFOWNERSHIP A Town and Country Planning lGeneral Developnent Pro<edurc)Order | 995 Certlficate under Ardde 7 I ceniry/TheaPplicantcenifiesthat on the day2l daysbeforethe dateof thisapplicationnobodyexceptmyself/the applicantwasthe o\Nnet(owlEriso person.with a freehold intercstot leaseholdintercstwith at leost7yearslefttorun)of anypan of the landor buildingto whichthe applicationrelates. Signed- Applicant: Or signed- Agent: Date CERTIFICTTE OFOWNERSHIPCERTIFICATE B bn the da' 7 Wal DateNotlceServed Or signed- Agent: Date(DD/MM/YYYY); CERNFICATE OFOWNERSHIP. CERNFrcATEC Town and Country Plannlng (General Deyelopment Procedurc) Order 1995 Certitlcate undel Anide 7 I certl&/Theapplicantcenifiesthat: with o freehold the applicanthas takenwere: On thefollowingdate (whichmustnot be earlier than 2l daysHore the date of the application): Signed; Or signed- Agent; Date (DD/MM/YYYy): so.t€: 2010{3-r 9 ,5 lRatiff: 2:t53t (continued) 11. OwnershipCertificates . CERNFICATE CERTIFICATE OFOWNERSHIP D Town and CountryPlannlng(GeneralDevelopmentProcedurelOrder 1995Celtiflcateunder Artlde I certiry/Theapplicantcenifiesthat -.-- tal(enwere: Noticeofthe applicationhasbeenpublishedin (circulatinq in the areawherethe landis situnG newsPapel On the followingdate(whichmustnot be earlier than 2l daysbeforethe dateofthe application): Or signed- Agent: 12. AgriculturalLandDeclaration AGRICULTUMLI.ANDDECLARATION Town tnd CountryPlanning(GenerallrevelopmentPrccedurelorder1995Ce ificate under A]tlcle 7 - YouMustCompleteEitherA or B AgriculturalLandDeclaration (A)Noneofthe landto whichthe applicationrelatesis,or is part of,an agriculturalholding. Signed- Applicant Or signed- Agent: (B)I have/Theapplicanthasgiventhe requisitenoticeto ev o,on the day 21 beforethe dateot thisapplication,wasa tenantof an agriculturalholdingon all or part of the landto whichthis application applicatiol aslistedbelow: NoticeServed Or signed- Agent: - Checklist 13. PlanningApplicationRequirements DAIE(DD/MM/YYYY)I -&; Please readthefollowingchecklist to makesureyouhavesentalltheinformation in supponofyourproposal.Failuretosubmitall informationrequiredwill resultin your applicationbeino informatio4reouir vour aDDlication ltwill will not be consideredvalid untilall until all information required the LocafPlanningAuthorityhasbeensubmitted.. // Theoriginalandi copiesoia The correct fee: ,lhe originaland3 copiesofa andaccessstatementif completedanddatedapplicationform: Etrl design proposedwork fallwithina Theoriginaland 3 copiesofa planwhich w d d [l*ffi*:;li:ll'*"$Hi$::'r'" ,fl,i.ii1ili&!:t3,'o,,",.,",o" iiif,iflt.f*18#:-",*'* icab,e Listed Buildins: E U/ and anJito*ingtir"air*ii;;iN;rih, showingthe directionof North: Theoriginaland 3 copiesofotherplans and drawingsor informationnecessary to describethe subjenofthe application: 3 copiesofthe Theoriginaland 7 Certificate dated.Article W 14. Declaration l/wd herebyapplyfor planningpermission/consent plans/drawings asdescribedin thisform andthe accompanying andadditional information. Signed - Applicant: Or signed- Agent: (datecannotb, pre-applicatior 15. Applicant ContactDetails 16. Agent ContactOetails Teleohonenumbers Telephonenumbers Country code: Extension Countrycode: Nationalnumber: number: Extension numben Countrycode: Country code: 17. SiteVisit Canthe rite be seenfrom a publicroad,publicfootpath,bridlewayor otherpublicland? lf the planningauthorityneedsto makean appointmentto carry out a sitevisil whom shouldtheycontact?(Please selectonly one) ! ngent pleaseprovide: lf Otherhasbeenselected, Contactname: Teleohonenumben Emalladdress: L--l No rr Other(ffdifferentfromthe u agenvapplicants details)
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