PROGRAMMA 6 / 11 / 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________ “ O bellezza vitale, o bellezza mortale ! “ - Madrigals around the 80-ies in Ferrara Title : Composer : Poet : _____________________________________________________________________________ Vezzosi augelli Madonna, mio core : Ohimè, dov’è il mio ben Ditemi o donna mia Che fa oggi il mio sole Madonna mia gentil LUTE Questi novelli fior : Quest’ odorati fiori Questa di verd’erbette Cantava la più vaga pastorella J. De Wert 1586 T. Tasso L. Marenzio A. Striggio L. Marenzio L. Marenzio 1580 1560 1580 1580 B. Tasso G. Nuvoloni J. De Wert L. Marenzio L. Marenzio 1586 1580 1580 Madrigali per le Dame di Ferrara : O Primavera (Sopr.solo + Lute) L. Luzzaschi Da l’odorate spoglie L. Luzzaschi 1582 Tra le dolcezze L. Luzzaschi LUTE O. Cavaletta Psalms for the “Officium for the dead” : Domine, quando veneris L. Marenzio Vide humilitatem meam A. Ferrabosco LUTE Ardo, e morendo rinasco ! : Morir non puo’l mio core G.M. Nanino 1579 Amorosa fenice A. Milleville Io non so però morto J. De Wert 1586 Partirò dunque, ohimè mi manca il core L. Marenzio 1580 B. Pannini Casone _____________________________________________________________________________ TEXTS : Vezzosi augelli: Graceful birds among the green branches Shape in contest their lascivious notes. The breeze murmurs, and variously striking The leaves and waves, makes them to stir. When the birds are silent, loud it answers; When they sing, more lightly it moves. Wether by chance or art it now accompanies, And now breeze and music alternate their verses. Torquato Tasso, from ‘Gerusalemme liberata’ Ohimé dove e’l mio ben Bernardo Tasso Alas, where is my loved one, where is my true heart? Who is hiding my heart from me, Who has snatched her from me? Has, then, my thirst for honour brought me such pain? Has, then, an excess of ambition and vanity been stronger than love? Ay, senseless and blind world, ay, wicked fortune Which have turned me into the agent of my own downfall! Ditemi o donna mia Tell me, o lady, just tell me, Where do you keep the fire With which you burn me all the time, so that I melt? If you are of snow outside, ice within, And if I blaze up so, inside and outside, So that I’m all flame and heat, Tell me what kind of strange cruel fate is so powerful That I dissolve into tears? Che fa oggi il mio sole What is my sun doing today, What are my songs and sounds for, If not for singing to her of her glory and fame? Now, here are violets And these flowers which I present to her, To crown the ringlets of her hair. Madonna mia gentil Sweet lady, I give thanks to Cupid Who has taken my heart away And has given it to you, To you who have not only beauty, Giulio Nuvoloni But who is so blessed with virtues, that it seems to me That, being on earth, I ‘m enjoying Paradise. Quest’ odorati fiori These fragrant flowers Yellow, violet, red, blue and white, Which in the heat of summer Cool and sweet nests Were for sad and weary Cupids, Yearn, most regal Lady, to find refuge Beneath the fair veil that hides your breast. Questa di verd’erbette Plaited with green grasses And with tender, freshly-gathered flowers, This lovely and graceful garland is sent to you, Young shepherd, by your loved one, The beautiful Flora who, With her young goats Is tarrying on the Tiber’s banks, and says that she is Waiting for you there and wants to make you happy. Cantava la più vaga pastorella The loveliest shepherdess who had never Trodden flowers underfoot was singing, And she revealed on her face the lively colours of A nymph even more beautiful than she. Oh, while a soul was given them both Why did it not have two hearts Each tied and fastened to the other, Allowing one to sing and the other to gaze? O Primavera ... Da l’odorate spoglie From your perfumed gloves Remove now your hand, Which robs me of my will and my resistance. And take out that fortunate harp, To which it is not denied To lie against your beautiful breast, Secure haven of Love, And with your accustomed grace Sing for us “Cara la mia vita”. Orsina Cavaletta Tra le dolcezze Between the delights and the rages And the joy and the suffering The maiden Clori burns in ice, Freezes in flames, Feels pain and pleasure, Possessed with Love for her dear Aminta. She languishes, she sighs sweetly, she lives and dies, And, while the suffering from her wound Weighs down her breast and pours forth her living blood, Alas, she knows not which be greater, The joy or the harsh and evil pain. Domine, quando veneris O Lord, when thou comest to judge the world, where shall I hide myself from the face of thy wrath? For I have sinned exceedingly in my life. Vide humilitatem meam Look upon my adversity and misery : and forgive me all my sin. Turn thee unto me, for I am in misery and have mercy upon me. Morir non puo’l mio core My heart cannot die, And I would like to kill it, as would please you. But it cannot be extracted from your breast, Where it has long lain, And killing it, as I desire, I know that you would die if I, too, were to die. Bendetto Panini Amorosa fenice Loving Fenice, who only adores the sun burning lives, and dies, And dying rebirths, and flies and sings, ... G. Casone Io non so però morto I am, however, not dead, My lady, as you may think, Because you no longer love me; To the contrary, I come back to life: For my soul, which was interred in you, Now, being released from you, Finds itself emerging From a mortal prison, And changes death and evil into life and good. Partiro dunque, ohime mi manca il core I will leave then, alas, my heart is failing, Bring me your help, Amore! How can I live Far from that lovely gaze For which I burn With desperate pain, Now, that with even more intensity, I feel greater sweetness When greater is that living passion. Come to my aid, Amore !
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