March 2002 - St. Paul High School Alumnae

March 2002
Candlelighting has always been a special activity treasured in the memory of graduates spanning the nine
decades of St. Paul High School. So the tradition of
holding an Alumnae Candlelighting has been welcomed
in the years since the schoolʼs closure. However, the
retrofitting work in the church during most of 2000
was barely finished for the Christmas Eve Mass that
year, and there was no possibility of any services in the
church before that date.
Consequently, it was with great joy that the Alumnae
Candlelighting resumed on the evening of Thursday,
December 20, 2001. The simple, yet elegant service
The volunteer choir did a great job!
blends Advent and Christmas readings from the Old and
New Testaments with traditional Christmas carols. The music is augmented by some of the most loved pieces
of music in the BVM and St. Paul High School repertoire: the “Hodie” descant to “Silent Night,” written by Sister
Mary Matthew (Helen) Schneider, BVM, and “Jesus, Light of All the World,” composed for three-part womenʼs
voices by Sister Mary Meneve McMullen, BVM.
Learning these pieces in anticipation of Candlelighting was always a big part of the class and
school practices during December. In the 1980s
and 1990s, Sister Maureen OʼBrien, BVM principal, made the decision to have an entire class
learn one of the three voices to “Jesus, Light
of All the World,” regardless of individual voice
ranges. They would then continue to sing that
part through their four years in school. Freshmen learned whatever part the seniors knew
so that there would be continuity. The senior
class got the privilege of singing the “Hodie,”
which was always the greatest challenge if the
class sang the low alto part for “Jesus, Light of
All the World,” and then had to stretch up to
the heights for the “Hodie.”
A do-it-yourself choir of about a dozen gradu-
Members of the Class of 1961 were present in great numbers.
ates representing a wide range of classes came one hour
early to practice these two pieces, along with another
traditional BVM Christmas Candlelighting song. As always,
Pat McQuillan Givens ʼ53, provided piano accompaniment
for the entire service.
The candlelight procession through the darkened church,
while the haunting a cappella strains of “O Come, O Come,
Emmanuel” fill the silence, still sent shivers down many
a spine and placed us in the time of waiting for our God.
This year especially, we were glad to greet one another
and pray for Godʼs coming more and more into our troubled
Sr. Maureen greeted women who were graduates inthe first
year of her principalship (1973-74).
Presidentʼs Podium
Kay Kelly ʼ55
Jo Stark ʼ54 Vice President
By this time you have received your invitation to our
Annual Fundraiser Reception. Chairperson Marilyn Highlander Pool ʼ63 has plans for an afternoon filled with fun,
food, music, surprises and camaraderie. Please mark your
calendar (or Palm Pilot) with the date of April 28 and
join us. Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find the list
of great prizes and raffle tickets. Join us in person, or if
you canʼt, join in spirit by participating in the raffle.
“Hands, Holding Hands, Reaching Out, Touching You,
Touching Me” — remember that tune? Letʼs use that
as a theme song to start networking within our Alumnae Association.
We welcome alumnae participation at our Board meetings. New ideas are always welcome. If you would like
to attend a meeting, please let me know or just come
to the St. Paulʼs Rectory at 7:30 p.m. on the following
dates: April 11th or May 9th. Your support is very important in order to keep our association going strong
and progressing with the times.
Please contact us at our e-mail address :
[email protected], or write to us at 221 Valley
Street, San Francisco, CA 94131.
President Kay
Kelly presented
a check for
$1,000 from
the Association
to Father Mario
Farana, St.
Paulʼs pastor,
for the on-going campaign
to reduce the
retrofit debt.
Recently, at the St. Paulʼs Grammar School 85th Anniversary reception, I met two alumnae that had, for
many years, faithfully attended all our functions. Now,
since they no longer drive, they cannot always enjoy
our events.
We would love to have more of our alums join us at
all our occasions. Wouldnʼt it be wonderful if we could
start a network of sharing transportation? This does
not have to be a difficult task. If you are willing to
drive, we can put you in touch with someone in your
zip code that needs a ride. They might just be around
the corner or at least close by. Maybe they were not
in school when you attended, but thatʼs the point of
reaching out — to get acquainted with new people
Speaking of reaching out: if you have good news
— share it. Your classmates and other alumnae would
love to hear from you. Your daughter is in the House of
Representatives, your son sailed to Tahiti in a rowboat
- how can we celebrate with you if we donʼt know fun
facts like these? Maybe you donʼt have such exotic
things happening, but if itʼs good news to you - tell
Weʼve supplied news via this newsletter for years, help
us by being a roving reporter. Get in touch with us
via email or snail mail and we can tell you the alumnae
living in your state or zip code area. Then itʼs up to
you to get in touch with them.
Sixteen members of the Class of 1952 returned to St.
Paulʼs Church as honorees at the annual Mass and Luncheon on November 19, 2001. With the retrofitting work
in the church completed,
the alumns overwhelmingly
decided to return to the
parish for this event.
How could it be their time to
be “Golden Belles” already,
when it seemed like just
yesterday that they were
graduating? Alumnae Moderator Sr. Maureen presented
each of these women with a
golden diploma, marking this
anniversary milestone.
FROM THE MAIL (or e-mail) BAG
I always credit St. Paulʼs with the wonderful training we
received there. I always say that the nuns who taught
me were ahead of their time with the way they taught
us to love ourselves and to love God. They told us that
we needed to love ourselves first before we could love
others. Therapists teach this concept for a fee and we
learned it as young people, the way everyone should
have a chance to learn it. I have been a manager for
many years and I always teach my staffs what I was
taught at St. Paulʼs. I also went on to several colleges,
San Francisco State, Napa Valley College and George
Fox University, where I obtained my degree in Management and Organizational Leadership. None of these
schools came close to teaching me what I learned at St.
Paulʼ to write, how to treat folks, how to spell!
And the Latin I was “forced” to take as a college prep
student has served me well with my vocabulary skills.
I was only 17 when I graduated and started working at
Bank of America part time while I went to college. I
advanced quickly because of the work ethics that my
family and my high school experience gave me.
Plus, we had FUN at St. Paulʼs, even though we were
an all girl school. I can remember Sister Josefina throwing Pat Garveyʼs Latin book out the window onto 29th
Street. She astounded us when she did that! Well,
maybe she had a good reason...Sister Mary St. Frederick
(Freddy, as we called her) was our favorite teacher.
She made Geography fun.
They can sell the school but they canʼt take away the
precious memories we have. I loved our traditions - May
Crowning and the Christmas Candlelighting. The Hodie
is my favorite Christmas song. Please take care and
know that I am sure that there are many of us out here
in the world who will always credit St. Paulʼs with giving
us a rock solid foundation - one that no earthquake can
touch! You can be proud that you were a part of it.
Yvonne Caravantes Pond ʼ66
It was so nice to receive the alumnae newsletter. Living so far away from the Bay Area, I havenʼt been
able to participate in reunions, etc. However, I always
remember my years at St. Paulʼs High School as being
a happy time in my life and Candlelighting was one of
my most favorite parts of the year. I remember all of
us processing into church and singing - with our candles
lit and the church darkened. It was always so beautiful.
I wish I could be there this year.
After leaving the Bay Area in 1968, I moved to Portland
OR, Coeur dʼ Alene ID, and Moscow ID before settling
in Lewiston ID sixteen years ago. It is an inland seaport
and seagoing vessels come up the Columbia and Snake
rivers hundreds of miles to Lewiston. Idaho has been
a wonderful place to live and to raise children. The
mountains and rivers are nearby and outdoor activities
abound - camping, rafting, hiking, skiing, and fishing.
Lewiston is located 80 miles south of Spokane, WA.
My family of four are now grown and married and settled
up and down the Pacific coast - Seattle WA, Eugene OR,
and Santa Clara CA and in Moscow, ID. I have seven
grandchildren to spoil so family keeps me pretty busy.
I work at Lewis-Clark State College as an administrative
assistant in the technical programs area. It is interesting
work and I greatly enjoy the students.
I would love to hear from anyone who graduated in
1959. My e-mail address is [email protected].
Ann-Marie Kenney Smith ʼ59
My name is Sue Anne Tabaniag Virey. I have never
received any SPHS mailings. I moved to New York City
shortly after getting married in 1984.
I look forward to receiving alumnae news letters from
St. Paulʼs. Itʼs funny how people you meet often ask
what high school you went to. I have associated the
school with the movie “Sister Act,” especially since
most people who ask me are from the tri-state (NY, NJ,
CT) area. It would be nice to hear news from home in
addition to news from my undergraduate and graduate
Please send my warmest regards to Sr. Maureen. Her
name has always popped up in stories shared with old
classmates that I have had the opportunity to see during our annual Grandma visits to the Bay Area. She was
just as much a part of our lives at St. Paulʼs as any of
our classmates.
Love, Sue Anne Tabaniag Virey ʼ81
Great article in the newsletter about the $8,300! Fits
in so well with last weekendʼs Gospel of the Persistent
Widow and the power of “nagging.” If you divide the
number of hours spent in chasing this down into the
total received - how much an hour did you get?
Thanks for the example we all need to follow of patience
and stick-to-it-iveness.
God bless, Eleanor OʼNeill Fesunoff ʼ57
Congratulations to my esteemed colleague, Sister Immaculee, on her Diamond Jubilee.
I live in Bath, England and teach Physics and ICT (Information Communications Technology) at Speedwell
Technology College in Bristol, England. Sister Maureen
will be pleased that I learned from her and have so far
been a successful, effective Homeroom Moderator for
my 8th graders (Form Tutor, Year 9).
Tim Farrell, Faculty, 1987-1990
Mary Ann OʼKeefe ʼ48, Past President (1966-1968),
and long-time faithful member of the SPHS Alumnae
Association, died at her home in Sonoma, November
16, 2001.
Her list of memberships reveal a life of service and
outreach to others. She was a charter member of the
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (LAOH) - St. Rose
Chapter, belonged to the United Irish Cultural Center,
participated with the St. Vincent de Paul Society and
Meals on Wheels, and was a lector and Eucharistic minister at St. Leoʼs Church, Sonoma.
Over a year ago, the Alumnae Board unanimously approved a motion to disperse the 2001 fundraiser scholarship monies to the daughters and sons of alumnae
who attend Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese
of San Francisco. The Board has approved the same
for the coming year. Grandchildren are also eligible for
Following the schoolʼs closure, the Board had determined
that financial assistance toward providing a Catholic high
school education was a significant way to continue the
mission and ministry of St. Paulʼs High School.
While she lived in San Francisco and worked for Wells
Fargo Bank, she served terms as president of the Women
of St. Paulʼs and the SF Parlor of the Native Daughters
of the Golden West. Since the inception of the annual fundraiser of the Alumnae Association to support
scholarships, BVM retirement, the Newsletter, and other
outreach efforts, Mary Ann has been a consistently generous donor, often offering multiple night stays at her
time-share condos as Grand Raffle prizes. As recently
as the week prior to Maryʼs death, Terry OʼBrien Riordan ʼ53 and her daughter enjoyed a wonderful vacation
thanks to Maryʼs 2001 gift.
This assistance is in addition to the annual grant to a
female graduate of St. Paul Elementary made in memory
of Sister Mary Carlita, B.V.M.
While this partial list of activities tells something about
Mary and her involvement in worthwhile causes, it cannot
reveal her care for others and her great faithfulness to
those she loved. She has been a great blessing to her
family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Her friendship
was treasured by many and we thank God for her and
the blessing she has been to our Alumnae.
Requests for applications should be mailed by April 15,
2002, identifying the Catholic high school the student
will attend. It is presumed that all families need assistance with the current tuitions. A packet will be
sent to each family that has requested consideration.
The family must return the materials by May 15, 2002.
The Scholarship committee expects to respond to each
family by the first of June.
One of our alums suggested that it would be a nice
idea to write to BVM Sisters (former students or SPHS
faculty) who are now in Dubuque (at the Motherhouse,
Marian Hall, or Caritas Center), or in retirement in Chicago (Wright Hall), or who serve in BVM leadership or
at Clarke College, Dubuque.
Mt. Carmel Motherhouse
1150 Carmel Drive
Dubuque, IA 52003-7998
Ange Cadigan ’36
Raymunda Clark ’29
Eileen Healy ’52
Muriel McCarthy ’39
Ernestina Molinari ’48
Helen Murphy ’38
Rosemary (Michael David) Sage ’31
Eva Sheehan ’36
Eleanor Craggs
Ann Regina Dobel
Helen (Paulita) Kerrigan
Ann Marie McNamara
Caritas Center
1030 Carmel Drive
Dubuque, IA 52003-7911
St. Julian Flaherty
An Ad Hoc Scholarship Committee has been set up to
process the scholarship applications. Alumnae who wish
to apply for consideration of a family member should
request an information packet by writing to:
SPHS Alumnae
Attn: Scholarship Committee
221 Valley Street
San Francisco, CA 94131
Marian Hall
1050 Carmel Drive
Dubuque, IA 52003-7999
Therese Norine Solon
Mary Immaculee Walsh
BVM Center
1100 Carmel Drive
Dubuque, IA 52003-7991
Joellen McCarthy
Mary Ann Zollmann
Clarke College
1550 Clarke Drive
Dubuque, IA 52001
Mary Louise Caffery
Lynn Lester
Louise Kames
Wright Hall
6364 N. Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60660-1726
Sheila Cannon
Johnetta Monahan
6157 N Sheridan Rd #12J
Chicago, IL 60660-5815
Frances (Franciscus) Dolan
You may always request the
address of any other BVM
through the Alumnae email
<[email protected]> or
by writing to 221 Valley St,
San Francisco, CA 94131.
2rd :
3 :
6 :
Marilyn Ferrucci
$1,000 Cash
10th: Various Fragrance Gift Baskets
$500 Cash
- gifts of Jill Valadares
Certificate for case of Windsor Vineth
gift certificate from Skates
yards Connoisseur Collection of Wine,
in Berkeley
Personalized Label to be chosen by winThere
some surprise gifts for those in
Gift Basket from Bath & Beauty Works
- gift of VP Jo Stark
* Sister Karen: please note that the
Gift Basket - gift of Joan Strachan
Tupperware donation from Marilyn
Channel #19 Gift Basket valued at
Ferrucci ’54 is to be verified by Sister
$120.00 - gift of Jill Valladares
$75.00 gift certificate from Iberia
Restaurant in Menlo Park
$50.00 gift certificate from Joe’s of
Westlake, Daly City
Tupperware assortment - gift of
Ticket donation is $2 per ticket or $20 for twelve tickets.
Clip and Remit to: St. Paul HS Alumnae, 221 Valley St., San Francisco, CA 94131
Returns by mail: postmark no later than 4/2/02 to be sure of ticket arrival.
(You may want to use return address labels and write in the phone number.)
A free ticket is available upon request.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
City _________________
Phone ________________
City _________________
Phone ________________
City _________________
Name _______________
Phone ______________
Name ________________
City _________________
Phone ________________
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Name ________________
City _________________
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Name ________________
Name ________________
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Name _______________
City _________________
Phone _______________
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Drawing: 4/28/02 4:00 p.m.
Name _______________
The U.S. Postal Service has just announced that first
class mail will now cost $0.37 an ounce. While a 3 cent
raise may not seem much on a letter here or there, when
the Alumnae Association mails its 3,500 pieces four
times a year, that now amounts to a whopping $5,180!
And that doesnʼt begin to take into account the printing
costs which exceed this amount.
The Alumnae Association has always felt that every
graduate, dues-paying or not, should receive the
Newsletter. Communication is more important than
pennies...or dollars! However, each alumna who sends
in her annual dues of $10 helps to defray the printing
and postage costs. Many of you have indicated how
much you appreciate the contact. SO DO WE. Dues are
accepted at any time of the year. Just send a check to:
SPHS Alumnae Association, 221 Valley St, San Francisco,
CA 94131.
Apr. 14
May 11
June 22
July 21
5:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
9:15 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
In the October 2001 issue, p. 3, Bank of America was
mistakenly credited with giving St. Paul High School
the large grant following the Loma Prieta earthquake.
In fact, through the good work of Barbara Keeley ʼ53,
one of its long-time employees, Wells Fargo Bank, made
the generous $50,000.00 grant. We apologize for the
error. Ed.
New Arrivals: Eva Marie Grace, born to Miriam Graciela Mendoza-Moody ʼ78 and husband Rick, on 11/16/01; ...
Bradford, born to Debbie Branch Stimpson ʼ76, in 6/01
Congratulations: ...Erline Sana ʼ88 married Mark Brown at St. Paulʼs, on 10/20/01; ...Margie Osuna ʼ83 married
Paul Blodgett at St. Paulʼs, on 11/03/01; ...Katie OʼShea ʼ48, won the $10,000 first prize in St. Paulʼs annual
raffle, on 2/3/02
May They Rest in Peace:
Alumnae Members: Helen McGreevy Eilert ʼ30, sister of Nora McGreevy ʼ31and Mary McGreevy Thornton ʼ32 (dec
- see below), sister-in-law of Mary Jo Mulkeen McGreevy ʼ37, aunt of Christine McGreevy Vierra ʼ67, in 2001;
...Nancy Gallagher ʼ66, sister of Jacquelyn Gallagher Griffin ʼ65, on 10/7/01; ...Louise M. Podesto Ramezzano
ʼ32, on 10/12/01; ...Anita Adame Garcia ʼ40, on 10/16/01; ...Frances Skillicorn Newland ʼ32, since 5/01; ...Mary
OʼGrady Quinlan ʼ28, cousin of Frieda Clements King ʼ59, on 10/31/01; ...Helen Long Smith ʼ36, sister of Kathleen (Kay) Long Dolan ʼ38 (dec), in Fall ʼ01; ...Constance Lewis Crane ʼ34; ...Mary Ann OʼKeefe ʼ48, twin sister
of Beverly OʼKeefe Ferrero ʼ48, sister-in-law of Mary Loughran OʼKeefe ʼ47, on 11/16/01; .. Mary E. McGreevy
Thornton ʼ32, sister of Nora McGreevy ʼ31and Helen McGreevy Eilert ʼ30 (dec), sister-in-law to Mary Jo Mulkeen
McGreevy ʼ37, aunt of Christine McGreevy Vierra ʼ67, on 12/10/01; ...Irene McNern Dillon McGuireʼ22, mother
of Joan Dillon Thornton ʼ50, mother-in-law of Dorothy Ragusin Dillion ʼ55, in 2001; ...Sr. Katherine K. (Jean Helene) Ward, BVM (Faculty), on 1/1/02; ...Carol Hughes Stone ʼ60, on 1/1/02; ...Julie M. “Bobbie” OʼShea ʼ47, on
1/31/02; ...Josephine McTaggart Sweeney ʼ28, on 2/2/02; ...Dolores Flynn Emond ʼ44, sister of Virginia Flynn
Tyrrel ʼ50 (dec) and Frances Flynn Smith ʼ52 (dec), on 2/3/02; ... Madeline Cronin Holmboe ʼ32, on 2/7/02;
...June Mullins Byrne ʼ49, mother of Nancy Byrne-McCarthy ʼ74, Lorraine Byrne ʼ79, and Cheryl Byrne de Santi ʼ84,
sister of Bev Mulllins Deely ʼ46 and Shirley Mullins Macpherson ʼ57, on 2/12/02; ...Patricia Genevieve Corcoran
Quinn ʼ35, sister of Alvera Corcoran Sharpe ʼ29, on 2/17/02; ...Myrtle Hoffman Hoppe ʼ35, sister of Florence
Hoffman Thiemann, member ʼ36, on 2/21/02; ...Joan Johnson ʼ58, mother-in-law of Maryellen Colon Sullivan
ʼ84, on 3/3/02; ...Beatrice Donovan Kearney ʼ38, sister of Agnes Donovan Geramoni ʼ31, on 3/12/02; ...Grace
Erlenheim Shaddick ʼ27, sister of Dorothy Erlenheim Newman ʼ32 (dec) and Gladdie Erlenheim ʼ42 (dec); ...Marjie
DuVal Ridinger ʼ61
Extended Family Members: Dorothy Quistgard, daughter of Margaret Silva Alexander ʼ23 (dec), mother of Cathy
Quistgard Lewis ʼ71 and Carol Quistgard, member ʼ73, on 4/9/01; ...Louise Perotti, mother of Nancy Perotti
Holmes ʼ64, aunt of Martina Perotti Goldring ʼ71, Norma Perotti Dormann ʼ73, and Nina P. Woodcock ʼ78, on
5/30/01; ...Eugene Heze, husband of Genevieve Phillips Heze ʼ59, father of Veronica Heze Bambrick ʼ82, on
6/16/01; ...Lawrence Francis OʼConnor, father of Patricia OʼConnor Huegle ʼ61, Barbara OʼConnor La Bonte ʼ63,
Maureen OʼConnor ʼ67, and Nancy OʼConnor Countouriotis ʼ71, in 8/01; ...Eugene Emilio Espinosa, brother of
Corinne Espinosa Inong ʼ75 and Arlene Espinosa Cota ʼ77, on 10/12/01; ...Daniel Gallen, son of Kay Penebsky
ʼ36, brother of Judy Gallen ʼ59 (dec), nephew of Rita Penebsky Price ʼ26 (dec), Ruth Penebsky Hereford ʼ33
(dec), and Sr. Eileen Gallen, BVM ʼ35, on 11/9/01; ...Michael J. Ruane, son of Nabla OʼBrennan Ruane ʼ37 (dec),
brother of Alana Ruane Brugaletta ʼ71 (dec), nephew of Aine OʼBrennan ʼ38, on 11/15/01; ...Edward Burger,
brother of Verna Burger La Plant ʼ45, on 11/16/01; ...Rose Marie Pardini, mother of Lois Verant Townsend ʼ58
and sister of Louise Podesto Ramezzano ʼ32 (dec), on 11/17/01; ...Bob Johnson, husband of Mary Kelly Johnson ʼ52, on 11/24/01; ...Hortense Moreno, mother of Nora Moreno Buish ʼ56 (dec) and Mirian Moreno Dumas
ʼ59, aunt of Liz Acevedo Avila ʼ73 and Linda Acevedo Ratto ʼ80, on 11/28/01; ...Irene McGuire, mother of Joan
Dillon Thornton ʼ50, in Fall 2001; ...William Regan, brother of Sr. Aileen Regan, PBVM (volunteer), on 1/11/02;
...James E. Affolter, husband of Edna Connelly Affolter ʼ45 (dec), 1/13/02; ...Geraldine Rivera, mother of Dolores
Rivera ʼ81, in 1/02; ...Timothy Sullivan, husband of Margaret (Peggy) McCarthy Sullivan ʼ40 (dec), on 2/25/02;
...James Hannan, brother of Rita Hannan Mortara ʼ60, Carol Hannan Morgan ʼ61, Marian (Chick) Hannan ʼ73, and
brother-in-law of Liz Hinds Hannan ʼ64 and Theresa Deeley Hannan ʼ75, on 2/27/02; ...Kingsley Eaton, husband
of Kathleen Finn Eaton ʼ38, on 3/11/02
EDITORʼS NOTE: Please send information about birth of children, degrees earned, and death of fellow alums and immediate
family members so that we may pray for one another. It is also very helpful to indicate all relatives of the deceased (and year
of graduation, if possible) who are alumnae of St. Paul High School. This information and these connections are not always
known unless we are informed. Thank you.
Class of 1935 held its 66th class reunion on September
21, 2001 with a luncheon at the Sheridan Palace Hotel
in San Francisco. Present were Anne Laughlin Osterloh,
Mary Taylor Mohn, Patricia Corcoran Quinn, Alice Murphy
OʼConnell, and Genevieve Heim Wood. Two “regulars,”
Kay Taylor Stoesser and Helen Ford Scanlon, were
Class of 1942 Ten members attended a 59th anniversary
luncheon (Vivian Murphy Melody, Mary King Loftus, Doris Pierotti Muilwyk, Lois McNab Maher, Alice Buckley
Davis, Dorothy Turner Rodriguez, Mary Joyce Roberts,
Margaret Clifford Kotlanger, Nonie Cronin Chaplin, Mary
LaPat Trapani) on October 25, 2001 at the Irish Cultural
Center in San Francisco.
Class of 1957 will hold its 45th reunion on Friday, May
17, 2002, at the Terrace Cafe of El Rancho Inn, Millbrae; 6:30 p.m. no host cocktails, 8 p.m. dinner. Reservations were sent to members with current addresses.
Questions or regrets: email Laurie Stanovich Bross at
<[email protected]>
In addition, Nancy Boffy Trejo would appreciate hearing
from classmates. Sheʼs far away in Mexico. Her new
address is <[email protected]>
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131-2320
[email protected]
Address Correction Requested
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Class of 1962 has set its 40th reunion for an 11:30 a.m.
luncheon Saturday, September 28, 2002 at Dominicʼs
Restaurant, Oyster Point, South San Francisco. Please
respond ASAP to Jean Jirgens-Hackman at (650)8735916 or <[email protected]> or Linda Van Hagen Nuti
at (650)367-3365 of <[email protected]>
with confirmation or questions. Plans are also being
made for hotel reservations for those who wish to stay.
Come reminisce, laugh, cry — great therapy!
They are seeking information on the whereabouts of:
Kathy Allen, Pat Anderson, Gazella Balez, Charlotte Chun,
Frances Corritore, Judy Gurtler, Karen Hand, Sharon Harrison, Mable Murphy, Barbara Ordonez, Simone Ortiz,
Lois Restani.
Class of 1964 Aurora Howard Chancy invites classmates
to log on to her website at
Class of 1966 had its 35th reunion on September 29,
2001, at Cafe Riggio. Thirty-four were in attendance,
reported Diane Wallace Long. It had been 11 years
since their last gathering, and their vowed not to wait
so long to meet again. They have their eyes on their
40th already.