UCF Degree Programs - UCF Catalog

UCF Degree Programs
French (B.A.)
College of Arts and Humanities
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures,
Colbourn Hall, Room: 521
Dr. Charlotte Trinquet, [email protected]
Placement in Modern Language courses is based on one year of
high school language being equivalent to one semester of college
work. For example, four years of high school French may place the
student in the first semester of the third year. Native speakers, or
students who have received advanced education in French-speaking
societies, may not take lower division French courses. They must
also substitute other upper division level courses for FRE 3420, FRE
4422, FRE 3760, and FRE 4421.
Admission Requirements
 None
Degree Requirements
 Students who change degree programs and select this
major must adopt the most current catalog.
 36 credits in French must be taken at the 3000 level or
 At least six of the 36 French credits must be at the 4000
 At least 30 hours must be taken in Modern Language
courses taught in French.
 Earn at least a “C” (2.0) in each upper division French
 Departmental Residency Requirement consists of at
least 18 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000-4000
level courses taken from the UCF Department of Modern
Languages and Literatures.
 Language credit by exam will not be given in courses
lower in level than those in which students are presently
enrolled. Native speakers will be allowed Credit by
Examination in literature courses only.
 Co-op or internship credit cannot be used in this major.
 Students must see their advisor to obtain proper
counseling and have their schedule approved before
registering for courses in their major.
 Courses designated in 1 (Gen Ed Program) and 2
(Common Program Prerequisites) are usually completed in
the first 60 hours.
1. UCF General Education Program (GEP)
(36 hrs)
A: Communication Foundations
(9 hrs)
B: Cultural & Historical Foundations
(9 hrs)
C: Mathematical Foundations
(6 hrs)
6 hrs
Suggested MGF 1106 Finite Mathematics or
3 hrs
Suggested MGF 1107 Explorations in Mathematics
3 hrs
Statistics - Computers
3 hrs
Select a course from GEP C.2 list
3 hrs
D: Social Foundations
(6 hrs)
E: Science Foundations
(6 hrs)
2. Common Program Prerequisites (CPP)
 See “Common Prerequisites” in the Transfer and
Transitions Services section for more information.
1 FRE 1120C Elementary French Language and
4 hrs
Civilization I
1 FRE 1121C Elementary French Language and
4 hrs
Civilization II
1 FRE 2200
Intermediate French Language and
3 hrs
Civilization I
1 FRE 2201
Intermediate French Language and
3 hrs
Civilization II
*May be met by proficiency test or completion of FRE 2201
3. Core Requirements: Basic Level
 None
4. Core Requirements: Advanced Level
FRW 3100
Survey of French Literature I
1 FRE 3300
French Grammar
1 FRE 3420
French Composition
1 FRE 3760
Advanced French Oral Communication
1 FRE 3780
French Phonetics and Diction
Select 1:
1 FRE 4421
Advanced French Conversation or
FRE 4422
Advanced French Composition
Select 1:
FRW 3101
Survey of French Literature II or
FRW 3770
Francophone Literature
(21 hrs)
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
A native or near-native French speaker must substitute alternate upper
division French courses in consultation with a departmental advisor.
5. Restricted Electives
(15 hrs)
FRW course beyond the survey level (taught in French)
6 hrs
Select any upper level FRE, FRT, or FRW courses not
9 hrs
already used in the major.
6. Capstone Requirements
 None
7. Foreign Language Requirements
 Met by graduation requirements.
 Met by Common Program Prerequisites
8. Electives
 Select primarily from upper level courses after meeting
with a departmental advisor. Courses may be outside the
9. Additional Requirements
 None
10. Required Minors
 None
11. Departmental Exit Requirements
 Earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher in at least 36 hours
of upper division French courses
 Students are required to satisfactorily complete a
departmental exit exam, entirely in French. The exam
is offered at the end of each October and March and
students need the approval of their advisor to take the
exam. Students should discuss the optimal test date with
their advisor and the French Program Director. Students
may take the French Exit Exam a maximum of two times.
Exceptions must be approved by the student’s French
advisor and by the French Program Director.
 Students must submit their portfolio (FRE 4950C) to
their French Faculty Advisor. Students must earn a grade of
“C” or higher.
12. University Minimum Exit Requirements
 A 2.0 UCF GPA
 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded
 48 semester hours of upper division credit completed
 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be
completed in residency at UCF.
 A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence,
CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted.
 Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon
Rule, and nine hours of Summer credit.
Total Semester Hours Required
 120
Honors In Major
 Students interested in completing Honors in the Major
should contact their program advisor. More information
about Honors in the Major can be found at
Related Programs
 Spanish
 None
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
UCF Degree Programs
Related Minors
 French
 Italian
 Judaic Studies
 Latin American Area Studies
 Spanish
Advising Notes
 None
Transfer Notes
 Lower division courses do not substitute for upper
division courses.
 Courses transferred from private and out-of-state
schools must be evaluated by the department chair for
equivalency credit. The student must provide all supporting
Acceptable Substitutes for Transfer Courses
 None
Plan of Study
Freshman Year - Fall
13 hrs
ENC 1101
Composition I
3 hrs
WOH 2012
World Civilization I
3 hrs
MGF 1107
Explorations in Mathematics
3 hrs
FRE 1120C Elementary French Language and
4 hrs
Civilization I
Freshman Year - Spring
ENC 1102
Composition II
WOH 2022
World Civilization II
FRE 1121C Elementary French Language and
Civilization II
13 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
4 hrs
Sophomore Year - Fall
FRE 2200
Intermediate French Language and
Civilization I
Social Foundation (Group 1)
Science Foundation (Group 2)
Mathematical Foundation (Group 2)
12 hrs
3 hrs
Sophomore Year - Spring
LIT 2120
World Literature II
FRE 2201
Intermediate French Language and
Civilization II
Social Foundation (Group 2)
Science Foundation (Group 2)
12 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Sophomore Year - Summer
Study Abroad
6 hrs
6 hrs
Junior Year - Fall
FRW 3100
Survey of French Literature I
FRE 4421
Advanced French Conversation
FRE 3300
French Grammar
Restricted Elective
12 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Junior Year
FRE 3760
FRE 4422
FRE 3780
15 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
- Spring
Advanced French Oral Communication
Advanced French Composition
French Phonetics and Diction
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Select 1:
FRW 3101
Survey of French Literature II or
FRW 3770
Francophone Literature
Restricted Elective
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Senior Year - Fall
FRE 3420
French Composition
FRE 3440
Business French I
12 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Select 1:
FRW 4552
FRW 3370
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Nineteenth Century French Literature or
Short Stories of 18th, 19th and 20th
Restricted Elective
Senior Year - Spring
FRW 3740
The French Literature of Canada
FRT 4552
Structural Analysis of Beckett’s Watt
FRE 3441
Business French II
Restricted Elective
Program Academic Learning Compacts
 Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning
outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at:
3 hrs
12 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018