“USE YOUR NOODLE” Pasta Trivia - North Dakota Wheat Commission

Pasta Trivia
North Dakota is the largest producer of durum in the United States. In addition, pasta is not only easy to
make, it’s nutritious too. Join in the fun of celebrating National Pasta Month in October and Pasta
Lovers’ Week in North Dakota October 25-31. By participating in this “Pasta Party,” we’ll find out how
much your listeners know about the pasta in their pantry!
Your listeners can compete for fabulous prize packages including a "I Like Pasta” t-shirt provided by the
North Dakota Wheat Commission, pasta serving spoons from the U.S. Durum Growers Association and
pasta from Dakota Growers Pasta Company, Philadelphia Macaroni and American Italian Pasta
The following pages contain trivia questions to make your listeners aware of how the durum grown in
North Dakota is made into great tasting and healthy pasta products. Trivia questions are grouped into
three categories:
Durum – Questions are focused on North Dakota durum and pasta production. How much
durum does North Dakota produce? When is durum harvested?
Fun Facts – Questions focus on fun facts about this diverse food. Where was the first pasta
factory in the United States? How much pasta do Americans consume?
Nutrition Facts – Questions about the nutritious benefits of pasta. Is pasta low in fat? Are
carbohydrates good for me?
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.
Durum Trivia
1. What is the key ingredient of pasta?
a. Durum
b. Egg
c. Water
d. Wheat
2. What does durum mean in Latin?
a. Pasta
b. Kernel
c. Carbs
d. Hard
3. True or False? Durum is the hardest wheat known to man.
TRUE. (Its density, along with high protein content and gluten strength, makes durum the
wheat choice for producing premium pasta products.)
4. North Dakota durum farmers normally seed their crop during what months?
a. March-April
b. May-June
c. July-August
d. August-September
5. On average, North Dakota accounts for what percent of the nation’s annual durum production?
a. 40%
b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 70%
6. Before durum can be used in foods, it must be milled into the coarsely ground endosperm of a
durum wheat kernel, called what?
a. Paste
b. Semolina (At a processing plant, semolina and water are mixed to make pasta dough.)
c. Flour
d. Grain
7. True or False? North Dakota farmers raise about two-thirds of all the durum and half of all the
hard red spring wheat grown in the United States.
8. What percentage of U.S. durum crop is exported?
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 30% (Italy imports the largest amount of durum.)
d. 45%
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.
9. One bushel of durum (weighing approximately 60 pounds) will produce semolina for how many
pounds of pasta?
a. 25
b. 33
c. 42 (That is 42 boxes, assuming a box of pasta weighs one pound.)
d. 49
10. North Dakota produces about 50 million bushels of durum each year, which equates to 60
percent of the national total and enough durum to make nearly how many servings of
a. 10 billlion
b. 14 billion
c. 17 billion
d. 20 billion
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.
Fun Facts Trivia
1. Americans account for what percentage of the total global pasta consumption?
a. 12%
b. 24%
c. 31%
d. 44%
2. Square or round pillows of pasta that have a filling consisting of ingredients such as cheese,
meats, vegetables and seasonings are called?
a. Manicotti
b. Penne
c. Farfalle
d. Ravioli
3. True or False? Thomas Jefferson is credited with bringing the first “macaroni” machine to
America in 1789 when he returned home after serving as ambassador to France.
4. According to the American Pasta Report, 40 percent of respondents say their personal favorite
dish is?
a. Lasagna
b. Spaghetti
c. Macaroni and Cheese
d. Fettucine Alfredo
5. Which country is the largest producer of pasta products?
a. United States – 2nd largest
b. Venezuela
c. Italy – Italy imports large amounts of U.S. durum to make their pasta
d. Tunisia
6. A tomato pasta sauce made with vegetables like carrots, celery and bell peppers:
a. Bolognese
b. Alfredo
c. Primavera
d. Tetrazzini
7. How many pounds of pasta do Americans consume annually?
a. 8 pounds
b. 12 pounds
c. 17 pounds
d. 20 pounds (U.S. ranks 6th in consumption per capita in the world. Italy ranks first.)
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.
8. True or False? Perfectly cooked pasta should be “al dente,” or firm to the bite, yet cooked
9. How many different pasta shapes are made worldwide?
a. Over 500
b. Over 600
c. Over 700
d. Over 800
10. One billion pounds of spaghetti boxes stacked end-to-end is enough to circle the earth's equator
nearly how many times?
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 10
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.
Nutrition Facts Trivia
1. True or False? Pasta is a complex carbohydrate and very low in fat, calories, sodium and
2. According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health, eating whole grains may
decrease the risk of overall mortality by up to what percent?
a. 8%
b. 9%
c. 10%
d. 11%
3. A one cup portion of some whole grain pasta can provide up to what percentage of daily fiber
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 20%
d. 25%
4. Due to its ability to highlight and complement many other healthy foods, pasta is an integral
part of what type of diet?
a. Mediterranean (Characterized by an abundant variety of plant foods including fruits,
vegetables, breads, pasta, cereals, whole grains, potatoes, beans, lentils, nuts, and
b. Scandinavian
c. Weight Watchers
d. Mexican
5. True or False? There are no significant differences in long-term weight loss between lowcarbohydrate diets and those considered “high” carbohydrate when dieters achieved similar
calorie reductions.
6. Pasta provides which of the following?
a. Sustained energy
b. Folic acid
c. Balanced diet
d. All of the above
7. Current dietary guidelines call for up to what percentage of daily calories to come from
a. 50%
b. 60%
c. 65% (Pasta is part of a well-balanced diet.)
d. 75%
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.
8. True or False? Whole, enriched grain pasta offers bountiful nutrients and health benefits, while
white (refined) pasta is not a healthy choice.
FALSE. White pasta is also a healthy choice, as it is enriched with vitamins such as vitamin
B1 thiamine, making it a significant source of these nutrients.
9. According to USDA guidelines, grains should make up how much of an adult plate at every meal?
a. 1/8
b. 1/4
c. 1/2
d. 3/4
10. True or False? Pasta is low on the glycemic index, which means the body digests it more slowly
than many other carbohydrates, for a more steady, sustained energy source.
TRUE (This is why pasta is great for athletes who need the extra energy!)
Compiled by Clearwater Communications on behalf of the North Dakota Wheat Commission.
Prizes sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission, U.S. Durum Growers Association, Dakota
Growers Pasta Company, American Italian Pasta Company and Philadelphia Macaroni. Nutrition facts
according to the National Pasta Association, North Dakota Wheat Commission and Wheat Foods Council.