Gregory Hill CV - School of Public Service | Boise State University

Gregory C. Hill
Curriculum Vita
Office Address
Home Address
Department of Public Policy
and Administration
1910 University Dr
Boise, ID 83725-1935
Phone: (208) 426-2917
[email protected]
2543 S. Heritage Pl.
Boise, ID 83709
Phone: (208) 697-0611
Academic History
Texas A&M University, May 2006 (Political Science)
Dissertation: “On Managerial Succession”
Major Field: Public Administration/Public Policy
Minor Field: American Politics
M.P.A. Idaho State University, May 2002
Portfolio Project: Minor League Baseball and Local Economic
Idaho State University, May 2000 (Zoology)
A.A.S. Ricks College, May 1996 (Natural Sciences)
Research Interests
Public Administration
Public Management
Public Policy
Immigration Policy
Local Economic Development
Teaching Interests
Public Management
Public Administration Theory
Public Policy Theory
Public Budgeting and Finance
Research Methods
American Government
Political Behavior
Academic Appointments
PhD Program Director- Department of Public Policy and Administration,
Boise State University 2012-present
Associate Professor-Department of Public Policy and Administration,
Boise State University 2012-present
Chair-Department of Public Policy and Administration, Boise State
University 2011-present
Internship Director-Department of Public Policy and Administration,
Boise State University 2008-present
Applied Research Program Director-Department of Public Policy and
Administration, Boise State University 2015-2011
Assistant Professor-Department of Public Policy and Administration,
Boise State University 2005-2012
“Managing Undocumented Students: Do Undocumented Students Hinder
Student Performance?” State and Local Government Review,
Vol. 43 #3, 2011.
“The Effect of Frequent Managerial Turnover on Organizational
Performance: A study of professional baseball managers” Social
Science Journal, September 2009.
“The Effects of Managerial Succession on Organizational Performance.”
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,15: 585-597,
October 2005.
“Bureaucracy in the 21st Century,” with Kenneth J. Meier. Prepared for
Ewan Ferlie, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr., and Christopher Pollitt, The
Oxford Handbook of Public Management, October 2005. [Reviewed
in The Journal of Public Administration and Management, January
“For the sake of education: when immigration and education collide, take
education.” American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Invited peer
reviewed essay. <http.//>
Other Publications
“Idaho Hispanic Data Book” with Errol Jones (2013).
“Immigration and the Public Policy Survey” May 2010.
“Nineteen Years of Public Opinion: The Boise State University Annual
Public Policy Survey” White Paper published November 2009.
“Two Cheers for High Stakes Testing.” Published in Idaho Issues Online,
Spring 2007.
"Idaho: A New Governor, New Budget, New Directions." In the Annual
Western States Budget Review. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of
Utah, 2008. With Dick Kinney.
“Management in the Department of Health and Welfare: Evaluation
Report.” February 2006, with Ross Burkhart and the Office of
Performance Evaluation, Idaho Legislature.
Works in Progress
“Children of Incarcerated Parents,”-Grant funded project with the Idaho
Department of Health and Welfare. 2013-present.
“The Protective Role of Representation: Undocumented Students and
Educational Performance” Preparing for submission State Politics
and Policy Quarterly, Fall 2014.
“Much Ado About Nothing? Undocumented Students and Student
Performance.” Preparing for submission to Social Science Quarterly,
Fall 2014.
Working Papers
“Much Ado About Nothing? Undocumented Students and Student
“Do Immigration Networks of Connectivity Facilitate Illegal
“Let’s Shake Things Up a Bit: Factors That Lead to Managerial
“The Succession Effect and its Effect on Success: How Managerial
Succession Influences Networking.”
“Understanding Attitudes of Undocumented Workers and Illegal
Immigrants in Idaho.” Preparing for submission with Kattalina
Berriochoa and Margie Gonzalez, Idaho Commission
on Hispanic Affairs.
“The Economic and Administrative Consequences of Hosting Worldwide
Sporting Events” Accepted for presentation at the Western Social
Science Conference with Craig Shaul.
“State legislative session length: An Examination of Effectiveness and
“Clearing the Log Jams: the impact of session length on the introduction of
public policy”
Conference Papers
“The Politics of Illegal Immigration: A Cross-State Comparative Analysis
of undocumented students” Presented at the Hawaii International
Conference on Social Sciences, May 2014
“Undocumented Students and Student Performance” Presented at the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL April 2014
“Documenting the Undocumented: Developing a Multi-State, Multi-Level
Measure of Undocumented Students in Public Schools.” (with
Daniel Hawes). Presented at the Midwest Political Science
Association, Chicago, IL April 2013.
“Much Ado About Nothing? What’s the fuss over illegal immigrant
services?” (with Daniel Hawes). Presented at the Midwest Political
Science Association, Chicago, IL April 2012.
“The Economic and Administrative Consequences of Hosting Worldwide
Sporting Events” (with Craig Shaul) Presented at the Western
Social Science Conference, April 2011.
“Much Ado About Nothing? Undocumented Students and Student
Performance.” Presented at the Midwest Political Science
Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. April 2011.
“Do Immigration Networks of Connectivity Facilitate Illegal
Immigration?” Presented at the Midwest Political Science
Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. April 2011.
“Managing Undocumented Students: Do Undocumented Students Hinder
Student Performance?” Presented at the Southwest Political Science
Association Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2011.
“How much does performance matter? Management, performance, and
executive succession.” Presented at the Midwest Political Science
Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. April 2010.
“The protective role of representation: undocumented students and
educational performance.” Presented at the Midwest Political
Science Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. April 2010.
“The Social Costs of Illegal Immigration in the United States.” Presented at
the Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago,
Illinois. April 2009.
“Managing Undocumented Students: Does Illegal Immigration Affect
Student Performance?” 3rd Annual Empirical Models of Public
Management Conference, College Station, TX. May, 2008.
“Public Management and Representation: The Case of Hispanics and
Performance” Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Ill,
April 2008.
“Budgeting in the Western States” with Dick Kinney. Western Political
Science Association, San Diego CA, March 2008.
“Managing Undocumented Students: Does illegal immigration affect
student performance?” Midwest Political Science Association,
Chicago, Ill, April 2007.
Discussant at 2006 Management Conference. Texas A&M University.
College Station, Texas, May 6-7, 2006
“Hitting the Slopes: What Factors Affect the Efficiency of Networking?”
Presented at the 27th annual research conference of the Association
for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C.,
November 2005.
“Executive Succession and the Influence of Hierarchy: A Cross-National
Approach.” Presented at the 8th Bi-Annual Public Management
Research Conference, School of Policy, Planning, and Development
of the University of Southern California, September 2005.
“How Low Can You Go? A Game Theoretic Approach to Managerial
Succession.” Presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Ill, April 2005.
“Managers’ Impact on Organizational Performance: A Study of
Professional Baseball Managers.” Presented at the Sixteenth
Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture,
Cooperstown, NY, June 2004.
“Short and Long Term Effects of Managerial Succession: An Application
of the Boyne/Dahya Model of Executive Succession.” Presented at
the Determinants of Performance in Public Organizations
Conference, Cardiff, Wales, May 2004.
“Short and Long Term Effects of Managerial Succession.” Presented at the
annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association,
Chicago, Illinois, April 2004.
“You’re Out! Managers’ Impact on Organizational Performance” presented
at the annual meeting of the Southwest Political Science
Association, April 2003 in San Antonio, Texas.
Teaching Experience
PubAdm 500–Administration in the Public Sector-Boise State University
PubAdm 501–Public Policy Process-Boise State University
PubAdm 504–Public Budgeting and Finance–Boise State University
PubAdm 521–Intergovernmental Relations–Boise State University
PubAdm 550–The Executive and the Administrative Process- Boise State
PubAdm 509-Public Policy Analysis-Boise State University
PubAdm 590-Public Service Internship- Boise State University
PubAdm 602-Philosophical and Practical Foundations of Democratic
Governance- Boise State University
PubAdm 603-Administration and the Study of Public Policy- Boise State
POLS 342-Politics and the Bureaucracy-Texas A&M University.
BUSH 689-Public Management in the George Bush School of
Government and Public Service, Professor Anthony Bertelli. Guest
Lecturer-empirical models of public management- Texas A&M
POLS 346-Honors American Government, Professor James E.
Anderson. Guest Lecturer-how media affects political perceptionsTexas A&M University.
Research and Technical Experience
Spring 2013-Drugged Driving Legislative Research-Idaho State Police
DUID Coalition
Fall 2012-360 Supervisor evaluation program development and analysisIdaho Department of Insurance
Fall 2010-Collaborator-20th Idaho Public Policy Survey
Summer 2010-Consultant-Rational Strategy Consulting
Summer 2010-White paper-Immigration and the Public Policy Survey (PI)
Fall 2009-White paper-Nineteen Years of Public Opinion: The Boise State
University Annual Public Policy Survey
Spring 2009-White paper-State of Idaho assessment on opinions and effects
of illegal immigration
Summer 2008 Investigator-Yellowstone Business Partnership Assessment
of Regional Assets Report
Spring 2008 Principal Investigator-Treasure Valley State of the Region
Progress Report
Fall 2007 Collaborator-19th Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey
Fall 2007 Quality Control Review of: A Follow-up Assessment of Middle
Management at the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Fall 2006 Collaborator-18th Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey
September - October 2006: Consultant, Moneytree, Inc., on a technical
report developed by University of Washington related to the payday loan industry. Reviewed technical and statistical analyses.
Fall 2005-Present: Director, Applied Research Center, Boise State
Fall 2005-Present-Principle Investigator, Treasure Valley State of the
Region Report. The report was an analysis of 50 performance
indicators related to living and working in the Boise/Nampa
Metropolitan Statistical Area. Presented at the Annual Leadership
Conference in Sun Valley in May 2006.
Fall 2005-Collaborator-17th Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey
October 2005-February 2006: Consultant (with Ross Burkhart) on survey
and analysis of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare related
to management. Report to be released to the Idaho State Legislature
February 27, 2006.
Chair, Department of Public Policy and Administration, 2011-present
Invited Lecturer, Phi Delta Kappa annual meeting, May 2011
Internship Director, Department of Public Policy and Administration, 2010present
Instructor, President’s Leadership Academy 2010
Invited Presenter, National Society for Leadership and Success April 2010
Instructor, Mountain West Clerks and Treasurer’s Institute March 2010
College Immigration Committee, 2009-Present.
Presenter, Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs Legislative Reception,
February 2011
Instructor, Certified Public Manager’s Program (Public Policy Analysis)
Spring 2008-present
Search Committee, Assistant Professor position and Director of the Energy
Policy Institute, Boise State University and Center for Advanced Energy
Faculty Professional Standards Committee, College of Social Science and
Public Affairs, Boise State University, 2007-present
Admissions Committee, Certificate in Community and Regional Planning
Program, Boise State University, 2006-present
Awards Committee, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Boise
State University, 2006-2008
Department Library Representative-Spring 2006-present-Boise State
Reviewer: American Journal of Political Science
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Public Administration Review
Public Management Review
Social Science Journal
Computing Resources Committee, Texas A&M University 2003-2004
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality: Pollution Prevention Intern
Volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 913, College Station,
Volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 243, Nampa, Idaho
Book Reviews
Clemons, Randall and Mark K. McBeth. Public Policy Praxis, 2nd Edition.
Invited Symposiums
George Mason Law & Economics Center Symposium -Program on Politics
and Economics, Big Sky Montana August 13-19, 2007.
Professional Memberships
Public Management Research Association
Academy of Political Science
Midwest Political Science Association
Western Political Science Association
American Society for Public Administration
Southwest Political Science Association
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Academic Awards and Honors
Phi Kappa Phi
Kenneth J. Meier (chair)
Charles Puryear Professor of Liberal Arts
Department of Political Science
4348 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
[email protected]
M. Jae Moon
George Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University
2143 Academic-West
College Station, TX 77843-4220
[email protected]
Mark McBeth
Department of Political Science
Idaho State University
P.O. Box 8319
Pocatello, ID 83209
[email protected]
George Boyne
Centre for Local and Regional Government
Cardiff Business School
Cardiff University
Cardiff, Wales
Phone: +44 (0) 29 2087 5572
[email protected]