Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Terminal Objective:
Students, when faced with a decision about using water wisely, will make an informed citizenship decision
that will both protect and conserve water.
Introduction Lesson
Become aware of the basics of water
Objective: Awareness (Engagement)
Title: What’s a Watershed?
Class Time: Science, Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should:
Know what a watershed is
Know how runoff affects the watershed
TEKS-Science 2.A,E, 6.C, 8.C; Social Studies 2.7B
Lesson- Demonstration of a watershed
Lesson One-Water Cycle
Become aware of the basics of water
Objective: Awareness (Engagement)
Title: Water Goes Up and Down
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Demonstrate through role playing the steps of the water cycle
Give an oral or written definition of the water cycle including evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, and runoff
TEKS-Science 7.B, 8.C
Activity- Students role play and act out the steps of the water cycle
Become knowledgeable of the basics of water
Objective: Knowledge (Exploration)
Title: H2O on the Go
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Give an oral or written definition of the evaporation step of the water cycle
TEKS-Science 2.E, 5.B, 6.A, 8.C
Activity- Students will create a water cycle model in a closed bag and observe how water evaporates from
the cup, condenses on the sides of the bag, and accumulates in the bottom of the bag.
Lesson One-Water Cycle (cont.)
Become knowledgeable of the basics of water
Objective: Knowledgeable (Explanation)
Title: Water Cycle Wear
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Give an oral or written definition of the water cycle including evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, and runoff
TEKS-Science 8.C
Activity- Students will create a way to help them remember the water cycle by creating a bracelet with
colored beads that represent the steps of the water cycle.
Participate in the basics of water
Objective: Participation (Evaluation)
Title: Water Cycle IQ
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the water cycle
And the teacher will be able to evaluate the student’s comprehension of the water cycle
TEKS-Science 8.C
Activity- Students will complete a quiz to evaluate their understanding of the water cycle.
Lesson Two-Introduction to Water
Become aware of the basics of water
Objective: Awareness (Engagement)
Title: Water is Very Special
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Write or explain ways people use water in their everyday lives
TEKS-Science 9.A,C
Activity- Students will work in groups to illustrate a mural about water use that accompanies a poem called
Water is Very Special.
Lesson Two-Introduction to Water (cont.)
Become aware of the basics of water
Objective: Awareness (Exploration)
Title: What Shape is Water?
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Identify orally a liquid and a solid
Give an oral or written definition of a liquid and a solid
Demonstrate orally or in writing the difference in liquids and solids
TEKS-Science 2.A,E, 4.A, 5.A,C
Activity- Using various containers, students will work in groups to see that water has no shape of its own.
Become knowledgeable of the basics of water
Objective: Knowledge (Explanation)
Title: Who’s Thirsty?
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Explain that water is a basic need of all living things
TEKS-Science 9.A,C
Activity- Students will conduct an activity to identify what items need water to live and which do not.
Lesson Three-Conservation
Become aware of the basics of water conservation
Objective: Awareness (Engagement)
Title: It’s Time to Conserve
Class Time: Science and Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Tell or write ways to conserve water around the home
Give an oral or written definition of the new term: conserve
TEKS-Science 9.A,B,C; Social Studies 2.7B, 2.8A,C,D, 2.19A,B
Activity- Students will participate in a card game to understand the differences between a water saver and
a water waster.
Lesson Three-Conservation (cont.)
Participate in the knowledge and practice of water conservation
Objective: Knowledge and Participation (Elaboration & Evaluation)
Title: It’s Your Choice
Class Time: Science and Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Evaluate other student responses to various water conservation dilemmas
Discuss and examine their own values/priorities when it comes to water conservation
TEKS-Science 8.B, 9.A; Social Studies 2.19A,B
Activity- Students will read through a series of conservation “stories” to determine the course of action
they should take.
Lesson Four-Pollution
Become aware of the basics of water pollution
Objective: Awareness (Engagement)
Title: Healthy or Sick?
Class Time: Science and Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Explain how a clean river can become polluted
Explain what can be done to clean up a polluted river
Explain why it is so important to keep our rivers clean
TEKS-Science 7.B, 9.C; Social Studies 2.8B,C,D
Activity- Students will draw scenes depicting examples of polluted and clean streams.
Become aware of the basics of water pollution
Objective: Knowledgeable (Exploration)
Title: Pollution Solutions
Class Time: Science and Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Understand three important water quality definitions including household hazardous waste,
recycling, and compost
Understand how these three actions can positively and negatively affect our water resources
TEKS-Science 3.A; Social Studies 2.8B,C,D, 2.13A, 2.19A,B
Activity- Students will conduct an activity to understand the proper disposal methods for household
hazardous waste materials, recycled items, and compost.
Lesson Five-Runoff
Become aware of the basics of water runoff
Objective: Awareness (Exploration)
Title: What Rain Washes Away
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Explain the concept of erosion
Propose solutions to stopping or slowing down erosion.
TEKS-Science 2.A,D,E,F, 3.A, 5.C, 6.C
Activity- Students will create a model of a watershed and watch as the concept of erosion takes place
before their eyes.
Become aware of the basics of water runoff
Objective: Knowledgeable (Exploration)
Title: Settling in Sedimentation
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Make an observation about sedimentation or settling
Give an oral or written definition of the new term: sediment
TEKS-Science 2.A,D,E,F, 3.A, 5.C, 6.C
Activity- Students will conduct an experiment to learn how sediment settles out of water during runoff.
Lesson Six-Groundwater
Become knowledgeable of the basics of groundwater
Objective: Knowledge (Exploration)
Title: Soak it Up!
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Give an oral or written definition of the new terms absorb and repel
Understand which materials absorb and repel and relate these concepts to which materials allow
water to absorb into the ground and which materials repels water from getting into the ground
TEKS-Science 2.A,E, 4.A, 7.C
Activity- Students will test different materials to see which ones absorb and which ones repel.
Lesson Six-Groundwater (cont.)
Become aware of the basics of groundwater
Objective: Awareness (Exploration)
Title: H2O Down Below
Class Time: Science
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Explain, orally or in writing, how water gets into an aquifer
Demonstrate, orally or in writing, an understanding of how wells pump water from the ground
Give an oral or written definition of the new terms: aquifer, groundwater, and well
TEKS-Science 4.A, 7.B,C, 8.C
Activity- Students will create a model of an aquifer.
Lesson Seven-Shedding Water
Become knowledgeable of the basics of watersheds
Objective: Knowledge (Engagement)
Title: Shedding Water
Class Time: Science and Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Orally explain how water flows through a watershed
Explain the water’s flow path as it moves throughout a watershed
TEKS-Science 2.A,E, 6.C, 8.C; Social Studies 2.7B
Activity- Students will create a watershed model to demonstrate the concept of runoff through the
Become knowledgeable of the basics of watersheds
Objective: Knowledge (Exploration)
Title: H2O on the Flow
Class Time: Science and Social Studies
At the conclusion of this section, your students should be able to:
Orally explain how water flows through a watershed
Explain the water’s flow path as it moves throughout a watershed
TEKS-Science 2.A,E, 6.C, 8.C; Social Studies 2.7B
Activity- Students will create a watershed model to demonstrate the concept of runoff through the