Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston

Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Neighbor with Neighbor and Neighbor with God
Cover story see page 9.
VOL 20#2
Spring 2012
Office of Mission Advancement
Office of Mission Advancement
From the President
Mission Statement
The Office of Mission Advancement
of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
fully supports the mission and
ministries of the Sisters. We raise
funds to support all present and future
ministries and to continue the legacy of
the Congregation.
We also provide funds through
donor generosity to care for our elderly
and infirm Sisters. All donations enable
the Congregation to strengthen its
mission of unity and reconciliation
among the people it serves. We thank
our friends and benefactors who
partner with us in this mission.
Connecting is published
semi-annually by the Office of
Mission Advancement of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Cheryl Duggan
Mary Black, CSJ
Rosemary Brennan, CSJ
Council Liaison
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Director of Communication
Darlene Rogers
Graphic Designer
Claire Archambault, CSJ
We do not share, rent or sell
our donor list.
The Office of Mission Advancement
makes every effort to list accurately
all information from donors who have
given to the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston during the year.
If you find inaccurate information or to
notify us of a change of address, please
call us at 617-746-2114.
Dear Friends,
“The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament
proclaims the work of God’s hand!” Psalm 19
The universe speaks so loudly to us of the wonder of God. This time,
this season proclaims that Resurrection, new life is possible and that the
whole of creation is constantly changing, is ever new. During this time,
this season - our Sister Ann Moynihan, after a brief illness, entered into
the fullness of life. For several years Sister Ann served the Congregation
faithfully in the Office of Mission Advancement. She loved this ministry
and she often spoke of the wonderful donors with whom she related.
Thank you for being among them.
It is appropriate then that during this time, this season, that we
remember and name all who share life with us, and those who are now
enjoying fullness of life. It is also a time that we say thank you to the
many families who have asked that in lieu of flowers donations be sent
to the Congregation. It is this generosity that allows us to continue to
provide for our elderly and ill sisters, and serve God’s people in many
ways through our ministries. We thank you for partnering with us by
helping to meet the many unmet needs within our society. Know that you
and your intentions are remembered in our daily prayer.
For the past six years it has been my privilege to serve as President
of the Congregation. I am grateful for your supportive presence during
this time. In June, Sister Rosemary Brennan will assume the position of
President. I know she will be grateful for your support and care for the
Congregation and our ministries. Know that I will continue to hold each
of you and your family in prayer as well.
May you continue to declare the glory of God as you live into this
time, this season of new life, of Resurrection, of Easter possibility.
May God our Creator, Jesus our Redeemer, and the Spirit who calls us
to new life be with you.
Mary L. Murphy, CSJ
From the Office of Mission Advancement
On March 29, 2012, the Sisters of St. Joseph and
the Mission Advancement Team experienced a
profound loss. Sister Ann Moynihan, director of
the Office of Mission Advancement, passed away
after a brief illness. Her final days were lived with
courage, grace, and peace.
Sister Ann Moynihan always had the knack of
saying “Yes,” without saying so. She lived this way
for 56 years as a Sister of St. Joseph of Boston.
Sister Ann showed through her work, actions, and
interactions with people that she believed in them.
Her unspoken, yet ever-present trust in God never
wavered and her daily presence created hope for the
“Dear Neighbor.”
During her illness, Sister Ann wrote, “One of the
greatest joys of my life has been living it as a Sister
of St. Joseph. Being able to serve God and those in
need with my sisters, and more recently associates;
working together with my coworkers, especially
those at the Motherhouse, for the last six years has
been a wonderful life. . .thank you so much for
praying and accompanying me on the journey.”
We honor Sister Ann’s beliefs about mission and
ministry by continuing to be mindful of the needs of
others. We celebrate her life and legacy by saying
“Yes,” through our ministry.
As we go forward with you, our donors, the
Mission Advancement Team will carry on in the
spirit and memory of Sister Ann.
From the President
From the Office of
Mission Advancement
In Honor of List
2012 Jubilarians
Memorial List
Sister Regina Harrington
Sister Theresa Ann Jardin
Sister Barbara Reney
The CSJ Awards and Honors
Card Programs
Page 2
4 - 10
14 - 33
12 - 13
18 - 19
34 - 35
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 3
he following names have been given by donors through our cards for the living
program. Their lives are celebrated for a special occasion, need, accomplishment,
or because they have contributed to the lives of others through their daily work.
All are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and Associates.
January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011
A Sick Friend
A Special Intention
Sister Carmela Abbruzzese
Gretchen Ablondi
Rev. Romen Acero
Amber Adams
Paula Ahearn
Mary Ahern
Mary Curtin Alden
Katherine Alexander
Rev. Alfred P. Almonte CS
Carol Amaroso
Elizabeth Frances Amrock
Carl Anderson
Rosie Andros
David Anjoorian & Family
Jean Anjoorian
Delma Araiza
Jim Argir
Elizabeth Avery
Grace Avery
Kathy Avery
Msgr. Stephen J. Avila
Betty Ayers
Br. Edward Babinski SJ
Sister Stephanos Badessa
Sister Stephanos Badessa’s
100th Birthday
Sister Barbara Baer
Mary Baker
Yvonne Balsamo’s 75th
Peggy Bannon
Anne Barbato
Joan Barceleau
Jerry Barker
Rev. Fr. Giles Barreda OFM
Ruth Barrett
Sister Florence Barton
Leo Beane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Begin
Bill Bell
Linda Bergeron
Helen Bernard
Bethany Healthcare Staff
Bethany’s 50th Anniv.
Catherine Bevington
Elizabeth Russell Bilafer
Claire Bitinas
Sister Mary Black
Mary Blake
Ann M. Blanchette
Rev. Henry P. Boivin
Emma Borrego
Claire W. Bosman
Marguerite Quill Bosman
Carment Bouchard
Nan Bouche
Ronald Bourgeois
Ann Bourgeon
Jane Bowe
Olivia Bowman
Joseph Boyce
Tina Braceland
Mr. & Mrs. William Breen
Sister Mary Julia Breheny
Sister Rosemary Brennan
Ita Bridges
Charles Brovelli
Loretta Brovelli
Joe Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown
Chuck Bruen
Jane Brunelle
John Buckley
Margaret Bulger
John Burgarella
Mary Burgarella
Mary T. Burgess
Robert Burns
Henry Burzyk
Thomas J. Butler
Polly Byrne’s 80th Birthday
Janice Byrne
Paula Byrnes
CDA Court #488
CDA MA Board of Officers
CDA NH Board of Officers
Faculty, Board, Students at
CSJ Finance Dept.
CSJ Party of 1951
CSJ Party of 1955
CSJ Party of 1961
CSJs Everywhere
CSJs From Regis College
CSJs From St. Clement
CSJs of Watertown
The Cadigan Family
John & Cynthia Cafferty’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
Pat & Margaret Cafferty
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Cahill
Mary & Al Calello
Patricia Callahan
Sister Marian Callahan
Tom Callahan
Joe Calnan & Family
Jane & Tom Cangiano
Bernadette Canniff
Sister Donata Marie
John Carew Jr.’s 87th
Jack Carew
Mary Carney
Lillian Carriere
James Carroll
Margie Carroll
Michael Carty
Dr. Philip Caruso
Helen Casey
Anna Castignetti
Rosemary Cataldo
Maureen Cavanaugh
Sister Betty Cawley’s
Nieces & Nephews
Sister Betty Cawley
Dolores Centola
Betty Shea Chapin
The Chorlton Family
Sister Christiana
Sister Lea Ciarmello
June Cieri & Tom Brown
June Cieri
Nancy Cieri
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cincotta
James A. Clancy
Priscilla Clarkson
Eileen Clougher
Anne Coady
Diane Coe
Sister Helen Thomas Colbert
Mary Cole
Jack & Trudy Coles’ 40th
Wedding Anniv.
Linda Coletti
Denis J. Condon DDS
Sister Dominic Condon
Sister Mary Condon
Matt McGloin’s Confirmation
Dorothy Conlon
Gerald Conlon
Pam & Vincent Conlon
Paula Conneley
Mary Paula Connelly
Flo Connolly
Joanne Connolly
Mary Connor
Sister Lois Connors
Fr. Robert Conole
John & Helen Conroy
John I. Conroy
Sister Betsy Conway
Diane Cook
James & Diane Cooney
Agnes Corazzini
Bette J. Corbett
Bryan L. Corbett
Leonilla Corbo
Darcy Corcoran
William Corcoran
Agnes Corrazini
Viola Corriveau’s 90th
Geri Costigan
Eleanor Coughlin
Sylvia Coughlin
Ken Coull
Court of St. Joseph Medway
Very Rev. Arthur Coyle
Sister Anna Crann
Sister Margaret Crann
Sisters Anna & Margaret Crann
Sister Robard Craven
M. & Mrs. Thomas Croghan
Edward Croke
June Croke
James Crowe
Elizabeth Crowley
Lee Crump
Ct. #1475’s 95th Anniv.
Ct. St. Bernadette
Ct. St. Francis of Assisi
Gerri & John Cull
Rev. Robert Cullen
Sister Josephine Cullen
Sharon Cummings
Sister Margaret Cunningham
Janet Murphy Curran
Michael Curran
Kay Currier
Sister Donna Curtain
Sister Donna Curtin’s 50th
Luke & Judy Cyr’s 50th
Wedding Anniv.
Frances D’Amato
Mariano D’Antignova
Grace D’Antignana
Mariano D’Antignana
Jacqueline D’Antuonu
Frances D’Arcangelo
Robert Daley
Sister Patricia Damian’s 70th
Sister Eleanor Daniels
Dave & Ellie’s Marriage
Andrew Davis
Marilyn Davis
Sister Rita Ann Davis
Susan Davis
Making A Difference Day
Joan DeAmicis
Barbara DeCamp
Sister Francis Marilyn
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph
Shirley DeRosay
Pam DeSimone
The DeStefano Family
Mitchell Dembowski
William Dempsey
John Denahey
Elizabeth Densmore
Thomas Derro
Charles Desaulniers
Sister Eileen Dever
Meghan Devine
Patricia Devine
Rev. Bill Devine
Tom Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFazio
Sister M. Gervasi
John DiMare
Joyce DiNuccio
Patricia Cruise DiPasqua
Lois Diamond
Carmel Doherty
Catharine Doherty
Bella Doiron
Beatrice & Lois Dondero’s
Patricia Donnelly
2012 - 2018 CSJ Leadership Team
L-R: Sisters Maureen Doherty, Gail Donahue, Patricia McCarthy,
Roseann Amico, Peggy Sullivan, Marylou Cassidy, and Rosemary Brennan.
Teresa Donnelly
Sister Ann Donohoe
Sister Mary Donovan SC
Caroline Hayes Donovan
Joseph Donovan
Marguerite Donovan
Maureen, Ken & Joe
Sister Kathryn Donovan
Sister Pauline Marie Dow
Bill Downes
Janice Doyle
Sister Marie Doyle
Charles & Elaine Drane
Rev. Michael Drea
Rev. Lawrence J. Drennan
Natalie Driscoll
Agnes M. Duffy
Bonald J Dunn Sr.
Sister Margaret Dunn
Liz Durrigan
Susan Dwyer
Holly Endruschat
Crystle Enrica
Jeff Enright
Frank & Miriam Estrella
Mary Everson
Antonetta Fabrizio
Bill & Marie Fallon’s 65th
Wedding Anniv.
Eileen Farraher
Sister Charlene Favreau
Mary Feener
Sister Helen Fenton’s 90th
The Ferrera Family
Barbara Finn
Janet Finn
Sister Paula Finn
William Fisher
Margaret Fitzgerald
Sister Eunice Fitzgerald
Sister Helen Mary Fitzgerald
Peggy & Michael Flaherty
Michael Flahive
Joyce Ann Fleming & Nancy
Roger Flinn
Jack & Melissa Flynn
Rev. James Flynn
Judith Flynn
Harry & Fran Foden’s 60th
Wedding Anniv.
George & Betty Foley’s 50th
Wedding Anniv.
Friends & Family of Mary
Ellen Foley
Lorraine Foley
Mary Foley
Susan Foohey
Sister Julia Ford
Ivy Foshey
Millie Fox
Anne & Billy Foy
Audrey Francis
Jesse Fraser
Al Frasso
Friends & Family
Friends & Family of Anne
Friends & Family of Arlene
Friends & Family of Joan
Friends & Family of
Rosemary Nicholson
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Duenas
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Gavin
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Marie Ghiloni
Friends & Family of Sister
Barbara Reney
Friends & Family of Sister
Catherine Gorman
Friends & Family of Sister
Claire Blake
Friends & Family of Sister
Dionetta McCarthy
Friends & Family of Sister
Ellen Pumphret
Friends & Family of Sister
Gail Donahue
Friends & Family of Sister
Helen Noonan
Friends & Family of Sister
Helen Sullivan
Friends & Family of Sister
Jeanne Ibach
Friends & Family of Sister
Joanne Solari
Friends & Family of Sister
Kay Gilmore
Friends & Family of Sister
Margo Shea
Friends & Family of Sister
Marian Feeley
Friends & Family of Sister
Marie Louise McDonough
Friends & Family of Sister
Marilyn DeCoste
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Lou McCarthy
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Nagle
continued on page 8
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 5
Sister Regina Harrington
Doing Something Worthwhile
by Judy Wasserman
or Sister Regina Harrington, Brighton,
MA, is not just home to the Sisters of St.
Joseph, it is her hometown. Not only did
she grow up in Brighton, but her parents grew up
there and graduated from Brighton High School.
During a recent interview at the Motherhouse,
Sister Regina recalled attending Our Lady of the
Presentation School in Oak Square and then at
Notre Dame Academy in Kenmore Square. “I
remember driving by the Mount every day on my
way to Notre Dame Academy,” she said with a
Her becoming a Sister of St. Joseph, it seems,
was meant to be. Sister Regina has pleasant
memories of how her vocation with the sisters
began when she was studying at Regis College.
“I met some wonderful women. I liked what I
saw.” After talking with some of them, she made
her decision. She entered on Sept. 8, 1946, and
she has not stopped reflecting the mission of
the Sisters of St. Joseph through her various
Her ministries have included elementary school
teaching, religious education, pastoral work,
and bereavement counseling. Looking back on
her many assignments, Sister Regina believes
they were all “ministries of presence.” And,
even though she turned 85 this past July 4, Sister
Regina does not see herself as retired; rather, “I
just change ministries!”
In fact, for the past ten years, she has provided
bereavement counseling for the Dolan Funeral
Home of Dorchester/Milton, MA. She helps
families cope with the death of a loved one
and with the funeral, encouraging them to plan
services that are uplifting. “It lifts my heart to
know that as a Sister of St. Joseph I’ve helped
a family through a difficult time,” said Sister
Regina. She also contacts each family a few
weeks after the funeral to see how they are doing.
Known as aftercare, “it is important,” she said,
“to re-assure them there is help available. You
help by being a good listener, and they appreciate
it.” This is what Sister Regina is doing now, but
where did it all begin?
“I saw a need to help children.
. . and to introduce them to the
Lord in various ways.”
From 1949-1952, she taught second grade
at Immaculate Conception School in East
Weymouth, MA, where she had 63 students in
her class! Then, she was promoted to sixth grade
at St. Aidan School in Brookline, MA. Two years
later, she taught sixth and seventh grades at St.
Catherine School in Norwood, MA, where class
size was as high as 50 students. For eight years,
beginning in 1961, Sister Regina taught eighth
grade at St. Ambrose School in Dorchester, MA,
and then at St. Angela School in Mattapan, MA,
where she taught eighth grade for five years.
During her time at St. Angela School, she studied
in the Master Teacher Program for Religious
Education. Using what she learned from that
program, Sister Regina then taught in the
program at Aquinas in Newton, MA.
By 1974, Sister Regina had been teaching
eighth grade for 13 years so she decided it was
time to move on. She wanted her next ministry
to be in religious education. She said, “I saw
a need to help children . . . and to introduce
them to the Lord in various ways.” Her first
assignment in religious education was at Sacred
Heart in Newton, MA, where she taught from
1976-1980. The next 13 years were spent at Our
Lady of Good Counsel in Quincy, MA, where she
began as director of religious education, and then
became a pastoral associate. “I did everything,
and loved it. The people were so wonderful,”
she said. Her parish work there and later at St.
Elizabeth Parish in Milton, MA, from 1994-2002,
confirmed her realization that she loved pastoral
work. During her eight years at St. Elizabeth
Parish, she also began her work in bereavement
counseling. (Sister holds a masters degree in
counselor training from Boston State College.)
Sister Regina said that during her pastoral
ministries she loved working with families and
the local community. The people she worked
with were “receptive, helpful, and sympathetic.”
Seeing herself as a people person, she said, “I am
more comfortable in my parish work. Connecting
to the community is important, because you are
doing something worthwhile, even if it’s just
Sandwiched between her teaching and
pastoral ministries, Sister Regina also enjoyed
a sabbatical from 1993-94, when she spent time
at the Mercy Center in Madison, CT, and at the
Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, MA.
She said it was a good change for her, and a
valuable opportunity to relax and learn.
Assessing her 65 years as a Sister of St. Joseph,
she said, “I have had all kinds of opportunities
along the way, and have been able to learn a great
deal and share it with others. God has blessed
me in many ways.” She has had many wonderful
opportunities in her life, and she is grateful for
Above: Sister Regina
with Father James
Curtin and Father
Leonard McGrath.
Right: Sister Regina
speaking with
What does it mean to be a Sister of St. Joseph?
With a smile, she responded quickly, “To live the
vowed life, to be involved in different aspects
of life, to have quiet time, and to be part of this
Congregation.” Two excerpts from the CSJ Dare
to Dream prayer are meaningful to Sister Regina
and seem to sum up her commitment to the
Sisters of St. Joseph. These excerpts are:
“…to keep our eyes and hearts open to your
(God’s) daily presence in our lives,”
“Enable us to dare to listen to signs of life and
death in our own lives, in the lives of those with
whom we minister, and in the life of our world.Ӡ
- Judy Wasserman is a free lance writer who has written
for the Allston-Brighton TAB, and writes for the Burlington
Sister Regina with her mother, Regina.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 7
continued from page 5
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Olsen
Friends & Family of Sister
Marylena Avery
Friends & Family of Sister
Pat Hogan
Friends & Family of Sister
Rose deLourdes Wall
Friends & Family of Sister
Thomasine Knowlton
Friends & Family of Sister
Virginia O’Connell
Friends of Sister Pauline
Florence Frost
Joseph Gaffney
Sister Bernadette Gallagher
Barbara Galuzza’s 50th
Sister Mary Beata Galvin
Sister Camella Gambale
Helen Gannon
Mary Gannon
Rev. Ronald Garabaldi
Claire & Stephen Garvey’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
Ann Garvey
Claire & Steve Garvey
Linda Gautreau
Marion Gavin
Patricia Geary
Alex & Tammy Genereux
Rene & Rita Geoffroy
Marie Gerhard
Joan Gianino
The Giblin Family
Jilda Giles’ 87th Birthday
Maureen Gillis
James Gilmore
James M. Gilmore
Manus & Mary Gilmore
Sister Catherine Gilmore
Edward Gilsenan
Jared Ginnetty’s
John Girard
Louise Gisoldi
Virginia Goggin
Rita Gomez
Elizabeth “Betty” Gordon
Sister Marie Claire Goudey
Chris Goudreau
Virginia Graeber
Thomas Graham
Robert Grant
Mike Gray
John Greeley
Shirley Green
Harry Griffin
Alice Grimes
Yvonne Grothues
Luciana Guerrio
Marylee Guiliano & Family
Nancy Guinivan
Rose Haggert
Barbara Halleran
Sister Helen Halligan
Martie Hamilton
Michael & Jean Hanlon
Bunny Harding
Ellen Hardy
Sister Marilyn Harrigan
Annette Harrington
& Family
Ann Harris
Katherine Hart
Doreen Hatch
Cecelia Healy
Patrick Healy
Rosemary Healy
Mr. & Mrs. John Heffernan
Eileen Heneghan
Sister Nancy Braceland and friends receive Highland Street
Foundation grant from Noreen McMahon.
Mary Lynn Hichey
Matt Hickey USMC
Cpl. Matt Hickey
Mona Higgins
Sister Katherine Higgins
Judy Hill
Maureen Hilliard
Robert Hirtle
Timothy Honan
Mary Horan
Sister Margaret Horan
Sister Jeremy Horgan
William Horne’s 90th
John P. Houlihan
Sister Marjorie Marie Howe
Kim Huang
Christine Hudson
Rosemary L. Hughes
Krista Humann
Joan Hunt
Matt Hurlbut
Rita C. Hurley’s 90th
Geraldine Hurley
Phyllis Hussey
Wesley McLeod Hutto
Vincent & Joan Iacono’s
40th Wedding Anniv.
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Iacono
Ill & Retired CSJs
In Gratitude to St. Joseph
Bishop Francis Irwin
Judy Jackson
Linda Jacobs
Edward James’ 66th
James & Carol Jarvis
John Jennings & Family
John & Nancy Jennings
Nancy Jennings
Jessie & Bob Johnson’s 50th
Helen Johnson
Maria Johnson
Richard Johnston
Mary “Maura” Joyce
Cathy Judge
Sister Florence Kahler
Patricia Kane
Rev. Joseph Kane
Ruth Kane
Greg Kanelos
Kerrin Kanelos
Jim Kapoll
Margaret Kay
Jeanne Kelch
Jean Kelleher
Rev. John Kelleher
William A. Kelley Sr.
Lorna Kelley
Sister Martha Ann Kelley
John J. Kelly
Ruth Kelly
Robert & Deborah Kennedy
Charles Kenworthy’s 80th
Rodney Kidder
Virginia Kiejna
Sister Margaret Kilduff
Alice Kinchla
John & Eileen King & Family
Claire King
Ollie Kinsman
Robert Kinsman
Gerald Kirby
Sister Thomasine Knowlton
Nancy Erickson Kobiyadi
Sister Mary Krause
Joyce Kulhawik
Mary Ann LaFond
Ann LaGressa
Marie LaPorta
Barbara LaPorte
Rev. Victor LaVoie
Chuck Labrecque
Esther Lane’s 90th Birthday
Esther & Nancy Lane
Sister Doris Langlois
Kathie Lanney
George Lathurus’ 80th Birthday
Darren LeBlanc
Rev. Harold LeBlanc
Patricia Leahy
Mary L. Leary
Michael Leary
Hectarine Lebeuf
Mary Lees
Mary Powell Lees
Theresa & Helen Lenox
Maria Leo
Connie Lewis
Louise Lindquist
The Little Family
Joanne Murphy Loftus
Sister Patricia Logan
Warren Lohnes
Marion Lombardo
Mary Lombardo
Bill Looney
Sister Barbara Loud
Lucille & John
James A. Lynch Jr.
Marie Lynch
Sister Patricia Lynch
Mary Shanley Lyon’s100th
Molly Lyons’ 100th Birthday
Lydia Lyons
Mary Shanley Lyons
Molly Shannon Lyons
The MacDonald Family
Linda MacFarlane
Anne MacLean
Debra Mack
Andrea Mackiewicz
Marynia Mackiewicz
Molly & Timmy Maguire
Charles Mahoney
Ed Mahoney
Kathleen & Dick Mahoney
Richard Mahoney
Mary Malek
Edward Malloy
Patricia Malone
Sister Mildred Malone
Catherine Maloney
Mary Maloney
Julia Mandeville
Sister Janina Mangion’s
105th Birthday
Betty Manus
Kevin Markey’s 25th
Joan Markey
John Markley
Theresa Martell
Sister J. P. Martin SMSM
Samuel Martin
Virginia Martin
Sister Ann Marie Masone
Mary Masse
Kate Mastors & Family
Danny & Mary Matthews
Joanne Maulden
Donald McAdam
Paul McAuliffe & Family
Kay McAvoy
Al McCallum
Eleanor & Robert McCarrick
Janet McCarron
Henry McCarthy
Sister Mary Lou McCarthy
The Family of Sister
Prudence McCarthy
William & Barbara
Sister Mary McCormack
Sisters Mary & Rita
Judith Lavoie McCue
Dan & Joyce McDevitt
Paul McDonald’s 70th
Perry McDonald
Sister Mary McDonnell’s
90th Birthday
Jim & Barbara McEachern
Sister Patricia McEachern
John McElhiney
John McEwan
Robert McEwan
Rev. Fred McGowan
Hugh McGranngihan
El & Connie McGreab
Rosemary McHatton
Carol McInnis
Patricia McKenzie
Chris McKeon
Mary McKinnon
Mary Fahey McKinnon
Fr. Patrick J. McLaughlin’s
Golden Jubilee
Cathy Milton McLaughlin
Clare McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
Rev. Patrick McLaughlin
Josephine McLean
Christina McMahon
Christine McMahon
Myles McMann’s 17th
Edward McNeil & Debbie
Nancy McNutt
Pat McShane
Patricia McShane
Father Richard Mehm
John Melanson
Sister Agnes Melly
Joseph Mercurio
Cornelia Merritt
Sister Rosemary Michalski
Joseph Miett
Laraine Milauskas
Robert Millard
Sister Mary Mills
Elizabeth Mingolelli
Mary Mobilia
Priscilla Monahan
Anne Monte
Freida Moore
Msgr. John Moore
Della Moran
Paul Moriarty
Evelyn Morrisey
Joan Morrissey
Angela T. Mottola’s 93rd
Sister Ann Moynihan
Christela Louis Becomes U. S. Citizen
(Pictured on the front cover: Sister Pat Andrews,
Christela Louis and Mary Rita Weschler)
Our Cristo Rey Boston student, Christela Louis, who
worked in the Office of Mission Advancement, became a
United States Citizen on March 29, 2012. Christela, who
is a native of Haiti, mentioned her dream of becoming a
citizen of the United States. This dream began to become a
reality when Sister Ann Moynihan approached a donor and
asked whether they would make a donation to help defray
the fees involved. The donor agreed and Christela began
the process. Within six months her dream became a reality.
Sister Pat Andrews, Director of The Literacy Connection,
guided and coached Christela through the process. We are
all very proud of her and congratulate Christela Louis on
this life-changing achievement.
Debbie Keane Mroz
Angelo Mula
Lorraine Mulrean
Sister Cecilia Agnes
Ann Murphy CSJA
Sister Alvernara Murphy’s
90th Birthday
Bonnie Murphy
Chris Murphy
Janet Murphy
Kathleen Murphy
Mary Murphy
Mary J. Murphy
Sister Mary L. Murphy
Sister Rose Joseph Murphy
Betty Murray
Margaret Murray
Sister Frances Marie Murray
Sister Virginia Murray
William Myers
Ann Nagelschmidt
Bill & JoAnn Nagle
JoAnn Nagle
Bill Nally
Jan Nascarella
Margaret Naughton
Daniel Navin
Coleen & Charles Neault’s
25th Wedding Anniv.
Colleen Neault
Theora Neault
Carol Neergaard
Rev. Thomas Nestor
Ronald Newcomb
Sister Peggy Nichols
Joseph & Maria Nicholson
Joseph Nolan
Sister Helen Noonan
Margaret & Charles North
Joe Norton
Nurses & Aides at BHCC
Terry O’Brien & Family
John & Mary O’Brien’s 50th
Wedding Anniv.
Francis & Nancy O’Brien
Joann O’Brien
Kathleen O’Brien
Sister Anne O’Brien
Sister Elizabeth O’Hearn
James O’Kane
James & Madge O’Leary
Griffin James O’Neil
Sister Margaret Ann O’Neil
The O’Neill Family
Marion O’Neill
Sister Cathy O’Neill
Sister Patricia O’Neill
Sister Mary Theresa O’Reilly
Sister Mary Theresa
O’Reilly’s 50th Jubilee
Sister Mary O’Rourke
John Barry O’Sullivan
Martina Buckley O’Toole
Bette O’Brien
Mary Rose O’Brien
Cornelia O’Connell
Connie O’Loughlin
John O’Sullivan
Frank Oliver
Ray Orgeron
Delores Orvis
Kathie Owen
Connie Pagan
Fr. Dick Pankratz
Nancy Papp CSJA
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 9
CSJ Associates Olivia Armato (L) and Josephine Cushing (C)
assemble Valentine gift bags for Hastings House.
Pam Paragona
Betsy Parker
Ralph & Judy Pasquerella’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
Sister Annette Paveglio SC
Dorothy Pembroke
Rose Perard
Constance Peterman
Walter & Nancy Peterson
Roger Petrich
Kay Pfeiffer
Kay & Ralph Pheiffer
Charlie Pinkney
Anne & Bob Piscioneri
Anne T. Piscioneri
Joseph G. Plante
Janet Polillio & Janice
Anna Pollock
Marian Potts
William E. Power
Jeanne Powers
Sister Ellen Powers
Sister James Frances Powers
Vicki Powers
Walter Premo
Catherine Prestejohn
The Prior Family
Kimberly Malek Ptak
Linda Pugsley
Mary Qualters
Mary Lou Quealy
Sister Ernestine Quealy
John Quinlan
Sister John Mary Quirk
Karen Rabideau
Very Rev. Joseph K. Raeke
Susan & Terry Ragon
Connie Randal
Sister Josephine Reale
Sister Peggy Reavy
John Recene
Nora Rector
Tom & Nobbie Reilly’s 50th
Wedding Anniv.
Sister Barbara Reney
Sue Rennie
Eleanor Reppucci
Ann Mary Reynolds
Steve Ricarrelli
Jessie Ricci
Elaine Richardson
Joan Richardson
Patty Richenburg
Marion Riley
Sonny Rivera
The Rizzo Family
Mary Beth Roache
Mary Jane Robinson &
Frank Collins
Ellen Robitaille
Camilla Rodger
Albert Romano’s 90th
Kevin & Nancy Ronayne
& Family
John Ronayne III
Arthur & Eleanor Ronayne’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
Eleanor Ronayne
Elaine Rossetti
Lee Rossetti
Pat Roth
Frank Rouse
Rev. Paul Rouse
Mary Magner Ruscio
Gerald Russo
Lynne Russo
Robert Rutter
George Ryan
Joseph F. Ryan
Robert & Natalie Ryan
John Ryder’s 90th Birthday
Jeannette Saitta
Dick & Nancy Samaria
Helen Santaplo
Leo Savoy
Sister Barbara Scanlon
Sister Maxima Schneider
Guy Schrag
Rev. Salvatore Sciurba OCD
Carole Anne Scott
Carole Anne & Dana Scott
Marian Sears
Mary St. Seaveur
Helen Sellew
Helen A. Senna
Robert Share
Jack Shaughnessy
Karen & Kendra Shea
Rev. Daniel Sheehan
Sister Alice Sheehy
Margaret Shields
Maureen Edgar Shilrentian
John Shire
Judith Shooter
Larry & Theresa Shumway
& Family
Paula Silveira
Sister Eulogius’ 75th Jubilee
Sister Mary Pauline SC
Sister Mary Theresa
Sister Ursula
Sister Kathy Short
Judy & Ray Smith & Family
Anna Smith
Catherine Smith
Cathy Smith
Edward Smith
Phyllis & Red Smith
Sister Patricia Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Smith’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
The St. Ciriacos
St. Joseph
Sally Stank
Friends & Family of Diane
Pat Stickney
Pauline Stoner
John & Marcia Sulfaro’s
Wedding Anniv.
Joseph E. Sullivan Jr.
George & Dianne Sullivan
Jack Sullivan
Naomi Sullivan
Rev. Eugene Sullivan
Sister Declan Sullivan
Sister Helen Sullivan
Sister Mary Blaithin
Gloria Summerly
Jim & Pat Surette
Carol & Jim Suslowicz
Jean Sweeny
Pearl Sylvia
Phyllis Talluto
Rev. Patrick Tarrant
James & Katherine Taylor’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
Robert Thadeio
Thanksgiving For Blessings
Dr. Katharine Theodary
Barbara & John Thielen
Paul & Sheila Tighe
Joanne Tomassi
Kathy Traficanti
Sister Nanine Tuller
Rita Turner
Elaine Twohig
Mary Tynan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Upton
Ralph Vacce
Rev. George D. Vantzelis
Kristie Lee Vasquez
Frances T. Ventura
Carol Vera
Sister Carol Verville SC
Sister Teresa Vesey
Gregory Vialpando
Emilia Vicente
Alice Vigneau
Clare Villa
Peg Vinciulla
Eileen & William Waldron
Steven Waldron
Ed Walser
Patricia Walsh
Sister Mary K. Walsh
Veronica Walsh
Gerard Ward’s 60th Birthday
Joanne Crowley Watkins
Robert Westerland
Frank H. Whelan & Family
Sister Eleanor Wiegand
Mary Wilkas
Lindsey Wilkinson
Mary Will
Joanne Williams
Jennifer Winton
Richard Wyman
Kristen Hayes Yearick
Jonathan Young
Jeanette Ziegler
Buddy Zinn
Sister Eleanor Zito
Eric Zwacki †
2012 Jubilarians
Eileen Dever (Faber) 1
Margaret Ginty (Dorothea) 2
Corsini Ivers ((Corsini) 3
Mary Frances Mahoney (Adeltrude) 4
Frances Marie Murray (Campion) 5
Margaret Perrow (Nolasco) 6
Stella Sabini (Stella) 7
Eleanor Zito (Bobola) 8
Helen Callahan (Leo Francis) 9
Marie Patrice Carr (Marie Patrice) 10
Anne Conway (Eileen Clare) 11
Pauline Curley (Edward Marie) 12
Anne D’Arcy (Jane Marie) 13
Marie deSales Dinneen (Marie deSales) 14
Martina Marie Kelly (Martina Marie) 15
Mary Joan Lofgren (Elizabeth Ann) 16
Lois Lyons (Ida Marie) 17
19 Catherine Nevin (Catherine Therese) 18
Mary Oates (Norbert) 19
Joseph Francis Salter (Joseph Francis) 20
Barbara Scanlon (Patricia Mary) 21
Dorothy Welch (Marie Frances) 22
Barbara Whelan (Theresa Joseph) 23
Marylou Cassidy (Marian Joseph) 24
Leila Hogan (Marie St. William) 25
Martha Ann Kelley (Marie Annunciata) 26
Jacquelyn McCarthy (Jeremiah Marie) 27
Virginia O’Connell (John Maria) 28
Lorraine Quinn (Joseph Helen) 29
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 11
Sister Terry Jardin
Riding on the Wind. . .
by Patricia J. O’Neil
t might be said that
Sister Theresa Ann
Jardin came to the
novitiate of the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Boston
riding on the winds of a
hurricane. Sister Terry
and 57 young women
began their studies at the
novitiate in Framingham,
MA, in September 1954.
A hurricane preceded
their arrival and another
followed shortly after
they entered. “They
called us the hurricane postulants,” Sister Terry said
in a recent interview.
A native of Stoughton, MA, Sister Terry is
the youngest of eight children of Portuguese
immigrant parents, who hailed from the Island of
Madeira off the coast of Portugal. “My parents
spoke Portuguese at home, but I always answered
in English.” Her education began at St. Mary
Elementary School, followed by four years at
Stoughton High School, since her parents were
unable to afford Catholic high school tuition. “I
was very active in drama, glee club, the dance
committees, the school newspaper, etc.” Little
whispers nudged her to enter the convent. But,
Sister Terry decided to attend Bridgewater State
Teachers College instead. After a couple of years,
when she was 19, and despite strong resistance
from her parents, Sister Terry acted on her desire
to become a Sister of St. Joseph. “My first trip
on the subway was to visit Reverend Mother to
apply to the Congregation.” Her former English
teacher and drama coach, Mary Jane Commane,
a Regis graduate, was tremendously supportive
of her entering religious life. Given the religious
name Sister Marie Emmanuel, she pronounced first
vows in 1957 and continued her college education,
receiving her bachelor degree from Regis College.
She later returned to Bridgewater State College for
her Masters in Math Education.
Her first mission was to Our Lady of Grace
School, Chelsea, MA, where for six years, she
taught first and fourth grade. Then, during a
classroom visitation, her community supervisor
asked if she liked math. Her “yes” answer
resulted in being sent to teach seventh grade math
at Immaculate Conception, North Cambridge,
MA, for three years and eighth grade math at St.
John the Evangelist, Canton, MA, for nine years.
“I was so involved there…teaching, directing
plays and working with the junior singers, as
well as overseeing the yearbook.” She also taught
math and computer classes at St. Clare High
School, Roslindale, MA, for four years.
When her mother died she moved back to the
family home in Stoughton to care for her father.
“My parents had come around to my entering the
convent, so it was a delight to see a plaque on
the living room wall: ‘I am the proud father of a
nun’.” For nine years, she commuted to work and
spent Tuesday and Thursday nights at the convent
to participate in community life.
In August 1988, ready for a change in ministry,
she went to work in the Office for Pastoral
Ministries of the Archdiocese of Boston. To her
amazement, she said, “The director pulled gifts
out of me that I didn’t know I had. . .things like
creative publishing and planning liturgies.” At the
same time, as an offshoot of the group C.A.R.E.
(Charism and Roots Experience), and under the
leadership of Sister Julie Harkins, she joined
four sisters in an Intentional Community, living
together based on the charism of their French
founder, Jesuit Father Jean-Pierre Médaille.
Her six-year “itch” led to another ministry
when Sister Terry joined Sister Barbara Reney
on the retreat team at St. Joseph Retreat Center,
Cohasset, MA. “My title was Registrar/Bursar,
but we did everything that was needed.” In
addition to daily and weekend retreats, she
helped to host parish groups, Holy Week services,
quilting prayer sessions, and mornings of prayer
where she led the music for liturgy. “Sometimes,
at a morning of prayer, we had nearly 60 people
attend, their chairs spilling out into the hallways.
All the creative things I did in high school were
put to use there.”
The retreat center was scheduled for a new
administration team, so Sister Terry went on a
well-earned sabbatical attending Berakah, in
Pittsfield, NH. The mission of Berakah is to
provide a holistic renewal program for women
religious, allowing them to recognize their own
uniqueness and gifts and to provide the tools
to do this. Over two sessions, she participated
in every possible class, as well as music and
drama. “I even did solo liturgical dancing,” she
said delightedly.
Would she enter religious life again? “I sure
would. Maybe I’d do a few things differently - I
am basically pretty shy.” For Sister Terry, her call
to religious life is a privilege. “The whole point
of ministry,” she said, “is responding to the needs
of our Dear Neighbor, which is the bedrock of
the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston.” Sister Terry Jardin lives that daily. †
-Patricia J. O’Neil is a freelance writer who lives in
Rockville Centre, New York.
“The whole point of ministry . . .
is responding to the needs of
the Dear Neighbor . . .”
In September 2007, she became the
administrative assistant in the diocesan Office of
Child Advocacy. The United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops had issued a document:
“Charter for the Protection of Children and
Young People,” providing directives for a safe
environment for children by educating adults
and children on the signs and symptoms of child
abuse. Currently, part of her duties involves
maintaining a database of some 75,000 adults
who attend Protecting God’s Children sessions,
which train participants in the task of child abuse
Along with her ministry work, Sister Terry is
a member of the CSJ Chorus. Not to be outdone
with singing, she was also a member of the CSJ
Orchestra. “Never having played the trumpet, I
was handed one and learned to play it to enter
into the orchestra.” In addition, she was on the
Liturgical Commission of the Congregation
for over twenty years. With such full days,
Sister Terry said: “I’m not ready to retire yet.”
She enjoys reading, knitting prayer shawls for
hospital patients, helping out at Casserly House,
listening to music, and visiting family. She
also hosts an annual Jardin Family Christmas
celebration, where, with numerous siblings,
nieces and nephews, they gather yearly for a day
of laughter, food, and fun.
L-R: Sisters Terry, Eleanor Wiegand, and Barbara Reney at
St. Joseph Retreat Center.
Sister Terry, while on sabbatical at Berakah, performs a
solo liturgical dance.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 13
emorials - Listed below are the names of those who have gone before us to new life,
for whom the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and Associates have been asked to pray.
January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011
Geraldine Abban
Carlo Abbatinozzi
Joan E. Abberton
Sasha Gabriella Abitawte
Mary Abrams
Angela Adams
Ann J. Adams
Linda Adams
Marjorie Adams
Rusty Adams
Frederick Adgate
Lana Agir
Jenna Agule
Dorothy V. Ahearn
Mark Ahern
Anthony Aiello
Salvatore J. Alaimo
Claire Alba
Marilyn Albrecht
Domenic Alfano
Mario F. Alfano
Patricia Allain
Jack Allan
Merrill Allen
Sebastian “Bill” Allia
Charles G. Allison
Chuck Allison
Steven Almodvar
Stephen R. Aloise
Peter Alterio
Carmella “Millie” Alu
Vincent Alvaro
Adeline Ambessi
Samuel J. Ameen
Dante Amicangelo
Barbara Sullivan
Robert Amico & Friends
Robert Amico
Myron “Jim” Ammann
Salvatore L. Amonte
Sam Amonte
Henry Amoroso
Eleanor Anastos
Jerry Anderson
Treva Anderson
William “Bill” Anderson
Evelyn Andrews
Ralph “Gus” Andrews
Catherine Angland
Antonio Antetomaso
Jacobus Anthony
B. Antonellis
Julia Antonellis
Elena Antonetti
Victoria Antonnuccio
Francis M. Arcari
John A. Arcari
Jean Archambault
Anna Ardolino
Joseph Arlauskas
Michael Arlauskas
Walter Armstrong
John Arnold
Sisters Frances Wool and Pat Quinn during Chapter 2012.
John C. Arnold
Paul Arsenau
Sean Aruda
Elaine R. Atherton
Frank Atkinson
Nora Attridge
Alphonse Auclair
Paul R. Auger
John J. August
Thomas Augustin
Michael Austin Jr.
William P. Austin
Walter J. Avery Jr.
Debbie Ayer
Angela Ayoob
Beverly Baacconnier
Madeline Bachelder
Sister Barbara Baer
Gerry Bagley
Joanne T. Bagley
Robert Bagley
Ruth Bahosh
Cynthia Bailey
Frances E. Bailey
Orestes Baino
Dominic Baio
Brooke Baker
Edward Baker
James Baker
Jane B. Baker
Lawrence Baker
Roland Lawrence Baker
Sarah Balch
Leo Baldwin
Donald Ban
Madeline Banks
Sameul Baptista
Alvino Barbato
Guy Barca
Mitchell Barczykowski
Jerry Barker
Jill Barker
Joan Barnes
Joe Barnes
AnnaMarie Barnhart
Margaret “Peg” Barnicle
Florrie Barrett
Philip J. Barry Jr.
Ann Marie Barry
Patricia Barry
Peggy Barry
Thomas Barry
Ken Barth’s Mother
Gerard J. Bartholomew
Beverly Bartinelli
Raymond G. Basick
Jennie Basile
Zelinda Noel Bastien
Marie C. Bateman
Eugene Bates
The Batsch Family
Columbia Battistelli
James Battles
Sister Mary Clara Battles
Kathleen Bavineau
Mary Sally Baxter
Agnes & Edward Bayer
Federico Bayluster
Alan Beale
Margaret Bean
Francis Bearfield
Liberata Antonetta Beatrice
Anna T. Beaudry
Claire C. Beaulieu
Helen Beauregard
Eleanor M. Bechet
Guy Bedrosian
Judy Beeman
Edward Begin
Derek C. Begley
Stephen Beisheim
Georgette C. Belanger
Raymond Beliveau
Charlotte Bell
Timothy J. Bell
Salvatore Bellanti
Rudy A. Bellefeuille
Gerald Belliveau
Gerard Belliveau
Joseph Belliveau
Anthony Benedetto
Rose Marie (Rock) Benitez
Robert Bennett
Bill Berardi
Sylvio Berardino
Rita Bergeron
Jane V. Bergin
Jerry Berkowitz
Felicita Bermingham
Sister Madeline Bernstein
Elaine S. Berry
Mary Alice Berry
Robert Berry
Helen Best
Joseph Beswick
John Bettle
Roger M. Bettle
Robert W. Betts
Shirley A. Bevilacqua
Lucy D. Bibbo
Catherine Bigwood
Ann Birmingham
Alice Biron
Dorothy Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop
Harold Bishop
Paul Bishop
Beatrice Blackman
Dr. Adrian Blake
Diane M. Blanchard
Fred Blanchard
Norman Blanchard
Paul Blanchard
Rene L. Blanchard
Ann Blanchette
Marie Blaser
Jeffrey Blumsack
Sister M. Hughita Blunt
Elaine Boas
Judith Bobola
Joseph Bodell
Margaret M. Bogan
Dr. Joseph A. Bogni
Sister Catherine Bohan
Donna Boisse
Yvonne Boisvert
Heba Bojanovski
Claire Boland
Catherine Boldi
Brian Bolger
Harry Bolger
Frank Bollmeyer
Dorla Bombard
Abby Bonelli
Rita Bong
Joseph Bonica
James A. Borden Jr.
Michael Borke
John Bornas
Marion F. Borrazzo
Mel Borrin
W. Fred Bortolotti
Dana Bossa
Kenneth Bossa
Mrs. Dana Bossa
Pierre Botha
Edward Botsch
Pauline Bottari
Richard M. Bottorf
Claire Bouchard
Edmund Bouche
Thomas Boucher
Richard Boudette
Anne M. Boudreau
Maureen Boudreau
Sister Patrona Bourneuf
Joseph L. Bourque Sr.
Nicole Fletcher Bowden
Linda Wayne Bowe
Arte Bowen
Edna (Joyce) Bowen
Edward Bowen
Fredson T. Bowers Sr.
Bernadette Boyd
George Boyd
Anna Boyle
Anne Boyle
Edward Boyle
Sister Bonitus Boyle
Sister M. Reinette Boyle
Heather Bradford
Joan Bradford
Elaine Bradley
James Bradley
Thomas Bradley
John J. Brady Sr.
Theresa Brasnan
George L. Brawley
Robert L. Brawley
Barbara Breda
Sister Paulin Breen
Sister Theresine Breen
Wendy Breen
Eileen Breenon
Sister Mary Julia Breheny
Mary K. Brennan
Sister Albertus Brennan
Thomas G. Brennan
Antonette M. Brewster
Elizabeth Briana
Mary Briana
Joseph (Briere)
Carmella G. Brillo
Robert Brinkley
Henry Brochi
Martin Broderick
Thomas C. Broderick
William Broderick
Thomas Brodrick
Phyllis R. Brogna
Carol M. Brosnan
John J. Brosnan
Thomas K. Brosnihan
Eva Brousseau
Charles Brovelli
Bette A. Brown
Ernest Brown
George Brown
James Brown
Patrick Brown
Stella Brown
Dear Sisters,
This quote, these words, remind
me of you: What the fight against
poverty needs are men and
women who live in a profoundly
fraternal way and are able to
accompany individuals, families
and communities on journeys of
authentic human development.
(Pope Benedict XVI World Day of Peace 2009)
- Barbara McDaniel - The Literacy Connection
Mr. Brundeau
Joseph A. Bruno
Rosalie Bruno
Sister Merona Bruno
Ezio C. Bucchianeri
Vincent Buccieri
Michael Buchanan
Alice Buckley
Bette Ann Buckley
Marcia M. Buckley
Margaret M. Buckley
Michaline Buckley
Philip Buckley
Hildegard Buczynski
Sister Gerald Buginski
Genevieve E. Buhl
William Bunyard
Camillo & Rose
Marian Burchill
Mary L. Burgess
Mary Rose Burgoyne
Arlene A. Burke
Daniel Burke
Jacqueline Burke
John Burke
Joseph M. Burke
Kathleen Burke
Laura Burke
Madeline T. Burke
Mary Burke
Maureen Burke
Michael Burke
Michael L. Burke
Sister Dorothy Burke
Virginia G. Burke
Jacqueline Burnham
Jack Burnieika
Lorraine Burns
Louise Burns
Paul Burns
Robert Burns
Robert P. Burns
William J. Burns
Louise Burt
William James Burton
Vincent Buscanera
Ronald Busconi
Ann Butler
Anne & James Butler
Edward Butler
Marie Butler
Thomas Butler
Rosalie Byrda
Janis Byrne
Patricia Byrne
Sean Byrne
Elizabeth J. Byrnes
Dr. Benjamin R. Byron Jr.
CSJ Party of 1951
CSJs From St. Charles
Arlene Cabral
Isabelle Cabral
Maria Cabral
Madeleine Cacy
Andrea Hickey Cady
Robert Caggiano
Catherine Cahalane
Agnes Cahill
Elizabeth Cahill
Henry Cahill
John Cahill
Kathleen Cahill
Louise Cahill
Sister Mary F. Cahill
Louise Calcasula
Paul Calello
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 15
Anne Callahan
Helen Callahan
Rita Callahan
Thomas Callahan
James Callanan
Mike Camerlengo
Frank Campanella
Catherine Cook Campbell
Daniel Campbell
Frank Campbell
Holman Campbell
Jean Campbell
Kay Campbell
Pelagio Campos
Alan & Nora Camps
Sharon Casey Canale
Judith A. Canavan
Frances Ann Candito
Rita Canillas
Elaine Cannistraro
Danny Canny
Rudy Caparrota
Aileen Capitanio
Antonette Capobianco
Damiano Capobianco
Elena Capobianco
Rose Capodilupo
Mary M. Capone
John A. Caporale
Mildred R. Cappello
Laurie Capra
Heather Thomas Capriulo
Marjorie Capua
Mary Carchedi
John Cardelli
Edward Cardillo
Edward A. Cardillo
Domingos Cardosa
James Carew
Catherine Carey
Mary C. Carey
Meg Carey
Paul Cargill
Barbara Carl
Edna A. Carli
Mary Carlin
Hugh Carney
John Paul Caron
Alfred Carpenito
John Carr II
Connie Carr
Daniel Carr
David Carr
Denise Carr
Dennis Carr
Robert Carr
Rose Carr
William E. Carritte
Charles Carroll
Virginia M. Carroll
David Carrozza
Cass Carson
Barbara Caruso
Dominic Caruso
Deceased Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
. . . the mercy of God will gather us
together again in the joy of
eternal life . . .
Margaret Ann O’Neil
Eleanor McCarthy
Merona Bruno
Catherine Bohan
Rosalie McKenzie
Marlena Hurley
Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Barbara King
Gemella Casey
Chabanel Dinn
Catherine Lane
Ednata Sullivan
Catherine Melly
Maxima Schneider
Barbara Joyce
Loretto Hegarty
Mary Delaney
Julia Breheny
Albertus Brennan
Pauline Marie Dow
Etheldrita Shay
Hildegarde McDonald
Lillian McDonald
Aileen Marie Murray
Rose deLourdes Wall
Helen Mary Fitzgerald
Mary Loretto Norton
Alice Elizabeth Sheehy
Margaret Dunn
Bernadette Gallagher
Dorothy Hart
Marisol Gallagher
Helen B. Caruso
Constance Carusso
Salvatore Cascio
Joseph D. Casey Jr.
Richard Casey Jr.
Joseph D. Casey Sr.
Alice Casey
Daniel M. Casey
Rita A. Casey
Rosemary Casey
Sister Gemella Casey
John Cashman
Edward Cassidy
Al Castelli
Albert Castelli
Arthur Castraberti
Kass Castree
Margaret Castree
Angelo Caterino
Jill Caton
Joseph Catrone
John Caughey
Jack Cawley
James Cawley
James & John Cawley
John Cawley
Winifred Cawley
Claire Cawthrone
Jacklyn Cebelak
Mary Celata
Charles Celefalo
Geraldine Censabella
Mary Cerasuolo
Eda Cerbone
Maureen Cerolia
Josephine A. Cerrone
Mary Chane
Jesse Chapin
Diane Chapman
Fritz Chapman
Barbara Ann Chappelle
Theresa Chapski
Jean Chareth
Prof. Ernest Charrier
Dr. John E. Chateauneuf
James Chekares
Rev. Clyde Chelwynde
Arlene Chiasson
Guido Chilante
Bette Anne Chisholm
Alfred “Mark” Christianson
Mark Christianson
Evangeline Christopher
Kathleen B. Christopher
Paul Ciacia
Sebastian Cianci
Irma Ciannavei
Mary Ciano
Peter Ciccarelli
Ted Ciccariello
Michael Ciello
Kimberly Cina
Michael Cirieilo
Theresa Civetti
Charles M. Claffey Jr.
Jeanette Claffey
Edward Clancy
Elizabeth Clancy
J. Edward Clancy
Marian Clancy
Matthew Clancy
Joseph Clark
Joseph “Joe” Clark
Mary Clark
Pat Clark
Patricia Holmes Clark
Sister Edvardas Clark
Veronica Clark
Mary Clausmeyer
Mary R. Clay
William A. Cleary Jr.
Kathleen F. Cleary
Mary Cleary
Ann Marie Clericuzio
Lillian Clerkin
James D. Clifford
Paul Cloos
Martin Clougherty
Edith Clucas
Mary Coakley
Sarah L. Cobban
Mary Jane Coburn
Ottavio Coccimiglio
Gary Coe
Lena Coelho
Wilmor Coelho
Sister Elizabeth Coffey OSB
Katherine Coffey
Roy Coffin
Virginia L. Coghlan
Michael “Mike” Cogliandro
Joseph Cogliano
Fred J. Colangeli Jr.
Clarence Cole
Jack Cole
June Colella
Martin J. Coleman Jr.
Marguerite Coleman
Kathryn Colgan
Sally Colleran
Christopher J. Collins
Eleanor B. Collins
Geneva G. Collins
George Collins
Helen Collins
Ross Collins
Sister Olivia Collins
Sister Jeanne Collins
Phyllis Collucci
Josephine Collura
Steven Colmer
Agnes Colpoys
Janice Columbus
Anna Comeau
Mary Comstock
Bridie Concannon
Donna Concentino
Alyce Condon
William Condon
Ruth Condry
Marie Conley
Francis J. Conlon
Michael Conlon
Michelle J. Conlon
Thomas Connaughton
Bridget Conneely
Mr. Conneely
Harry Connell
Robert Connell
James P. Connelly
Judy Connelly
Christopher Connolly
David Connolly
Elaine Connolly
Elizabeth Connolly
Helen Connolly
John Connolly
Madeline Connolly
Mary Connolly
Patrick Connolly
Thomas W. Connolly
William J. Connolly
Eleanor Connor
Virginia Connor
John J. Connors Jr.
Bill Connors
Catherine Connors
Ellen Connors
Gerald J. Connors
James Connors
Joseph Connors
Christine Murphy Conole
Rev. Robert Conole
Martin Conroy
Donna Consentino
Mrs. Constantino
Helen Conway
Leroy Cook
Jeffrey Cooney
Rick Cooper
Joseph A. Coppola
Agnes Corazzini
John Corbett
William Corbett
A. Josephine Corcoran
Michael Corcoran
P. Leo Corcoran
Sandy Corcoran
Shirley Corcoran
Margaret Corey
Joseph & Bridie Corkery
Paul J. Corkley
Josephine A. Corley
Xiaoyan Coronity
Dr. Raymond Corpe
Mary T. Corradi
Helen F. Corrigan
Kevin Corrigan
Marion Corriveau
Livia Corsetti
Vincent J. Cosgrove
Elvira E. Costa
Gwendolyn P. Costa
Ann Costello
E. Joan Costello
Jim Costello
Joseph Costello
M. Joan Costello
Martin Costello
Raymond F. Costello
Robert H. Costello
Sheila Costello
Anna Cotoulas
Ann Cotter
Esther Cotter
Gerald Cotter
Lois Cotter
Nancy Cotter
Virginia Coughlan
Catherine Coughlin
Jeremiah Coughlin
Joyce A. Coughlin
Marianne Coughlin
Maryann Coughlin
Maryanne Coughlin
Sister Anne Marie Coughlin
Michael Coulise
Iris Covino
Scott Coxall
Brad Crane
Louis M. Creasia
Jennie Credit
Carole Creed
Mark Creedon
Mary L. Creedon
Michael Crehan
Thomas Cremens
Thomas Cremms
Margaret J. Crimmings
Catherine Crockett
John Croghan
Doreen A. Croke
Sister Ann Marie O’Malley
Peace Vigil Good Friday, 2012
Joan Cronin
John F. Cronin
Joseph Cronin
Mary Cronin
Mary Beth Cronin
Mary E. Cronin
Mary Elizabeth Cronin
Michael J. Cronin
Neal Cronin
Sister Ann Cronin
Victoria Cronin
Jill Marie Crosby
Margaret A. Crosby
John Crowe
The Crowley Family
Anna Crowley
Brendan Crowley
Brendon Crowley
Charles H. Crowley
David Crowley
Elaine Crowley
Jerome Crowley
Rita Crowley
Nicola Crugnale
Jim Crump
Sister Bernadette Crump
Joan Crunin
Salvatore J. Crupi
Concetta Cucinotta
Edward J. Culhane Sr.
Edna Cullati
Dawn Cullen
Sister Serena Cullen
Virginia Cullen
William J. Cullinane
Gloria Cummings
Joseph Cummings
Margaret T. Cummings
Bridie Cunniffe
Beatrice Cunningham
Catherine I. Cunningham
Frank Cunningham
Frank M. Cunningham
Grace Cunningham
Helene Cunningham
Joseph P. Cunningham
Eva Cura
Dave Curley
David G. Curley
Anne Curran
George V. Curran
Mary Louise Curran
Paddy Curran
Paul Curry
Thomas Curry
Helen & Michael Curtin
Henry J. Curtin
Paul Curtis
Vera Cusano
Mary K. Cusick
Olive Cyr
Harold Czasnetki
Theresa D’Alcomo
Nan D’Alelio
Mildred D’Ambrosio
Joanne M. D’Angelo
Francis D’Arcy
Maria DaSilva
Daniel & Mary Dacey
Edmund Daignault
William Daignault
Edmond Daigneault
Marion Dailey
Jennie Dalessio
Amy Daley
continued on page 20
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 17
Sister Barbara Reney
God Opens Doors
by Judy Wasserman
ister Barbara Reney
believes that the
“seed was planted”
back in the seventh grade for
her to become a Sister of St.
Joseph. And, since then, she
has been growing, teaching,
learning, and connecting
to her ministries and the
Congregation. Her ministries
have, in fact, taken her to the
classroom, the Sisters of St. Joseph Retreat Center
in Cohasset, MA, pastoral service in a parish, and
work on the CSJ Leadership Team. During a recent
telephone interview, Sister Barbara said that all
along the way she has made many friends, learned
a great deal, and has always been thankful to God
for guiding her. “I always seem to find things (to do)
easily. God has always opened doors for me,” she
Sister Barbara grew up in Dorchester, MA, and
for eight years attended St. Ambrose School, and
later, Mount St. Joseph Academy in Brighton, MA.
When she was in the seventh grade, she remembers
attending the wake of a Mount teacher, and seeing
the sisters in a different light. There they were,
taking care of everything, talking, planning, and not
being teachers, she recalled. “It made an impression
on me, and I went home and told my mother I
wanted to be a nun tomorrow!” Tomorrow came in
1950 when entered the Congregation and received
the name Sister Michelle.
For her first several years as a Sister of St. Joseph,
Sister Barbara taught at various local parochial
schools. She also attended a government-funded
summer program at Elmira College in New York,
where she studied French. She believes that program
helped change her life. “I asked to go, applied for
and received the grant, and went to Elmira,” she
said. Through that whole process, she realized, “I
could do something on my own.”
In 1967, she began the first of many eightyear-long assignments, this time at Fontbonne
Academy in Milton, MA. At Fontbonne, she
taught English and French, and has “happy
memories” of that time, even though there were
the social challenges of changes in the Church,
Congregation, and the Vietnam War.
In 1973, the sisters opened the Retreat Center
in Cohasset. Sister Barbara began a new ministry
there. She then attended a one-year spirituality
program at the Jesuit School of Theology in
Berkley, CA. She said she appreciated the
opportunity to study theology, discuss spiritual
direction, and meet people from all over the
world. She returned to the Retreat Center after
the program was completed, working there for
eight more years. With a chuckle, she noted that
many of her ministries have lasted eight years.
Above: Sister Barbara (R) at a Retreat Center fund raiser
with singers John Raitt and Ann Marie Alberghetti.
Below: CSJ Associates walking the path to the labyrinth’s
Then, in 1983, Sister became pastoral associate
at St. Patrick Parish in Stoneham, MA. Calling
it a “vibrant parish,” Sister Barbara enjoyed her
years there, working with the elderly and various
groups in the parish. Reflecting the sisters’ mission
to connect with the community, she also taught
poetry-writing at the Stoneham Senior Center.
Sister Barbara described the experience as “very
rewarding,” especially helping people express
their feelings through writing. She particularly
remembers a retired engineer and a widow who
both gained much from thinking about themselves
and then putting their thoughts into poetry.
Sister Barbara spent the next eight years as a
CSJ Leadership Team Area Councilor, and then
returned to the Retreat Center for another eight
years. This time, with help from friends, neighbors
and townspeople, a labyrinth was built adjacent to
the Retreat Center and overlooking the water. It
took a long time to complete, but is now a peaceful
and meaningful part of everyday life at Cohasset.
Sister Barbara explained, “It’s not a maze, but
rather a definite path which includes a walk to
and from the center. It’s a place of prayerful
experience.” Sister Barbara said the Retreat Center
is “very special and meaningful to me.”
“God has always
opened doors
for me. . .”
Despite her love of Cohasset, teaching called her
back, and in 2002, she joined the staff of Ursuline
Academy in Dedham, MA, first as a student
supervisor, and then as a seventh and ninth grade
English teacher. This year, she is teaching seventh
and eighth grade English.
Sister Barbara said she is grateful to God for
the diversity of her ministries, and believes she
has often been in the right place at the right time.
She also appreciates the connection to people and
community she has experienced. She recalled
meeting a former student from St. Patrick in
Stoneham, MA, whom she had not seen in 30
years. She also was able to counsel one former
student through an illness. She said she loved
her parish work in Stoneham, but that every
community “is an important part of my life.”
Sister Barbara (R), with Margerie Owen Driscoll (C), and
Sister Catherine Gilmore (L) at the Mount Saint Joseph
Academy 125th Anniversary celebration.
In fact, for Sister Barbara, “being a sister is my
life. It’s in the fiber of my being.” She is also
a member of the 57 Poets & Writers group in
Brighton (named for the #57 bus that travels
through Brighton Center), which has been very
rewarding. How did she find out about it? From
a friend she met at her water aerobics class at
the Brighton YMCA.
“When you reach out to the community and
become involved in activities like writing
and swimming, you become one with the
community and you understand it better,” said
Sister Barbara.
When she is not in the classroom, she likes
to write, especially poetry and memoirs. She
reads mysteries, as well as current and classic
fiction. Despite her varied ministries, Sister
Barbara is glad to be back in the classroom.
“I like associating with the young people and
passing on knowledge to them.” Her wide
range of experiences enables her to pass on her
knowledge and wisdom to young people. †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 19
Sisters and Associates celebrate St. Joseph Day 2012.
continued from page 17
John F. Daley
James Dalton
Barbara A. Daly
Eleanor T. Daly
Joan Daly
Rev. Thomas Daly
Thomas & Kathleen Daly
Lawrence Damico
Eugene Damore Sr.
Paul Danahy
Robert V. Dandrow Jr. MD
John Danehy
Catherine Danfonth
Sarah Danson
Sultana Daoulas
Nancy Darby
Mary Darcy
Thomas Darcy
Marianne Dargon
Sara Dargon
Michael F. Davenport
Stephen Davenport
Garfield Davidson
The Davis Family
Joseph Davis
Joseph E. Davis Sr
Katherine Davis
Marie Davis
Marilyn G. Davis
Paul V. Davis
Richard J. Davis
William & Agnes Davis
David Dawley
Ben Day
Charles DeAngelis
Clare DeAngelis
Dorothy DeAngelis
John DeAngelis
Anna Rose DeCain
Florina DeCenzo
Arlene DeCesare
Robert DeChristofaro
Jeanne DeClerk
Ellen (Terry) DeCourcey
David DeCourcy
Lydia DeCristoforo
Pam DeDecko
Frances DeFeo
Helen DeFlurin
Anthony DeFuria
Bernadette DeGrandis
Frances DeGrazia
Ronald DeGruchy
Paul DeJesus
Frances DeLeo
Angelo DeLuca
Madelyn DeLuca
James J. DeMaio
Catherine Rose DeMartini
Helen L. DeMille
George H. DePaulo
Nancy DePaulo
Roland DePaulo
John P. DePlacido
Mary DeRoma
Donald DeRosier
Kathleen DeSantis
Martin DeSantis
Eugene DeSimone
Vincent DeSimone
Josephine DeTommaseo
Viola DeVasto
Desta DeVincentis
Mary DeVirgilio
Adele DeYulus
John C. Deady
Anna A. Decembrele
Vera deDoming
Edmund Dee
Anthony A. Defeo Jr.
John Dei
Albert F. Deines
Audry Deitche
Gloria DelBere
Ruth T. DelDott
Joan E. DelMonico
Eva M. DelPrete
Terry DelTorto
Birttany DelVecchio
Gerald Delaney
James J. Delaney
Sister Mary Delaney
Joan M. Delorey
Gerard Dembowski
Rose A. Demeo
Sister Anne Demeo
Robert Demers
Edward Demling
Teresa “Terry” Dempsey
Michael Denisio
Beatrice Dennen
James Dennis
Jimmy Dennis
John Dennis
Charles L. Desaulniers
Paul Desharnais
Joseph Desimone
Louis L. Desmarais
Sister Joan Desmond SND
Donald Desrosier
Carl Devasto
Thomas Devenport
John B. Dever
Mary Dever
Elizabeth Devin
Robert J. Devine
Philip Devlin
Arlene M. DiCesare
Ann Marie DiFronzo
Dedra DiFronzo
John DiGiamarino
Gert & Ernie DiMarzio
Nicholas DiMauro
Ralph DiNapoli
Frances DiNicola
Ann DiNunno
Charles A. DiPerri
Carol Anne DiPesa
Nicolina DiPierro
Joan DiPietro
Mary DiPietro
Joan DiPitro
Orlando “Turk” DiRoma
Antoinetta DiSisto
Alfred J. DiTullio
Eros DiTullio
Margaret DiVita
Jacqueline DiVito
Pamela DiVito
Alec DiZazzo
Maria Diam
Maurice DiBlasi
Albert Dickinson
Dennis Dickson
William J. Dignan
Gregory Dilianto
James Dillon
Kathleen Dillon
Marco Dimare
Kathy Dinan
Avis Dininio
Sister Chabanel Dinn
Marie T. Dionne
Frankie Dispensa
J. Dittmeyer
John Dix
Jack Dixon
Edward W. Dockray
Bernadette Doe
John E. Doherty MD
Philip J. Doherty MD
Babe Doherty
Bernard Doherty
Fran Doherty
Frances Doherty
George Doherty
Raymond Doherty
Sister M. Anna Elizabeth
Teddy Doherty
Agnes Dolan
Dorothy C. Dolan
Joseph Dolan
Paul Dolan
Thomas J. Dolan
Dorothy Dolbeare
Jan Domagala
Eleanor Donahue
George & Helen Donahue
Janice M. Donahue
Joseph Donahue
Louise Donahue
Robert E. Donahue
Russell Donahue
Sister Mary Charles
Thomas Donelan
Carol Donellon
Paul Donlan
Christopher Donlon
Genevieve Donnellan
Cara Donnelly
Jean Donoghue
John Donoghue
Francis J. Donovan Sr.
Beatrice “Bebe” Donovan
Dr. Alfred Donovan
Francis J. Donovan
James Donovan
John Donovan
Mary Lou Canniff Donovan
Mary W. Donovan
Rita Donovan
Sister Amadeus Donovan
Sister Anne Donovan
Theresa H. Donovan
Timothy Donovan
Timothy Emmett Donovan
William Donovan
Peter Doody
Coraline Dooley’s Dad
James Doonan Jr.
Eleanor Doran
John Doran
Maddie Doran
Ronald Dore
Paulette Dorsainvil
Robert Doten
Timothy J. Doty
Ruth Doucet
Thomas Dougan
Sister Andrius Douglas
Sister Pauline Marie Dow
Bill Dowd
James Dowd
William H. Dowling Jr.
Bill Dowling
Jane Marylena Downes
John Downes
John Downey
Rita Downey
Charles Downing
Kathleen Downing
John Downs
Thomas Downs
Noreen Doyal
David F. Doyle Jr.
Barbara Doyle
Cathleen Doyle
Charles E. Doyle
Christine E. Doyle
Dorothy Doyle
Dorothy F. Doyle
Fr. Francis Doyle
Robert Doyle
Paul & Carol Doyon
Dr. Francis X. Drew
Sister Falisa Drew
Cornelius Driscoll
Imelda Driscoll
James Driscoll
John Driscoll
Marie T. Driscoll
Mary Driscoll
Mary “Mai” Driscoll
Mary C. Driscoll
Scott Driscoll
Robert Paul Dromgoole
Fred Duff
George P. Duffy
Gerry Duffy
Pauline R. Duffy
Catherine E. Dugan
Ursula Duganiero
Dennis Dugas
Brigid Duggan
Francis Duggan
Maureen Duggan
Patrick J. Duggan
Peggy Duke
Margaret Dukeshire
Raymond W. Dunbrack
William R. Dunham
Claire Dunleavy
Anne Dunn
Diane Dunn
Helen Dunn
Leo Dunn
Margaret Irene Dunn
Marita Dunn
Mary Margaret Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn
Sister Margaret Dunn
Sister Therese Dunn
Richard Dunton
Thomas Duran
Ann Durant
Dominic Durkin
Helen Durkin
James Durkin
Anna Dussault
Gerard Dussault
Mary Dussault
Christopher D. Dutile
Cathy Dwyer
John Dwyer
Vivian Dygowski
Peggy Dyke
Honorata E. Dziura
Alice T. Eaton
Jill Eaves
William Thomas Edge
Bernadine Edwards
Pamela Edwards
Brian Egan
Donald E. Egan
Larry Egan
Dave Elias
Tadeusz “Ted” Eljaszuk
Anne Marie Elkhill
Rose Elliott
Helen Ellis
Joseph Embretson
Ann Marie Emerson
Richard Emma
Margaret Endicott
Edward English
James English
Everett L. Erekson
Mary Erti
Camille M. Escott
Patricia Etling
Evelyn Euart
George F. Evans
Ellen Evers
Ann Fabiano
Helen Fagan
Mary Ann Faherty
Mary Fahey RN
Sister Rosanna Fahey
Julie Fahrenholt
Arthur B. Fair Jr.
Robert E. Fair
Anna Marie Falkowski
Sister Annata Falla
Frederick Fallon
Josephine Fallon
Patricia Fallon
Donald B. Falvey
The O’Neill Family
Edward Fannon
Eunice Fantasia
Eileen Fardy
Robert Faria
Ellish Farley
Henry Farley
Pamela J. Farley
Teresa Farmer
Domenic “Nick” Faro
Gail F. Farrar
Helen M. Farrell
James Farrell
Alfred Farrian
Dorothy Fasbender
Joseph Favaro
Sister Rose Therese Favazza
Alfred R. Favreau
Lorraine Faxon
Carol Fay
John Joseph Fay
Dorothy Feeley
Anna Feely
Beverly Feeney
Lois Feitelson
Lawrence Fennessey
Georgia Fennessy
Ernest P. Fenochetti
Laura Fenton
Donna Feola
Thomas Ferguson
Diana R. Fernandes
Frances Potts Fernandes
Mary Ferreira
Alfred J. Ferrera
Timmy Ferris
Lucia L. Ferrullo
Anne Ferzoco
Patricia & Barbara Fetters
Anthony Ficichella
Louis Ficociello
Lenore Fidler
Ruth Fidler
Stanley Field
Lori Fields
Mary C. Findley
Richard Finerty
Charles Fini
Sister Marcella Finlan
John F. Finn
Judith Finn
Judith McKinnon Finn
Judy Finn
Lynn Marie (Murphy) Finn
Paul Finn
Jane & Francis Finneran
Rosemary Finneran
Sister Mary Cajetan
Dolores Fisher
Bobby “Fitta” Fitzgerald
George Fitzgerald
Maura J. Fitzgerald
Moira Fitzgerald
Richard Fitzgerald
Sister Helen Mary
Sister Barbara Joyce and I have been
friends since the 6th grade at Gate
of Heaven in South Boston. We
graduated together in 1949, and have
always remained friends. It was a special
time when she visited me in Florida.
Margaret Bosman, Fort Myers, FL
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 21
Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Virginia Fitzgerald
Sister Patricia Fitzmaurice
Gary Fitzpatrick
Joseph A. Fitzpatrick
Sister Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Paula Fitzsimmons
John Flaherty
Lawrence J. Flaherty
Robert Flaherty
Virginia Flaherty
Jackie Flanagan
Jane Kennedy Flanagan
Mary Flanagan
Mary T. Flanagan
Sylvia Flanagan
Susan E. Fleck
Frances Fleming
Peggy Fleming
Rev. Thomas Fleming
Edward Flood Jr.
Rory Flood
Esther Flynn
Genevieve Flynn
Irene Flynn
Joseph Flynn
Loretta Flynn
Margaret Fogarty
Alice Foley
Hazel Foley
Jim Foley
Joseph E. Foley
Julianne Foley
Julie Foley
Martin Foley
Mary Foley
Patricia Foley
Midge Follett
Vincent J. Fontana
Ada G. Ford
Alice Ford
Joseph Forgeron
Sarah Forman
Joseph Forni
Michael Forrestall Jr.
David Forrester
Marie Forry
Ann Fortuno
Todd Fournier
John Fox
Millie Fox
Sister Dionysia Fraher
Rosemarie Francioso
Mildred Frank
Jean Fraser
Janice Fratolillo
Gerald F. Frazier
Mary Bridgit Frazier
Rita Frazier
Maureen J. Fredette
Arthur H. Freeland
Phyllis Farrell Freer
Dorothy Fregosi
Mary Freitas
Mary Freney
Philomena Frezza
Anthony Fruci
Muriel Frye
Eileen McDevitt Fucile
David Fuller
Lauren Fulone
Marie Funk
Santo Furfari
Dorothy Anna Fussa
Stephen Gabrick
Richard Gabriel
Joseph Gaffney
Robert Gaffney
Robert Gaites
The Gajewski Family
Corinne Galante
Brendon Gallagher
Don Gallagher
Edward Gallagher
Gerald Gallagher
Mildred Gallagher
Millie T. Gallagher
Sister Bernadette Gallagher
Sister Marisol Gallagher
Just this morning I read of Sister Ann’s
passing. I am so sorry for our loss – I never
met her, but we expressed our friendship
through notes. Recently Sister Ursulina,
the eighth grade teacher of most of my
children passed. She, too, was a lovely
person. Please accept this donation in
both of their names.
Eileen Burke, Dorchester, MA
Thomas Gallagher
Bernice Spooner Gallant
Jean Gallant
Joseph Gallant
Mary Gallant
John “Jack” Galvin
Keith Galvin
Mary Galvin
Sister Mary Andrew Galvin
William J. Galvin
Nancy Gambone
Francis & Mary Gammon
Mary Gandolfo
Lanie Ganey
Thomas Ganger
Jan Ganhant
Anna Crowley Ganley
William P. Garbett
John Garbiel
Evangelista Garcia
Benjamin Gardiner
Matilda Gardner
Angelina Garfagna
Angelina E. Garfagna
Donald Garnin
Joanne Garvey
Donald Gaston
Richard Gastonguay
Thomas Gatter
Joseph Gavigan
Richard D. Gavin
Edna Gay
Marguerite Gay
Ervin L. Gemkow
Annette George
Henry George
Carl Gerhard & Family
John R. Germano
Joseph P. Germano
Shirley Gerstner
Janet M. Ghiloni
Diane Ghiozzi
Guy J. Giacobbe
Sam Giacobbe
Santo Giacobbee
James Giammarco
Mary Giangregorio
Barbara Gibbons
Judy Giberson
Reynold Giere
John Gill
Margaret M. Gilleo
Peggy Gilleo
Sharon Faye Irving
Robert Gilligan
Edwina M. Gillis
Muriel C. Gillooly
Edward Gilmore
Edward P. Gilmore
Sister Joan Gilmore
Dorothy Gilroy
The Gilson Family
Mary C. Giniewicz
Margaret Ginley
Mary T. Ginnetty
Mary Ginsburg
Mitchell Ginsbury
Antionette Giordano
Joseph Giordano
Vincent “Jim” Giordano
Rose Giovino
John Girard
Kenneth Girouard
Charles Giudici
Bernardo Giuliano
Richard Glavin Sr.
Louise Gleason
Dr. Jim Glennon
Joseph Glennon
Margaret “Sis” Glennon
Donald Gloster
Martin D. Glynn
Clarise Althea Gnerre
Margaret Godfrey
Robert Godfrey
Dr. Norman Goguen
Sonny Golden
Marcelline Goldstein
Marcy Goldstein
Terri Gomm
Terry Gomms
John Goncar
Maureen Gooding
Fred Goodsell
Barbara Goodwin
David Goodwin
Marilyn Goodwin
Donald Gorman
Dorothy V. Gorman
Gertrude Gorman
Madeline Gorman
Catherine Gormley
Richard Gormley
Donald Gostler
Richard J. Gostonguay
Anna Rose Gouveia
Catherine Gouzoule
Joseph C. Grace
Clara Graceffa
John Graceffa
Clare Graciffa
Francis Grady
Gertrude Grady
Helen Graham
Rita Graham
Stephen D. Graham
Mary J. Gramzow
Grandma Stephanie
Charles Granger
Matthew H. Grape
Donald Graveline
John Gravina
Georgia Gray
Diane Graziano
Brian Greeley
Benjamin Snyder Green
Christine Rull Green
Jeanne Greene
Joe Green
John Greene
John W. Greene
Joseph A. Greene
Pauline A. Greene
William Greene
Sheila A. Greer
Louis Gregorio
Hans Grieger
Anna & Michael Griffin
Arthur Griffin
Beulah Griffin
David Griffin
Mary Griffin
Michael Griffin
Florence M. Griffiths
E. Theresa Grigas
Joseph A. Grimaldi
Alice K. Grimes
Laura Grimes
Mary Grinham
Robert Gross
Robert Grover
David Guard
Edward Guen
Maria Guerra
Anne M. Guertin
Emery (Chick) Guertin
Margaret Guest
Anthony Guglielmo
Donald Guilfoyle
Salvi Guiliano
Timothy J. Guinee Jr.
Timothy Guinee
Lawrence Guiney
Joseph P. Gulizia
Ralph Gulla
Joanne Gullifa
Louise Gurdoboni
John Gurry
Steven Gutowski
Jeanne Hache
Frederick Hackett
Virginia M. Hagerty
Jacalyn Haggarty
Anne Haggerty
Louis Haigis
Fr. William Haley
Marguerite Haley
Bob Hall
Kara O’Brien Hall
Marion Hall
James Halley
James E. Halloran Jr.
Robert Hamel
Mary A. Hamill
Kermit G. Hamilton
John Hamrock
Arthur Handrahan
David G. Handy
John Haneffant
Edward Hanley
John Hanlon
John Hanna
Edward Hansbury
Ruth Hansen
George & Hilda Harkins
James A. Harkins
Sister Sarah Harkins
Courtland L. Harlow M.D
Eugene “Gene” Harnan
Dorothy Harney
Dorothy V. Harney
Florence Harrigan
John J. Harrington III
Dr. Francis J. Harrington
James P. Harrington
Kathleen Harrington
Norene Harrington
Patrick Harrington
Rosemary Harris
Sister Mary Hart RGS
Grace Hart
Sister Dorothy Hart
Anne Hartnett
James Hartnett
Sister Lillian Hartney
Robert “Bob” Harton
James R. Harty
Francis Harvey
Marian Hasenfus
Maureen Hashawaty
Rita L. Hauser
Sister Edwardette Havey
Steve Hawkins
Catherine Hawley
Catherine T. Hayer
Donna Hayes
Francis Hayes
Gertrude Hayes
Margaret Hayes
Mary A. Hayes
Sister Kathleen Hagerty with New Mexico Associate
Grace Chavez.
Peg Hayes
Paul Hayward
Maura Heafey
Lawrence Healey
William Healey
Edmond Healy Sr.
John Healy
John F. Healy
Pius Healy
Richard Healy
Patricia Heenan
John J. Heffernan
Paul Heffernan
Frederick C. Hegarty Sr.
Al Hegarty
Ann Hegarty
Sister Loretto Hegarty
Richard Heidlbreder
Dale Hekdmar
Charlotte Hemmert
Mary Henaghan
Anthony Henderson
Clare T. Hennessey
M. Marie Hennessey
Anne Henry
Dorothy Henshon
Diane Herbst
Ronald Hermanson
Ann Herrick’s Mother
Edwina Hertach
Sister M. Padua
Sean Hickey
Diarmuid Higgins
Donald Higgins
Fr. John Higgins
Francis Higgins
M. Rita Higgins
Sister Katherine Higgins
Sister Therese Higgins
George Hill
Marianne Hill
Michael Hill
William Hill
Charles Hinds
Thomas Hoban Sr.
Robert Hoban
Louise Hobson
Ed Hodge’s Dad
Robert “Guy” Hoefer
Francis Hoey
Francis M. Hoey
Debra Brady Hoffman
Chuck Hogan
John & Mildred Hogan
Mildred Hogan
Nora Hogan
Edward Hogarty
Mel Hohman
Edward James Holewiak
Louise Holick
Agnes Holland
Barbara Holloran
Leif Holm
Isabelle R. Holt
Sister M. Paula Hopkins
Natalie Hopley
Marilyn Horan
Bobbie Horgan
Daniel Horgan
Gertrude A. Horgan
Michael Horgan
Ruth Horigan
The Horne Family
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 23
George Horner
Mary Horner
Sister Carla Horner
John Horrigan
Sister Alberta Horrigan
Mrs. Horton
Thomas Horvatic
Steve Hoss
Grace Houle
Lamont Houston
Margaret “Peg” Houten
Carol Howard
Elizabeth N. Howard
Grace Hoyt
Rita Meara Hubbard
Doris M. Hubert
Joseph Hughes
Richard Hughes
Robert Hughes
Joan Hume
Richard Hunt
Franklin Hunter
Mary Hunter
Catherine Hurley
Daniel Hurley
James Hurley
Sister Marlena Hurley
James Huse
Timothy Huskins
Ethel Myers Hussey
Margaret Hyder
John Hynds
Frank J. Hynes II
Christie Grande, III
Jimmy Iannacci
Paul Iannaccone
Agostino Iannarone
Josephine L. Imbriano
Stephen Imposimato
Jane Inauen
Carolina Indiciani
Phyllis M. Ingaciola
Jennie Ingrassia
Raymond Innis
Anne Inscoe
Joseph Ioanilli
Lydia Irwin
Gina Iudiciani
Madge Ivers
Margie Ivers
Anna Iverson
Jean Jackson
Jeane H. Jackson
Jeanne Jackson
Gerard Jacobs
Michael Jacques
Myda Jaffarian
Edward James
Rita Jamieson
Mailyn Ann Jancsy
Marilyn Ann Jancsy
Sophie Janiec
John Jannell
Antoinette Januario
Albert Jardin
Anthony Jardin
Joseph Jaros
Gladys T. Jasin
Maureen Jay
John Jennette
Jennie Jezak
Irene M. Johnson
Milly Johnson
Raymond Johnson
Walter Johnson
Winnafred B. Johnson
Arlene Jones
Paul Jones
Ron Jones
Terri Jones
Jackie Jordan
Virginia Joseph
Joseph G. Joyal
Noreen Joyal
The Joseph Joyce Family
Allison Joyce
Edward C. Joyce
Sister Barbara Joyce
Jeannette Jozapaitis
Milton Judd
Shirley I. Judge
Terese Judge
Alice Julian
Anthony Juliano
Quinlan Junta
James Jurczek
Teresa Kaliszewski
Charles Kane
Joseph Kane
Kevin Kane
Mary A. Kane
Steve Kane
Edward Kasle
Nancy Kavanaugh
Malcolm Kay
Thomas Joseph Keady
Francis Keane
Rev. Thomas Keane
Aldona Keaney
Larry Keaney
Lawrence J. Keaney
Catherine & John Keating
Francis J. Keating
John & Paul Keating
Patricia F. Keating
Sharon Keating
Adda S. Keefe
Mary Norbert Keefe
Tim Keefe
Frank G. Keegan
William Keegan
William M. Keegan
Irene Keenan
Helena Keene
Karen Anne Kelble
Paul Keleher
Mary Kelland
Lawrence J. Kelleher
Rev. Robert Kelleher
Sister Paula Kelley SC
Alice L. Kelley
Daniel Kelley
Elaine Kelley
James Kelley
James F. Kelley
John Kelley
Joseph Kelley
Kevin Kelley
Mrs. Jerry Kelley
Patricia Kelley
Patricia McSorley Kelley
Paul Kelley
Ruth Kelley
Susan A. Kelley
Theresa & Joseph Kelley
Anne Kelly
Charlotte R. Kelly
Dr. Joseph E. Kelly
Elaine Kelly
James Kelly
James P. Kelly
Jane Ann Kelly
John J. Kelly
John “Jack” Kelly
Judy Kelly
Marguerite L. Kelly
Mary Kelly
Neil Kelly
Sister Anna Mary Kelly
Thomas V. Kelly Sr.
Megan Kenealy
Gerard Kenneally
Richard Kennedy MD
Dick Kennedy
James M. Kennedy
Jean Kennedy
Mary Kennedy
Mary Cruise Kennedy
Mary T. Kennedy
Mrs. Kennedy
Nancy Kennedy
Ann Kenney
Carolyn Kenney
Catherine V. Kenney
Francis “Bud” Kenney
James Kenney
John & Betty Kenney
Joseph P. Kenney
Sister Marie Assumpta
Teddy Kenney
William J. Kenney
Cathleen M. Kenny
John Kent
Joseph Keohane
Sandra Keohane
A. George Kerr
Catherine S. Kerr
Dorothy Kerr
Sister Kevin Kelleher
John Kierce
Sean Kierce
John P. Kiernan
Werner Kiessling
Ann Kiley
John “Bill” Kiley
Mary Kiley
Mary Beth Kiley
Charles Kimball
Alice Kinchla
Carol M. King
Kevin M. King
Larry King
Lawrence C. King
Lillian King
Sister Barbara King
Sister Gladys King
Alice Kinohla
Sister Catherine Kinsella
Robert Kinsman
Nora Kirby
Gerald Kirwin
Bobby Klee
Kay Kline
Nicholas Knapp
Edward Knisell
Courtney Koke
Audrey Kondrat
Dr. Anthony Koury
Linda Kowalewski
Greg Krasco
Marian “Honey” Kuhl
Edward A. Kukstis Jr.
Edward Kulacz
David Kulisch
David P. Kunze
Elena Kupcinskas
Ellen Kupcinskas
David Kupris
Pauline Kurlitis
Rosalie Kurpiel
Raymond Kwart
CSJ Awards and Honors
Sisters Marian Batho (left) and Maureen Joseph Hunt
(right) received the Archdiocese of Boston Cheverus
Award. Chosen for “their service to the Church and
God’s people,” Sisters Marian and Maureen Joseph
were nominated by their area vicars. Their nominations
were approved by their regional bishops, and the
awards were given by Cardinal Sean O’Malley. These
Sisters were among many recipients of the Cheverus
Medal, which was presented for the first time during a
celebration of the Archdiocese of Boston Bicentenial.
The medal is named for Bishop de Cheverus who
oversaw the diocese from 1808-1824.
Sister Marie Claire Goudey (L) received the CARE
Award from Newton Wellesley Hospital for her
quality treatment and service to patients and their
families. Her reputation of working with the staff,
families with ill members, or friends who are ill, is
outstanding. She strives to give support and comfort
in times of emotional stress.
The late Sister Stephen
Marie Driscoll received
a citation from the
mayor and the
Board of Alderman
of Somerville,
MA, recognizing
“all of her efforts
to care for the
spiritual and corporall
needs of parishioners
and the children of St. Benedict Parish.”
Connected as Principal and instructor of
Little Flower School, Sister Stephen Marie
devoted her energy to students for over 40
Sister Laura Turbini (R) was recently honored
with the Surface Mount Technology Association
Founders Award. Sister Laura, who holds a PhD in
Inorganic Chemistry from Cornell University, has
been a SMTA member for many years. The award
is presented to a member who has made exceptional
contributions to the industry, and provided ongoing
support and service to the SMTA. Sister Laura is a
champion of students, a mentor, and author who has
worked in her field for over 30 years. She has also
served on the Board of Directors of SMTA.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 25
Therese L’Homme
Kevin LaBonte
Francesco LaCivita
Raymond LaCoursiere
Gerard LaFleur
Michael P. LaFosse
Ann LaLumiere
Mary M. LaRosa
Br. Richard LaRose
Joan (Hobin) LaRovere
Charles LaSala
Lawrence Lacey
Anthony B. Laconti PhD
Madeline Laffin
Mary Lahy
Adelaide M. Lalli
Catherine B. Lalor
Catherine Lamadore
Juliette Lamy
Thomas Landolfi
Walter Landry Sr.
Edward Landry
Catherine Lane
James Lane
John Lane
Mary Lane
Sister Catherine Lane
Terrance Lane
Edward Lang
Mary A. Lang
Ruth M. Lang
Sister Marie Barbara Lang
Letitia Langan
Al Langevin
Leonard J. Langill
Mildred Langley
Leonard Langlois
James Langmeyer
Helen Langone
Florence E. Langton
Laura Langworthy
Edward Lans
Richard Lapaine
Sister Thomas Marie
Lapsley SSND
Christopher Larkin
Evelyn Larkin
Helen Larkin
Paul E. Larrey
Lorraine Larvey
Barbara Laskey
Lawrence Lasurdo
Mary Lasurdo
Robert Laubinger
Rocco Laugelle
Alfred P. Laura
Bill Laurendeau
Claire G. Lauro
Gerald (Ruty) Lavallee
Edward J. Lavin Jr.
Sister Margaret Mary Lavin
Jacqueline Lawler
Michael Lawler
Robert E. Lawler
Sister Elizabeth Lawless
Bertha Lawlor
Ed Lawlor
Edward Lawlor
Michael Lawlor
Rev. Robert Lawthers
Pearl LeBel
Claude LeBlanc
Henry LeBlanc
Joseph LeBlanc
Mary LeBrasseur
Richard LeClair
Jackie LeMarro
Sister Wendrona Leach
William Leach
Virginia Leahy
Catherine Leary
Maureen Leary
Patricia Leary
Thomas Leary
Ann & James Lee
Margaret L. Lee
Mary Lee
Patrick Lee
Richard Lee
Robert E. Lee
Sister Agnes Lee
Jeanne Leiby
Mary Jean Lemerise
Sylvia Lemire
David Lenane
Thomas P. Lenane
Please accept this donation in memory
of Dear Sister Ursulina. Sister was my
cousin, yet more of an aunt and I always
referred to her as “Sister Virginia.” May
God continue to bless you and the work
you do helping others.
Susan Setterland, Hanover, MA
Beatrice Lennon
Ruth Ann (Bernard) Lennon
Maria Leo
John Leoeffer
John G. Leoffler
Peter Leonard
Robert Leonard
Theresa Leonard
Gerard T. Leone
Eleanor Leporati
Alice Lepore
Angela Lepore
Mary Pearl Levanchy
Mary Levesque
Wilbur Lewis
Frank Libardoni
Donna Lind
Norman Lind
Alvin H. Lindahl
Francis Linehan
Sean Linehan
Frank Linnehan
Jennie S. Linskey
William Lionetta
Joseph D. Littlefield
James Livesey
Rachel Lizotte
Elizabeth Hayes Locke
Theodore T. Lockwood
Matthew Lockyer
Anne Lofgren
Elizabeth Lofgren
Joanne Murphy Loftus
Deirdre Logue
Eva & Leon Lojko
Addolorata Lombardi
Americo Lombardi
Edward P. Lombardi
William Lombardi
Elaine M. Long
Joseph Long
Sheila Long
Anne Looney
Emily Zacher Looney
Evelyn Looney
William Looney
Adeline Lopez
Catherine Lorence
Thelma Lorman
Francis Losco
Alfred Loterro
Peter Lotti
Stephanie Loughrane
Mary Lovasco
Gary Lovejoy
Frances Lowenstein
Rita Lucente
Dorothea Luchette
Edner Lucien
Joseph Lucy
Robert Luddy
Ronald Luippold Sr.
Stephen F. Lunetta
Thomas Lunney
Blanche Luongo
Amelia Lutrzykowski
Herman Lutz
Eileen Luukko
Adrian Luz
Stephen Lydon
Christine Lynch
Drew Lynch
Harvey Lynch
James Lynch
Margaret Lynch
Marie Lynch
Paul J. Lynch
Peg Lynch
Robert J. Lynch, Jr
Sister Ann Lynch
Walter Lynch
Frances M. Lyons
John Lyons
Laureen Lyons
Louise Lyons
Mary C. Lyons
Mary Louise Fallon Lyons
Paul Lyons
Paul E. Lyons
Terry Lyons
Kathryn Lysakowski
Brian MacDonald
Colin MacDonald
Imelda MacDonald
Jeanette MacDonald
Malcolm MacDonald
Gerald MacDougall
Linda M. MacFarlane
Helen MacGillivray
Lawrence MacGilvray
Sister Marilyn MacGregor
Caren MacInnis
Douglas MacKinnon
Ellen MacLusky
Donna MacMinn
Sister Elizabeth Clare
Patricia Macallister
Albert Maccini
Robert MacDonald
Elena Jean Macenat
Arnaldo Machado
Francis McComb Macintosh
Anna F. Mack
Rita T. Macken
Frederick T. Mackey
Theresa Mackey
Frank Mackiewicz
Theresa Mackin
Pasquale Macone
Josephine Madden
Thomas Madden
Marie Maddox
Sister Bernadette Madore
Afisa Magambo
Jimmy Magee
Stephen Magliocca
Betty Maguire
Frank Maguire
Frederick F. Maguire Jr.
George Maguire
Patrick Maguire
Thomas Magure
Ruth Magwood
Doris T. Mahancy
Pamela Mahar
Candi Maher
Barbara (Fontaine) Mahn
James Mahoney
Margaret Mahoney
Mary Mahoney
Paul Mahoney
Paula Mahoney
Robert Mahoney
Walter J. Mahoney
Robert Maihos
Cheryl Mainwaring
Thomas Malafronte
Anthoney Males
Anthony Malis
Patricia Malley
James Malloy
John Malloy
Phyllis Malloy
Brenda Maloney
Edward Maloney
Edward J. Maloney
Francis Maloney
Helen Maloney
John J. Maloney
Judith Maloney
Mary Maloney
Michael J. Mancuso
Sister Phyllis Manda
Betty Mandarano
Albert Mandrafino
Adele Manfredi
Heather Manley
Michael Manning
Pat Manning
Siobhan Mannion
Claudia Manoli
Catherine Brogan Mansfield
James Mansfield
Kay Mansfield
Kenneth F. Mansir
Philip J. Mansour
Nick Mantas
Dan Marachawski
Patricia Marceale
Vincent A. Marcellino Jr.
Kathleen Marchand
Anthony Marcione
Barbara Cloherty Mark
Barbara Marks
Rita Maroney
John D. Marotta II
Sandra Elizabeth Marrama
Mark G. Marrone Sr.
Elaine Marsella
Robert L. Marshall Sr.
Richard Marshall
Winifred Marsolais
Charles Marston
Roland Martel
Phyllis Martelli
George O. Martin
Mae Martin
Sean Martin
Thomas Martin
Nicholas A. Mascioli
Katherine Mason
Rosemarie Massa
Nicola Mastracola
Nicholina Mastrain
Theresa Mastrangelo
Ann Mastroianni
Mr. Mathias
George Mathieson
Gloria & William Matta
Lorraine Matte
James Matthews
Carol Mattuchio
Sister Mary Thaddeus
James F. Mawn
James J. Mawn
Kathleen Mawn
Sister Modwena Mawn
Kenneth Maxwell
Walter Mayer Jr.
Walter Mayer
Lamar Clifford Mayfield
Margaret M. Mazierski
Eric Mazzio Sr.
Domenic Mazzola
Izabella Mazzone
Salvatore Mazzotta
Loretto A. McGowan
Louise McAlpin
Doris McAnulty
Marjorie J. McArdle
Sacred Heart School of Lynn honored
Sister Theresa Pond (C) at a farewell celebration in honor of
her retirement after 44 years of service at the school. Principal
Joanne M. Eagan and eighth grade students are pictured with
Sister Theresa.
Dorothy McAree
Patrick J. McAuley
Paul McAuliffe
Thomas McAuliffe
Mary McAvoy
Arthur McBain
Robert & William McBride
Charles P. McCabe
Lucille McCabe
Wilford Gerald McCabe
David McCaffrey
Helen McCain
Dr. Paul McCann
William McCann
Bill McCart
Catherine P. McCarthy
Charles McCarthy
Dr. Hank McCarthy
Edward McCarthy
Eugene E. McCarthy
Henry W. McCarthy
James Russell McCarthy
Russell McCarthy
Sister Eleanor McCarthy
Thomas McCarthy
Vera A. McCarthy
Nina McCarty
Frank McCauley
Dennis J. McColgan
Irene McColgan
Joan C. McColgan
Sandra McCormack
Marion McCorvelle
Eileen McCrossen
Ed McCullum
Fr. James McCune
Rev. James L. McCune
Teresa McCusker
Bud McDermott
Marilyn McDermott
Patricia McDermott
Stephen McDermott
Judith McDevitt
Richard McDevitt
Beatrice McDonald
Jennifer McDonald
Jim McDonald
Margaret Caffrey McDonald
Patricia McDonald
Rita McDonald
Sister Hildegarde McDonald
Sister Lillian McDonald
Sister Richard McDonald
James McDonough
Joan McDonough
Joan Helen McDonough
John & Ann McDonough
Joseph P. McDonough
Kevin McDonough
Louise McDonough
Robin A. McDonough
Mary T. McEachern
Mary McEachren
John McElheney
Sister Madeline McElhenny
John D. McElhiney
David McGeary
Katherine A. McGee
Alice McGettigan
Charlie McGettrick
Lois McGilvery
John Barry McGlew
Leo V. McGonagle Jr.
Peggy & Andy McGonagle
Rita McGonnigle
Lorraine McGoriahal
Mary McGovern
Sister Mary Patrick
Shirley McGrail
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 27
We would like to thank the families and
friends of the following, for requesting
that donations be made in their memory in
lieu of flowers to the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
. . . my soul has been freed from death, my eyes
from tears, my feet from stumbling. I shall walk before
God in the land of the living. (Psalm 116: 8-9)
Anna Iverson
Dorothy V. Ahearn
Ruth Kane
Jill Barker
John “Bill” Kiley
Linda Belanger
Christine Kinnally
Margaret Bogan
Elizabeth Lofgren
Virginia G. Burke
Evelin Looney
Grace Cunningham
Emily Zacher Looney
Mary Darcy
Grace Mariano
Thomas Darcy
Esther T. O’Sullivan
Christopher Donlon
Edith Perry
Eunice Fantasia
Sally Kelly Porter
Alfred Farrin
Robert Reney
Alfred R. Favreau
Anna Rouse
Anna Crowley Ganley
Elinor Ryan
Patricia Geary
Arthur Shea
Donald Gloster
Lillian Sullivan
Mary J. Gramzow
Lillian E. Sullivan
Alice K. Grimes
Emilia Vincente
Mary Grinham
Sheila Noreen Young
David G. Handy
Claire T. Hennessey
John McGrath
Michael McGrath
Peter J. McGrath
Sister Marilyn McGrath
Terri McGrath
Therese McGrath
Ellen McGuiness
Elizabeth McGuire
Ann McGunnigle
David P. McGurl
James McGurl
Susan B. McGurl
John McHugh Jr.
Barbara McHugh
John McHugh
Thomas McHugh
Mary Catherine (Silk)
Tricia McInerney
Mary F. McInnis
Lynne McKeever
Sister Rosalie McKenzie
William McKeon
Joseph D. McLaughlin Jr.
Amy P. McLaughlin
Dorothy McLaughlin
Edna McLaughlin
Margaret McLaughlin
Sister M. Benedict
Sister Maruna McLaughlin
Thomas McLaughlin
Thomas “Toddy”
Winifred McLaughlin
Josephine McLean
Marlena S. McLean
Anna Mae McLellan
Earl A. McLellan
James McLoughlin
Tom McLoughlin
Jack McMahon
James McMahon
William McMahon
Alice G. McManus
Arthur McManus
Eleanor McManus
Marjorie McNally
Harry McNamara
James McNamara
Jim McNamara
Robert McNamara
Ruth McNamara
Thomas McNeeley
Arthur McNeil
Claire McNuge
Dorothy McNulty
Mary McParland
Ann McPhee
Olga McPhee
Richard McQuaid
Harry McQuat
Paul F. McShane
Mary McSorley
Michael J. McSweeney
James McVann
John J. Meade
Frederick Meagher
Frank Meallo
Veronica Meanee
Al Meda
Abel Medeiros
Anthony Medeiros
Marie Medina
Eleanor Meehan
Mr. Meehan
Earl Meierdiercks
Tess Meisel
Cesar Mejia Jr.
Chester Melanson
Chester & Elizabeth
Hank Melanson
Roger Melanson
Jennie Melchiona
Savino N. Mele
Arthur Melia
Mary Melia
Kathleen Melin
Bill Mello
Catherine Mellon
Sister Catherine Melly
Rosalie Melody
Louis Memmolo
Sister Theresa Menard
Ezaura Mendonca
Kathleen Menenores
Margaret Meninno
Mary T. Menton
Joseph Meoli
Monika Mercevicius
Dr. Emma (Varvaro) Merola
Lawrence T. Merrill
Ed Messina
Carol Meunier
Bernard Meyler
Gertrude Miccolo
Beatrice & Edward
Seta Michaud
Thomas Middleton Jr.
Paul Miele
Maria Mieu
Gilda Mignone
Anna Mignosa
Rocco Mihaich
Laraine Milauskas
Elizabeth Miles
Dagney Miller
Helen “Lynne” Miller
Maureen Miller
Mary Mills
Leo Miner
Margaret Miodzlons
Frank Martin Mirabello
Helen Mirabile
Patrick & Margaret Mitchell
& Family
Herbert L. Mitchell Jr.
Michael Mitrano
Lee Mobilia
Leonard J. Mobilia
Bernadette Moesch
Mary Louise Mohyde
James Moloney
Ellen “Helen” Monaghan
Gregory Monaghan
Mary Monaghan
Marie Monagle
Mary (Burke) Monahan
Dr. Robert Mondou
Louis Montagano
Margaret Moore
Thomas Moore
Edwin Moores Jr.
Joanne Mora
John Moran
Joseph Moran
Mary T. Moran
Thomas Edward Moran
Albert C. Morelli
Jeanne Morgan
Michael Morgan
Rev. Thomas Morgan
Claire Morin
Laraine Morin
Florence Moritz
Jeanne Moro
Frank Morobito
Alfred T. Morris
Kathleen Morris
M. Morris
John Morrison
William H. Morrison
Barbara Morrissey
Kevin Morrissey
Mary Morrissey
Rowland Morrow
Jon Morse
Marilyn Morton
Katherine E. Mosher
Madeline Moulison
Anne Moulton
Marguerite Mousseau
Thomas P. Moylan Jr.
Annmarie Moynihan
Lillian Mulattieri
Joan Carole Mulcahy
Dorothy T. Muldoon
Anne (Harrington)
Carol Mulholland
Florence A. Mulkern
Florence Seaver Mulkern
Mary Mulkern
Brenda Mulkerrin
Sister Catherine E.
Laurentine Mullane
Charles Mullaney
Dorothy E. Mullen
Thomas Mullen
Thomas Mulligan
Thomas Mullins
William Mullowney
Mary Mulrey
Julia Mulvey
Mary Mulvey
Mary Catherine Mulvey
Paula Munoz
George E. Murdock
The Murphy & Hayes
Andy Murphy
Carol Murphy
Catherine Murphy
Charles Murphy
Christopher Murphy
Dorothy G. Murphy
Edward L. Murphy
Elaine Murphy
James Murphy
Jane B. Murphy
Jane Birmingham Murphy
Jean Murphy
Jeanne A. Murphy
John Murphy
Joyce E. Murphy
Justine P. Murphy
Kathleen Murphy
Margaret Murphy
Marie Murphy
Mary E. Murphy
Maureen Smith Murphy
Neal Murphy
Niall Murphy
Rev. Charles J. Murphy
Robert Murphy
Sheila Murphy
Sister A. Catherine Murphy
Sister Catherine E. Murphy
Sister M. Bernarda Murphy
Timothy R. Murphy
William Murphy
Andrea Murray
Carol Doran Murray
Caroline Murray
Damon Murray
Edward Murray
Elizabeth Crann Murray
Harold Murray
Kathleen Murray
Maura Murray
Neil Murray
Richard B. Murray
Rita Murray
Russell Murray
Sister Aileen Marie Murray
Joseph Murtha
Greg Musa
Frank Muse
Carlo Musto
My Friends
Olivette R. Nadeau
Annie & Patrick Nagle
John N. Najarian
Mary Nania
Laura Nannicelli
Marilyn Napierski
Louis J. Nardone Sr.
Salvatore Nardone
Nicholas Nastuti
Bea Naughton
Beatrice Naughton
Jean Shanahan Navicky
Edward Nazzaro
Michael A. Nazzaro
Donald P. Nealon
Thomas M. Nee
Donna Needham
Joseph Neitlich
Pauline Nemes
Nicholas A. Nero
Edmund J. Neville
Mary P. Neylon
Frances E. Nichols
Rev. Francis J. Nicholson SJ
John Nicholson
Paul Nicholson
Stephen Nickerson
Joseph T. Nickley Sr.
Paul Nicoli
Arthur Nigro
Peter Niland
Joseph Nisby
George Noble
James Noe
Eban J. Noel
Arthur Nolan
James Nolan
Phyllis Nolan
Sister Anne Nolan
Eleanor J. Noonan
Sister Aimee Noonan
Jameson P. Norris
Ben Norton
Florence Norton
Sister Mary Loretto Norton
James Notopoulos
Francis Novello
Lillian Novello
Elwood “Al” Noyes
Mary Nuhn
Elizabeth Nutter
Glea O’Brien
Edward O’Brian
Elizabeth “Beth” O’Brien
Elizabeth “Betty” O’Brien
Francis O’Brien
James O’Brien
Jean O’Brien
John O’Brien
Julie O’Brien
Marilyn O’Brien
Mary R. O’Brien
Patrick J. O’Brien
Sister Agnesca O’Brien
Sister Marinus O’Brien
Thomas O’Brien
Bernadette O’Callahan
Julia E. O’Connell
Maria O’Connell
Marie O’Connell
Batt O’Connor
Dan & Mary O’Connor
David O’Connor
John O’Connor
Katherine T. O’Connor
Kathy O’Connor
Paul B. O’Connor
Rita O’Connor
Marie & George O’Dea Jr.
Frank O’Dea
Jack O’Donahue
Martin O’Donnell
Sister Joanicius O’Donnell
Bunty O’Donoghue
Michael O’Donovan
Ed O’Halleran
Jean A. O’Halloran
Francis O’Hanley
Margaret O’Hara
Sister Claire O’Keefe SC
Eileen O’Keefe
Margaret O’Malley
Noreen O’Malley
Richard J. O’Meara
M. Lorraine O’Neil
Marie F. O’Neill
Marion O’Neill
Michael O’Neill
Alice O’Reagan
Sally Manning O’Reagan
Joseph O’Rourke
Michael O’Rourke
Richard O’Rourke
James O’Shea
Esther T. O’Sullivan
Lawrence O’Sullivan
Maureen Nolan O’Sullivan
Timmy O’Sullivan
Timothy B. O’Sullivan
Capt. Kevin J. O’Toole
USN Ret.
Mary C. O’Toole
Mrs. O’Brien
Mark F. O’Brien Jr.
Arline O’Brien
Helen M. O’Brien
Jeanne O’Brien
John O’Connell
John J. O’Connell
John P. O’Connell
Joseph T. O’Connell
Thomas O’Connell
John G. O’Connor
Mary Doyle O’Connor
Sister Enessa O’Connor
Bill O’Donnell
Mary O’Donnell
John O’Malley
Marguerite O’Neil
Beverly O”Riordan
Dmytro Ocryna
Judge Robert W. Oliver
Clarisse Oliveria
Rose M. Olivo
Edward Olson
Ruth Ann Olszowy
Bernadette Onubogu
David Orchard
Barbara Ort
Earl Osborn
Geraldine Oswald
Ovidio Ottina
Karen Ouelette
John Overbaugh
Jennifer Overstreet
Mary Owen
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 29
Ruth Owens
Sheila Oxbtin
Jose Moniz Pacheco
Mariana Pacheco
Dwight Page
Russell Palma
Richard Palmer
Donald Palmucci
Jo-Anne Palombra
Joseph Palumbo
Rosa Palvey
Bruce Pankauski
Dorothy Pannesi
Constantine (Kostis)
Elaine Papandreou
Louis A. Papetti
Stamatia Pappafotopoulos
Laurann Romano Paragona
Joseph Parker
Rev. Jean Russo Parks
Sandra Elisabeth Parriott
Ann Pastor
Carmella Pastori
William Patten
Ann Marie Patterson
Darry Pattinson
Seymour Paull
Sy Paull
George R. Pearsall
William Pecukonis
Estelle Pelletier
Jacqueline Pelletier
Roger Pelletier
Dante Pepe
Gaspare Peracchi
Joanne Perccoco
Lucy Percyoco
Mary Pereira
Richard J. Perruzzi
Edith Perry
Warren Perry
Sister Claire Peters
Betsy Petersen
Rita Peterson
Robert Peterson
Edward Petit
Sgt. Jason Peto
Mary J. Pettee
Francis Pettepit
Grace Pettepit
Robert Pettepit
Mary Phalen
John Phelan
Richard Phelan
Cynthia Kenney Phelps
Palma Philips
Eugene Phillion
Grace Phillips
Lee Phinney
Luigia Phripp
Jean Picozzi
Francis Pierce
David Pierre
G. Madeline Pike
George Piliogilios
Louise Pinard
Beatrice Pinet
Mary B. Pino
Ronald R. Pirrera
Spencer Piscioneri
Patricia Pitella
Edmund Maurice Pitts
Gladys Pitts
Laura Plaisimond
Cheryl Plante
Doris Plante
Carol E. Plummer
Alfred L. Podolski
Steven Podolski
Marjorie Poirier
Ralph Poirier
Rita Poirier
Robert A. Poitras Sr.
Richard Polatano
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond
Page Poliseno
Michael A. Polizzi
Richard J. Pomella
Rafael Ponce
Margo Popken
William Porcello
Nancy S. Porter
Sally Kelly Porter
Frances Potito
Ronald Pouliot
Albert Powell
Margaret Powell
Margaret & Paul Powell
Sheila Power
David Powers
Helen Powers
Mary Powers
Robert Powers
William Powers
Lorraine Prairrie
Helen Carroll Pratt
Joan Hughes Precop
Michael Prendergast
Ann (Gilmore) Prentiss
Eric J. Preston
Norma Preston
Helen Previte
Richard Priest
Joan Procopio
Walter J. Pszenny III
Giuseppe Puccio
Gerald Pucillo
Stella Puleo
Catherine Renee Pumphret
Stephanie Putz
Gerard Quereux
Josephine Quigley
Doris Quill
Eugene Quinlan
Dorothy Quinn
Florence Quinn
Kathleen Quinn
Luci Quinn
Leonard & Catherine
Betty Jean Rafferty
John Rafferty
Richard Raftery
Mary Raineri
Margaret R. Ramage
Remigijus “Ray”
Anne Ballotti Ramsey
Peter Randall
Betty Ranger
Florence E. Rapone
William T. Ratigan
Martha Ratto
Merlyn Rawlins
Corinne Rayburn
Patricia (Burke) Raymond
Linda Rea
Concetta Reagan
Gladys Reardon
Kathleen Reardon
Martin Redington
Sheila Redmond
Alice Reen
Margaret Reen
Donald Reenstierna
Stanley Regan
Armando Reggianni
Barbara Reichert
John W. Reid Jr.
Eleanor M. Reidy
Gertrude Reil
Catherine & Leo Reilly
Colleen Reilly
Francis Reilly
John Reilly
William Reinbold
Stephen J. Remmes
Robert Reney
Robert & Alice Mary
Robert J. Rennie
Mary Renzi
Anna & Eugene Reppucci
Ernie Repucci
John Rettaliata
Edward Reusch
Mary V. Reynolds
Paul Reynolds
Virginia Reynolds
Pauline Rhoads
Paul Rhode
Sister Mara Ricca
Sister Paola Ricca
Lucy Ricciardi
Sister Angela Ricciardi
Steven Ricciarelli
Beverly Riccio
Mary Ricco
Helen J. Rice
James Rice
Ken Rice
Mary Hurley Rice
Thomas Rice
Thomas E. Rice
Marion M. Rich
Adam Richard
Muriel C. Richards
Joseph J. Rico
Helen Ridder
Thomas Rielly
Eleanor Riley
John Riley
Marie Riley
Sister M. Fides Riley
William Riley
William J. Riley
John Rinaldi
Rebecca “Becky” Rinella
Robert J. Riordan
Robert C. Ritchie
Frances Rivelli
Gerardo Rivera
Antoinette C. Roach
Stephen J. Roach
Ester Roache
Cecile Robbins
Aileen Robblee
Eileen Hanson Robblee
Rojane Roberge
David Roberts
Barbara Robertson
Nancy Ryan Robertson
Lucy “Lee” Robinson
Noel Robinson
Paul Robinson
Jerry Rocco
Norma C. Rocha
John S. Roche
Patti Roche
Rose Rock
Raymond Rockwood
John J. Rogers Jr.
Ann Rogers
Margaret A. Rogers
Paul E. Rogers
Ret. Lt. Col. George Rohde
Walter Roman
John Romeo
Josephine Romeo
Joseph P. Ronan
Joseph Ronayne
Catherine Ronchetti
Catherine L. Rooney
Patricia Rooney
Lorraine Rorf
Pasquale Rosa
Julian H. Rosadio
Margaret Ross
Mildred Ross
Rosemary Ross
Joe Rossetti
Denise Rossi
Michael Rossi
Michael Rotchford
Lena Rotelli
Mary Louise Roth
Angela Rotondo
The Rouse Family
Anna Rouse
Joseph Rowan
Margaret Rowan
Theresa “Pat” Rowe
Frances J. Rowen
Joseph E. Rownywe Jr.
Lorraine Roy
Raymond Roy
Rose P. Roy
Catherine Shea Roycroft
Edwina Ruane
Joseph Rubbico Sr.
Edward S. Ruff
Marie Ruffino
Ruth Rugg
Christopher Ruggeri
George V. Rull Sr.
Michele Rumplash
Caroline Ruocco
Joseph Rupp
James T. Rush
Jim Rush
Barbara A. Russell
Carol Fitzsimmons
Mary Russell
Dorothy Russo
Eugenia (Jennie) Russo
Gaetana Russo
Jim Russo
Josephine M. Russo
Linda Russo
Cecelia Ryan
Eleanor Ryan
Elinor Ryan
Elizabeth Ryan
Frances M. Ryan
Helen Ryan
Helen F. Ryan
James Ryan
John “Skip” Ryan
John J. Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Sean Ryan
Sister Ada Ryan
Skippy Ryan
William Ryan
Mary Louise Ryder
Shirley Ryder
Jim Sabourin
Mary J. Sacco
Quintino Sacco
Rose & Salvatore Sacco
Tom Salemy
Rose Salerno
Rose Salton
Eleanor D. Saluti
Alice Salvatore
Mario Salvucci
Mary Sampson
Gloria Sanella
Concetta Santacroce
Jack Santamaria
Rose Santamaria
Henry Santangelo
Marguerite Santoro
Antonio Santos
Joseph Santospirito
Maura H. Sargend
Ruth Sarro
Francis Satriale
Julia M. Saulnier
Maureen Walsh Saulnier
Eugene Saunders
Mary E. Savas
Marie P. Sbardelli
Nicholas Scali
Mary Scanlan
John P. Scannell Sr.
Elba Scareborough
Anna Scaring
Geraldine F. Scheibert
The Schindler Family
Barbara M. Schindler
Crocetta Schiovoni
Theodore Schipani
Please accept my most sincere condolences
on the passing of our beloved Sister Ann.
It was a privilege and honor to work with
Sister Ann on the Annual Luncheon.
She will be dearly missed.
Rep. Kevin Honan, Brighton, MA
Mr. Schneider
Sister Maxima Schneider
Anna Schnitzlein
Emma Schroeder
Gerard Schulze
Salvatore Scimemi
Scott J. Scimemi
Virginia Scolley
Ann Mary Scopiesiak
Sister Marius Scott
Mary Scotton
Robert Senier
Robert Senior
John & Paul Senk
Joseph E. Senna
Marie Seretto
Dolores Serino
Richard Serio
Grace Sexton
Red Shanahan
Philip Shannon
Frank M. Sharpe
Marie Shaunessy
John Shaw
Ruth Shaw
Sister Etheldrita Shay
Arthur Shea
Billy Shea
Dorothy Shea
Gertrude Shea
Judith A. Shea
Lisa M. Shea
Margaret Shea
Michael Shea
Nancy Shea
Sister Jeremine Shea
Sister Mary Anastasia Shea
Modelyn Sheahan
John Sheedy
Cornelius & Marguerite
Ed Sheehan
Gene Sheehan
Helen V. Sheehan
Jeremiah J. Sheehan
Jo Sheehan
Marguerite G. Sheehan
Mary Sheehan
Mary T. Sheehan
Sister Alice Sheehy
Ruth Sheeran
Carol Crowley Sheridan
Richard Sheridan
Rev. Edward Sherry
Donald Shine
Marie A. Shinkwin
John D. Shire
Pamela Shultz
Phylis Shultz
Joyce Siano
Roberta Ahearn Siano
Constance Sico
Dotti Siftar
Anthony Signoretti
Nicholas Signoretti
Patricia A. Sikora
Mary Silva
Shauna Silver
Louise Silvestro
Marjorie Simbliarias
Mary Simblias
William Simmons
William B. Simon Jr.
Joseph A. Simonelli
Peter Simpson
Thomas Simpson
Wendy Sinclair
Henry Singer
James Singleton
Sister Bonaventura
Sister Brenda’s Cousin
Sister Denise
Sister Gabrella
Sister Georgine
Sister John Joseph
Sister John Vianne
Sister Justinian
Sister Leonidas
Sister M. Brigid
Sister M. Celestina
Sister M. Faustinus
Sister M. Francesca
Sister M. Gonzales
Sister M. Matrona
Sister M. Pancratius
Sister M. Remegius
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 31
Sister Marie Ancilla
Sister Maristella
Sister Mary Paul OSF
Sister Mary Virginia OSF
Sister Miriam Claire
Sister Panceta
Gladys Sittig
Robert H. Slamin
Dudley “Jim” Slaterly
Mary Slavin
Marguerite T. Slyne
Carl Smith
Claire Colomey Smith
Connie Smith
Dr. Daniel J. Smith
George Smith
Irene Smith
James “Jimmy” Smith
James Francis Smith
Melburn Smith
Pat Smith
Patricia Smith
Francis Smolinsky
Victoria Snigier
Jean Snyder
Mildred Bonsera Snyder
James J. Soares
Mary Soeldner
Lt. Peter Sohm USAF
Picasso Sojourner
John Sorley
Francis Soulor
Joseph A. Sousa
Frank S. Spada
Lila Spalding
Richard Sparveri
Donald Spellman
Paul E. “Red” Spellman
Ann Sperandio
James Michael Spice
Robert Spinale
Bob Spinney
Kevin Spinney
Catherine A. Spinosa
Barbara Spiridigliozzo
Michael Spirito
Jeff Spittel
Vincent Squillacioti
Carol Squillante
Charles W. St. George
Sister John Marie Stack
Susan J. Stanewick
Lillian & Harold Stanley
Edna Louise Stanton
Edward Stanton
Sarah Stapanon
Lena Staten
Mary T. Steele
Mary Stefanoni
Genevieve Steffans
Christine “Pat” Steil
Russell A. Steinbach Sr.
Carol Stenson
Christine Stevens
Robert Stevens
Richard D. Stevenson
Mary E. Stewart
The Stinson Family
Leroy Stock
Edna Stocker
Grace Stone
Michelle Stone
Margaret C. Stonehouse
Raymond Stoste
John David Strazzullo
Louise Stromrol
Alfred Struzik
Richard Stucchi
Richard Subilosky
Francis J. Sulfaro, Jr
Frank Sulfaro
Frank J. Sulforo
Kathleen F. Sullivan RN
Barbara Mae Sullivan
Bridget Catherine
C. Sullivan
Catherine Sullivan
Daniel Sullivan
Danny Sullivan
Ed Sullivan
Edward Sullivan
Eleanor Sullivan
Elizabeth Sullivan
Helen “Lovey” Sullivan
Helen K. Sullivan
Helen T. Sullivan
Hon. William Sullivan
James Sullivan
James P. Sullivan
Jim Sullivan
Joan Sullivan
John & Mary Sullivan
Joseph Sullivan
Joseph A. Sullivan
Kathleen F. Sullivan
Larry Sullivan
Leo Sullivan
Lillian E. Sullivan
Lillian F. Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Mary E. Sullivan
Mary S. Sullivan
Maureen Sullivan
Michael Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Raymond A. Sullivan
Richard Sullivan
Richard “Dick” Sullivan
Rita Sullivan
Robert Sullivan
Rose A. Sullivan
Sister Ednata Sullivan
Timothy G. Sullivan
Walter J. Sullivan
William Sullivan
Mary Surette
Ernie Susanin
Edward Suslowicz
J. R. Sutherland
Sister Dorothy Grace
Virginia Swallow
David Swanson
Elizabeth Swanton
Ellen J. Sweeney
John J. Sweeney
Michael Mac Sweeney
Mrs. Sweeney
Norma Sweeney
Patrick J. Sweeney
Terri Swift
Janet Swindler
Mildred M. Sylvester
Julie Symes
Neil Tabor
Richard Tabourini
Catherine Tackney
Joseph P. Taffe Jr.
Adele Tamagni
John C. Tamboli
John Tambone
John Tangney
Natalie Payaslian
Sarah Taschetta
Barbara Tatum
Robert G. Taute
Mary Tavalott
Anita Tavella
Yolanda Taylor
Margaret M. Teague
Frances Teixiera
Joan Tempelman
Elio “Al” Tempesta
Eric Tempesta
Frank F. Tempesta
Joseph A. Tempesta
Thomas Tempesta
Frank Tempeste
Gertrude Tenorio
Sister Dorothy Terminello
Viola Terrasi
Edmond S. Thadeu
Helen Thayer
Jean Therrien
Rosemary Thomas
William G. Thomas
Michael Thomasetti
Doris Thompson
Frank Thompson
Grace Thompson
Carol Thomson
David Thorp
Seth Tiberio
Donald Tice
Zachary Tiernan
Theresa Tierney
Thomas Tierney
Winifred Tierney
Pete & Bridget Tighe
Elvira Timperio
Patricia Tine
Richard L. Tirnan Sr.
Dorothea M. Tirrell
Robert P. Tisdale
Elinor Tobin
Joseph Tobin
Elaine Tocci
Fran Tocci
Roseanne Toland
Salvatore Tollo
Michael Tomasetti
Deborah Toms
Katherine (Josie) Tonra
Lillian Toole
Carmen Torres
Torrey’s Grandmother
Ernestine Tortorella
Ann M. Tosone
Sister Rita Touet
Sister Catherine Siena
Sister Mary Myles Tracy
Kathleen Traficanti
Carlo Tramontozzi
Ryan Patrick Trant
Edwin Trask
Harry & Helen Travers
John F. Travers
Margaret Tressel
Vincent Tringale
Diane Trio
Jerome Patrick Troy
Margaret Tulis
Anna M. Turco
Winnie Turkewicz
Greg Turner
O. Turner
Vincent Turturro
Edward Twohig
Christopher Tyrell
Theresa Tyrell
Evelyn Uguccioni
John Umentum
Cathy Unislawski
Adelle S. Urban
Helen Urban
Mary Ann Vaccaro
Angela Vadeboncoeur
Attilio Valchuis
Henry Valcuzuela
Sister Pauline Valday
Mary Ann Valenti
Kelly Valentine
Dr. John Van Tassel
James VanEcko
Ardelle Vanderaarde
Cindi Vannostand
Michael Varda’s Mother
Mary Veale
Leo Vecchiarello
Lewis Venezia
Araceli Sario Venida
Elizabeth E. Ventresco
Albert Ventura
Frank Ventura
Arthur Venuti
Barbara Venuti
Martha Vereker
Mary Vesta
Mary Vialpando
Jeanne E. Vidoli
Roland Vigeant
Lorraine Vincent
Ralph Vinciguerra
Nellie Vinciulla
Catherine Vincola
Anna Vivolo
Mary A. Vogt
Jennie Volpe
William C. Volpe
Robert Vuillemenot
Suzanne Waddick
Gail Wagner
Margaret Wagner
Angela Waldron
Stephen E. Waldron
Chester Walenski
Frances & Vincent Walkden
Kathleen Walker
Linda J Foley Walker
Norman Walker
Esta Gendreau Wall
John B. Wall
Ralph E. Wall
Sister Rose deLourdes Wall
William R. Wall
George Wallace
Jack Wallace
Lois M. Wallace
Marilyn Wallace
Michael Wallace
Richard T. Wallace
Claire Walsh
Claire Flynn Walsh
Dorothy F. Walsh
Marilyn Walsh
Michael Walsh
Priscilla Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Virginia Walsh
Mary Walters
Michael R. Walton
Daniel C. Wandell Sr.
Dorothy Morgan Ward
Dr. Clifford Ward
Joanne Ward
John Ward
Mary & Michael Ward
Thomas J.Wardan
Bud Warheim
Ted Washburn
Rita Waters
Arthur Watson
Betty Watton
Bridget Agnes Watts
Robert Watts
Helen Wayland
Margaret Waystack
John Webber
Fr. Charles Weber
Norman Webster
Anne Weir
Elise Welch
Paula Welch
William B. Welch
Michael Wells
Rita Wells
June Wenning
Margaret T. Wentzell
Guy Werner
Frank H. Whelan & Family
Barbara Whillhite
Angela White
Jean White
John White
John A. White
Thomas “Pete” White
Veronica White
William White
Wynnie White
Paul F. Whitley
Alan Whitney
Betty Whittington
Leonard Wholey
John Wieczorek
Marie Wiemert
Anne M. Wilcox
Paul Wilkas
Julianne M. Willett
Theresa Willette
Barbara Willhite
Margaret C. William
Denise Williams
Ed Williams
Francis Williams
Herbert “Red” Williams
Margaret Dunn Williams
Susan Williams
George Willis
George Willwerth
John Wilson
Mary Wilson
Barbara Kane Windsor
Alan Wisneski
Chester Wojcik
Barbara E. Wojner
Fremont E. Wood
Phillip Wood
Richard Wood
Kevin C. Woodman
Norma Woodman
Ruth Woods
Zachary Woods
Peg Woodworth
James Woolaver
Larry Worob
William Wortowicz
Rita Marie Wright
Helen Wyse
Barbara L. Yakavonis
Wanda E. Yelmokas
Gloria Yonkers
Henry Young
Lester Young
Margari T. Young
Marilyn Rose Young
Sheila Noreen Young
Mary Zaccarini
Madeleine Zaher
James Zahn
John Zaia
Chester Zakrezewski
Maria Zamarriba
John Zamperelli
Sally A. Zannino
John Ziady
Walter Zielski
Barbara Zingarelli
John Zinna
Robert Zolli
Edith Zona
Anna Zonpanti
Antonio Zullo †
A silent vigil was held outside the Motherhouse during the
5th Annual National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 33
All Occasion Card Program
Our All Occasion Card Program has expanded to include a selection of
holiday cards and cards for honoring the living.
Choosing our cards is a generous way of celebrating the lives of relatives and friends.
Throughout the year, those you wish to remember through our card programs are
remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph and their associates.
All donations are acknowledged by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Office of Mission Advancement.
If you wish to make a donation, know someone who would like to, or are in need of
cards for a relative or friend, please contact Cheryl Duggan,
Mission Advancement Coordinator, at 617-746-2114
or email [email protected].
To make a donation online, visit
Thinking of you.
Know that you are in my
thoughts and prayers.
Get Well Soon.
Thinking of you
and wishing you well.
Card Program
May the New Year
bring you many new vistas.
Specialty Cards Order Form
Please enter the number of cards you are
ordering on the line next to the card.
Name _________________________________________________
(Please print clearly)
Address _______________________________________________
City ______________ State ______ Zip _____
Page 34
Ships in Harbor _____ Father’s Day Card ____
Thinking of You #1_____ #2_____
Page 35
Happy Birthday #1_____ #2_____
Get Well _____
Congratulations _____ Please mail to the
Office of Mission Advancement
637 Cambridge St., Brighton, MA 02135
Each card also reads:
You will be remembered in
prayer by the
Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston
and their Associates.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 35
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street
Brighton, MA 02135
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage PAID
Boston, MA
Permit No. 58432
If you do not wish to receive future mailings, please return your address above,
and we will remove your name from all mailings.
All our mailings have our logo.
If it Doesn’t Say Boston,
It’s Not Ours
We have, once again, received phone calls and notes from our friends, relatives,
and donors saying that they have received solicitations from the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield.
We share many things with our Springfield sisters: history, tradition, friendship, and a passion for
mission. We do not share finances. We do not share our mailing list with any other group. Though we
do not, some nonprofits purchase mailing lists from magazines and companies.
Our mailing address is always:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street
Brighton, MA 02135
Please check to make sure your gift reaches its intended designation.