ELA - I Can Statements

Kindergortqh "l Cqn" Stotemerrts for Reoding ond Writing
for Literoture
cqn osk qnd onswer guestions obout key detoils in o texl.
con reiell whot I reod, using key detoils.
con tell you obout chorociers. settings ond the moin ports of the story,
con osk ond onswer questlons obout words I don't know in the text.
.l con recognize different types of texts, including stories, pgems, fonlosy ond reol texts.
I cgn nome the ouihor, illustrotor ond tell you whqt eoch one does io help tell the story,
con describe ihe relolionship between the pictures ond the story.
con compore ond controst whot hoppens to lhe choroclers in the story.
I con reod slories in o group ond use whoi I olreody know to connect to the text ond use the pictures ond siiuqtions lo
moke prediclions qbout the siory.
for lnformotionol Texts
cqn osk ond onswer queslions obout key detoils ln o text,
con retell whoi I reod, using key detoils ond iell you whoi the slory is moslly obout.
con tell you obout the connection between two chorociers, events, ideos or pieces of informotion in q sb&.
cqn osk ond onswer quesiions obout words I don't know in the siory.
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know how to find the front ond bock cover of o book ond where the tltle poge is.
con tell you who wrote the siory ond who did the pictures ond how they worked iogether to moke the story.
con tell you how the pictures ond lhe story ore connected,
con tell you reosons why the .writer soid o certoin thing in the story.
I con tell you whqi is different ond the some in two stories on the some
I cqn reod slories in o group ond use whot I olreody know to connect to ihe text ond use lhe pictures ond situoiions io j ;:
moke predictions obout ihe
I i:
Reoding Foundotionol Skills
o I con follow words from lett to righl, lop to bottom, ond poge to poge.
o . I know thoi the words we soy con be writlen with letiers in o certoin woy.
. I know thot words need to hove spoces between them in o sentence.
d I know oll the nomes of the upper ond lower cose letters,
know whot o rhyming word is ond con moke up rhyming words,
" I! con
soy, blend. qnd seporote syllobles in words thot soy.
"n I con count.
blend ond seporole onsels ond rimes of words with one sylloble.
con blend two or three sounds into words thot I know
con lsolote ond soy the beginning. middle, ond ending sounds in o word.
con chonge o sound [n o word to moke o new word.
con moke the sound of eoch letter.
know ihot vowels hove boih long ond short sounds ond con show you how ihey ore spelled.
know oll of my sight words.
con tell the difference between similor words by the woy lhey ore spelled.
con reod books by myself ond know whot the story is obout.
con tell you whot I think dbout o book by writing obout it. ielling you obout it, or drowing o picture qboul ii.
I con tell you whqt I om writing obout ond tell you some informoiion obout whqt I om writing ond moke o story thot
informs or exploins something by writing obout it, telling you obout it, or drowlng o plclure qbout it.
I con put o slory together obout one thing. or o couple ot things thot hoppened ond tell you oboul ihe things in order
ond tell you how I felt oboui by writing obout it, telling you obout it, or drqwing o picture obout it.
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I ccln ouswer questions ond suggeslions from my frlends obout how to moke my writing better.
lhe compuier.
con use different tools to help me publish my writing, including working with my friends,
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con work with my friends io wrile or to do reseorch.
cqn remember informotion obout something I did, or gother informotion to onswer o question.
Epeoking ond Listening
con tolk obout kindergorten things with grown-ups ond other children.
cqn follow the rules when I lolk obout things.
c<rn go bock ond conlinue o conversqtion we hod eorlier.
con show thot I leorned something in o. slory or from someone by tolking obout it ond onswering questions obout whoi
con follow one ond two siep directions,
con osk ond onswer questions to g6t help, leorn something, or to cleor something up.
con describe people, ploces, things ond events with some deioils.
con odd drowings or other things to give more deioils to whoi I tolk obout.
con speok loud ond cleor ond tell you whot I om thinking ond feeling'
con blend two or ihree sounds inlo words thot I know
con lsolote ond soy the beglnnlng, middle, ond endlng sounds in o word.
I con chonge o sound [n q word to moke o new word.
I con moke the sound of eqch letler.
I know thot vowels hove both long ond short sounds ond con show you how they ore spelled.
I know oll of my sight words.
I con tell the difference between slmilor words by lhe woy they ore spelled,
I con reod books by myself ond know whqt the siory is oboui.
con tell you whot I think dbout o book by writing oboui ii, telling you obout it. or drowing o picture oboul il.
I con tell you whot I om writing obout ond tell you some informoiion obout whot I om writing ond moke o slory ihot
informs or exploins something by writing obout it, lelling you obout it, or drowing o piclure qboul il.
I con pul o story together obout one thing, or o couple ol lhings thot hoppened ond tell you obout th9 lhings in order
ond tell you how I felt obout by writing obout it, telling you oboui it, or drowing o picture oboul it.
'.. { ,i
I ccl'r onswer questions ond suggeslions from my friends obout how 1o moke my writing better.
con use different tools to help me
my wriiing. including working with my friends, ond lhe compuler.
con remember informotion obout something I did, or gother lnformotion to onswer o question.
Epeoking ond Listening
con t<rlk oboul kindergorten lhlngs with grown-ups ond olher children.
con follow the rules when I lolk obout ihings.
con go bock ond conliriue o conversotion we hod eorlier.
con show thot I leorned someihing in o.siory or from someone by tolking oboui it ond onswering questions qbout whot
I con follow one qnd two step directlons.
I con osk ond onswer quesiions to g6i help, leorn something, orto cleor something up.
I con describe people, ploces, things ond events with sonre detoils.
I con odd drowings or o.ther thinils to glve more deioils to whoi I tolk obout.
I con speok loud ond cleor ond tell you whot I om thinking ond feeling.
. I con print upper ond lower cqse letlers,
use nouns ond verbs when writing or speoking.
"o II con
con moke o noun inio o plurol noun by odding /s/ when I soy it.
o lunderstond queslion words ond know how io use ihem [5W & H)
use prepositions conecily,
"o II con
cqn speok ond write using complex sentences.
know when to copilolize o word,
know whol punctuotion to pui of ihe end of o sentence.
con wriie ihe letter(s) tor most of the sounds.
con sound out words ond write them.
con tell the meoning of q word when you use it in o dlfferent woy
con use whot I know obout words os o clue to figure oul new words.
con sort objecis inlo cotegories.
con show you thql I understond certqin words by soying the opposlte word,
con find reol-life connections between words ond whot they ore used for.
con tell the difference between ocilon words thot ore tolking obout the some lhing.
con use words qnd phroses ihot I leorned from reoding, listening to storles, qnd tqlking with others.